def add_launch_template(template, hosts_sg): """Function to create a launch template. :param template: ECS Cluster template :type template: troposphere.Template :param hosts_sg: security group for the EC2 hosts :type hosts_sg: troposphere.ec2.SecurityGroup :return: launch_template :rtype: troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplate """ # from troposphere.cloudformation import ( # WaitCondition, WaitConditionHandle # ) # Deactivated conditions given you could run with no EC2 at all. # Tricky condition to do as the WaitCondition and Handler cannot be created on a CFN Update, but only at the # very creation of the stack. # wait_handle = WaitConditionHandle( # 'BootstrapHandle', # template=template # ) # WaitCondition( # 'BootStrapCondition', # template=template, # DependsOn=[hosts_role], # Handle=Ref(wait_handle), # Timeout='900' # ) launch_template = LaunchTemplate( "LaunchTemplate", template=template, Metadata=cloudformation.Metadata( cloudformation.Init( cloudformation.InitConfigSets( default=["awspackages", "dockerconfig", "ecsconfig", "awsservices"] ), awspackages=cloudformation.InitConfig( packages={"yum": {"awslogs": [], "amazon-ssm-agent": []}}, commands={ "001-check-packages": {"command": "rpm -qa | grep amazon"}, "002-check-packages": {"command": "rpm -qa | grep aws"}, }, ), awsservices=cloudformation.InitConfig( services={ "sysvinit": { "amazon-ssm-agent": {"enabled": True, "ensureRunning": True} } } ), dockerconfig=cloudformation.InitConfig( commands={ "001-stop-docker": {"command": "systemctl stop docker"}, "098-reload-systemd": {"command": "systemctl daemon-reload"}, }, files={ "/etc/sysconfig/docker": { "owner": "root", "group": "root", "mode": "644", "content": Join( "\n", [ "DAEMON_MAXFILES=1048576", Join( " ", ["OPTIONS=--default-ulimit nofile=1024:4096"], ), "DAEMON_PIDFILE_TIMEOUT=10", "#EOF", "", ], ), } }, services={ "sysvinit": { "docker": { "enabled": True, "ensureRunning": True, "files": ["/etc/sysconfig/docker"], "commands": ["098-reload-systemd"], } } }, ), ecsconfig=cloudformation.InitConfig( files={ "/etc/ecs/ecs.config": { "owner": "root", "group": "root", "mode": "644", "content": Join( "\n", [ Sub(f"ECS_CLUSTER=${{{CLUSTER_NAME_T}}}"), "ECS_ENABLE_TASK_IAM_ROLE=true", "ECS_ENABLE_SPOT_INSTANCE_DRAINING=true", "ECS_ENABLE_TASK_IAM_ROLE_NETWORK_HOST=true", "ECS_ENABLE_CONTAINER_METADATA=true", "ECS_ENABLE_UNTRACKED_IMAGE_CLEANUP=true", "ECS_UPDATES_ENABLED=true", "ECS_ENGINE_TASK_CLEANUP_WAIT_DURATION=15m", "ECS_IMAGE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL=10m", "ECS_NUM_IMAGES_DELETE_PER_CYCLE=100", "ECS_ENABLE_TASK_ENI=true", "ECS_AWSVPC_BLOCK_IMDS=true", "ECS_TASK_METADATA_RPS_LIMIT=300,400", "ECS_ENABLE_AWSLOGS_EXECUTIONROLE_OVERRIDE=true", 'ECS_AVAILABLE_LOGGING_DRIVERS=["awslogs", "json-file"]', "#EOF", ], ), } }, commands={ "0001-restartecs": { "command": "systemctl --no-block restart ecs" } }, ), ) ), LaunchTemplateData=LaunchTemplateData( BlockDeviceMappings=[ LaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMapping( DeviceName="/dev/xvda", Ebs=EBSBlockDevice(DeleteOnTermination=True, Encrypted=True), ) ], ImageId=Ref(compute_params.ECS_AMI_ID), InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior="terminate", IamInstanceProfile=IamInstanceProfile( Arn=Sub(f"${{{HOST_PROFILE_T}.Arn}}") ), TagSpecifications=[ TagSpecifications( ResourceType="instance", Tags=Tags( Name=Sub(f"EcsNodes-${{{CLUSTER_NAME_T}}}"), StackName=Ref("AWS::StackName"), StackId=Ref("AWS::StackId"), ), ) ], InstanceType="m5a.large", Monitoring=Monitoring(Enabled=True), SecurityGroupIds=[GetAtt(hosts_sg, "GroupId")], UserData=Base64( Join( "\n", [ "#!/usr/bin/env bash", "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/aws/bin", "cfn-init -v || yum install aws-cfn-bootstrap -y", Sub( f"cfn-init --region ${{AWS::Region}} -r LaunchTemplate -s ${{AWS::StackName}}" ), # 'if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then', # Sub(f'cfn-signal -e 1 -r "Failed to bootstrap" \'${{{wait_handle.title}}}\''), # 'halt', # 'else', # Sub(f'cfn-signal -e 0 -r "Successfully bootstrapped" \'${{{wait_handle.title}}}\''), # 'fi', "# EOF", ], ) ), ), LaunchTemplateName=Ref(CLUSTER_NAME_T), ) return launch_template
def main(**params): try: # Metadata t = Template() t.set_version("2010-09-09") t.set_description("(SOCA) - Base template to deploy compute nodes.") allow_anonymous_data_collection = params["MetricCollectionAnonymous"] debug = False mip_usage = False instances_list = params["InstanceType"].split("+") asg_lt = asg_LaunchTemplate() ltd = LaunchTemplateData("NodeLaunchTemplateData") mip = MixedInstancesPolicy() stack_name = Ref("AWS::StackName") # Begin LaunchTemplateData UserData = '''#!/bin/bash -xe export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin if [[ "''' + params['BaseOS'] + '''" == "centos7" ]] || [[ "''' + params['BaseOS'] + '''" == "rhel7" ]]; then EASY_INSTALL=$(which easy_install-2.7) $EASY_INSTALL pip PIP=$(which pip2.7) $PIP install awscli yum install -y nfs-utils # enforce install of nfs-utils else # Upgrade awscli on ALI (do not use yum) EASY_INSTALL=$(which easy_install-2.7) $EASY_INSTALL pip PIP=$(which pip) $PIP install awscli --upgrade fi if [[ "''' + params['BaseOS'] + '''" == "amazonlinux2" ]]; then /usr/sbin/update-motd --disable fi GET_INSTANCE_TYPE=$(curl echo export "SOCA_CONFIGURATION="''' + str(params['ClusterId']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_BASE_OS="''' + str(params['BaseOS']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_QUEUE="''' + str(params['JobQueue']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_OWNER="''' + str(params['JobOwner']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_NAME="''' + str(params['JobName']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_PROJECT="''' + str(params['JobProject']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_VERSION="''' + str(params['Version']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_EFA="''' + str(params['Efa']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_ID="''' + str(params['JobId']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_SCRATCH_SIZE=''' + str(params['ScratchSize']) + '''" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET="''' + str(params['S3Bucket']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET_FOLDER="''' + str(params['S3InstallFolder']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_FSX_LUSTRE_BUCKET="''' + str(params['FSxLustreConfiguration']['fsx_lustre']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_FSX_LUSTRE_DNS="''' + str(params['FSxLustreConfiguration']['existing_fsx']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTANCE_TYPE=$GET_INSTANCE_TYPE" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTANCE_HYPERTHREADING="''' + str(params['ThreadsPerCore']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG="/apps/soca/''' + str(params['ClusterId']) + '''/cluster_node_bootstrap/logs/''' + str(params['JobId']) + '''/$(hostname -s)"" >> /etc/environment echo export "AWS_STACK_ID=${AWS::StackName}" >> /etc/environment echo export "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${AWS::Region}" >> /etc/environment source /etc/environment AWS=$(which aws) # Give yum permission to the user on this specific machine echo "''' + params['JobOwner'] + ''' ALL=(ALL) /bin/yum" >> /etc/sudoers mkdir -p /apps mkdir -p /data # Mount EFS echo "''' + params['EFSDataDns'] + ''':/ /data nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo "''' + params['EFSAppsDns'] + ''':/ /apps nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 0 0" >> /etc/fstab mount -a # Configure NTP yum remove -y ntp yum install -y chrony mv /etc/chrony.conf /etc/chrony.conf.original echo -e """ # use the local instance NTP service, if available server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 # Use public servers from the project. # Please consider joining the pool ( # !!! [BEGIN] SOCA REQUIREMENT # You will need to open UDP egress traffic on your security group if you want to enable public pool #pool iburst # !!! [END] SOCA REQUIREMENT # Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time. driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift # Allow the system clock to be stepped in the first three updates # if its offset is larger than 1 second. makestep 1.0 3 # Specify file containing keys for NTP authentication. keyfile /etc/chrony.keys # Specify directory for log files. logdir /var/log/chrony # save data between restarts for fast re-load dumponexit dumpdir /var/run/chrony """ > /etc/chrony.conf systemctl enable chronyd # Prepare Log folder mkdir -p $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG echo "@reboot /bin/bash /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/ >> $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG/ComputeNodePostInstall.log 2>&1" | crontab - $AWS s3 cp s3://$SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET/$SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET_FOLDER/scripts/config.cfg /root/ /bin/bash /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/ ''' + params['SchedulerHostname'] + ''' >> $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG/ 2>&1''' ltd.EbsOptimized = True for instance in instances_list: if "t2." in instance: ltd.EbsOptimized = False else: # t2 does not support CpuOptions ltd.CpuOptions = CpuOptions( CoreCount=int(params["CoreCount"]), ThreadsPerCore=1 if params["ThreadsPerCore"] is False else 2) ltd.IamInstanceProfile = IamInstanceProfile(Arn=params["ComputeNodeInstanceProfileArn"]) ltd.KeyName = params["SSHKeyPair"] ltd.ImageId = params["ImageId"] if params["SpotPrice"] is not False and params["SpotAllocationCount"] is False: ltd.InstanceMarketOptions = InstanceMarketOptions( MarketType="spot", SpotOptions=SpotOptions( MaxPrice=Ref("AWS::NoValue") if params["SpotPrice"] == "auto" else str(params["SpotPrice"]) # auto -> cap at OD price ) ) ltd.InstanceType = instances_list[0] ltd.NetworkInterfaces = [NetworkInterfaces( InterfaceType="efa" if params["Efa"] is not False else Ref("AWS::NoValue"), DeleteOnTermination=True, DeviceIndex=0, Groups=[params["SecurityGroupId"]] )] ltd.UserData = Base64(Sub(UserData)) ltd.BlockDeviceMappings = [ BlockDeviceMapping( DeviceName="/dev/xvda" if params["BaseOS"] == "amazonlinux2" else "/dev/sda1", Ebs=EBSBlockDevice( VolumeSize=params["RootSize"], VolumeType="gp2", DeleteOnTermination="false" if params["KeepEbs"] is True else "true", Encrypted=True)) ] if int(params["ScratchSize"]) > 0: ltd.BlockDeviceMappings.append( BlockDeviceMapping( DeviceName="/dev/xvdbx", Ebs=EBSBlockDevice( VolumeSize=params["ScratchSize"], VolumeType="io1" if int(params["VolumeTypeIops"]) > 0 else "gp2", Iops=params["VolumeTypeIops"] if int(params["VolumeTypeIops"]) > 0 else Ref("AWS::NoValue"), DeleteOnTermination="false" if params["KeepEbs"] is True else "true", Encrypted=True)) ) # End LaunchTemplateData # Begin Launch Template Resource lt = LaunchTemplate("NodeLaunchTemplate") lt.LaunchTemplateName = params["ClusterId"] + "-" + str(params["JobId"]) lt.LaunchTemplateData = ltd t.add_resource(lt) # End Launch Template Resource asg_lt.LaunchTemplateSpecification = LaunchTemplateSpecification( LaunchTemplateId=Ref(lt), Version=GetAtt(lt, "LatestVersionNumber") ) asg_lt.Overrides = [] for instance in instances_list: asg_lt.Overrides.append(LaunchTemplateOverrides( InstanceType=instance)) # Begin InstancesDistribution if params["SpotPrice"] is not False and \ params["SpotAllocationCount"] is not False and \ (params["DesiredCapacity"] - params["SpotAllocationCount"]) > 0: mip_usage = True idistribution = InstancesDistribution() idistribution.OnDemandAllocationStrategy = "prioritized" # only supported value idistribution.OnDemandBaseCapacity = params["DesiredCapacity"] - params["SpotAllocationCount"] idistribution.OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity = "0" # force the other instances to be SPOT idistribution.SpotMaxPrice = Ref("AWS::NoValue") if params["SpotPrice"] == "auto" else str( params["SpotPrice"]) idistribution.SpotAllocationStrategy = params['SpotAllocationStrategy'] mip.InstancesDistribution = idistribution # End MixedPolicyInstance # Begin FSx for Lustre if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["fsx_lustre"] is not False: if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["existing_fsx"] is False: fsx_lustre = FileSystem("FSxForLustre") fsx_lustre.FileSystemType = "LUSTRE" fsx_lustre.StorageCapacity = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["capacity"] fsx_lustre.SecurityGroupIds = [params["SecurityGroupId"]] fsx_lustre.SubnetIds = params["SubnetId"] if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["s3_backend"] is not False: fsx_lustre_configuration = LustreConfiguration() fsx_lustre_configuration.ImportPath = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] is not False else params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["s3_backend"] fsx_lustre_configuration.ExportPath = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] is not False else params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["s3_backend"] + "/" + params["ClusterId"] + "-fsxoutput/job-" + params["JobId"] + "/" fsx_lustre.LustreConfiguration = fsx_lustre_configuration fsx_lustre.Tags = base_Tags( # False disable PropagateAtLaunch Name=str(params["ClusterId"] + "-compute-job-" + params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_FSx="true", _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), ) t.add_resource(fsx_lustre) # End FSx For Lustre # Begin AutoScalingGroup Resource asg = AutoScalingGroup("AutoScalingComputeGroup") asg.DependsOn = "NodeLaunchTemplate" if mip_usage is True or instances_list.