文件: parser.py 项目: prataprc/tss
    def __init__(self, tssconfig={}, encoding=None, outputdir="", lex_debug=None, yacc_debug=None, debug=None):
        Create a new TSSParser.

            All configurations related to tayra templates, are represented in
            this object.

            Character encoding for input Tayra style text.

            To change the directory in which the parsetab.py file (and other
            output files) are written.

            PLY-Yacc option.

            Generate a parser.out file that explains how yacc built the parsing
            table from the grammar.
        self.debug = lex_debug or yacc_debug or debug
        self.encoding = encoding
        optimize = tssconfig.get("parse_optimize", False)
        lextab = tssconfig.get("lextab", LEXTAB) or LEXTAB
        yacctab = tssconfig.get("yacctab", YACCTAB) or YACCTAB
        # Build Lexer
        self.tsslex = TSSLexer(error_func=self._lex_error_func)
        kwargs = {"optimize": optimize} if optimize else {}
        kwargs.update(lextab=lextab) if lextab else None
        self.tokens = self.tsslex.tokens
        # Build Yaccer
        kwargs = {"optimize": optimize} if optimize else {}
        kwargs.update(debug=(yacc_debug or debug))
        kwargs.update(outputdir=outputdir) if outputdir else None
        self.parser = ply.yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
        self.parser.tssparser = self  # For AST nodes to access `this`
        # Parser initialization
        self._tssconfig = tssconfig
文件: parser.py 项目: prataprc/tss
class TSSParser(object):
    def __init__(self, tssconfig={}, encoding=None, outputdir="", lex_debug=None, yacc_debug=None, debug=None):
        Create a new TSSParser.

            All configurations related to tayra templates, are represented in
            this object.

            Character encoding for input Tayra style text.

            To change the directory in which the parsetab.py file (and other
            output files) are written.

            PLY-Yacc option.

            Generate a parser.out file that explains how yacc built the parsing
            table from the grammar.
        self.debug = lex_debug or yacc_debug or debug
        self.encoding = encoding
        optimize = tssconfig.get("parse_optimize", False)
        lextab = tssconfig.get("lextab", LEXTAB) or LEXTAB
        yacctab = tssconfig.get("yacctab", YACCTAB) or YACCTAB
        # Build Lexer
        self.tsslex = TSSLexer(error_func=self._lex_error_func)
        kwargs = {"optimize": optimize} if optimize else {}
        kwargs.update(lextab=lextab) if lextab else None
        self.tokens = self.tsslex.tokens
        # Build Yaccer
        kwargs = {"optimize": optimize} if optimize else {}
        kwargs.update(debug=(yacc_debug or debug))
        kwargs.update(outputdir=outputdir) if outputdir else None
        self.parser = ply.yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
        self.parser.tssparser = self  # For AST nodes to access `this`
        # Parser initialization
        self._tssconfig = tssconfig

    def _initialize(self, tssfile=None, tssconfig={}):
        self.tssfile = tssfile
        self.tssconfig = deepcopy(self._tssconfig)

    def parse(self, text, tssfile=None, tssconfig={}, debuglevel=0):
        """Parse TSS and creates an AST tree. For every
        parsing invocation, the same lex, yacc, app options and objects will
        be used.

            Name of the file being parsed (for meaningful error messages)
            Debug level to yacc
        # Parser Initialize
        tssfile = tssfile if tssfile != None else self.tssfile
        self._initialize(tssfile=tssfile, tssconfig=tssconfig)
        self.tsslex.filename = self.tssfile = tssfile

        # parse and get the translation unit
        self.text = text

        # parse and get the Translation Unit
        debuglevel = self.debug or debuglevel
        tracking = True if self.debug or debuglevel else False
        self.tu = self.parser.parse(text, lexer=self.tsslex, debug=debuglevel, tracking=tracking)
        return self.tu

    # ------------------------- Private functions -----------------------------

    def _lex_error_func(self, lex, msg, line, column):
        self._parse_error(msg, self._coord(line, column))

    def _coord(self, lineno, column=None):
        return Coord(file=self.tsslex.filename, line=lineno, column=column)

    def _parse_error(self, msg, coord):
        raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg))

    def _printparse(self, p):
        print p[0], "  : ",
        for i in range(1, len(p)):
            print p[i],

    def _termwspac2nonterm(self, p, text, termcls, nontermcls):
        text1 = text.rstrip(" \t\r\n\f")
        term, wspac = text[: len(text1)], text[len(text1) :]
        wc = WC(p.parser, None, S(p.parser, wspac), None)
        return nontermcls(p.parser, termcls(p.parser, term), wc)

