        ## compute the degeneracy ordering of the nodes
        peel = tlp.DoubleProperty(self.graph)
        self.graph.applyDoubleAlgorithm("K-Cores", peel)
        peelMap = {}
        for u in self.graph.getNodes():
            peelMap[u] = peel[u]
        sortedMap = OrderedDict(sorted(peelMap.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))
        order = list(sortedMap.keys())

        ## start clique detection
        for i in range(len(order)):
            Nu = self.getNeighborhoodSet(order[i])
            if i == len(order) - 1:
                P = set()
                P = Nu & set(order[(i + 1):len(order)])
            if i == 0:
                X = set()
                X = Nu & set(order[0:i])
            self.maxCliquePivot(P, set([order[i]]), X)
        ## end
        return True

    "CliquesEnum", "Cliques Enumeration", "François Queyroi", "07/03/2019",
    "Enumerate All Maximal Cliques using [Eppstein et al., 2010] method.",
    "1.0", "Clustering")
			header_fields = headers.split(entry_separator)
			col_mode = self.dataSet['Column header mode']
			for f in header_fields:
				if f == '':
				n = self.graph.addNode()
				label[n] = f
				mode[n] = col_mode
				color[n] = column_color
				shape[n] = column_shape
			row_mode = self.dataSet['Row header mode']
			line = fp.readline()
			while line != '':
				row_entries = line.split(entry_separator)
				n = self.graph.addNode()
				label[n] = row_entries[0]
				mode[n] = row_mode
				color[n] = line_color
				shape[n] = line_shape
				for i, entry in enumerate(row_entries):
					if entry != '':
						self.graph.addEdge(n, column_nodes[i])
				line = fp.readline()
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("ImportTwoMode", "Two Mode Network", "G. Melancon", "08/06/2016", "", "1.0", "File")
            value = float(value - self.minElements[c]) / (self.maxElements[c] -
            value = 0.0

        color = self.getColorAtPos(value)


    #Returns the color for a given position in the color scale. This method computes the color associated to a specific position in the color scale and returns it.
    def getColorAtPos(self, pos):

        theColor = None
        minDist = 1.0

        for value, color in self.colorScale.iteritems():
            newDist = abs(pos - value)

            if newDist < minDist:
                theColor = color
                minDist = newDist

        return theColor

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("DataTubePlugin", "Data Tube",
                                   "Nicolas Chabalier", "18/06/2017", "infos",
                                   "1.0", "Python")
                if f == '':
                n = self.graph.addNode()
                label[n] = f
                mode[n] = col_mode
                color[n] = column_color
                shape[n] = column_shape
            row_mode = self.dataSet['Row header mode']
            line = fp.readline()
            while line != '':
                row_entries = line.split(entry_separator)
                n = self.graph.addNode()
                label[n] = row_entries[0]
                mode[n] = row_mode
                color[n] = line_color
                shape[n] = line_shape
                for i, entry in enumerate(row_entries):
                    if entry != '':
                        self.graph.addEdge(n, column_nodes[i])
                line = fp.readline()
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("ImportTwoMode", "Two Mode Network",
                                   "G. Melancon", "08/06/2016", "", "1.0",
        # init properties for logos
        if self.logo_folder != '':
            color = self.graph.getColorProperty("viewColor")
            color.setAllNodeValue(tlp.Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
            shape = self.graph.getIntegerProperty("viewShape")

        # crawl bands info
        bandNodes = {}  # MA id to Band object, Tulip node
        self.crawlSimilarBands(bandNodes, self.base_url, 0)

        # add graph edges
        score = self.graph.getDoubleProperty("score")

        for band, n in bandNodes.values():
            for id_sim, url_sim, score_sim in band.similar_bands:
                if id_sim in bandNodes.keys():
                    sim_b, sim_n = bandNodes[id_sim]
                    e = self.graph.addEdge(n, sim_n)
                    score[e] = score_sim
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
    "MASimilarBandsCrawling", "Similar Metal Bands", "Francois Queyroi",
    "Crawling of metal-archives.org visiting bands similar to the given band.",
    "1.0", "Python")
                # remove temporary directory
                return False

        # import the dot file in Tulip trough the graphviz import plugin
        dotImportParams = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters(
            "graphviz", self.graph)
        dotImportParams['filename'] = cmakeProjectDotFilePath
        tlp.importGraph("graphviz", dotImportParams, self.graph)

        # set some visual attributes to the imported graph
        self.graph['viewSize'].setAllNodeValue(tlp.Size(1, 1, 1))

        # apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
            'Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')

