def parse_element_arg(element_arg: str, contextual_mode: bool = True) -> List[ElementPath]:
    """Parse an element arg string into a list of ElementPath.

    contextual_mode specifies if the path is a valid project model path or not. For example,
    if we are processing a metadata.parties.*, we need to know which metadata we are processing. If we pass
    contextual_mode=True, we can infer the root model by inspecting the file directory

    If contextual_mode=False, then the path must include the full path, e.g. catalog.metadata.parties.* instead of just

    One option for caller to utilize this utility function: fs.is_valid_project_model_path(pathlib.Path.cwd())
    element_paths: List[ElementPath] = []
    element_arg = element_arg.strip()

    # search for wildcards and create paths with its parent path
    path_parts = element_arg.split(ElementPath.PATH_SEPARATOR)
    if len(path_parts) <= 0:
        raise TrestleError(f'Invalid element path "{element_arg}" without any path separator')

    prev_element_path = None
    parent_model = path_parts[0]
    i = 1
    while i < len(path_parts):
        p = path_parts[i]
        if p == ElementPath.WILDCARD and len(element_paths) > 0:
            # append wildcard to the latest element path
            latest_path = element_paths.pop()
            if latest_path.get_last() == ElementPath.WILDCARD:
                raise TrestleError(f'Invalid element path with consecutive {ElementPath.WILDCARD}')

            latest_path_str = ElementPath.PATH_SEPARATOR.join([latest_path.to_string(), p])
            element_path = ElementPath(latest_path_str, latest_path.get_parent())
            # create and append elment_path
            p = ElementPath.PATH_SEPARATOR.join([parent_model, p])
            element_path = ElementPath(p, parent_path=prev_element_path)

        # if the path has wildcard and there is more parts later,
        # get the parent model for the alias path
        if element_path.get_last() == ElementPath.WILDCARD:
            full_path_str = ElementPath.PATH_SEPARATOR.join(element_path.get_full_path_parts()[:-1])
            parent_model = fs.get_singular_alias(full_path_str, contextual_mode)
            parent_model = element_path.get_element_name()

        # store values for next cycle
        prev_element_path = element_path
        i += 1

    if len(element_paths) <= 0:
        raise TrestleError(f'Invalid element path "{element_arg}" without any path separator')

    return element_paths
def parse_chain(
    model_obj: Union[OscalBaseModel, None],
    path_parts: List[str],
    relative_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
) -> List[ElementPath]:
    """Parse the model chain starting from the beginning.

        model_obj: Model to use for inspecting available elements, if available or none
        path_parts: list of string paths to parse including wildcards
        relative_path: Optional relative path (w.r.t trestle project root directory)

        List of ElementPath
    element_paths: List[ElementPath] = []
    sub_model = model_obj
    have_model_to_parse = model_obj is not None

    prev_element_path = None
    latest_path = None
    parent_model = path_parts[0]
    i = 1
    while i < len(path_parts):
        p = path_parts[i]

        # if hit wildcard create element path up to this point
        if p == ElementPath.WILDCARD and len(element_paths) > 0:
            # append wildcard to the latest element path
            latest_path = element_paths.pop()
            if latest_path.get_last() == ElementPath.WILDCARD:
                raise TrestleError(f'Invalid element path with consecutive {ElementPath.WILDCARD}')

            latest_path_str = ElementPath.PATH_SEPARATOR.join([latest_path.to_string(), p])
            element_path = ElementPath(latest_path_str, latest_path.get_parent())
            # create and append element_path
            # at this point sub_model may be a list of items
            # new element path is needed only if any of the items contains the desired part
            if p != ElementPath.WILDCARD:
                new_attrib = str_utils.dash_to_underscore(p)
                if isinstance(sub_model, list):
                    for item in sub_model:
                        # go into the list and find one with requested part
                        sub_item = getattr(item, new_attrib, None)
                        if sub_item is not None:
                            sub_model = sub_item
                    sub_model = getattr(sub_model, new_attrib, None)
            if have_model_to_parse and sub_model is None:
                return element_paths
            p = ElementPath.PATH_SEPARATOR.join([parent_model, p])
            element_path = ElementPath(p, parent_path=prev_element_path)

        # If the path has wildcard and there are more parts later,
        # get the parent model for the alias path
        # If path has wildcard and it does not refer to a list, then there can be nothing after *
        if element_path.get_last() == ElementPath.WILDCARD:
            full_path_str = ElementPath.PATH_SEPARATOR.join(element_path.get_full_path_parts()[:-1])
            parent_model = ModelUtils.get_singular_alias(full_path_str, relative_path)
            # Does wildcard mean we need to inspect the sub_model to determine what can be split off from it?
            # If it has __root__ it may mean it contains a list of objects and should be split as a list
            if isinstance(sub_model, OscalBaseModel):
                root = getattr(sub_model, '__root__', None)
                if root is None or not isinstance(root, list):
                    # Cannot have parts beyond * if it isn't a list
                    if i < len(path_parts) - 1:
                        raise TrestleError(
                            f'Cannot split beyond * when the wildcard does not refer to a list.  Path: {path_parts}'
                    for key in sub_model.__fields__.keys():
                        # only create element path is item is present in the sub_model
                        if getattr(sub_model, key, None) is None:
                        new_alias = str_utils.underscore_to_dash(key)
                        new_path = full_path_str + '.' + new_alias
                        if not split_is_too_fine(new_path, model_obj):
                            # to add parts of an element, need to add two links
                            # prev_element_path may be None, for example catalog.*
                            if prev_element_path is not None:
                            element_paths.append(ElementPath(parent_model + '.' + new_alias, latest_path))
                    # Since wildcard is last in the chain when splitting an oscal model we are done
                    return element_paths
            parent_model = element_path.get_element_name()

        # store values for next cycle
        prev_element_path = element_path
        i += 1
    return element_paths