    # ---------- Precedence and associativity of operators --------------------

    precedence = (
        ("left", "COMMA"),
        ("left", "QMARK", "COLON"),
        ("left", "EQUAL"),
        ("left", "GT", "LT", "AND", "OR"),
        ("left", "PLUS", "MINUS"),
        ("left", "STAR", "FWDSLASH"),
        ("right", "UNARY"),

    def _buildterms(self, p, terms):
        rc = []
        for t in terms:
            if t == None:
            elif isinstance(t, tuple):
                cls, idx = t
                rc.append(cls(p.parser, p[idx]))
        return rc

    # TODO : Makes sure that charset, import and namespace non-terminals
    # does not follow rulesets, media, page, font_face non-terminals

    def p_tss(self, p):
        """tss          : charset
                        | namespace
                        | font_face
                        | page
                        | media
                        | atrule
                        | rulesets
                        | wc
                        | tss charset
                        | tss namespace
                        | tss font_face
                        | tss page
                        | tss media
                        | tss atrule
                        | tss rulesets
                        | tss wc"""
        if len(p) == 3:
            if isinstance(p[2], Rulesets):
                p[2] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[2], None)
            p[0] = Tss(p.parser, p[1], p[2])
            if isinstance(p[1], Rulesets):
                p[1] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[1], None)
            p[0] = Tss(p.parser, None, p[1])

    # ---- CDATA

    def p_cdata_1(self, p):
        """cdata        : CDO CDATATEXT CDC"""
        x = [(CDO, 1), (CDATATEXT, 2), (CDC, 3)]
        p[0] = Cdata(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_cdata_2(self, p):
        """cdata        : CDO CDC"""
        x = [(CDO, 1), None, (CDC, 2)]
        p[0] = Cdata(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    # ---- @charset

    def p_charset(self, p):
        """charset      : CHARSET_SYM string SEMICOLON"""
        x = [(CHARSET_SYM, 1), p[2], (SEMICOLON, 3)]
        p[0] = Charset(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    # ---- @namespace

    def p_namespace_1(self, p):
        """namespacspec : NAMESPACE_SYM ident
                        | NAMESPACE_SYM EXTN_VAR"""
        if not isinstance(p[2], Ident):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[0] = [NAMESPACE_SYM(p.parser, p[1]), p[2], None, None]

    def p_namespace_2(self, p):
        """namespacspec : NAMESPACE_SYM string
                        | NAMESPACE_SYM uri
                        | NAMESPACE_SYM EXTN_EXPR"""
        if not isinstance(p[2], (String, Uri)):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        p[0] = [NAMESPACE_SYM(p.parser, p[1]), None, p[2], None]

    def p_namespace_3(self, p):
        """namespacspec : namespacspec string
                        | namespacspec uri
                        | namespacspec EXTN_EXPR"""
        if p[1][2]:
            raise Exception("Multiple string or uri not allowed in namespace")
        if not isinstance(p[2], (String, Uri)):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        p[1][2] = p[2]
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_namespace_4(self, p):
        """namespace    : namespacspec SEMICOLON"""
        p[1][3] = SEMICOLON(p.parser, p[2])
        p[0] = Namespace(p.parser, *p[1])

    # ---- @font_face

    def p_font_face(self, p):
        """font_face    : FONT_FACE_SYM block"""
        x = [(FONT_FACE_SYM, 1), p[2]]
        p[0] = FontFace(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    # ---- atrule