        # remove temporary directory

        # done
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("CMakeDependenciesGraphImport", "CMake dependencies graph", "Antoine Lambert", "24/11/2015", \
"Import the targets dependencies graph of a CMake project", "1.0", "Software")
                if UID[n] == -1:
                    if IsTrivial[n] == 1:
                        self.result[n] = 1
                        next_uid = max_prime_uid + 1
                        #Bertrand's postulate: there exists a prime between Pn and 2*Pn where Pn is the n-th prime
                        for possiblePrime in range(next_uid, 2 * next_uid):
                            isPrime = True  # Assume next_uid is prime until shown it is not.
                            for num in range(2, int(possiblePrime**0.5) + 1):
                                if possiblePrime % num == 0:
                                    isPrime = False
                            if isPrime:
                                next_uid = possiblePrime
                        self.result[n] = next_uid
                        max_prime_uid = next_uid
                    self.result[n] = UID[n]

        return True

                                   "Generate Next Prime UID", "Janos Varga",
                                   "19/01/2019", "", "1.0", "PORGY")
    def process_sequence(self, sortProperty):
		uses the sequence and maps nodes to coordonates inthe 2D plane
		each letter in the sequence correspond to either
		- mapping coordinaletes to a node (L, R)
		- going forward (F) according to the directional vector
		- rotating the directional vector (+, -)
        id = 0
        nodeList = sorted(list(graph.getNodes()),
                          key=lambda x: sortProperty[x])
        for letter in self.sequence:
            if id < self.graph.numberOfNodes():
                if (letter == 'L' or letter == 'R'):
                    node = nodeList[id]
                        "viewLayout")[node] = self.current_coord
                    id = id + 1
                if (letter == 'F'):
                    self.current_coord = self.current_coord + 2 * self.direction_vector
                if (letter == '+'):
                    self.rotate_dir_vector(math.pi / 2)
                if (letter == '-'):
                    self.rotate_dir_vector(math.pi / -2)

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("HilbertPlugin", "Hilbert", "Elian Cocchi",
                                   "26/06/2017", "infos", "1.0", "Python")
		    		e = sg.existEdge(n1, n2, False)
		    		if not e.isValid():
		    			e = sg.addEdge(n1, n2)
		    		tSList = timeStamps[e]
		    		timeStamps[e] = tSList
		    		durList = durations[e]
		    		durations[e] = durList
		    		dirList = directions[e]
		    		directions[e] = dirList
		    	if multiProj:
		    		e = mg.addEdge(n1, n2)
		    		timeStamp[e] = ts
		    		direction[e] = link.direction
		    		duration[e] = link.duration
		    		vC[e] = tlp.Color(color)

		if self.dataSet["Force layout"]:
			if multiProj:
				vL = mg.getLayoutProperty("viewLayout")
				mg.applyLayoutAlgorithm("FM^3 (OGDF)", vL)
			if simpleProj:
				vL = sg.getLayoutProperty("viewLayout")
				sg.applyLayoutAlgorithm("FM^3 (OGDF)", vL)
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("LoadLinkStream", "Load a linkstream", "Benjamin Renoust & Jordan Viard", "15/06/2015", "Loads a link stream", "1.0", "LinkStream")
  def icon(self):
    return os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/npm.png'

  def importGraph(self):

    npmPackageDir = self.dataSet[npmPackageDirParamName]
    # Check if the directory contains a npm package first
    rootPackageJson = npmPackageDir + '/package.json'
    if not os.path.exists(rootPackageJson):
      if self.pluginProgress:
        self.pluginProgress.setError('Error : directory ' + npmPackageDir + ' does not seem to contain a npm package.')
      return False

    # parse package depedencies graph
    parsePackageJsonForDependenciesGraph(npmPackageDir, self.graph)

    # apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
    self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm('Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')

    return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("NpmPackageDependenciesGraphImport", "Npm package dependencies graph", "Antoine Lambert", "26/11/2015",\
 Import the packages dependencies graph from a npm package.
 Be sure to have called 'npm install' in the package directory first
 in order to get the complete dependencies graph.
 """, "1.0", "Software")
                ratios[param] /= ratios['ch6']
        ratios['ch6'] /= n

    def evaluatePathwayInteractionsRatios(self, pathway, ratios):
        e = pathway.numberOfEdges()
        for interactionStatus in ('gain', 'loss'):
            if e == 0:
                ratios[interactionStatus] = 0
                for interaction in pathway.getEdges():
                    if self.interactionStatus[interaction] == interactionStatus:
                        ratios[interactionStatus] += 1
                ratios[interactionStatus] /= e

    def filterAndSortRatiosByModality(self, pathwaysRatios, modalities):
        for modality in modalities:
            pathwaysRatios.sort(key=lambda elt: (elt[1][modality], elt[1]['ch6']), reverse=True)
            print('\n', modality.capitalize())
            print('name,', ','.join(modalities))
            for elt in pathwaysRatios:
                if elt[1][modality] != 0:
                    print('{}, '.format(elt[0]), end='')
                    for param in modalities:
                        print('{:.2%}, '.format(elt[1][param]), end='')

tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("ImportantPathways", "Important Pathways", "AM2E",
                                   "29/01/2020", "", "1.0", "AM2E")
        # The method must return a boolean indicating if the algorithm
        # has been successfully applied on the input graph.
        # edge_weight = self.graph.getDoubleProperty('edge_weight')
        edge_weight = self.dataSet['(Optional) Edge weight property']
        to_delete = []
        for n in self.graph.getNodes():
            neighbors = [e for e in self.graph.getInEdges(n)]
            source_set = set([self.graph.source(ee) for ee in neighbors])
            for nn in source_set:
                filtered_ee = filter(
                    lambda x: self.graph.source(x).id == nn.id, neighbors)
                if self.dataSet['Aggregation mode'] == 'Uniform unit weight':
                    nb_ee = len(filtered_ee)
                    nb_ee = sum([edge_weight[e] for e in neighbors])
                for ee in filtered_ee:
                eee = self.graph.addEdge(nn, n)
                edge_weight[eee] = nb_ee
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
                                   "Make Simple with edge multiplicity",
                                   "Guy Melancon", "12/12/2017", "", "1.0",
                                   "Topology Update")

	def check(self):
		# This method is called before applying the algorithm on the input graph.
		# You can perform some precondition checks here.
		# See comments in the run method to know how to access to the input graph.

		# Must return a tuple (boolean, string). First member indicates if the algorithm can be applied
		# and the second one can be used to provide an error message
		return (True, "")

	def run(self):
		# This method is the entry point of the algorithm when it is called
		# and must contain its implementation.

		# The graph on which the algorithm is applied can be accessed through
		# the "graph" class attribute (see documentation of class tlp.Graph).

		# The parameters provided by the user are stored in a Tulip DataSet
		# and can be accessed through the "dataSet" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.DataSet).

		# The method must return a boolean indicating if the algorithm
		# has been successfully applied on the input graph.
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("MergeSubGraphs", "Merge SubGraphs", "Guy Melancon", "12/12/2017", "", "1.0", "SubGraphs")
        scaling = 1000
        if self.dataSet:
            scaling = self.dataSet['layout scaling']

        self.result.scale((scaling, scaling, scaling))

        # cleanup computed spanning tree
        tlp.TreeTest.cleanComputedTree(self.graph, spanningTree)

        return True

pluginDoc = """
Implements the H3 layout technique for drawing large directed graphs as
node-link diagrams in 3D hyperbolic space. That algorithm can lay out much
larger structures than can be handled using traditional techniques
for drawing general graphs because it assumes a hierarchical nature
of the data.
It was first published as:<br/><b> H3: Laying out Large Directed Graphs
in 3D Hyperbolic Space</b>, Tamara Munzner, Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE
Symposium on Information Visualization, Phoenix, AZ, pp 2-10, 1997.<br/>
The implementation in Python (MIT License) has been written by
BuzzFeed engineers (https://github.com/buzzfeed/pyh3).

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup('H3Layout', 'H3', 'Antoine Lambert',
                                   '30/08/2017', pluginDoc, '1.0',
文件: H3Layout.py 项目: tulip5/tulip
    for n in self.graph.getNodes():
      self.result[n] = tlp.Coord(tree.nodes[n].coord.x,

    # apply some scaling factor to the layout to get a correct rendering
    # in Tulip
    scaling = 1000
    if self.dataSet:
      scaling = self.dataSet["layout scaling"]

    # cleanup computed spanning tree
    tlp.TreeTest.cleanComputedTree(self.graph, spanningTree)
    return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("H3Layout", "H3", "Antoine Lambert", "30/08/2017",
Implements the H3 layout technique for drawing large directed graphs as node-link diagrams in 3D hyperbolic space.
That algorithm can lay out much larger structures than can be handled using traditional techniques
for drawing general graphs because it assumes a hierarchical nature of the data.
It was first published as: <b> H3: Laying out Large Directed Graphs in 3D Hyperbolic Space </b>.
Tamara Munzner. Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, Phoenix, AZ, pp 2-10, 1997.
The implementation in Python (MIT License) has been written by BuzzFeed (https://github.com/buzzfeed/pyh3).
, "1.0", "Hierarchical")
		return (True, "")

	def run(self):
		# This method is the entry point of the algorithm when it is called
		# and must contain its implementation.

		# The graph on which the algorithm is applied can be accessed through
		# the "graph" class attribute (see documentation of class tlp.Graph).

		# The parameters provided by the user are stored in a Tulip DataSet
		# and can be accessed through the "dataSet" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.DataSet).

		# The method must return a boolean indicating if the algorithm
		# has been successfully applied on the input graph.
		self.two_mode_graph = self.graph.getSubGraph('Two_mode_graph')
		if self.two_mode_graph == None:
			self.two_mode_graph = self.graph.addCloneSubGraph('Two_mode_graph')
		self.substrates = [n for n in self.two_mode_graph.getNodes() if self.dataSet["Entity type"][n] == self.dataSet["Substrates (projected entities)"]]
		self.substrate_graph = self.graph.addSubGraph()
		for s in self.substrates:
		self.substrate_graph.setName('Multilayer ' + self.dataSet['Substrates (projected entities)'] + ' Projection')
		self.edge_weight = self.substrate_graph.getDoubleProperty('edge_weight')
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("Multilayer", "Multilayer Projection", "Guy Melancon", "12/12/2017", "", "1.0", "Two_mode_Networks")
        for n in self.graph.getNodes():
            w = self.graph['viewSize'][n][0]
            h = self.graph['viewSize'][n][1]
            s = min(w, h)
            self.graph['viewSize'][n] = tlp.Size(s)

