def validate_against_schema(uploaded_file):
    Check if XML files that are part of a single upload validate
    against the TrendMiner XML schema.

    This function uses the `xmllint` tool to check if a given XML file
    conforms to the TrendMiner XML schema. The schema is defined in
    `<project-dir>/trendminer.xsd`. For any file that validates
    against the schema, the xmllint tool returns 0.
    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    file_type = get_file_ext(uploaded_file.name)
    if file_type == '.zip' and uploaded_file.folder:
        for file_name in listdir(get_tmp_path(uploaded_file.folder)):
            if file_name.endswith('.xml') and not file_name == 'om.xml':
                command = shlex.split(
                    'xmllint --noout --schema "{0}" "{1}"'.format(
                        get_tmp_path(uploaded_file.folder, file_name)))
                subproc = subprocess.Popen(command)
                returncode = subproc.wait()
                if not returncode == 0:
                    raise ValidationError(
    elif file_type == '.xml':
        command = shlex.split(
            'xmllint --noout --schema "{0}" "{1}"'.format(
                SCHEMA_PATH, get_tmp_path(uploaded_file.name)))
        subproc = subprocess.Popen(command)
        if not subproc.wait() == 0:
            raise ValidationError(UploadFormErrors.XML_SCHEMA_CONFORMITY)
def validate_xml_well_formedness(uploaded_file):
    Check if XML files that are part of a single upload are

    This function uses the `xmlwf` tool to determine if a given XML
    file is well-formed. The tool does not use standard return codes
    for representing the outcome of the check. Instead, if a file is
    well-formed, it simply outputs nothing. If it's not, xmlwf writes
    a description of the problem to standard output.
    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    file_type = get_file_ext(uploaded_file.name)
    if file_type == '.zip' and uploaded_file.folder:
        for file_name in listdir(get_tmp_path(uploaded_file.folder)):
            if file_name.endswith('.xml') and not file_name == 'om.xml':
                command = shlex.split('xmlwf "{}"'.format(
                        get_tmp_path(uploaded_file.folder, file_name)))
                subproc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
                error_msg = subproc.stdout.read()
                if error_msg:
                    raise ValidationError(
    elif file_type == '.xml':
        command = shlex.split('xmlwf "{}"'.format(
        subproc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        error_msg = subproc.stdout.read()
        if error_msg:
            raise ValidationError(UploadFormErrors.XML_WELLFORMEDNESS)
def _analyse(data):
    Run TrendMiner on user uploaded data.
    file_type = get_file_ext(data.name)
    if file_type == '.zip':
        command = 'perl -I {0} {1}'.format(
            PERL_PATH, path.join(PERL_PATH, 'om-xml.pl'))
            command, cwd=get_tmp_path(data.folder), shell=True)
        entities = parse_results(data.folder)
    elif file_type == '.xml':
        entities = []
    return entities
def validate_mime_type(uploaded_file):
    Check MIME type of uploaded file and make sure it corresponds to
    the file's extension.

    This function uses the UNIX `file` command with the `--mime-type`
    option to obtain the MIME type of the uploaded file. It then
    checks to see if the MIME type corresponds to one of the types
    appropriate for the file's extension.
    # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
    subproc = subprocess.Popen(
        'file --mime-type {}'.format(get_tmp_path(uploaded_file.name)),
        shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    mime_type = subproc.stdout.read().strip().split(': ')[-1]
    file_extension = get_file_ext(uploaded_file.name)
    if file_extension == '.zip' and not mime_type in ZIP_MIME_TYPES:
        raise ValidationError(
            UploadFormErrors.MIME_TYPE.format('.zip', mime_type))
    elif file_extension == '.xml' and not mime_type in XML_MIME_TYPES:
        raise ValidationError(UploadFormErrors.MIME_TYPE.format(
                '.xml', mime_type))
def validate_extension(uploaded_file):
    Check if extension of uploaded file is listed in `ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES`.
    if not get_file_ext(uploaded_file.name.lower()) in ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES:
        raise ValidationError(UploadFormErrors.EXTENSION)