    # Gotcha : Handle generic at-rules
    def p_atrule_1(self, p):
        """atrule       : ATKEYWORD expr block"""
        x = [(ATKEYWORD, 1), p[2], p[3], None, None]
        p[0] = AtRule(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_atrule_2(self, p):
        """atrule       : ATKEYWORD expr SEMICOLON"""
        x = [(ATKEYWORD, 1), p[2], None, (SEMICOLON, 3), None]
        p[0] = AtRule(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_atrule_3(self, p):
        """atrule       : ATKEYWORD block"""
        x = [(ATKEYWORD, 1), None, p[2], None, None]
        p[0] = AtRule(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_atrule_4(self, p):
        """atrule       : ATKEYWORD SEMICOLON"""
        x = [(ATKEYWORD, 1), None, None, (SEMICOLON, 2), None]
        p[0] = AtRule(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_atrule_5(self, p):
        """atrule       : ATKEYWORD expr openbrace rulesets closebrace"""
        term = ATKEYWORD(p.parser, p[1])
        p[4] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[4], None)
        p[0] = AtRule(p.parser, term, p[2], None, None, (p[3], p[4], p[5]))

    def p_atrule_6(self, p):
        """atrule       : ATKEYWORD openbrace rulesets closebrace"""
        term = ATKEYWORD(p.parser, p[1])
        p[3] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[3], None)
        p[0] = AtRule(p.parser, term, None, None, None, (p[2], p[3], p[4]))

    # ---- @media

    def p_media_1(self, p):
        """mediaspec    : MEDIA_SYM IDENT
                        | MEDIA_SYM IDENT S """
        wc = (len(p) == 4) and WC(p.parser, None, S(p.parser, p[3]), None) or None
        args = [IDENT(p.parser, p[2]), wc]
        meds = Mediums(p.parser, None, None, Ident(p.parser, *args))
        p[0] = [MEDIA_SYM(p.parser, p[1]), meds, None, None, None, None]

    def p_media_2(self, p):
        """mediaspec    : MEDIA_SYM EXTN_VAR"""
        p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        meds = Mediums(p.parser, None, None, p[2])
        p[0] = [MEDIA_SYM(p.parser, p[1]), meds, None, None, None, None]

    def p_media_3(self, p):
        """mediaspec    : mediaspec COMMA IDENT
                        | mediaspec COMMA IDENT S"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        comma = cls(p.parser, value)
        wc = (len(p) == 5) and WC(p.parser, None, S(p.parser, p[4]), None) or None
        args = [IDENT(p.parser, p[3]), wc]
        p[1][1] = Mediums(p.parser, p[1][1], comma, Ident(p.parser, *args))
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_media_4(self, p):
        """mediaspec    : mediaspec COMMA EXTN_VAR"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        comma = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[3] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[3], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[1][1] = Mediums(p.parser, p[1][1], comma, p[3])
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_media_5(self, p):
        """media        : mediaspec exprs openbrace rulesets closebrace"""
        p[4] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[4], None)
        p[1][2], p[1][3], p[1][4], p[1][5] = p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]
        p[0] = Media(p.parser, *p[1])

    def p_media_6(self, p):
        """media        : mediaspec exprs openbrace closebrace"""
        p[1][2], p[1][3], p[1][4], p[1][5] = p[2], p[3], None, p[4]
        p[0] = Media(p.parser, *p[1])

    def p_media_7(self, p):
        """media        : mediaspec openbrace rulesets closebrace"""
        p[3] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[3], None)
        p[1][2], p[1][3], p[1][4], p[1][5] = None, p[2], p[3], p[4]
        p[0] = Media(p.parser, *p[1])

    def p_media_8(self, p):
        """media        : mediaspec openbrace closebrace"""
        p[1][2], p[1][3], p[1][4], p[1][5] = None, p[2], None, p[3]
        p[0] = Media(p.parser, *p[1])

    # ---- @page

    def p_page_1(self, p):
        """page         : PAGE_SYM ident block
                        | PAGE_SYM EXTN_VAR block"""
        if not isinstance(p[2], Ident):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        x = [(PAGE_SYM, 1), p[2], None, None, p[3]]
        p[0] = Page(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_page_2(self, p):
        """page         : PAGE_SYM COLON ident block
                        | PAGE_SYM COLON EXTN_VAR block"""
        cls, val = p[2]
        if not isinstance(p[3], Ident):
            p[3] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[3], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        x = [(PAGE_SYM, 1), None, cls(p.parser, val), p[3], p[4]]
        p[0] = Page(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_page_3(self, p):
        """page         : PAGE_SYM ident COLON ident block
                        | PAGE_SYM EXTN_VAR COLON ident block
                        | PAGE_SYM ident COLON EXTN_VAR block
                        | PAGE_SYM EXTN_VAR COLON EXTN_VAR block"""
        if not isinstance(p[2], Ident):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        cls, val = p[3]
        if not isinstance(p[4], Ident):
            p[4] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[4], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        x = [(PAGE_SYM, 1), p[2], cls(p.parser, val), p[4], p[5]]
        p[0] = Page(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_page_4(self, p):
        """page         : PAGE_SYM block"""
        x = [(PAGE_SYM, 1), None, None, None, p[2]]
        p[0] = Page(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_pagemargin_1(self, p):
        """pagemargin   : PAGE_MARGIN_SYM block"""
        p[0] = PageMargin(p.parser, PAGE_MARGIN_SYM(p.parser, p[1]), p[2])