        if tulipGuiOk:
            for v in tlpgui.getViewsOfGraph(self.graph):
                if isinstance(v, tlpgui.NodeLinkDiagramComponent):
                    rp = v.getRenderingParameters()

            return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
    "H3LayoutHelper", "H3 Layout Helper", "Antoine Lambert", "01/09/2017", """
Enables to easily configure a H3 layout visualisation for a connected quasi-hierarchical graph.
As this is a 3d layout, some rendering setup has to done after the algorithm execution
in order to get an aesthetic rendering of it in Tulip.
That plugin takes care of calling the H3 layout algorithm, setting node shapes as sphere,
setting edge extremity shapes to cone and set appropriate rendering parameters for 3d
layout visualization.
""", "1.0", "Misc")
        rootPackageJson = '%s/package.json' % npmPackageDir
        if not os.path.exists(rootPackageJson):
            if self.pluginProgress:
                    ('Error : directory %s does not seem to contain a '
                     'npm package.') % npmPackageDir)
            return False

        # parse package dependencies graph
        parsePackageJsonForDependenciesGraph(npmPackageDir, self.graph)

        # apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
            'Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')

        return True

pluginDoc = """
Import the packages dependencies graph from a npm package.
Be sure to have called 'npm install' in the package directory first
in order to get the complete dependencies graph.

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
                                   'Npm package dependencies graph',
                                   'Antoine Lambert', '26/11/2015', pluginDoc,
                                   '1.0', 'Software')
            if not self.isPathwayRelevant(pathway)
        for pathway in toDelete:

    def isPathwayRelevant(self, pathway):
        for locus in pathway.getNodes():
            if self.graph.isElement(locus):
                if self.chromosome[locus] and self.expression[locus] in (
                        'up', 'down'):
                    return True
        return False

    def styleGraph(self):

    def applyLayout(self):
        fm3Properties = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters('FM^3 (OGDF)',
        self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm('FM^3 (OGDF)', self.viewLayout,

    def setLociSize(self):
        self.viewSize.setAllNodeValue(tlp.Vec3f(1e4, 1e4, 0.5))

                                   "Filter interactions and locus", "AM2E",
                                   "29/01/2020", "", "1.0", "AM2E")
    def run(self):
        # get parameters
        weight = self.dataSet["weight"]
        # init result
        # sort edge in increasing order of weight
        edges = []
        for e in self.graph.getEdges():
            edges.append([e, weight.getEdgeMax() - weight[e]])
        edges.sort(key=lambda ed: ed[1])
        # init Union-Find data structure
        uf = unionfind.UnionFind()

        for ed in edges:
            e = ed[0]
            if uf[self.graph.source(e)] != uf[self.graph.target(e)]:
                uf.union(self.graph.source(e), self.graph.target(e))
                self.result[e] = True
        return True


# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
                                   "Minimum Spanning Tree", "Francois Queyroi",
                                   "Compute a Minimum Spanning Tree", "1.0",
    def fileExtensions(self):
        return ['graphml']

    def importGraph(self):

        # create an XML Sax parser
        parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
        # set our custom content handler
        # parse the GraphML file
        parser.parse(open(self.dataSet['filename'], 'rb'))

        return True

pluginDoc = """
<p>Supported extension: graphml</p><p>Imports a graph from a file in the
GraphML format (<a href=\"http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/">http://graphml.graphdrawing.org</a>).
GraphML is a comprehensive and easy-to-use file format for graphs.
It consists of a language core to describe the structural properties
of a graph and a flexible extension mechanism to add application-specific

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup('GraphMLImport', 'GraphML',
                                   'Antoine Lambert', '14/05/2017', pluginDoc,
                                   '1.0', 'File')
      cmakeProjectDotFilePath = tmpdir + '/' + cmakeProjectDotFileName + '.dot'
      if not os.path.exists(cmakeProjectDotFilePath):
        if self.pluginProgress:
          self.pluginProgress.setError("Error : the graphviz file has not been generated by CMake")
        # remove temporary directory
        return False

    # import the dot file in Tulip trough the graphviz import plugin
    dotImportParams = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters("graphviz", self.graph)
    dotImportParams['filename'] = cmakeProjectDotFilePath
    tlp.importGraph("graphviz", dotImportParams, self.graph)

    # set some visual attributes to the imported graph

    # apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
    self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm('Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')

    # remove temporary directory

    # done
    return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("CMakeDependenciesGraphImport", "CMake dependencies graph", "Antoine Lambert", "24/11/2015", \
"Import the targets dependencies graph of a CMake project", "1.0", "Software")
        return (True, "Ok")

    def run(self):
        result = self.dataSet['result']        
        lambdaProperty = float(self.dataSet['lambda'])
        centralities = self.calculateCentrality(self.graph, lambdaProperty)

        for node in self.graph.getNodes():
            result[node] = centralities[node]
        return True

    def calculateCentrality(self, V, l):
        """Calculates the eigenvector centrality on the Tulip graph `V` based
        on the required lambda constant, given by `l`."""
        # TODO Calculate the real eigenvector centrality for each node
        ds = { v: V.deg(v) for v in V.getNodes() }
        ec = { v: sum(map(lambda w: ds[w], V.getInOutNodes(v))) for v in V.getNodes() }
        return ec

