class InteractionWindow(Canvas):
    def __init__(self, master, _ndpi_file):
        self.master = master

        # For WBC-hunt
        self.hunter = False

        # Call the super constructor
        Canvas.__init__(self, master)
        #self.canvas = Canvas(self, master)

        # Zoom or roi mode (defaults to roi)
        self.mode = "roi"

        # Setup the input file
        self.ndpi_file = _ndpi_file
        self.im = None              # Actual PhotoImage object of the image
        self.rgba_im = None         # This is needed as a kept reference so that we can resize image on user action

        self.current_level = None   # Scale space level currently used for viewing (for handling zoom etc)

        self.image_handle = None    # Used to delete and recreate images

        # Stuff for box selection
        self.init_box_pos = None            # In WINDOW coordinates
        self.curr_box_bbox = None           # Also in current WINDOW coordinates
        self.last_selection_region = None   # This is in level 0 coordinates
        self.zoom_level = 0     # How many times have we zoomed?
        self.zoom_region = []   # Stack of regions in level 0 coords that tells us where the zoom is, needed for transforming

        # Since we want multiple ROIs, save them in this list
        self.roi_list = []      # Contains Triple: (ROInumber, ROI_imagedata, (bbox, [sub_rois_list]))
        self.roi_counter = 0
        self.progress = Progressbar(self, orient="horizontal", length=100, mode="determinate", value=0)
        # ProgressBar to show user what is going on. Only one active at a time

        # Bind some event happenings to appropriate methods
        self.bind('<Configure>', self.resize_image)
        self.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.select_box)
        self.bind('<Button-1>', self.set_init_box_pos)
        self.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.set_box)
        self.bind('<Button-3>', self.zoom_out)
        self.bind('<Left>', self.move_up)

        # DEBUG
        self.counter = 0

    # Handles initial setup of the input image
    def setup_image(self):

        # Select best scale space level and get its size

        # First get current canvas size, to determine the downsampling factor'
        self.master.update()  # Redraw screen so that the sizes are correct
        factor = float(self.ndpi_file.level_dimensions[0][0])/float(self.winfo_width())

        self.current_level = self.ndpi_file.get_best_level_for_downsample(factor)

        self.rgba_im = self.ndpi_file.read_region((0, 0), self.current_level,

        self.rgba_im = self.rgba_im.resize((self.winfo_width(), self.winfo_height()))

        # Use TKs PhotoImage to show the image (needed for selecting ROIs)
        self.im = itk.PhotoImage(self.rgba_im)
        self.image_handle = self.create_image(0, 0, image=self.im, anchor=NW)

    # Whenever all ROIs and subROIs need to be redrawn, call this
    def redraw_ROI(self):
        # Start with drawing all main (red) rois
        for num, roi_container, bbox_container in self.roi_list:
            sub_rois = bbox_container[1]
            bbox = bbox_container[0]
            if len(sub_rois) is not 0:
                for sub_roi in sub_rois:
                    self.draw_rectangle(sub_roi, "green", 5, "subroi" + str(num))
            self.draw_rectangle(bbox, "red", 4, "roi"+str(num))

    # Method that ensures automatic resize in case the windows is resized by the user
    def resize_image(self, event):
            new_width = event.width
            new_height = event.height
        except AttributeError:
            #print "Attribute error in resize. Trying tuple variant. You are most probably in zoom mode so don't worry."
            new_width = event[0]
            new_height = event[1]

        self.master.update()  # Redraw screen so that the sizes are correct
        if self.last_selection_region is not None:
            factor = float(self.last_selection_region[1][1])/float(self.winfo_width())
            factor = float(self.ndpi_file.level_dimensions[0][0])/float(self.winfo_width())

        print "Factor: " + str(factor)
        self.current_level = self.ndpi_file.get_best_level_for_downsample(factor)
        print "Current level: " + str(self.current_level)