    def p_pagemargin_2(self, p):
        """pagemargin   : PAGE_MARGIN_SYM"""
        p[0] = PageMargin(p.parser, PAGE_MARGIN_SYM(p.parser, p[1]), None)

    # ---- @import

    def p_import_1(self, p):
        """importspec   : IMPORT_SYM string
                        | IMPORT_SYM uri"""
        p[0] = [IMPORT_SYM(p.parser, p[1]), p[2], None, None]

    def p_import_2(self, p):
        """importspec   : importspec IDENT
                        | importspec IDENT S"""
        wc = (len(p) == 4) and WC(p.parser, None, S(p.parser, p[3]), None) or None
        args = [IDENT(p.parser, p[2]), wc]
        p[1][2] = Mediums(p.parser, None, None, Ident(p.parser, *args))
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_import_3(self, p):
        """importspec   : importspec EXTN_VAR"""
        p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[1][2] = Mediums(p.parser, p[1][2], None, p[2])
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_import_4(self, p):
        """importspec   : importspec COMMA IDENT
                        | importspec COMMA IDENT S"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        comma = cls(p.parser, value)
        wc = (len(p) == 5) and WC(p.parser, None, S(p.parser, p[4]), None) or None
        args = [IDENT(p.parser, p[3]), wc]
        p[1][2] = Mediums(p.parser, p[1][2], comma, Ident(p.parser, *args))
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_import_5(self, p):
        """importspec   : importspec COMMA EXTN_VAR"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        p[3] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[3], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[1][2] = Mediums(p.parser, p[1][2], cls(p.parser, value), p[3])
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_import_6(self, p):
        """import       : importspec SEMICOLON"""
        p[1][3] = SEMICOLON(p.parser, p[2])
        p[0] = Import(p.parser, *p[1])

    # ---- extend

    def p_extend_1(self, p):
        """extend       : EXTEND_SYM selector SEMICOLON"""
        x = [(EXTEND_SYM, 1), p[2], (SEMICOLON, 3), None]
        p[0] = Extend(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_extend_2(self, p):
        """extend       : EXTEND_SYM selector SEMICOLON wc"""
        x = [(EXTEND_SYM, 1), p[2], (SEMICOLON, 3), p[4]]
        p[0] = Extend(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    # ---- ruleset

    # TODO : only `&` is allowd in DLIMIT terminal, this constraint should
    # be checked inside `ElementName` class
    def p_rulesets_1(self, p):
        """rulesets     : ruleset
                        | rulesets ruleset"""
        args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]]
        p[0] = Rulesets(p.parser, *args)

    def p_rulesets_2(self, p):
        """rulesets     : EXTN_STATEMENT
                        | rulesets EXTN_STATEMENT"""
        if len(p) == 3:
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_STATEMENT, ExtnStatement)
            p[0] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[1], p[2])
            p[1] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[1], EXTN_STATEMENT, ExtnStatement)
            p[0] = Rulesets(p.parser, None, p[1])

    def p_ruleset_1(self, p):
        """ruleset      : block
                        | selectors block"""
        args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]]
        p[0] = Ruleset(p.parser, *args)

    def p_ruleset_2(self, p):
        """ruleset      : import
                        | cdata"""
        p[0] = Ruleset(p.parser, None, None, p[1])

    def p_selectors_1(self, p):
        """selectors    : selector"""
        x = [None, None, p[1]]
        p[0] = Selectors(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_selectors_2(self, p):
        """selectors    : selectors COMMA selector"""
        cls, val = p[2]
        x = [p[1], cls(p.parser, val), p[3]]
        p[0] = Selectors(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_selector_1(self, p):
        """selector     : simpselector
                        | EXTN_EXPR """
        if not isinstance(p[1], SimpleSelector):
            p[1] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[1], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        p[0] = Selector(p.parser, None, None, p[1])