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
    "Eigenvector Centrality", 
    "Cristiano Silva Jr. <*****@*****.**>", 
    "No info yet.", 
        for n in self.graph.getNodes():
            self.result[n] = tlp.Coord(tree.nodes[n].coord.x,

        # apply some scaling factor to the layout to get a correct rendering
        # in Tulip
        scaling = 1000
        if self.dataSet:
            scaling = self.dataSet["layout scaling"]


        # cleanup computed spanning tree
        tlp.TreeTest.cleanComputedTree(self.graph, spanningTree)

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
    "H3Layout", "H3", "Antoine Lambert", "30/08/2017", """
Implements the H3 layout technique for drawing large directed graphs as node-link diagrams in 3D hyperbolic space.
That algorithm can lay out much larger structures than can be handled using traditional techniques
for drawing general graphs because it assumes a hierarchical nature of the data.
It was first published as: <b> H3: Laying out Large Directed Graphs in 3D Hyperbolic Space </b>.
Tamara Munzner. Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, Phoenix, AZ, pp 2-10, 1997.
The implementation in Python (MIT License) has been written by BuzzFeed (https://github.com/buzzfeed/pyh3).
""", "1.0", "Hierarchical")
		# and can be accessed through the "dataSet" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.DataSet).

		# The method must return a boolean indicating if the
		# graph has been successfully imported.
		# Check that we are using at least Tulip 4.8
		if not tulipPluginUtils.tulipVersionCheck(4, 8, 0, self.pluginProgress):
			return False	
		npmPackageDir = self.dataSet[npmPackageDirParamName]
		# Check if the directory contains a npm package first
		rootPackageJson = npmPackageDir + '/package.json'
		if not os.path.exists(rootPackageJson):
			if self.pluginProgress:
				self.pluginProgress.setError('Error : directory ' + npmPackageDir + ' does not seem to contain a npm package.')
			return False
		# parse package depedencies graph
		parsePackageJsonForDependenciesGraph(npmPackageDir, self.graph)
		# apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
		self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm('Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')	
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("NpmPackageDependenciesGraphImport", "Npm package dependencies graph", "Antoine Lambert", "26/11/2015",\
 "Import the packages dependencies graph from a npm package", "1.0", "Misc")
		# the "graph" class attribute (see documentation of class tlp.Graph).

		# The parameters provided by the user are stored in a Tulip DataSet
		# and can be accessed through the "dataSet" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.DataSet).

		# The method must return a boolean indicating if the algorithm
		# has been successfully applied on the input graph.
		# edge_weight = self.graph.getDoubleProperty('edge_weight')
		edge_weight = self.dataSet['(Optional) Edge weight property']
		to_delete = []
		for n in self.graph.getNodes():
			neighbors = [e for e in self.graph.getInEdges(n)]
			source_set = set([self.graph.source(ee) for ee in neighbors])
			for nn in source_set:
				filtered_ee = filter(lambda x: self.graph.source(x).id == nn.id, neighbors)
				if self.dataSet['Aggregation mode'] == 'Uniform unit weight':
					nb_ee = len(filtered_ee)
					nb_ee = sum([edge_weight[e] for e in neighbors])
				for ee in filtered_ee:
				eee = self.graph.addEdge(nn, n)
				edge_weight[eee] = nb_ee
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("MakeSimpleCount", "Make Simple with edge multiplicity", "Guy Melancon", "12/12/2017", "", "1.0", "Topology Update")
          self.graph.setAttribute(attrName, content)

class GraphMLImport(tlp.ImportModule):
  def __init__(self, context):
    tlp.ImportModule.__init__(self, context)
    self.addFileParameter("filename", True, "the GraphML file to import")

  def fileExtensions(self):
    return ["graphml"]

  def importGraph(self):
    # create an XML Sax parser
    parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
    # set our custom content handler
    # parse the GraphML file
    parser.parse(open(self.dataSet["filename"], "rb"))
    return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("GraphMLImport", "GraphML", "Antoine Lambert", "14/05/2017",
<p>Supported extension: graphml</p><p>Imports a graph from a file in the GraphML format (http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/).
GraphML is a comprehensive and easy-to-use file format for graphs.
It consists of a language core to describe the structural properties 
of a graph and a flexible extension mechanism to add application-specific data.</p>
""", "1.0", "File")
            if self.dataSet["Entity type"][n] ==
            self.dataSet["Substrates (projected entities)"]
        self.substrate_graph = self.graph.addSubGraph()
        for s in self.substrates:
            self.dataSet['Substrates (projected entities)'] + '_graph_' +
            self.dataSet['Weighting scheme'])

