def get_user_dict(uf): pd("reading user_list from %s " % uf) ud = {} fd = open(uf, "r").readlines() for line in fd: if line[0] == "#": continue if line.find("::") < 0: continue user = line.split("::")[0].strip() pw = line.split("::")[1].strip() try: key = line.split("::")[2].strip() if len(key) < 30: key = 0 except: key = 0 pd(" - %s" % user) ud[user] = [pw, key] return(ud)
def api_post(user, token, msg, api_version, aspect_ids=['public']): """ call: api_post(user, token, msg, aspect_ids) user : user@tree token : user-api-token msg : text as string, can be multilines with markup etc this function posts a message for given account, emulating a fake api set pw/key to 0 it unknown (int(0), not "0") """ pd("api_post :: %s " % (user)) usr_name = user.split("@")[0].strip() usr_host = user.split("@")[1].strip() if token == 0: print "[-] ERROR ... empty token" return(1000) # obsolete since libertree ... we can haz api nao #~ # starting to post -> using login/json via mechanize #~ br = mechanize.Browser() #~ #~ # Cookie Jar #~ cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() #~ br.set_cookiejar(cj) #~ #~ # Browser options #~ br.set_handle_equiv(True) #~ br.set_handle_gzip(False) #~ br.set_handle_redirect(True) #~ br.set_handle_referer(False) #~ br.set_handle_robots(False) #~ #~ # Follows refresh 0 but not hangs on refresh > 0 #~ br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1) #~ #~ # Want debugging messages? #~ if debug == "yes": #~ br.set_debug_http(True) #~ br.set_debug_redirects(True) #~ br.set_debug_responses(True) #~ #~ # User-Agent (this is cheating, ok?) #~ br.addheaders = [('Connection', 'keep-alive'), ('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')] #~ #~ #~ # Open some site, let's pick a random one, the first that pops in mind: #~ try: #~ r ='https://%s/users/sign_in' % usr_host, timeout=10) #~ except mechanize.HTTPError, e: #~ print 'ERROR! The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.' #~ print 'Error code: ', e.code #~ return(e.code) #~ except mechanize.URLError, e: #~ print 'We failed to reach a server.' #~ print 'Reason: ', e.reason #~ return(404) #~ #~ #~ html = #~ #~ csrf = html.split("""csrf-token" content=\"""")[1].split("\"")[0] #~ pd("csrf PURE : %s" % csrf) #~ h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() #~ csrftoken = h.unescape(csrf) #~ pd("csrf eascaped: %s" % csrftoken) #~ # Show the response headers #~ pd( #~ #~ # login #~ br.select_form(nr=0) #~ # Let's search #~ br.form['user[username]']='%s' % usr_name #~ br.form['user[password]']='%s' % pw #~ br.submit() #~ xd = br.response().info() #~ #~ # diaspora_cookie #~ cookie = xd["set-cookie"].split(";")[0] #~ #~ # checking now if i'm logged in (status 200) #~ # ok ... not really #~ r ='https://%s/stream' % usr_host) #~ #pd( #~ html = #~ #print html message = { 'text' : msg, 'source': "treehouse", #'authenticity_token': csrf, } api_request = urllib.urlencode(message) url="/api/v%s/posts/create?token=%s" % (api_version, token) pd(api_request) #params = urllib.urlencode(api_request) params = api_request pd("sending: %s :: %s ::-> %s " % (user, url, params)) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(usr_host, 80, timeout=10) if debug == "yes": conn.set_debuglevel(9) else: conn.set_debuglevel(0) conn.request("POST", url, params) try: response = conn.getresponse() except: print "[-] Error in Response to %s " % url sys.exit() st, re = response.status, response.reason pd("%s ::: %s" % ( st, re)) # obsolete too #~ # why is it redirected to /aspects or /? #~ if st != 302: #~ print "[-] ERROR - status-code (shall be 302): %s" % st #~ return(st) #~ rloc = response.getheader('location') #~ if rloc.find("/users/sign_in") > -1: #~ print "[-] ERROR - redirect_location (shall be / or /aspects): %s" % rloc #~ return(2000) data = print data conn.close() #~ # logout finally #~ r ='https://%s/users/sign_out' % usr_host) #~ #~ stream = #~ return(0)
def api_test(user, token, key): """ call: api_test(user, token, key) set pw/key to 0 it unknown (int(0), not "0") this funtction check the webfinger-infos for a given diaspora-user and, if pw / api-key are given, checks for new notifications and some more tests """ try: usr_name = user.split("@")[0].strip() usr_host = user.split("@")[1].strip() except: print "[-] cannot extracte user/host from %s " % user print "[+] checking for user: %s" % user uinfo = get_user_info(user) res = 0 if uinfo == 0: print "[-] ERROR on getting userinfo [ %s ] " % user return(1) else: uprofile = uinfo[0] uhcard = uinfo[1] try: i = urllib2.urlopen(uprofile,timeout=10).readlines() #pd(i) if len(i) > 0: upres = "OK " else: upres = ":: " except: upres = "ERR" res += 200 time.sleep(1) try: i = urllib2.urlopen(uhcard, timeout=10).readlines() #pd(i) if len(i) > 0: ucres = "OK " else: ucres = ":: " except: ucres = "ERR" res += 300 print """ Profile [ %s ] %s HCard [ %s ] %s """ % (upres, uprofile, ucres, uhcard) resa = 0 if usr_host in list_of_pistos_pods: try: # incase someone calls with key = "0" int(key) except: pd("checking now pistos-api for %s" % user) resa = papi_test(user, key) rs = res + resa return(rs)
def papi_test(user, usr_key): print "--[ testing pistos-api now ]----------------------------------" usr_name = user.split("@")[0].strip() usr_host = user.split("@")[1].strip() api_request = {'token': usr_key} params = urllib.urlencode(api_request) headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain", "User-Agent": "Apispora %s" % this_version} conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(usr_host, 443, timeout=10) if debug == "yes": conn.set_debuglevel(9) else: conn.set_debuglevel(0) url="/fapi/v%s/notifications.json" % (pistos_api_version) pd("sending: %s :: %s ::-> %s " % (user, url, params)) conn.request("GET", url, params, headers) try: response = conn.getresponse() except: print "[-] Error in Response to %s " % url return(4040) st, re = response.status, response.reason pd("%s %s" % ( st, re)) if st != 200: return(st) data = dn = json.loads(data) print """ --------------------------------------------------- NOTIFICATIONS: """ #~ #~ dn2 = dn["notifications"] for idx in dn2: for idc in idx: print " - %s "% (idc) print "\n\n" time.sleep(6) url="/fapi/v%s/aspects.json" % (pistos_api_version) pd("sending: %s :: %s ::-> %s " % (user, url, params)) conn.request("GET", url, params, headers) try: response = conn.getresponse() except: print "[-] Error in Response to %s " % url return(4040) st, re = response.status, response.reason pd("%s %s" % ( st, re)) if st != 200: return(st) data = dx = json.loads(data) print """ --------------------------------------------------- ASPECTS: ID - Aspect_Name ---------------------------------- """ dx2 = dx["aspects"] for idx in dx2: idc = idx["aspect"] print " %5s - %s" % (idc["id"], idc["name"]) print "\n\n" conn.close() return(0)