    def p_selector_2(self, p):
        """selector     : selector simpselector"""
        p[0] = Selector(p.parser, p[1], None, p[2])

    def p_selector_3(self, p):
        """selector     : selector SEL_GT simpselector
                        | selector SEL_PLUS simpselector
                        | selector SEL_TILDA simpselector"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        p[0] = Selector(p.parser, p[1], cls(p.parser, value), p[3])

    def p_simpselector_1(self, p):
        """simpselector : sel_ident
                        | SEL_EXTN_VAR"""
        if not isinstance(p[1], Ident):
            p[1] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[1], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[0] = SimpleSelector(p.parser, None, None, p[1], None, None, None)

    def p_simpselector_2(self, p):
        """simpselector : sel_hash"""
        p[0] = SimpleSelector(p.parser, None, None, None, p[1], None, None)

    def p_simpselector_3(self, p):
        """simpselector : SEL_STAR
                        | AMPERSAND"""
        cls, value = p[1]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[0] = SimpleSelector(p.parser, term, None, None, None, None, None)

    def p_simpselector_4(self, p):
        """simpselector : DOT sel_ident
                        | DOT EXTN_VAR"""
        if not isinstance(p[2], Ident):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        cls, value = p[1]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[0] = SimpleSelector(p.parser, None, term, p[2], None, None, None)

    def p_simpselector_5(self, p):
        """simpselector : attrib"""
        p[0] = SimpleSelector(p.parser, None, None, None, None, p[1], None)

    def p_simpselector_6(self, p):
        """simpselector : pseudo"""
        p[0] = SimpleSelector(p.parser, None, None, None, None, None, p[1])

    def p_attrib_1(self, p):
        """attrib       : opensqr sel_ident attroperator sel_ident closesqr
                        | opensqr sel_ident attroperator sel_string closesqr"""
        p[0] = Attrib(p.parser, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5])

    def p_attrib_2(self, p):
        """attrib       : opensqr EXTN_VAR attroperator sel_ident closesqr
                        | opensqr EXTN_VAR attroperator sel_string closesqr"""
        p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[0] = Attrib(p.parser, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5])

    def p_attrib_3(self, p):
        """attrib       : opensqr sel_ident attroperator EXTN_VAR closesqr"""
        p[4] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[4], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[0] = Attrib(p.parser, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5])

    def p_attrib_4(self, p):
        """attrib       : opensqr sel_ident attroperator EXTN_EXPR closesqr"""
        p[4] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[4], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        p[0] = Attrib(p.parser, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5])

    def p_attrib_5(self, p):
        """attrib       : opensqr sel_ident closesqr
                        | opensqr EXTN_VAR closesqr"""
        if not isinstance(p[2], Ident):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[0] = Attrib(p.parser, p[1], p[2], None, None, p[3])

    def p_attroperator(self, p):
        """attroperator : SEL_EQUAL
                        | INCLUDES
                        | DASHMATCH
                        | PREFIXMATCH
                        | SUFFIXMATCH
                        | SUBSTRINGMATCH"""
        cls, value = p[1]
        p[0] = AttrOperator(p.parser, cls(p.parser, value))

    def p_pseudo_1(self, p):
        """pseudo       : SEL_COLON sel_ident
                        | SEL_COLON func_call"""
        cls, value = p[1]
        p[0] = Pseudo(p.parser, None, cls(p.parser, value), p[2])

    def p_pseudo_2(self, p):
        """pseudo       : SEL_COLON EXTN_VAR"""
        cls, value = p[1]
        p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[0] = Pseudo(p.parser, None, cls(p.parser, value), p[2])

    def p_pseudo_3(self, p):
        """pseudo       : SEL_COLON SEL_COLON sel_ident
                        | SEL_COLON SEL_COLON func_call"""
        cls1, val1 = p[1]
        cls2, val2 = p[2]
        p[0] = Pseudo(p.parser, cls1(p.parser, val1), cls2(p.parser, val2), p[3])

    def p_pseudo_4(self, p):
        """pseudo       : SEL_COLON SEL_COLON EXTN_VAR"""
        cls1, val1 = p[1]
        cls2, val2 = p[2]
        p[3] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[3], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[0] = Pseudo(p.parser, cls1(p.parser, val1), cls2(p.parser, val2), p[3])