        self.edge_weight = self.substrate_graph.getDoubleProperty(
        if self.dataSet['Weighting scheme'] == 'Giatsidis':
            self.weight_function = self.Giatsidis_weight_function
        elif self.dataSet['Weighting scheme'] == 'Clique':
            self.weight_function = self.clique_weight_function
        else:  # self.dataSet['Weighting scheme'] == 'Uniform 1.0'
            self.weight_function = self.uniform_weight

        if self.dataSet['Build k-cores']:
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("OneModeProjection", "One-Mode Projection",
                                   "Guy Melancon", "24/05/2016", "", "1.0",
			return False
		graph = self.graph
		graphMLFile = self.dataSet["file::filename"]
		nx_graph = None

			nx_graph = tulipnx.nx.read_graphml(graphMLFile)
		if nx_graph:
			tulipnx.nxGraphToTlpGraph(nx_graph, graph)		
			return True
			if self.pluginProgress:
				self.pluginProgress.setError("An error occurred when trying to import the GraphML file")
			return False

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("NxGraphMLImport", "GraphML Import (NetworkX)", "", "15/12/2015", 
Imports a graph from a file in the GraphML format.
GraphML is a comprehensive and easy-to-use file format for graphs.
It consists of a language core to describe the structural properties 
of a graph and a flexible extension mechanism to add application-specific data.
""", "1.0", "File")
    return elist
  # @Deprecated
  def applyFilter(self, node, min, max, niv, visited, pStart):
    if node in visited or niv > max:
      return list()

    neighs = self.graph.getInOutNodes(node)
    res_list = list()
    if niv < max:
      for n in neighs:
        l = self.applyFilter(n, min, max, (niv+1), visited, pStart)
        if not l == []:
          res_list += l
          e = self.graph.existEdge(node, n, False)
    if niv >= min and niv <= max:
      for n in neighs:
        for p in self.p_list:
          if not p == pStart and n == p:
            e = self.graph.existEdge(node, n, False)
    return res_list

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("HideUnrelated", "VisuDNA - Select Related", "SB", "13/12/2017", "info", "1.0", "Python")
		    # Populate data structures
		    if link not in times:
		        times[link] = []
		    if u not in nodes:
		        nodes[u] = set()
		    if v not in nodes:
		        nodes[v] = set()
		    nb_lines = nb_lines + 1
		Cm._times = times
		Cm._nodes = nodes
		tmp_std_err = sys.stderr
		sys.stderr = NullDevice() 
		results = Cm.getDeltaCliques(self.delta)
		sys.stderr = tmp_std_err 
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("DeltaCliques", "Delta Cliques", "Benjamin Renoust & Jordan Viard", "18/06/2015", "Computes the delta cliques in a link stream", "1.0", "Link Stream")
    def importGraph(self):

        npmPackageDir = self.dataSet[npmPackageDirParamName]
        # Check if the directory contains a npm package first
        rootPackageJson = npmPackageDir + '/package.json'
        if not os.path.exists(rootPackageJson):
            if self.pluginProgress:
                    'Error : directory ' + npmPackageDir +
                    ' does not seem to contain a npm package.')
            return False

        # parse package depedencies graph
        parsePackageJsonForDependenciesGraph(npmPackageDir, self.graph)

        # apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
            'Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("NpmPackageDependenciesGraphImport", "Npm package dependencies graph", "Antoine Lambert", "26/11/2015",\
 Import the packages dependencies graph from a npm package.
 Be sure to have called 'npm install' in the package directory first
 in order to get the complete dependencies graph.
 """, "1.0", "Software")
		# The parameters provided by the user are stored in a Tulip DataSet 
		# and can be accessed through the "dataSet" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.DataSet).

		# The method must return a boolean indicating if the
		# graph has been successfully imported.
		if not tulipnx.checkNetworkX(self.pluginProgress):
			return False
		graph = self.graph
		n = self.dataSet["n"]
		m = self.dataSet["m"]
		p = self.dataSet["p"]
		bp_graph = tulipnx.bipartite_random_graph(n, m, p)
		tulipnx.nxGraphToTlpGraph(bp_graph, graph)	
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("NxRandomBipartiteGraph", "Random Bipartite Graph (NetworkX)", "Antoine Lambert", "09/12/2015", 
Imports a bipartite random graph. 
This is a bipartite version of the binomial (Erdos-Renyi) graph.
""", "1.0", "Graph")
        while clone.numberOfNodes() > 0:
                self.graph.numberOfNodes() - clone.numberOfNodes(),
            clone.applyDoubleAlgorithm("K-Cores", cores, self.dataSet)
            d = cores.getNodeMax()
            for v in clone.getNodes():
                if cores[v] == d:
                    self.result[v] = d

        ## compute core dependancy
        self.pluginProgress.setComment("Computing Core Dependency...")
        base_cores = tlp.DoubleProperty(self.graph)
        self.graph.applyDoubleAlgorithm("K-Cores", base_cores, self.dataSet)
        core_dep = 0.
        for n in self.graph.getNodes():
            if base_cores[n] > 0:
                core_dep += (base_cores[n] - self.result[n]) / base_cores[n]
        core_dep /= self.graph.numberOfNodes() + 0.
        self.dataSet["Core Dependency"] = core_dep
        return True