__len__() > 1: mip.LaunchTemplate = asg_lt asg.MixedInstancesPolicy = mip else: asg.LaunchTemplate = LaunchTemplateSpecification( LaunchTemplateId=Ref(lt), Version=GetAtt(lt, "LatestVersionNumber")) asg.MinSize = int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) asg.MaxSize = int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) asg.VPCZoneIdentifier = params["SubnetId"] if params["PlacementGroup"] is True: pg = PlacementGroup("ComputeNodePlacementGroup") pg.Strategy = "cluster" t.add_resource(pg) asg.PlacementGroup = Ref(pg) asg.Tags = Tags( Name=str(params["ClusterId"]) + "-compute-job-" + str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), _soca_NodeType="soca-compute-node") t.add_resource(asg) # End AutoScalingGroup Resource # Begin Custom Resource # Change Mapping to No if you want to disable this if allow_anonymous_data_collection is True: metrics = CustomResourceSendAnonymousMetrics("SendAnonymousData") metrics.ServiceToken = params["SolutionMetricLambda"] metrics.DesiredCapacity = str(params["DesiredCapacity"]) metrics.InstanceType = str(params["InstanceType"]) metrics.Efa = str(params["Efa"]) metrics.ScratchSize = str(params["ScratchSize"]) metrics.RootSize = str(params["RootSize"]) metrics.SpotPrice = str(params["SpotPrice"]) metrics.BaseOS = str(params["BaseOS"]) metrics.StackUUID = str(params["StackUUID"]) metrics.KeepForever = str(params["KeepForever"]) metrics.FsxLustre = str(params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]) t.add_resource(metrics) # End Custom Resource if debug is True: print(t.to_json()) # Tags must use "soca:<Key>" syntax template_output = t.to_yaml().replace("_soca_", "soca:") return {'success': True, 'output': template_output} except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] return {'success': False, 'output': ' ' + ( str(e) + ': error :' + str(exc_type) + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno))}
def main(**params): try: # Metadata t = Template() t.set_version("2010-09-09") t.set_description( "(SOCA) - Base template to deploy compute nodes. Version 2.6.0") allow_anonymous_data_collection = params["MetricCollectionAnonymous"] debug = False mip_usage = False instances_list = params[ "InstanceType"] # list of instance type. Use + to specify more than one type asg_lt = asg_LaunchTemplate() ltd = LaunchTemplateData("NodeLaunchTemplateData") mip = MixedInstancesPolicy() stack_name = Ref("AWS::StackName") # Begin LaunchTemplateData UserData = '''#!/bin/bash -ex # Configure the proxy value="''' + params['ProxyCACert'] + '''" echo $value > /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/proxyCA.pem update-ca-trust cat <<EOF > /etc/profile.d/ proxy_url="http://''' + params['ProxyPrivateDnsName'] + ''':3128/" export HTTP_PROXY=\$proxy_url export HTTPS_PROXY=\$proxy_url export http_proxy=\$proxy_url export https_proxy=\$proxy_url # No proxy: # Comma separated list of destinations that shouldn't go to the proxy. # - EC2 metadata service # - Private IP address ranges (VPC local) export NO_PROXY="''' + params['NoProxy'] + '''" export no_proxy=\$NO_PROXY export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem EOF source /etc/profile.d/ cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/10_proxy.conf [main] proxy=http://''' + params['ProxyPrivateDnsName'] + ''':3128/ EOF if grep -q 'Amazon Linux release 2' /etc/system-release; then BASE_OS=amazonlinux2 elif grep -q 'CentOS Linux release 7' /etc/system-release; then BASE_OS=centos7 else BASE_OS=rhel7 fi # Install pip and awscli export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin if [[ "$BASE_OS" == "centos7" ]] || [[ "$BASE_OS" == "rhel7" ]]; then yum install -y python3-pip PIP=$(which pip3) $PIP install awscli else yum install -y python3-pip PIP=$(which pip3) $PIP install awscli fi # Configure using ansible # If not amazon linux then the proxy needs to be set up before ansible can be installed. # The playbooks are downloaded from S3 using the S3 VPC endpoint so don't require the proxy. if ! yum list installed ansible &> /dev/null; then if [ $BASE_OS == "amazonlinux2" ]; then amazon-linux-extras install -y ansible2 else yum -y install ansible fi fi aws s3 cp --recursive s3://''' + params['S3Bucket'] + '''/''' + params[ 'S3InstallFolder'] + '''/playbooks/ /root/playbooks/ cd /root/playbooks ansible-playbook computeNode.yml -e Region=''' + params[ 'Region'] + ''' -e Domain=''' + params[ 'SocaDomain'] + ''' -e S3InstallBucket=''' + params[ 'S3Bucket'] + ''' -e S3InstallFolder=''' + params[ 'S3InstallFolder'] + ''' -e ClusterId=''' + params[ 'ClusterId'] + ''' -e NoProxy=''' + params[ 'NoProxy'] + ''' -e NodeType=''' + params[ 'NodeType'] + ''' >> /root/ansible.log 2>&1 if [[ "$BASE_OS" == "centos7" ]] || [[ "$BASE_OS" == "rhel7" ]]; then yum install -y nfs-utils # enforce install of nfs-utils fi if [[ "$BASE_OS" == "amazonlinux2" ]]; then /usr/sbin/update-motd --disable fi GET_INSTANCE_TYPE=$(curl echo export "SOCA_CONFIGURATION="''' + str(params['ClusterId'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_BASE_OS="$BASE_OS"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_QUEUE="''' + str(params['JobQueue'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_OWNER="''' + str(params['JobOwner'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_NAME="''' + str(params['JobName'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_PROJECT="''' + str(params['JobProject'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_VERSION="''' + str(params['Version'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_EFA="''' + str(params['Efa']).lower( ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_ID="''' + str(params['JobId'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_SCRATCH_SIZE=''' + str( params['ScratchSize'] ) + '''" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET="''' + str( params['S3Bucket'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET_FOLDER="''' + str( params['S3InstallFolder'] ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_FSX_LUSTRE_BUCKET="''' + str( params['FSxLustreConfiguration'] ['fsx_lustre'] ).