    # ---- Declaration block

    def p_block(self, p):
        """block        : openbrace declarations closebrace
                        | openbrace closebrace"""
        args = [p[1], p[2], p[3]] if len(p) == 4 else [p[1], None, p[2]]
        p[0] = Block(p.parser, *args)

    def p_declarations_1(self, p):
        """declarations : extend
                        | declaration
                        | pagemargin
                        | rulesets"""
        if isinstance(p[1], Rulesets):
            p[1] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[1], None)
        p[0] = Declarations(p.parser, None, None, None, p[1])

    def p_declarations_3(self, p):
        """declarations : pagemargin declaration
                        | rulesets declaration"""
        if isinstance(p[1], Rulesets):
            p[1] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[1], None)
        dcls = Declarations(p.parser, None, None, None, p[1])
        p[0] = Declarations(p.parser, dcls, None, None, p[2])

    def p_declarations_4(self, p):
        """declarations : declarations SEMICOLON"""
        term = SEMICOLON(p.parser, p[2])
        p[0] = Declarations(p.parser, p[1], term, None, None)

    def p_declarations_5(self, p):
        """declarations : declarations SEMICOLON declaration"""
        term = SEMICOLON(p.parser, p[2])
        p[0] = Declarations(p.parser, p[1], term, None, p[3])

    def p_declarations_6(self, p):
        """declarations : declarations SEMICOLON wc"""
        term = SEMICOLON(p.parser, p[2])
        p[0] = Declarations(p.parser, p[1], term, p[3], None)

    def p_declarations_7(self, p):
        """declarations : declarations SEMICOLON wc declaration"""
        term = SEMICOLON(p.parser, p[2])
        p[0] = Declarations(p.parser, p[1], term, p[3], p[4])

    def p_declarations_8(self, p):
        """declarations : declarations rulesets
                        | declarations pagemargin"""
        if isinstance(p[2], Rulesets):
            p[2] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[2], None)
        p[0] = Declarations(p.parser, p[1], None, None, p[2])

    def p_declarations_9(self, p):
        """declarations : declarations pagemargin declaration
                        | declarations rulesets declaration"""
        if isinstance(p[2], Rulesets):
            p[2] = Rulesets(p.parser, p[2], None)
        dcls = Declarations(p.parser, p[1], None, None, p[2])
        p[0] = Declarations(p.parser, dcls, None, None, p[3])

    def p_declaration_1(self, p):
        """declaration  : ident COLON exprs
                        | ident COLON EXTN_EXPR
                        | EXTN_VAR COLON exprs
                        | EXTN_VAR COLON EXTN_EXPR"""
        if not isinstance(p[1], Ident):
            p[1] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[1], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        cls, value = p[2]
        if not isinstance(p[3], Exprs):
            p[3] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[3], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        x = [None, p[1], cls(p.parser, value), p[3], None]
        p[0] = Declaration(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_declaration_2(self, p):
        """declaration  : ident COLON exprs prio
                        | ident COLON EXTN_EXPR prio
                        | EXTN_VAR COLON exprs prio
                        | EXTN_VAR COLON EXTN_EXPR prio"""
        if not isinstance(p[1], Ident):
            p[1] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[1], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        cls, value = p[2]
        if not isinstance(p[3], Exprs):
            p[3] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[3], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        x = [None, p[1], cls(p.parser, value), p[3], p[4]]
        p[0] = Declaration(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_declaration_3(self, p):
        """declaration  : PREFIXSTAR ident COLON exprs
                        | PREFIXSTAR ident COLON EXTN_EXPR
                        | PREFIXSTAR EXTN_VAR COLON exprs
                        | PREFIXSTAR EXTN_VAR COLON EXTN_EXPR"""
        cls1, val1 = p[1]
        if not isinstance(p[2], Ident):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        cls2, val2 = p[3]
        if not isinstance(p[4], Exprs):
            p[4] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[4], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        x = [cls1(p.parser, val1), p[2], cls2(p.parser, val2), p[4], None]
        p[0] = Declaration(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_declaration_4(self, p):
        """declaration  : PREFIXSTAR ident COLON exprs prio
                        | PREFIXSTAR ident COLON EXTN_EXPR prio
                        | PREFIXSTAR EXTN_VAR COLON exprs prio
                        | PREFIXSTAR EXTN_VAR COLON EXTN_EXPR prio"""
        cls1, val1 = p[1]
        if not isinstance(p[2], Ident):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        cls2, val2 = p[3]
        if not isinstance(p[4], Exprs):
            p[3] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[3], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        x = [cls1(p.parser, val1), p[2], cls2(p.parser, val2), p[4], p[5]]
        p[0] = Declaration(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_prio(self, p):
        """prio         : IMPORTANT_SYM
                        | IMPORTANT_SYM wc"""
        x = [(IMPORTANT_SYM, 1), p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [(IMPORTANT_SYM, 1), None]
        p[0] = Priority(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    # ---- expressions