    "KPeaks", "K-Peaks", "François Queyroi", "21/03/2019",
    "Compute the k-peak decomposition of the networks. See</br> J. Abello and F. Queyroi.<br/><b>Network decomposition into fixed points of degree peeling.</b><br/>Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2014, vol. 4, no 1, p. 191. (2014)",
    "1.0", "Measure")
    parameters_value[boolean_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[boolean_vec_prop_param_name]
    parameters_value[color_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[color_vec_prop_param_name]
    parameters_value[double_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[double_vec_prop_param_name]
    parameters_value[int_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[int_vec_prop_param_name]
    parameters_value[coord_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[coord_vec_prop_param_name]
    parameters_value[size_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[size_vec_prop_param_name]
    parameters_value[string_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[string_vec_prop_param_name]

    self.dataSet[out_boolean_param_name] = out_boolean_param_value
    self.dataSet[out_int_param_name] = out_int_param_value
    self.dataSet[out_float_param_name] = out_float_param_value
    self.dataSet[out_string_param_name] = out_string_param_value

    return True

tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup('TestAlgorithm', plugin_name, plugin_author,
                                   plugin_date, plugin_info, plugin_version, plugin_group)

class TestPluginParameters(unittest.TestCase):

  def setUp(self):
    self.graph = tlp.newGraph()
    self.boolean_prop = self.graph.getBooleanProperty(boolean_prop_param_value)
    self.color_prop = self.graph.getColorProperty(color_prop_param_value)
    self.double_prop = self.graph.getDoubleProperty(double_prop_param_value)
    self.int_prop = self.graph.getIntegerProperty(int_prop_param_value)
    self.layout_prop = self.graph.getLayoutProperty(layout_prop_param_value)
    self.size_prop = self.graph.getSizeProperty(size_prop_param_value)
    self.string_prop = self.graph.getStringProperty(string_prop_param_value)
    self.boolean_vec_prop = self.graph.getBooleanVectorProperty(boolean_vec_prop_param_default_value)
    self.color_vec_prop = self.graph.getColorVectorProperty(color_vec_prop_param_default_value)
    self.double_vec_prop = self.graph.getDoubleVectorProperty(double_vec_prop_param_default_value)
    for n in self.graph.getNodes():
      w = self.graph['viewSize'][n][0]
      h = self.graph['viewSize'][n][1]
      s = min(w, h)
      self.graph['viewSize'][n] = tlp.Size(s)

    if tulipGuiOk:
      for v in tlpgui.getViewsOfGraph(self.graph):
        if isinstance(v, tlpgui.NodeLinkDiagramComponent):
          rp = v.getRenderingParameters()

      return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("H3LayoutHelper", "H3 Layout Helper", "Antoine Lambert", "01/09/2017",
Enables to easily configure a H3 layout visualisation for a connected quasi-hierarchical graph.
As this is a 3d layout, some rendering setup has to be done after the algorithm execution
in order to get an aesthetic rendering of it in Tulip.
That plugin takes care of calling the H3 layout algorithm, setting node shapes as sphere,
setting edge extremity shapes to cone and set appropriate rendering parameters for 3d
layout visualization.
, "1.0", "Misc")
        parameters_value[size_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[
        parameters_value[string_vec_prop_param_name] = self.dataSet[

        self.dataSet[out_boolean_param_name] = out_boolean_param_value
        self.dataSet[out_int_param_name] = out_int_param_value
        self.dataSet[out_float_param_name] = out_float_param_value
        self.dataSet[out_string_param_name] = out_string_param_value

        return True

tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup('TestAlgorithm', plugin_name, plugin_author,
                                   plugin_date, plugin_info, plugin_version,

class TestPluginParameters(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = tlp.newGraph()
        self.boolean_prop = self.graph.getBooleanProperty(
        self.color_prop = self.graph.getColorProperty(color_prop_param_value)
        self.double_prop = self.graph.getDoubleProperty(
        self.int_prop = self.graph.getIntegerProperty(int_prop_param_value)
        self.layout_prop = self.graph.getLayoutProperty(
        self.size_prop = self.graph.getSizeProperty(size_prop_param_value)
		# and can be accessed through the "dataSet" class attribute
		# (see documentation of class tlp.DataSet).