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_FSX_LUSTRE_DNS="''' + str( params['FSxLustreConfiguration'] ['existing_fsx'] ).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTANCE_TYPE=$GET_INSTANCE_TYPE" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTANCE_HYPERTHREADING="''' + str( params['ThreadsPerCore'] ).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_SYSTEM_METRICS="''' + str(params['SystemMetrics']).lower( ) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_ESDOMAIN_ENDPOINT="''' + str( params['ESDomainEndpoint'] ).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG="/apps/soca/''' + str( params['ClusterId'] ) + '''/cluster_node_bootstrap/logs/''' + str( params['JobId'] ) + '''/$(hostname -s)"" >> /etc/environment echo export "AWS_STACK_ID=${AWS::StackName}" >> /etc/environment echo export "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=''' + params[ 'Region'] + '''" >> /etc/environment source /etc/environment AWS=$(which aws) # Give yum permission to the user on this specific machine echo "''' + params['JobOwner'] + ''' ALL=(ALL) /bin/yum" >> /etc/sudoers mkdir -p /apps mkdir -p /data # Mount EFS echo "''' + params['EFSDataDns'] + ''':/ /data nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo "''' + params['EFSAppsDns'] + ''':/ /apps nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport 0 0" >> /etc/fstab EFS_MOUNT=0 mount -a while [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && [[ $EFS_MOUNT -lt 5 ]] do SLEEP_TIME=$(( RANDOM % 60 )) echo "Failed to mount EFS, retrying in $SLEEP_TIME seconds and Loop $EFS_MOUNT/5..." sleep $SLEEP_TIME ((EFS_MOUNT++)) mount -a done # Configure Chrony yum remove -y ntp yum install -y chrony mv /etc/chrony.conf /etc/chrony.conf.original echo -e """ # use the local instance NTP service, if available server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 # Use public servers from the project. # Please consider joining the pool ( # !!! [BEGIN] SOCA REQUIREMENT # You will need to open UDP egress traffic on your security group if you want to enable public pool #pool iburst # !!! [END] SOCA REQUIREMENT # Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time. driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift # Allow the system clock to be stepped in the first three updates # if its offset is larger than 1 second. makestep 1.0 3 # Specify file containing keys for NTP authentication. keyfile /etc/chrony.keys # Specify directory for log files. logdir /var/log/chrony # save data between restarts for fast re-load dumponexit dumpdir /var/run/chrony """ > /etc/chrony.conf systemctl enable chronyd # Prepare Log folder mkdir -p $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG chmod +x /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/ echo "@reboot /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/ >> $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG/ComputeNodePostReboot.log 2>&1" | crontab - $AWS s3 cp s3://$SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET/$SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET_FOLDER/scripts/config.cfg /root/ chmod +x /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/ /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/ ''' + params[ 'SchedulerHostname'] + ''' >> $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG/ 2>&1''' SpotFleet = True if ((params["SpotPrice"] is not False) and (int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) > 1 or len(instances_list) > 1)) else False ltd.EbsOptimized = True for instance in instances_list: if "t2." in instance: ltd.EbsOptimized = False # metal + t2 does not support CpuOptions unsupported = ["t2.", "metal"] if all(itype not in instance for itype in unsupported) and (SpotFleet is False or len(instances_list) == 1): # Spotfleet with multiple instance types doesn't support CpuOptions # So we can't add CpuOptions if SpotPrice is specified and when multiple instances are specified ltd.CpuOptions = CpuOptions( CoreCount=int(params["CoreCount"]), ThreadsPerCore=1 if params["ThreadsPerCore"] is False else 2) ltd.IamInstanceProfile = IamInstanceProfile( Arn=params["ComputeNodeInstanceProfileArn"]) ltd.KeyName = params["SSHKeyPair"] ltd.ImageId = params["ImageId"] if params["SpotPrice"] is not False and params[ "SpotAllocationCount"] is False: ltd.InstanceMarketOptions = InstanceMarketOptions( MarketType="spot", SpotOptions=SpotOptions( MaxPrice=Ref("AWS::NoValue") if params["SpotPrice"] == "auto" else str(params["SpotPrice"]) # auto -> cap at OD price )) ltd.InstanceType = instances_list[0] ltd.NetworkInterfaces = [ NetworkInterfaces(InterfaceType="efa" if params["Efa"] is not False else Ref("AWS::NoValue"), DeleteOnTermination=True, DeviceIndex=0, Groups=[params["SecurityGroupId"]]) ] ltd.UserData = Base64(Sub(UserData)) ltd.BlockDeviceMappings = [ LaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMapping( DeviceName="/dev/xvda" if params["BaseOS"] == "amazonlinux2" else "/dev/sda1", Ebs=EBSBlockDevice(VolumeSize=params["RootSize"], VolumeType="gp2", DeleteOnTermination="false" if params["KeepEbs"] is True else "true", Encrypted=True)) ] if int(params["ScratchSize"]) > 0: ltd.BlockDeviceMappings.append( BlockDeviceMapping( DeviceName="/dev/xvdbx", Ebs=EBSBlockDevice( VolumeSize=params["ScratchSize"], VolumeType="io1" if int(params["VolumeTypeIops"]) > 0 else "gp2", Iops=params["VolumeTypeIops"] if int(params["VolumeTypeIops"]) > 0 else Ref("AWS::NoValue"), DeleteOnTermination="false" if params["KeepEbs"] is True else "true", Encrypted=True))) ltd.TagSpecifications = [ ec2.TagSpecifications( ResourceType="instance", Tags=base_Tags( Name=str(params["ClusterId"]) + "-compute-job-" + str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_TerminateWhenIdle=str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), _soca_NodeType="soca-compute-node")) ] # End LaunchTemplateData # Begin Launch Template Resource lt = LaunchTemplate("NodeLaunchTemplate") lt.LaunchTemplateName = params["ClusterId"] + "-" + str( params["JobId"]) lt.LaunchTemplateData = ltd t.add_resource(lt) # End Launch Template Resource if SpotFleet is True: # SpotPrice is defined and DesiredCapacity > 1 or need to try more than 1 instance_type # Create SpotFleet # Begin SpotFleetRequestConfigData Resource sfrcd = ec2.SpotFleetRequestConfigData() sfrcd.AllocationStrategy = params["SpotAllocationStrategy"] sfrcd.ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy = "noTermination" sfrcd.IamFleetRole = params["SpotFleetIAMRoleArn"] sfrcd.InstanceInterruptionBehavior = "terminate" if params["SpotPrice"] != "auto": sfrcd.SpotPrice = str(params["SpotPrice"]) sfrcd.TargetCapacity = params["DesiredCapacity"] sfrcd.Type = "maintain" sfltc = ec2.LaunchTemplateConfigs() sflts = ec2.LaunchTemplateSpecification(LaunchTemplateId=Ref(lt), Version=GetAtt( lt, "LatestVersionNumber")) sfltc.LaunchTemplateSpecification = sflts sfltc.Overrides = [] for subnet in params["SubnetId"]: for instance in instances_list: sfltc.Overrides.append( ec2.LaunchTemplateOverrides(InstanceType=instance, SubnetId=subnet)) sfrcd.LaunchTemplateConfigs = [sfltc] TagSpecifications = ec2.SpotFleetTagSpecification( ResourceType="spot-fleet-request", Tags=base_Tags( Name=str(params["ClusterId"]) + "-compute-job-" + str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_TerminateWhenIdle=str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), _soca_NodeType="soca-compute-node")) # End SpotFleetRequestConfigData Resource # Begin SpotFleet Resource spotfleet = ec2.SpotFleet("SpotFleet") spotfleet.SpotFleetRequestConfigData = sfrcd t.add_resource(spotfleet) # End SpotFleet Resource else: asg_lt.LaunchTemplateSpecification = LaunchTemplateSpecification( LaunchTemplateId=Ref(lt), Version=GetAtt(lt, "LatestVersionNumber")) asg_lt.Overrides = [] for instance in instances_list: asg_lt.Overrides.append( LaunchTemplateOverrides(InstanceType=instance)) # Begin InstancesDistribution if params["SpotPrice"] is not False and \ params["SpotAllocationCount"] is not False and \ (int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) - int(params["SpotAllocationCount"])) > 0: mip_usage = True idistribution = InstancesDistribution() idistribution.OnDemandAllocationStrategy = "prioritized" # only supported value idistribution.OnDemandBaseCapacity = params[ "DesiredCapacity"] - params["SpotAllocationCount"] idistribution.OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity = "0" # force the other instances to be SPOT idistribution.SpotMaxPrice = Ref( "AWS::NoValue") if params["SpotPrice"] == "auto" else str( params["SpotPrice"]) idistribution.SpotAllocationStrategy = params[ 'SpotAllocationStrategy'] mip.InstancesDistribution = idistribution # End MixedPolicyInstance # Begin AutoScalingGroup Resource asg = AutoScalingGroup("AutoScalingComputeGroup") asg.DependsOn = "NodeLaunchTemplate" if mip_usage is True or instances_list.__len__() > 1: mip.LaunchTemplate = asg_lt asg.MixedInstancesPolicy = mip else: asg.LaunchTemplate = LaunchTemplateSpecification( LaunchTemplateId=Ref(lt), Version=GetAtt(lt, "LatestVersionNumber")) asg.MinSize = int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) asg.MaxSize = int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) asg.VPCZoneIdentifier = params["SubnetId"] if params["PlacementGroup"] is True: pg = PlacementGroup("ComputeNodePlacementGroup") pg.Strategy = "cluster" t.add_resource(pg) asg.PlacementGroup = Ref(pg) asg.Tags = Tags( Name=str(params["ClusterId"]) + "-compute-job-" + str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_TerminateWhenIdle=str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), _soca_NodeType="soca-compute-node") t.add_resource(asg) # End AutoScalingGroup Resource # Begin FSx for Lustre if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["fsx_lustre"] is not False: if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["existing_fsx"] is False: fsx_lustre = FileSystem("FSxForLustre") fsx_lustre.FileSystemType = "LUSTRE" fsx_lustre.StorageCapacity = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"][ "capacity"] fsx_lustre.SecurityGroupIds = [params["SecurityGroupId"]] fsx_lustre.SubnetIds = params["SubnetId"] fsx_lustre_configuration = LustreConfiguration() fsx_lustre_configuration.DeploymentType = params[ "FSxLustreConfiguration"]["deployment_type"].upper() if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["deployment_type"].upper( ) == "PERSISTENT_1": fsx_lustre_configuration.PerUnitStorageThroughput = params[ "FSxLustreConfiguration"]["per_unit_throughput"] if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["s3_backend"] is not False: fsx_lustre_configuration.ImportPath = params[ "FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] if params[ "FSxLustreConfiguration"][ "import_path"] is not False else params[ "FSxLustreConfiguration"]["s3_backend"] fsx_lustre_configuration.ExportPath = params[ "FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] if params[ "FSxLustreConfiguration"][ "import_path"] is not False else params[ "FSxLustreConfiguration"][ "s3_backend"] + "/" + params[ "ClusterId"] + "-fsxoutput/job-" + params[ "JobId"] + "/" fsx_lustre.LustreConfiguration = fsx_lustre_configuration fsx_lustre.Tags = base_Tags( # False disable PropagateAtLaunch Name=str(params["ClusterId"] + "-compute-job-" + params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_TerminateWhenIdle=str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_FSx="true", _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), ) t.add_resource(fsx_lustre) # End FSx For Lustre # Begin Custom Resource # Change Mapping to No if you want to disable this if allow_anonymous_data_collection is True: metrics = CustomResourceSendAnonymousMetrics("SendAnonymousData") metrics.ServiceToken = params["SolutionMetricLambda"] metrics.DesiredCapacity = str(params["DesiredCapacity"]) metrics.InstanceType = str(params["InstanceType"]) metrics.Efa = str(params["Efa"]) metrics.ScratchSize = str(params["ScratchSize"]) metrics.RootSize = str(params["RootSize"]) metrics.SpotPrice = str(params["SpotPrice"]) metrics.BaseOS = str(params["BaseOS"]) metrics.StackUUID = str(params["StackUUID"]) metrics.KeepForever = str(params["KeepForever"]) metrics.FsxLustre = str(params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]) metrics.TerminateWhenIdle = str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]) metrics.Dcv = "false" t.add_resource(metrics) # End Custom Resource if debug is True: print(t.to_json()) # Tags must use "soca:<Key>" syntax template_output = t.to_yaml().replace("_soca_", "soca:") return {'success': True, 'output': template_output} except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] return { 'success': False, 'output': ' ' + (str(e) + ': error :' + str(exc_type) + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) }