        # We have to make sure that we only show the zoomed-in area
        if self.last_selection_region is not None:# and self.mode is "zoom":
            self.render_status_text((100, 100), "Zooming...", 0, 50)
            # Need to transform l0 coordinates to coordinates of current_level, but only width and height!
            width, height = self.transform_to_arb_level(self.last_selection_region[1][0],

            self.rgba_im = self.ndpi_file.read_region(self.last_selection_region[0], # The x and y needs to be in l0...
                                                      (int(width), int(height)))
            self.rgba_im = self.ndpi_file.read_region((0, 0), self.current_level,

        self.rgba_im = self.rgba_im.resize((new_width, new_height))

        self.im = itk.PhotoImage(self.rgba_im)
        self.create_image(0, 0, image=self.im, anchor=NW)

    def set_init_box_pos(self, event):
        # If we are in clear mode, make sure that we handle it correctly.
        if self.mode is "clear":

            # First transform the coordinates to level 0
            (mouse_x, mouse_y) = self.transform_to_level_zero(event.x, event.y)

            # Loop through roi_list and see if we clicked on one of them
            for num, roi, bbox_container in self.roi_list:
                bbox = bbox_container[0]
                if bbox[0][0] < mouse_x < bbox[0][0]+bbox[1][0]:
                    if bbox[0][1] < mouse_y < bbox[0][1]+bbox[1][1]:
                        # Found a ROI!
                        self.roi_list.remove((num, roi, bbox_container))
            self.init_box_pos = (event.x, event.y)

    # From level 0 to arbitrary level coordinates
    def transform_to_arb_level(self, x_coord, y_coord, to_level):
        # We know that x and y are in level 0.
        factor = self.ndpi_file.level_downsamples[to_level]
        return float(x_coord)/factor, float(y_coord)/factor

    # From window coordinates to level 0 coordinates
    def transform_to_level_zero(self, x_coord, y_coord):

        x_percent = float(x_coord)/self.winfo_width()
        y_percent = float(y_coord)/self.winfo_height()

        if self.zoom_level is 0:
            ld = self.ndpi_file.level_dimensions[0]
            return x_percent*ld[0], y_percent*ld[1]
            ld = self.zoom_region[-1]
            return x_percent*ld[1][0]+ld[0][0], y_percent*ld[1][1]+ld[0][1]

    # Member function for clearing all ROI
    def clear_all_roi(self):
        for num, roi_container, bbox_container in self.roi_list:
            sub_rois = bbox_container[1]
            if len(sub_rois) is not 0:
                self.delete("subroi" + str(num))
        self.roi_list = []
        self.roi_counter = 0

    def select_box(self, event):
        bbox = (event.x, event.y)
        self.curr_box_bbox = (self.init_box_pos, bbox)

        # Depending on the mode, we get different colors on the box
        if self.mode is "roi":
            width = self.curr_box_bbox[1][0]
            height = self.curr_box_bbox[1][1]
            topx = self.curr_box_bbox[0][0]
            topy = self.curr_box_bbox[0][1]

            l0_width, l0_height = self.transform_to_level_zero(width, height)
            l0_topx, l0_topy = self.transform_to_level_zero(topx, topy)

            # Get absolute pixel differences
            l0_width = abs(l0_width - l0_topx)
            l0_height = abs(l0_height - l0_topy)
            if (l0_width > 1000) or (l0_height > 1000):
                self.create_rectangle(self.curr_box_bbox, outline="red", tags="boxselector")
                self.create_rectangle(self.curr_box_bbox, outline="yellow", tags="boxselector")
        elif self.mode is "zoom":
            self.create_rectangle(self.curr_box_bbox, outline="green", tags="boxselector")

