gas_price = 5000000000 nonce = 11 token_address = "0xa74476443119A942dE498590Fe1f2454d7D4aC0d" #EIP-55 to_address = "0xA6ABB480640d6D27D2FB314196D94463ceDcB31e" #EIP-55 amount = 5000000000000000 # Nothing changes below here device = get_transport() client = TrezorClient(transport=device, ui=ui.ClickUI()) fw = client.features fw_min = min_version[fw.model] py_min = (3,6,0) tl_min = [0,12,0] if (fw_min > (fw.major_version, fw.minor_version,fw.patch_version) or tl_min > [int(i) for i in lib_version.split('.')] or py_min > py_ver): m = "Requires at least Python rev {}, trezorlib rev {}, and FW rev {}" print(m.format(py_min, tl_min, fw_min)) exit(1) w3 = Web3() address_n = tools.parse_path(address) from_address = ethereum.get_address(client, address_n) if token_address: #ERC20 KungFu min_abi = [ { "name": "transfer", "type": "function", "constant": False, "inputs": [
tx_locktime = 0 sequence = 4294967293 # Code in1_prev_txn_j = loads(in1_prev_txn_s, parse_float=Decimal) in1_prev_hash = in1_prev_txn_j['txid'] in1_prev_hash_b = bytes.fromhex(in1_prev_hash) device = get_transport() client = TrezorClient(transport=device, ui=ui.ClickUI()) fw = client.features fw_min = min_version[fw.model] py_min = (3, 6, 0) tl_min = [0, 12, 0] if (fw_min > (fw.major_version, fw.minor_version, fw.patch_version) or tl_min > [int(i) for i in lib_version.split('.')] or py_min > py_ver): m = "Requires at least Python rev {}, trezorlib rev {}, and FW rev {}" print(m.format(py_min, tl_min, fw_min)) exit(1) signtx = proto.SignTx(version=tx_version, lock_time=tx_locktime) ins = [ proto.TxInputType(address_n=tools.parse_path(in1_addr_path), prev_hash=in1_prev_hash_b, prev_index=in1_prev_index, amount=in1_amount, script_type=proto.InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS, sequence=sequence) ]