def main(**params): try: # Metadata t = Template() t.set_version("2010-09-09") t.set_description("(SOCA) - Base template to deploy compute nodes. Version 2.7.2") allow_anonymous_data_collection = params["MetricCollectionAnonymous"] debug = False mip_usage = False instances_list = params["InstanceType"] # list of instance type. Use + to specify more than one type asg_lt = asg_LaunchTemplate() ltd = LaunchTemplateData("NodeLaunchTemplateData") mip = MixedInstancesPolicy() stack_name = Ref("AWS::StackName") # Begin LaunchTemplateData UserData = '''#!/bin/bash -x export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin if [[ "''' + params['BaseOS'] + '''" == "centos7" ]] || [[ "''' + params['BaseOS'] + '''" == "rhel7" ]]; then yum install -y python3-pip PIP=$(which pip3) $PIP install awscli yum install -y nfs-utils # enforce install of nfs-utils else yum install -y python3-pip PIP=$(which pip3) $PIP install awscli fi if [[ "''' + params['BaseOS'] + '''" == "amazonlinux2" ]]; then /usr/sbin/update-motd --disable fi GET_INSTANCE_TYPE=$(curl echo export "SOCA_CONFIGURATION="''' + str(params['ClusterId']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_BASE_OS="''' + str(params['BaseOS']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_QUEUE="''' + str(params['JobQueue']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_OWNER="''' + str(params['JobOwner']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_NAME="''' + str(params['JobName']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_PROJECT="''' + str(params['JobProject']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_VERSION="''' + str(params['Version']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_EFA="''' + str(params['Efa']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_JOB_ID="''' + str(params['JobId']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_SCRATCH_SIZE=''' + str(params['ScratchSize']) + '''" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET="''' + str(params['S3Bucket']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTALL_BUCKET_FOLDER="''' + str(params['S3InstallFolder']) + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_FSX_LUSTRE_BUCKET="''' + str(params['FSxLustreConfiguration']['fsx_lustre']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_FSX_LUSTRE_DNS="''' + str(params['FSxLustreConfiguration']['existing_fsx']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTANCE_TYPE=$GET_INSTANCE_TYPE" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_INSTANCE_HYPERTHREADING="''' + str(params['ThreadsPerCore']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_SYSTEM_METRICS="''' + str(params['SystemMetrics']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_ESDOMAIN_ENDPOINT="''' + str(params['ESDomainEndpoint']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_AUTH_PROVIDER="''' + str(params['AuthProvider']).lower() + '''"" >> /etc/environment echo export "SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG="/apps/soca/''' + str(params['ClusterId']) + '''/cluster_node_bootstrap/logs/''' + str(params['JobId']) + '''/$(hostname -s)"" >> /etc/environment echo export "AWS_STACK_ID=${AWS::StackName}" >> /etc/environment echo export "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${AWS::Region}" >> /etc/environment source /etc/environment AWS=$(command -v aws) # Give yum permission to the user on this specific machine echo "''' + params['JobOwner'] + ''' ALL=(ALL) /bin/yum" >> /etc/sudoers # Mount File system mkdir -p /apps mkdir -p /data FS_DATA_PROVIDER='''+params['FileSystemDataProvider']+''' FS_DATA='''+params['FileSystemData']+''' FS_APPS_PROVIDER='''+params['FileSystemAppsProvider']+''' FS_APPS='''+params['FileSystemApps']+''' if [[ "$FS_DATA_PROVIDER" == "fsx_lustre" ]] || [[ "$FS_APPS_PROVIDER" == "fsx_lustre" ]]; then if [[ -z "$(rpm -qa lustre-client)" ]]; then # Install FSx for Lustre Client if [[ "$SOCA_BASE_OS" == "amazonlinux2" ]]; then amazon-linux-extras install -y lustre2.10 else kernel=$(uname -r) machine=$(uname -m) echo "Found kernel version: $kernel running on: $machine" yum -y install wget if [[ $kernel == *"3.10.0-957"*$machine ]]; then yum -y install yum -y install elif [[ $kernel == *"3.10.0-1062"*$machine ]]; then wget -O /tmp/fsx-rpm-public-key.asc rpm --import /tmp/fsx-rpm-public-key.asc wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/aws-fsx.repo sed -i 's#7#7.7#' /etc/yum.repos.d/aws-fsx.repo yum clean all yum install -y kmod-lustre-client lustre-client elif [[ $kernel == *"3.10.0-1127"*$machine ]]; then wget -O /tmp/fsx-rpm-public-key.asc rpm --import /tmp/fsx-rpm-public-key.asc wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/aws-fsx.repo sed -i 's#7#7.8#' /etc/yum.repos.d/aws-fsx.repo yum clean all yum install -y kmod-lustre-client lustre-client elif [[ $kernel == *"3.10.0-1160"*$machine ]]; then wget -O /tmp/fsx-rpm-public-key.asc rpm --import /tmp/fsx-rpm-public-key.asc wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/aws-fsx.repo yum clean all yum install -y kmod-lustre-client lustre-client elif [[ $kernel == *"4.18.0-193"*$machine ]]; then # FSX for Lustre on aarch64 is supported only on 4.18.0-193 wget -O /tmp/fsx-rpm-public-key.asc rpm --import /tmp/fsx-rpm-public-key.asc wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/aws-fsx.repo yum clean all yum install -y kmod-lustre-client lustre-client else echo "ERROR: Can't install FSx for Lustre client as kernel version: $kernel isn't matching expected versions: (x86_64: 3.10.0-957, -1062, -1127, -1160, aarch64: 4.18.0-193)!" fi fi fi fi if [[ "$FS_DATA_PROVIDER" == "efs" ]]; then echo "$FS_DATA:/ /data nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport 0 0" >> /etc/fstab elif [[ "$FS_DATA_PROVIDER" == "fsx_lustre" ]]; then FSX_ID=$(echo $FS_DATA | cut -d. -f1) FSX_DATA_MOUNT_NAME=$($AWS fsx describe-file-systems --file-system-ids $FSX_ID --query FileSystems[].LustreConfiguration.MountName --output text) echo "$FS_DATA@tcp:/$FSX_DATA_MOUNT_NAME /data lustre defaults,noatime,flock,_netdev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi if [[ "$FS_APPS_PROVIDER" == "efs" ]]; then echo "$FS_APPS:/ /apps nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport 0 0" >> /etc/fstab elif [[ "$FS_APPS_PROVIDER" == "fsx_lustre" ]]; then FSX_ID=$(echo $FS_APPS | cut -d. -f1) FSX_APPS_MOUNT_NAME=$($AWS fsx describe-file-systems --file-system-ids $FSX_ID --query FileSystems[].LustreConfiguration.MountName --output text) echo "$FS_APPS@tcp:/$FSX_APPS_MOUNT_NAME /apps lustre defaults,noatime,flock,_netdev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi FS_MOUNT=0 mount -a while [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && [[ $FS_MOUNT -lt 5 ]] do SLEEP_TIME=$(( RANDOM % 60 )) echo "Failed to mount FS, retrying in $SLEEP_TIME seconds and Loop $FS_MOUNT/5..." sleep $SLEEP_TIME ((FS_MOUNT++)) mount -a done # Configure Chrony yum remove -y ntp yum install -y chrony mv /etc/chrony.conf /etc/chrony.conf.original echo -e """ # use the local instance NTP service, if available server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 # Use public servers from the project. # Please consider joining the pool ( # !!! [BEGIN] SOCA REQUIREMENT # You will need to open UDP egress traffic on your security group if you want to enable public pool #pool iburst # !!! [END] SOCA REQUIREMENT # Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time. driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift # Allow the system clock to be stepped in the first three updates # if its offset is larger than 1 second. makestep 1.0 3 # Specify file containing keys for NTP authentication. keyfile /etc/chrony.keys # Specify directory for log files. logdir /var/log/chrony # save data between restarts for fast re-load dumponexit dumpdir /var/run/chrony """ > /etc/chrony.conf systemctl enable chronyd # Prepare Log folder mkdir -p $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG echo "@reboot /bin/bash /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/ >> $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG/ComputeNodePostReboot.log 2>&1" | crontab - cp /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/config.cfg /root/ /bin/bash /apps/soca/$SOCA_CONFIGURATION/cluster_node_bootstrap/ ''' + params['SchedulerHostname'] + ''' >> $SOCA_HOST_SYSTEM_LOG/ 2>&1''' # Specify the security groups to assign to the compute nodes. Max 5 per instance security_groups = [params["SecurityGroupId"]] if params["AdditionalSecurityGroupIds"]: for sg_id in params["AdditionalSecurityGroupIds"]: security_groups.append(sg_id) # Specify the IAM instance profile to use instance_profile = params["ComputeNodeInstanceProfileArn"] if params["CustomIamInstanceProfile"] is False else params["CustomIamInstanceProfile"] SpotFleet = True if ((params["SpotPrice"] is not False) and (params["SpotAllocationCount"] is False) and (int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) > 1 or len(instances_list)>1)) else False ltd.EbsOptimized = True for instance in instances_list: if "t2." in instance: ltd.EbsOptimized = False # metal + t2 does not support CpuOptions unsupported = ["t2.", "metal"] if all(itype not in instance for itype in unsupported) and (SpotFleet is False or len(instances_list) == 1): # Spotfleet with multiple instance types doesn't support CpuOptions # So we can't add CpuOptions if SpotPrice is specified and when multiple instances are specified ltd.CpuOptions = CpuOptions( CoreCount=int(params["CoreCount"]), ThreadsPerCore=1 if params["ThreadsPerCore"] is False else 2) ltd.IamInstanceProfile = IamInstanceProfile(Arn=instance_profile) ltd.KeyName = params["SSHKeyPair"] ltd.ImageId = params["ImageId"] if params["SpotPrice"] is not False and params["SpotAllocationCount"] is False: ltd.InstanceMarketOptions = InstanceMarketOptions( MarketType="spot", SpotOptions=SpotOptions( MaxPrice=Ref("AWS::NoValue") if params["SpotPrice"] == "auto" else str(params["SpotPrice"]) # auto -> cap at OD price ) ) ltd.InstanceType = instances_list[0] ltd.NetworkInterfaces = [NetworkInterfaces( InterfaceType="efa" if params["Efa"] is not False else Ref("AWS::NoValue"), DeleteOnTermination=True, DeviceIndex=0, Groups=security_groups )] ltd.UserData = Base64(Sub(UserData)) ltd.BlockDeviceMappings = [ LaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMapping( DeviceName="/dev/xvda" if params["BaseOS"] == "amazonlinux2" else "/dev/sda1", Ebs=EBSBlockDevice( VolumeSize=params["RootSize"], VolumeType="gp3", DeleteOnTermination="false" if params["KeepEbs"] is True else "true", Encrypted=True)) ] if int(params["ScratchSize"]) > 0: ltd.BlockDeviceMappings.append( BlockDeviceMapping( DeviceName="/dev/xvdbx", Ebs=EBSBlockDevice( VolumeSize=params["ScratchSize"], VolumeType="io1" if int(params["VolumeTypeIops"]) > 0 else "gp3", Iops=params["VolumeTypeIops"] if int(params["VolumeTypeIops"]) > 0 else Ref("AWS::NoValue"), DeleteOnTermination="false" if params["KeepEbs"] is True else "true", Encrypted=True)) ) ltd.TagSpecifications = [ec2.TagSpecifications( ResourceType="instance", Tags = base_Tags( Name=str(params["ClusterId"]) + "-compute-job-" + str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_TerminateWhenIdle=str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), _soca_NodeType="soca-compute-node"))] # End LaunchTemplateData # Begin Launch Template Resource lt = LaunchTemplate("NodeLaunchTemplate") lt.LaunchTemplateName = params["ClusterId"] + "-" + str(params["JobId"]) lt.LaunchTemplateData = ltd t.add_resource(lt) # End Launch Template Resource if SpotFleet is True: # SpotPrice is defined and DesiredCapacity > 1 or need to try more than 1 instance_type # Create SpotFleet # Begin SpotFleetRequestConfigData Resource sfrcd = ec2.SpotFleetRequestConfigData() sfrcd.AllocationStrategy = params["SpotAllocationStrategy"] sfrcd.ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy = "noTermination" sfrcd.IamFleetRole = params["SpotFleetIAMRoleArn"] sfrcd.InstanceInterruptionBehavior = "terminate" if params["SpotPrice"] != "auto": sfrcd.SpotPrice = str(params["SpotPrice"]) sfrcd.SpotMaintenanceStrategies = ec2.SpotMaintenanceStrategies( CapacityRebalance=ec2.SpotCapacityRebalance(ReplacementStrategy="launch")) sfrcd.TargetCapacity = params["DesiredCapacity"] sfrcd.Type = "maintain" sfltc = ec2.LaunchTemplateConfigs() sflts = ec2.LaunchTemplateSpecification( LaunchTemplateId=Ref(lt), Version=GetAtt(lt, "LatestVersionNumber")) sfltc.LaunchTemplateSpecification = sflts sfltc.Overrides = [] for subnet in params["SubnetId"]: for index, instance in enumerate(instances_list): if params["WeightedCapacity"] is not False: sfltc.Overrides.append(ec2.LaunchTemplateOverrides( InstanceType = instance, SubnetId = subnet, WeightedCapacity = params["WeightedCapacity"][index])) else: sfltc.Overrides.append(ec2.LaunchTemplateOverrides( InstanceType = instance, SubnetId = subnet)) sfrcd.LaunchTemplateConfigs = [sfltc] TagSpecifications = ec2.SpotFleetTagSpecification( ResourceType="spot-fleet-request", Tags=base_Tags( Name=str(params["ClusterId"]) + "-compute-job-" + str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_TerminateWhenIdle=str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), _soca_NodeType="soca-compute-node")) # End SpotFleetRequestConfigData Resource # Begin SpotFleet Resource spotfleet = ec2.SpotFleet("SpotFleet") spotfleet.SpotFleetRequestConfigData = sfrcd t.add_resource(spotfleet) # End SpotFleet Resource else: asg_lt.LaunchTemplateSpecification = LaunchTemplateSpecification( LaunchTemplateId=Ref(lt), Version=GetAtt(lt, "LatestVersionNumber") ) asg_lt.Overrides = [] for index, instance in enumerate(instances_list): if params["WeightedCapacity"] is not False: mip_usage = True asg_lt.Overrides.append(LaunchTemplateOverrides( InstanceType=instance, WeightedCapacity=str(params["WeightedCapacity"][index]))) else: asg_lt.Overrides.append(LaunchTemplateOverrides( InstanceType=instance)) # Begin InstancesDistribution if params["SpotPrice"] is not False and \ params["SpotAllocationCount"] is not False and \ (int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) - int(params["SpotAllocationCount"])) > 0: mip_usage = True idistribution = InstancesDistribution() idistribution.OnDemandAllocationStrategy = "prioritized" # only supported value idistribution.OnDemandBaseCapacity = params["DesiredCapacity"] - params["SpotAllocationCount"] idistribution.OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity = "0" # force the other instances to be SPOT idistribution.SpotMaxPrice = Ref("AWS::NoValue") if params["SpotPrice"] == "auto" else str( params["SpotPrice"]) idistribution.SpotAllocationStrategy = params['SpotAllocationStrategy'] mip.InstancesDistribution = idistribution # End MixedPolicyInstance # Begin AutoScalingGroup Resource asg = AutoScalingGroup("AutoScalingComputeGroup") asg.DependsOn = "NodeLaunchTemplate" if mip_usage is True or instances_list.__len__() > 1: mip.LaunchTemplate = asg_lt asg.MixedInstancesPolicy = mip else: asg.LaunchTemplate = LaunchTemplateSpecification( LaunchTemplateId=Ref(lt), Version=GetAtt(lt, "LatestVersionNumber")) asg.MinSize = int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) asg.MaxSize = int(params["DesiredCapacity"]) asg.VPCZoneIdentifier = params["SubnetId"] asg.CapacityRebalance = False if params["PlacementGroup"] is True: pg = PlacementGroup("ComputeNodePlacementGroup") pg.Strategy = "cluster" t.add_resource(pg) asg.PlacementGroup = Ref(pg) asg.Tags = Tags( Name=str(params["ClusterId"]) + "-compute-job-" + str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_TerminateWhenIdle=str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), _soca_NodeType="soca-compute-node") t.add_resource(asg) # End AutoScalingGroup Resource # Begin FSx for Lustre if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["fsx_lustre"] is not False: if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["existing_fsx"] is False: fsx_lustre = FileSystem("FSxForLustre") fsx_lustre.FileSystemType = "LUSTRE" fsx_lustre.StorageCapacity = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["capacity"] fsx_lustre.SecurityGroupIds = security_groups fsx_lustre.SubnetIds = params["SubnetId"] fsx_lustre_configuration = LustreConfiguration() fsx_lustre_configuration.DeploymentType = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["deployment_type"].upper() if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["deployment_type"].upper() == "PERSISTENT_1": fsx_lustre_configuration.PerUnitStorageThroughput = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["per_unit_throughput"] if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["s3_backend"] is not False: fsx_lustre_configuration.ImportPath = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] is not False else params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["s3_backend"] fsx_lustre_configuration.ExportPath = params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] if params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["import_path"] is not False else params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]["s3_backend"] + "/" + params["ClusterId"] + "-fsxoutput/job-" + params["JobId"] + "/" fsx_lustre.LustreConfiguration = fsx_lustre_configuration fsx_lustre.Tags = base_Tags( # False disable PropagateAtLaunch Name=str(params["ClusterId"] + "-compute-job-" + params["JobId"]), _soca_JobId=str(params["JobId"]), _soca_JobName=str(params["JobName"]), _soca_JobQueue=str(params["JobQueue"]), _soca_TerminateWhenIdle=str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]), _soca_StackId=stack_name, _soca_JobOwner=str(params["JobOwner"]), _soca_JobProject=str(params["JobProject"]), _soca_KeepForever=str(params["KeepForever"]).lower(), _soca_FSx="true", _soca_ClusterId=str(params["ClusterId"]), ) t.add_resource(fsx_lustre) # End FSx For Lustre # Begin Custom Resource # Change Mapping to No if you want to disable this if allow_anonymous_data_collection is True: metrics = CustomResourceSendAnonymousMetrics("SendAnonymousData") metrics.ServiceToken = params["SolutionMetricsLambda"] metrics.DesiredCapacity = str(params["DesiredCapacity"]) metrics.InstanceType = str(params["InstanceType"]) metrics.Efa = str(params["Efa"]) metrics.ScratchSize = str(params["ScratchSize"]) metrics.RootSize = str(params["RootSize"]) metrics.SpotPrice = str(params["SpotPrice"]) metrics.BaseOS = str(params["BaseOS"]) metrics.StackUUID = str(params["StackUUID"]) metrics.KeepForever = str(params["KeepForever"]) metrics.FsxLustre = str(params["FSxLustreConfiguration"]) metrics.TerminateWhenIdle = str(params["TerminateWhenIdle"]) metrics.Dcv = "false" t.add_resource(metrics) # End Custom Resource if debug is True: print(t.to_json()) # Tags must use "soca:<Key>" syntax template_output = t.to_yaml().replace("_soca_", "soca:") return {'success': True, 'output': template_output} except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] return {'success': False, 'output': ' ' + ( str(e) + ': error :' + str(exc_type) + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno))}
def test_goodrequired(self): LaunchTemplateData( 'launchtemplatedata', ImageId='ami-xxxx', InstanceType='m1.small' )
def test_badrequired(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): t = Template() t.add_resource(LaunchTemplateData('launchtemplatedata')) t.to_json()
region.replace("-", "") + "ecslivelaunchtemplate", LaunchTemplateName = "ecs-live-launch-template", LaunchTemplateData = LaunchTemplateData( ImageId = image_id, BlockDeviceMappings = [ LaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMapping( DeviceName = "/dev/xvda", Ebs = EBSBlockDevice( "ecsliveblockdevice", VolumeSize = 30 ) ) ], CreditSpecification = LaunchTemplateCreditSpecification( CpuCredits = "Unlimited" ), InstanceType = "t3.micro", IamInstanceProfile = IamInstanceProfile( region.replace("-", "") + "ecsliveiaminstanceprofile", Arn = GetAtt(ecs_instance_profile, "Arn") ), KeyName = "live-eu-west-1", SecurityGroupIds = [ GetAtt(security_group, "GroupId") ], UserData = Base64( "#!/bin/bash\n" \ "/usr/bin/yum install -y awscli && aws s3 cp s3:// /root/ && chmod 700 /root/ && /root/\n" ) ), )