 async def confirm_workflow(self) -> None:
         await self.confirm_layout()
         self.workflow = None
async def handle_session(iface: WireInterface, session_id: int) -> None:
    ctx = Context(iface, session_id)
    next_reader = None  # type: Optional[codec_v1.Reader]
    res_msg = None
    req_reader = None
    req_type = None
    req_msg = None
    while True:
            if next_reader is None:
                # We are not currently reading a message, so let's wait for one.
                # If the decoding fails, exception is raised and we try again
                # (with the same `Reader` instance, it's OK).  Even in case of
                # de-synchronized wire communication, report with a message
                # header is eventually received, after a couple of tries.
                req_reader = ctx.make_reader()
                await req_reader.aopen()

                if __debug__:
                        "%s:%x receive: %s",
                # We have a reader left over from earlier.  We should process
                # this message instead of waiting for new one.
                req_reader = next_reader
                next_reader = None

            # Now we are in a middle of reading a message and we need to decide
            # what to do with it, based on its type from the message header.
            # From this point on, we should take care to read it in full and
            # send a response.

            # Take a mark of modules that are imported at this point, so we can
            # roll back and un-import any others.  Should not raise.
            modules = utils.unimport_begin()

            # We need to find a handler for this message type.  Should not
            # raise.
            handler = get_workflow_handler(req_reader)

            if handler is None:
                # If no handler is found, we can skip decoding and directly
                # respond with failure, but first, we should read the rest of
                # the message reports.  Should not raise.
                await read_and_throw_away(req_reader)
                res_msg = unexpected_message()

                # We found a valid handler for this message type.

                # Workflow task, declared for the `workflow.on_close` call later.
                wf_task = None  # type: Optional[loop.Task]

                # Here we make sure we always respond with a Failure response
                # in case of any errors.
                    # Find a protobuf.MessageType subclass that describes this
                    # message.  Raises if the type is not found.
                    req_type = messages.get_type(req_reader.type)

                    # Try to decode the message according to schema from
                    # `req_type`. Raises if the message is malformed.
                    req_msg = await protobuf.load_message(req_reader, req_type)

                    # At this point, message reports are all processed and
                    # correctly parsed into `req_msg`.

                    # Create the workflow task.
                    wf_task = handler(ctx, req_msg)

                    # Register the task into the workflow management system.

                    # Run the workflow task.  Workflow can do more on-the-wire
                    # communication inside, but it should eventually return a
                    # response message, or raise an exception (a rather common
                    # thing to do).  Exceptions are handled in the code below.
                    res_msg = await wf_task

                except UnexpectedMessageError as exc:
                    # Workflow was trying to read a message from the wire, and
                    # something unexpected came in.  See Context.read() for
                    # example, which expects some particular message and raises
                    # UnexpectedMessageError if another one comes in.
                    # In order not to lose the message, we pass on the reader
                    # to get picked up by the workflow logic in the beginning of
                    # the cycle, which processes it in the usual manner.
                    # TODO:
                    # We might handle only the few common cases here, like
                    # Initialize and Cancel.
                    next_reader = exc.reader
                    res_msg = None

                except Exception as exc:
                    # Either:
                    # - the first workflow message had a type that has a
                    #   registered handler, but does not have a protobuf class
                    # - the first workflow message was not a valid protobuf
                    # - workflow raised some kind of an exception while running
                    if __debug__:
                        if isinstance(exc, ActionCancelled):
                                      "cancelled: {}".format(exc.message))
                            log.exception(__name__, exc)
                    res_msg = failure(exc)

                    # De-register the task from the workflow system, if we
                    # registered it before.
                    if wf_task is not None:
                        # If a default workflow is on, make sure we do not race
                        # against the layout that is inside.
                        # TODO: this is very hacky and complects wire with the ui
                        if workflow.default_task is not None:
                            await ui.wait_until_layout_is_running()

            if res_msg is not None:
                # Either the workflow returned a response, or we created one.
                # Write it on the wire.  Possibly, the incoming message haven't
                # been read in full.  We ignore this case here and let the rest
                # of the reports get processed while waiting for the message
                # header.
                # TODO: if the write fails, we do not unimport the loaded modules
                await ctx.write(res_msg)

            # Cleanup, so garbage collection triggered after un-importing can
            # pick up the trash.
            req_reader = None
            req_type = None
            req_msg = None
            res_msg = None
            handler = None
            wf_task = None

            # Unload modules imported by the workflow.  Should not raise.

        except BaseException as exc:
            # The session handling should never exit, just log and continue.
            if __debug__:
                log.exception(__name__, exc)