    # Lets us render a status bar, letting users know how far something has gotten
    def render_status_text(self, position, text, percentage, length):
        percentage = int(percentage*100.0)
        x = position[0]
        y = position[1]

        self.progress["length"] = length
        self.progress["value"] = percentage
        self.progress.place(x=x, y=y)

        self.create_text(x, y, text=text, anchor=SW, font=("Purisa", 16), tags="progresstext", fill="white")


    def clear_status_text(self):

    def set_box(self, event):
        # This is executed when the user has dragged a selection box (either zoom or ROI) and he/she has now let go of
        # the mouse. Our goal here is to get the level 0 coordinates of this box and then pass this box on depending
        # on what we want to do.
        width = self.curr_box_bbox[1][0]
        height = self.curr_box_bbox[1][1]
        topx = self.curr_box_bbox[0][0]
        topy = self.curr_box_bbox[0][1]

        l0_width, l0_height = self.transform_to_level_zero(width, height)
        l0_topx, l0_topy = self.transform_to_level_zero(topx, topy)

        # Get absolute pixel differences
        l0_width = abs(l0_width - l0_topx)
        l0_height = abs(l0_height - l0_topy)

        # We need to be able to access this region in the resize function
        self.last_selection_region = [(int(l0_topx), int(l0_topy)), (int(l0_width), int(l0_height))]

        #entire_roi = numpy.array(self.ndpi_file.read_region((int(l0_topx), int(l0_topy)), 0, (int(l0_width), int(l0_height))), dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # Multiply percentages of totals and transform to high res level
        # ------------------NEW----------------
        # Code below is ugly, might be able to reduce it to single double loop
        # Check if the ROI is too big, in that case split it and put into list
        box = []
        sub_rois = []   # Needed for drawing the subrois later on

        if not self.hunter:
            if self.mode is "roi" and (l0_width > 1000 or l0_height > 1000):
                fixed_size = 500.0
                no_of_x_subrois = math.floor(float(l0_width)/float(fixed_size))
                no_of_y_subrois = math.floor(float(l0_height)/float(fixed_size))
                total = (no_of_x_subrois+1.0)*(no_of_y_subrois+1.0)   # The total number of subrois needed to be done
                counter = 0                                         # Used for knowing how far we've gotten in the loops

                for curr_x in range(int(no_of_x_subrois)):
                    for curr_y in range(int(no_of_y_subrois)):
                        curr_topx = l0_topx + fixed_size*float(curr_x)
                        curr_topy = l0_topy + fixed_size*float(curr_y)

                        box.append(numpy.array(self.ndpi_file.read_region((int(curr_topx), int(curr_topy)), 0, (int(fixed_size), int(fixed_size))), dtype=numpy.uint8))
                        # For now, just print boxes to show where we cut it
                        roi = [(int(curr_topx), int(curr_topy)), (int(fixed_size), int(fixed_size))]
                        # Render a status text aswell
                        counter += 1
                        self.render_status_text((topx, topy-20), "Reading data...", float(counter)/total, width-topx)

                # Now we need to handle the rest of the ROI that didn't fit perfectly into the fixed_size boxes
                # Remember, this also sort of needs to loop
                # Idea: Fix x or y, loop through the other one

                # Start with looping over x, y is fixed
                topy_rest = float(l0_topy) + no_of_y_subrois*fixed_size
                height_rest = (float(l0_topy) + float(l0_height)) - float(topy_rest)
                for curr_x in range(int(no_of_x_subrois)):
                    curr_topx = l0_topx + fixed_size*float(curr_x)
                    box.append(numpy.array(self.ndpi_file.read_region((int(curr_topx), int(topy_rest)), 0, (int(fixed_size), int(height_rest))), dtype=numpy.uint8))

                    roi = [(int(curr_topx), int(topy_rest)), (int(fixed_size), int(height_rest))]
                    # Render a status text aswell
                    counter += 1
                    self.render_status_text((topx, topy-20), "Reading data...", float(counter)/total, width-topx)

