文件: timeseries.py 项目: espang/tsm
def write_data(conn, pk, series):
    hash_key = _timeseries_hash_key(pk=pk)    # key to the hash of timeseries
    set_key = _timeseries_block_starts(pk=pk) # key to set of years with values
    ts = read_ts(conn, pk)                    # read ts attributes

    # generator for all years in the given period    
    years = range(series.index[0].year, series.index[-1].year+1)
    with locked(conn, hash_key):              # lock actions on timeseries
        # get index of first value in the first year        
        start_index = _get_start_index(series.index[0], ts.freq, ts.tz)
        for year in years:                    # iterate over the years
            vkey = _timeseries_block(pk, year)# key to the values of the year
            leap = _is_leap(year)             # is leapyear?
            values = series[str(year)].values # view on the values of the year
            if not conn.sismember(set_key, year):
                # no data for this year, write a whole year
                arr = _initial_year_block(ts.freq, leap)
                # write from first index with a value the values to this block
                arr[start_index:start_index+len(values)] = values
                # start is now zero
                arr = values
            # format of values: len(arr) doubles
            fmt = 'd' * len(arr)
            # write to redis a bitmap of the array, each value needs 8 byte
            conn.setrange(vkey, start_index*8, struct.pack(fmt, *arr))
            # add year to set
            conn.sadd(set_key, year)
            # for followin years: start will always be zero
文件: timeseries.py 项目: espang/tsm
def delete_ts(conn, pk):
    hash_key = _timeseries_hash_key(pk=pk)
    set_key = _timeseries_block_starts(pk=pk)
    with locked(conn, hash_key):
        years = conn.smembers(set_key)
        block_keys = [
            _timeseries_block(pk=pk, year=y) for y in map(int, years)
        conn.delete(hash_key, set_key, *block_keys)
文件: timeseries.py 项目: espang/tsm
def read_ts(conn, pk):
    hash_key = _timeseries_hash_key(pk)
    with locked(conn, hash_key):
        exists = conn.exists(hash_key)
        if not exists:
            raise RuntimeWarning('no timeseries with pk {}'.format(pk))
        result = conn.hgetall(hash_key)
    pk = int(result.get(_HF_PK))
    name = result.get(_HF_NAME).decode()
    freq = result.get(_HF_FREQ).decode()
    tz = result.get(_HF_TZ).decode()
    ts = ts_struct(pk, name, freq, tz)
    return ts
文件: timeseries.py 项目: espang/tsm
def read_data(conn, pk, start, end):
    hash_key = _timeseries_hash_key(pk=pk)     
    ts = read_ts(conn, pk)
    index = pd.date_range(                      # index with all dates of the
        start=_trans(start),                    #  given period from start to
        end=_trans(end),                        #  end
    index = index.tz_convert(ts.tz)             # to tz of timeseries

    years = range(index[0].year, index[-1].year+1)
    # amount of values to be read. Needed for calculation of end indizes of the
    # years
    rest_vals = len(index)
    # initialize an array with NaNs and datatype double
    data = np.nan * np.empty(rest_vals, dtype='<f8')

    with locked(conn, hash_key):
        start_index = _get_start_index(index[0], ts.freq, ts.tz)
        # index for inserting in data array        
        data_index = 0

        for year in years:
            vkey = _timeseries_block(pk, year)
            steps = _steps_in_year(year, ts.freq)
            # do not write a whole block if steps > rest_values
            end_index = steps if rest_vals > steps else rest_vals
            raw_data = conn.getrange(vkey, start_index*8, end_index*8-1)
            #convert bitmap to array of double
            small_arr = np.fromstring(raw_data, dtype='<f8')

            size = len(small_arr)
            # sets the len(small_arr) values beginning at data_index to the 
            # values of small_arr
            data[data_index: data_index+size] = small_arr
            data_index += size
            rest_vals -= size
            start_index = 0
    return pd.Series(data=data, index=index)