def main(): print("Test Started") turtle = MyTurtlebot() time.sleep(2) bump_go(turtle) turtle.stop() print("Test Finished")
def main(): print("Bug Navigation Started") turtle = MyTurtlebot() time.sleep(2) initial_position = turtle.get_estimated_pose().position print('Initial position is: \n', initial_position) bug_nav(turtle, timeout=None, check_connectivity=map_connectivity) turtle.stop()
class Navigator: RATE = 0.02 def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("Navigator") self.turtle = MyTurtlebot(headless=True) # Waiting for Planner rospy.wait_for_service("/planner/path/get") self.get_path = rospy.ServiceProxy("/planner/path/get", GetPlan) self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("/navigator", MoveBaseAction, self.do_navigate, False) self.server.start() def do_navigate(self, goal): pose = self.turtle.get_estimated_pose() rospy.loginfo("Initial Point: [{}, {}]".format(pose.position.x, pose.position.y)) rospy.loginfo("Goal Point: [{}, {}]".format( goal.target_pose.pose.position.x, goal.target_pose.pose.position.y)) path = self.get_path(PoseStamped(pose=pose), goal.target_pose, 0.001) self.follow_path(path) self.server.set_succeeded() def follow_path(self, path): for pose in path.plan.poses: print("Going to", pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y) self.turtle.set_pos(pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y) self.server.publish_feedback(MoveBaseFeedback(base_position=pose)) self.turtle.stop()
class Explorer: RATE = 0.02 def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("Explorer") self.turtle = MyTurtlebot(headless=True) self.do_autostop = True # Map generator self.map_generator = Laser2Grid(headless=True) rospy.wait_for_service("/my_map/get") self.map_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("/my_map/get", GetMap) self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("/explorer", ExploreAction, self.do_explore, False) self.server.start() def do_explore(self, goal): print(goal) if == "1": self.do_bug_nav(autostop=self.do_autostop) elif == "2": self.do_bump_go(autostop=self.do_autostop) else: result = ExploreResult() result.result.goal_id.stamp = goal.goal.stamp = result.result.status = status_enum.index("REJECTED") result.result.text = "Unknown exploration strategy" print(result) self.server.set_succeeded(result) result = ExploreResult() result.result.goal_id = goal.goal result.result.status = status_enum.index("SUCCEEDED") result.result.text = "Exploration completed" self.server.set_succeeded(result) def do_bump_go(self, timeout=None, autostop=False): if autostop: bump_go(self.turtle, timeout, self.map_connectivity) else: bump_go(self.turtle, timeout) self.turtle.stop() def do_bug_nav(self, timeout=None, autostop=False): if autostop: bug_nav(self.turtle, timeout, self.map_connectivity) else: bug_nav(self.turtle, timeout) self.turtle.stop() # this function checks connectivity in free space, # if there is unexplored space next to it, map is not finished # due to bad precision, some free spaces are behind walls # possible solution would be counting number of adjacencies and if value # is under some threshold, we suppose the map is finished def map_connectivity(self): resp = self.map_client() map_gen = MyMap() grid = map_gen.from_msg( finished = True adjacency_count = 0 threshold = 1 len_x, len_y = np.shape(grid) list_of_zeros = np.transpose(np.where(grid == 0)) print('list of possible points has dimensions: ', np.shape(list_of_zeros)) for a in list_of_zeros: x, y = a if x > 0: if grid[x - 1, y] == -1: adjacency_count += 1 if x < len_x - 1: if grid[x + 1, y] == -1: adjacency_count += 1 if y > 0: if grid[x, y - 1] == -1: adjacency_count += 1 if y < len_y - 1: if grid[x, y + 1] == -1: adjacency_count += 1 if adjacency_count > threshold: finished = False print('map is incomplete') return finished if finished: print('the total number of adjacent points to unexplored ones is ', adjacency_count) return finished