    def p_exprs_1(self, p):
        """exprs        : expr"""
        p[0] = Exprs(p.parser, None, None, p[1])

    def p_exprs_2(self, p):
        """exprs        : exprs expr"""
        plaincss = p.parser.tssparser.tssconfig.get("plaincss", False)
        if plaincss:
            p[0] = Exprs(p.parser, p[1], None, p[2])
            p[0] = Exprs(p.parser, p[1], None, p[2], s=S(p.parser, " "))

    def p_exprs_3(self, p):
        """exprs        : exprs COMMA expr"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[0] = Exprs(p.parser, p[1], term, p[3])

    def p_expr_1(self, p):
        """expr         : term"""
        args = [p[1], None, None, None, None]
        p[0] = Expr(p.parser, *args)

    def p_expr_2(self, p):
        """expr         : openparan expr closeparan
                        | openparan exprcolon closeparan"""
        expr = ExprParan(p.parser, p[1], p[2], p[3])
        p[0] = Expr(p.parser, None, expr, None, None, None)

    def p_expr_3(self, p):
        """expr         : expr QMARK exprcolon"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        expr = ExprTernary(p.parser, p[1], term, p[3])
        p[0] = Expr(p.parser, None, expr, None, None, None)

    def p_expr_4(self, p):
        """expr         : expr PLUS expr
                        | expr MINUS expr
                        | expr STAR expr
                        | expr AND expr
                        | expr OR expr"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[0] = Expr(p.parser, None, None, p[1], term, p[3])

    def p_expr_5(self, p):
        """expr         : expr FWDSLASH expr"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[0] = Expr(p.parser, None, None, p[1], term, p[3])

    def p_expr_6(self, p):
        """expr         : expr EQUAL expr
                        | expr GT expr
                        | expr LT expr"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[0] = Expr(p.parser, None, None, p[1], term, p[3])

    def p_expr_7(self, p):
        """expr         : MINUS expr %prec UNARY
                        | PLUS expr %prec UNARY"""
        cls, value = p[1]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[0] = Expr(p.parser, None, None, None, term, p[2])

    def p_exprcolon(self, p):
        """exprcolon    : expr COLON expr"""
        cls, value = p[2]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        p[0] = Expr(p.parser, None, None, p[1], term, p[3])

    def p_term_1(self, p):
        """term         : number
                        | dimension
                        | func_call
                        | ident
                        | string
                        | uri
                        | unicoderange
                        | hash
                        | EXTN_VAR"""
        ts = (Number, Dimension, FuncCall, Ident, String, Uri, UnicodeRange, Hash)
        if not isinstance(p[1], ts):
            p[1] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[1], EXTN_VAR, ExtnVar)
        p[0] = Term(p.parser, p[1])

    def p_func_call_1(self, p):
        """func_call    : FUNCTION exprs closeparan
                        | FUNCTION EXTN_EXPR closeparan"""
        if not isinstance(p[2], Exprs):
            p[2] = self._termwspac2nonterm(p, p[2], EXTN_EXPR, ExtnExpr)
        x = [(FUNCTION, 1), p[2], None, p[3]]
        p[0] = FuncCall(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_func_call_2(self, p):
        """func_call    : FUNCTION simpselector closeparan"""
        x = [(FUNCTION, 1), None, p[2], p[3]]
        p[0] = FuncCall(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_func_call_3(self, p):
        """func_call    : FUNCTION closeparan"""
        x = [(FUNCTION, 1), None, None, p[2]]
        p[0] = FuncCall(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    # ---- Terminals with whitespace