                # Now loop over y and x is fixed
                topx_rest = float(l0_topx) + no_of_x_subrois*fixed_size
                width_rest = (float(l0_topx) + float(l0_width)) - float(topx_rest)
                for curr_y in range(int(no_of_y_subrois)):
                    curr_topy = l0_topy + fixed_size*float(curr_y)
                    box.append(numpy.array(self.ndpi_file.read_region((int(topx_rest), int(curr_topy)), 0, (int(width_rest), int(fixed_size))), dtype=numpy.uint8))

                    roi = [(int(topx_rest), int(curr_topy)), (int(width_rest), int(fixed_size))]
                    # Render a status text aswell
                    counter += 1
                    self.render_status_text((topx, topy-20), "Reading data...", float(counter)/total, width-topx)

                # This is the last one, in the lower right corner
                topx_rest = float(l0_topx) + no_of_x_subrois*fixed_size
                topy_rest = float(l0_topy) + no_of_y_subrois*fixed_size
                width_rest = (float(l0_topx) + float(l0_width)) - float(topx_rest)
                height_rest = (float(l0_topy) + float(l0_height)) - float(topy_rest)
                roi = [(int(topx_rest), int(topy_rest)), (int(width_rest), int(height_rest))]
                # Render a status text aswell
                counter += 1
                self.render_status_text((topx, topy-20), "Reading data...", float(counter)/total, width-topx)

                tmp = self.ndpi_file.read_region((int(topx_rest), int(topy_rest)), 0, (int(width_rest), int(height_rest)))
                box.append(numpy.array(tmp, dtype=numpy.uint8))
            # Now depending on the mode, do different things
            if self.mode is "roi": # This is the case that the ROI selected is small enough to be alone
                box.append(numpy.array(self.ndpi_file.read_region((int(l0_topx), int(l0_topy)), 0, (int(l0_width), int(l0_height))), dtype=numpy.uint8))

        if self.mode is "roi":
            print "No of subboxes in roi you just selected: " + str(len(box))
            if self.hunter:
                box.append(numpy.array(self.ndpi_file.read_region((int(l0_topx), int(l0_topy)), 0, (int(l0_width), int(l0_height))), dtype=numpy.uint8))
            self.set_roi(box, sub_rois)
        elif self.mode is "zoom":

    def set_roi(self, box, sub_rois):
        # Add the ROI to our list
        if not self.hunter:
            self.roi_list.append((self.roi_counter, box, (self.last_selection_region, sub_rois)))
            new_region = [self.last_selection_region[0], (500, 500)]
            self.roi_list.append((self.roi_counter, box, (new_region, sub_rois)))

        # Keep drawing the ROIs
        self.roi_counter += 1

        #self.create_text(self.curr_box_bbox[0][0], self.curr_box_bbox[0][1], text=str(len(self.roi_list)),
        #                 anchor=SW, font=("Purisa", 16), tags="roi"+str(len(self.roi_list)))

    def draw_rectangle(self, level_0_coords, outline, line_width, tag):
        # We need to transform the level 0 coords to the current window
        #factor = 1.0/self.ndpi_file.level_downsamples[self.current_level]
        top_x = level_0_coords[0][0]
        top_y = level_0_coords[0][1]
        width = level_0_coords[1][0]
        height = level_0_coords[1][1]

        # Get the percentages
        if self.zoom_level is 0:
            ld = self.ndpi_file.level_dimensions[0]
            ld = self.zoom_region[-1][1]
            top_x = top_x - self.zoom_region[-1][0][0]
            top_y = top_y - self.zoom_region[-1][0][1]

        top_x_percent = float(top_x)/ld[0]
        top_y_percent = float(top_y)/ld[1]
        width_percent = float(width)/ld[0]
        height_percent = float(height)/ld[1]

        top_x_view = top_x_percent*self.winfo_width()
        top_y_view = top_y_percent*self.winfo_height()
        width_view = width_percent*self.winfo_width()
        height_view = height_percent*self.winfo_height()

        box = [(top_x_view, top_y_view), (width_view+top_x_view, height_view+top_y_view)]