    def p_sel_ident(self, p):
        """sel_ident    : SEL_IDENT wc
                        | SEL_IDENT"""
        x = [(IDENT, 1), p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [(IDENT, 1), None]
        p[0] = Ident(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_sel_string(self, p):
        """sel_string   : SEL_STRING wc
                        | SEL_STRING"""
        x = [(STRING, 1), p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [(STRING, 1), None]
        p[0] = String(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_sel_hash(self, p):
        """sel_hash     : SEL_HASH wc
                        | SEL_HASH"""
        (cls, value) = p[1]
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Hash(p.parser, cls(p.parser, value), wc)

    def p_ident(self, p):
        """ident        : IDENT wc
                        | IDENT"""
        x = [(IDENT, 1), p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [(IDENT, 1), None]
        p[0] = Ident(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_string(self, p):
        """string       : STRING wc
                        | STRING"""
        x = [(STRING, 1), p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [(STRING, 1), None]
        p[0] = String(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_uri(self, p):
        """uri          : URI wc
                        | URI"""
        x = [(URI, 1), p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [(URI, 1), None]
        p[0] = Uri(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_unicoderange(self, p):
        """unicoderange : UNICODERANGE wc
                        | UNICODERANGE"""
        x = [(UNICODERANGE, 1), p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [(UNICODERANGE, 1), None]
        p[0] = UnicodeRange(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, x))

    def p_number(self, p):
        """number       : NUMBER wc
                        | NUMBER"""
        (cls, value) = p[1]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Number(p.parser, term, wc)

    def p_dimension(self, p):
        """dimension    : DIMENSION wc
                        | DIMENSION"""
        (cls, value) = p[1]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Dimension(p.parser, term, wc)

    def p_hash(self, p):
        """hash         : HASH wc
                        | HASH"""
        (cls, value) = p[1]
        term = cls(p.parser, value)
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Hash(p.parser, term, wc)

    def p_openbrace(self, p):
        """openbrace    : OPENBRACE wc
                        | OPENBRACE"""
        t = OPENBRACE(p.parser, p[1])
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Openbrace(p.parser, t, wc)

    def p_closebrace(self, p):
        """closebrace   : CLOSEBRACE wc
                        | CLOSEBRACE"""
        t = CLOSEBRACE(p.parser, p[1])
        # wc = WC(p.parser, None, S(p.parser, p[2]), None) if len(p)==3 else None
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Closebrace(p.parser, t, wc)

    def p_opensqr(self, p):
        """opensqr      : OPENSQR wc
                        | OPENSQR"""
        t = OPENSQR(p.parser, p[1])
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Opensqr(p.parser, t, wc)

    def p_closesqr(self, p):
        """closesqr     : CLOSESQR wc
                        | CLOSESQR"""
        t = CLOSESQR(p.parser, p[1])
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Closesqr(p.parser, t, wc)

    def p_openparan(self, p):
        """openparan    : OPENPARAN wc
                        | OPENPARAN"""
        t = OPENPARAN(p.parser, p[1])
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Openparan(p.parser, t, wc)

    def p_closeparan(self, p):
        """closeparan   : CLOSEPARAN wc
                        | CLOSEPARAN"""
        t = CLOSEPARAN(p.parser, p[1])
        wc = p[2] if len(p) == 3 else None
        p[0] = Closeparan(p.parser, t, wc)

    def p_wc_1(self, p):
        """wc           : S
                        | wc S"""
        args = [p[1], S(p.parser, p[2]), None] if len(p) == 3 else [None, S(p.parser, p[1]), None]
        p[0] = WC(p.parser, *args)

    def p_wc_2(self, p):
        """wc           : COMMENT
                        | wc COMMENT"""
        args = [p[1], None, COMMENT(p.parser, p[2])] if len(p) == 3 else [None, None, COMMENT(p.parser, p[1])]
        p[0] = WC(p.parser, *args)

    # ---- For confirmance with forward compatible CSS

    def p_error(self, p):
        if p:
            column = self.tsslex._find_tok_column(p)
            self._parse_error("before: %s " % (p.value,), self._coord(p.lineno, column))
            self._parse_error("At end of input", "")