        self.create_rectangle(box, outline=outline, tags=tag, width=line_width)

    def zoom(self):
        # Set the zoom_region in level 0 coords
        x, y = self.transform_to_level_zero(self.curr_box_bbox[0][0], self.curr_box_bbox[0][1])
        width, height = self.transform_to_level_zero(self.curr_box_bbox[1][0], self.curr_box_bbox[1][1])

        self.zoom_region.append([(int(x), int(y)), (int(width-x), int(height-y))])
        self.zoom_level += 1

        self.resize_image((self.winfo_width(), self.winfo_height()))

        # We also need to make sure that the ROIs are (visually) transformed to the new zoom level

    def move_up(self, event):
        print "HEEEEJ"
        self.move(self.image_handle, 0, 10)

    # Right click zooms to previous zoom level
    def zoom_out(self, event):
        if self.zoom_level is not 0:
            if self.zoom_level is 1:
                # Pop one off of the stack and reduce the zoom level by 1
                self.zoom_level -= 1

                # The selection_region is used when resizing, so simulate that we just selected a region that is further
                # down the zoom stack
                self.last_selection_region = self.zoom_region[-1]
                self.resize_image((self.winfo_width(), self.winfo_height()))

    def reset_zoom(self):
        self.last_selection_region = None
        self.zoom_region = []
        self.zoom_level = 0
        self.resize_image((self.winfo_width(), self.winfo_height()))


    def run_roi(self):

        if not self.hunter:
            # Loop through the roi list and do segmentation and classification for each roi
            cell_list = []
            # Initial loop to get the total amount of rois to do, for the progress bar
            total_no_of_rois = 0
            for num, rois, bbox_container in self.roi_list:
                for roi in rois:
                    test = ImageShower(self, roi, "Before segmentation, roi number " + str(num))
                    #scipy.misc.imsave('testttttttt.png', roi)
                    im = Image.fromarray(roi)
                    im.save('../results/before_segmentation_roi_' + str(num) + '.png')
                    total_no_of_rois += 1
            print "Total no of rois to do: " + str(total_no_of_rois)

            # Counter for the progress bar
            counter = 0
            for num, rois, bbox_container in self.roi_list:
                #rois = roi_container[1]
                for roi in rois:
                    tmp_list, new_roi = rbc_seg.segment_and_remove_from_roi(roi)
                    cell_list = cell_list + tmp_list

                    # Show a segmented version of the ROI, "intermediate result"
                    test = ImageShower(self, new_roi, "After segmentation, roi number " + str(num))
                    im = Image.fromarray(new_roi)
                    im.save('../results/after_segmentation_roi_' + str(num) + '.png')
                    # Also make a progress bar
                    counter += 1
                    self.render_status_text((100, 100), "Running segmentation...", float(counter/float(total_no_of_rois)), 100)

            # Call the classification
            if len(cell_list) is 0:
                show_msg("No WBC", self, "Only RBCs were detected in this/these roi/rois.")
                prediction = classer.predict_cells(cell_list)
                print "No of classified unknowns: " + str(len(prediction))
                #numpy.save("red_shit2.npy", self.roi_list[len(self.roi_list)-1][1][0])

                test = ResultDisplayer(cell_list, prediction)

        testimg = cv2.imread("../npyimages/only_whites_3.png")
        testimg = cv2.cvtColor(testimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        cell_list = rbc_seg.segmentation(testimg)
        prediction = classer.predict_cells(cell_list)
        test = ResultDisplayer(cell_list, prediction)
        #fff = open('../only_smeared.pik', 'w+')
        #pickle.dump(cell_list, fff)"""

        if self.hunter:
            for num, rois, bbox_container in self.roi_list:
                #rois = roi_container[1]
                for roi in rois:
                    numpy.save("../npyimages/c_test" + str(self.counter) + ".npy", roi)
                    self.counter += 1