		# The method must return a boolean indicating if the algorithm
		# has been successfully applied on the input graph.
		self.two_mode_graph = self.graph.getSubGraph('Two_mode_graph')
		if self.two_mode_graph == None:
			self.two_mode_graph = self.graph.addCloneSubGraph('Two_mode_graph')
		self.substrates = [n for n in self.two_mode_graph.getNodes() if self.dataSet["Entity type"][n] == self.dataSet["Substrates (projected entities)"]]
		self.substrate_graph = self.graph.addSubGraph()
		for s in self.substrates:
		self.substrate_graph.setName(self.dataSet['Substrates (projected entities)'] + '_graph_' + self.dataSet['Weighting scheme'])

		self.edge_weight = self.substrate_graph.getDoubleProperty('edge_weight')
		if self.dataSet['Weighting scheme'] == 'Giatsidis':
			self.weight_function = self.Giatsidis_weight_function
		elif self.dataSet['Weighting scheme'] == 'Clique':
			self.weight_function = self.clique_weight_function
		else: # self.dataSet['Weighting scheme'] == 'Uniform 1.0'
			self.weight_function = self.uniform_weight

		if self.dataSet['Build k-cores']:
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("OneModeProjection", "One-Mode Projection", "Guy Melancon", "24/05/2016", "", "1.0", "Two_mode_Networks")
                final_clust.resizeNodeValue(n, 0)
                set_clust = set()
                for lab in prop_memb[n]:
                for sc in set_clust:
                    final_clust.pushBackNodeEltValue(n, sc)

        if self.create_sg:
            mapLabNodes = {}
            for n in self.graph.getNodes():
                for lab in prop_memb[n]:
                    if mapLabClust[lab] not in mapLabNodes.keys():
                        mapLabNodes[mapLabClust[lab]] = []
            for lab, cc in mapLabNodes.items():
                sgg = self.graph.inducedSubGraph(cc)
                sgg.setName("Cluster_" + str(lab))

        ## Delete temp variables
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("CliquePercolation", "Clique Percolation",
                                   "François Queyroi", "07/03/2019",
                                   "Clique Percolation Algorithm", "1.0",
        # get parameters from layout algorithm FM^3
        params = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters("FM^3 (OGDF)", self.graph)
        # get a reference to the default layout property
        viewLayout = self.graph.getLayoutProperty("viewLayout")

        # call the layout algorithm and store the result in viewLayout
        self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm("FM^3 (OGDF)", viewLayout, params)
        self.graph.applyAlgorithm("Edge bundling")
        viewShape = self.graph.getIntegerProperty("viewShape")
        viewColor = self.graph.getColorProperty('viewColor')
        viewColor.setAllEdgeValue(tlp.Color(163, 163, 163, 70))

        # create the name of your graph in tulip
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
    "Import_graph", "QueryDrawer",
    "Antoine Lambert, modifié par Jean-Clément GALLARDO et Eliot RAGUENEAU",
    "11/05/2019", """
                                   <p>Supported extension: graphml</p><p>Imports a graph from a file in the GraphML format (http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/).
                                   GraphML is a comprehensive and easy-to-use file format for graphs.
                                   It consists of a language core to describe the structural properties
                                   of a graph and a flexible extension mechanism to add application-specific data.</p>
                                   """, "1.0", "File")

        # Send button to finish program execution
        send_btn = tk.Button(root,

        # Add the first method

        # Begin the GUI

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
    "AnalysisComparator", "Analysis comparator",
    "Eliot Ragueneau et Jean Clément Gallardo", "11/05/2019",
    "Compare analysis methods of transcriptomics by drawing parallels regulation graphs",
    "1.0", "Algorithm")
                return False

        # import the dot file in Tulip trough the graphviz import plugin
        dotImportParams = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters(
            'graphviz', self.graph)
        dotImportParams['filename'] = cmakeProjectDotFilePath
        tlp.importGraph("graphviz", dotImportParams, self.graph)

        # set some visual attributes to the imported graph
        self.graph['viewSize'].setAllNodeValue((1, 1, 1))

        # apply a force directed algorithm to draw the graph
            'Fast Multipole Multilevel Embedder (OGDF)')

        # remove temporary directory

        # done
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
    'CMakeDependenciesGraphImport', 'CMake dependencies graph',
    'Antoine Lambert', '24/11/2015',
    "Import the targets dependencies graph of a CMake project", '1.0',
  def importGraph(self):
    moves_filename = self.dataSet['moves filepath']
    ports_filename = self.dataSet['ports filepath']
    self.keep_all_moves = self.dataSet['keep all moves?']
    self.keep_all_ports = self.dataSet['keep all ports?']
    self.min_date = self.dataSet['min date']
    self.max_date = self.dataSet['max date']
    self.net_type = self.dataSet['Type']
    self.min_freq = self.dataSet['min freq']
    self.pluginProgress.progress(0, 1)
    self.pluginProgress.setComment("Reading ports info...")
    [portsNodes, excluded_ports] = self.readPorts(ports_filename)
    self.pluginProgress.progress(1, 1)
    self.readMoves(moves_filename, portsNodes, excluded_ports)
    if self.min_freq > 0:
      self.pluginProgress.setComment("Filtering ports");
    return True

tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("TVGLlyodsImport",  "TVG Llyods Import",  "Francois Queyroi",  "17/03/2019",  "",  "1.0",  "Python")
            value = float(value - self.minElements[c]) / (self.maxElements[c] -
            value = 0.0

        color = self.getColorAtPos(value)

        self.graph['viewColor'][node] = color

    #Returns the color for a given position in the color scale. This method computes the color associated to a specific position in the color scale and returns it.
    def getColorAtPos(self, pos):

        theColor = None
        minDist = 1.0

        for value, color in self.colorScale.iteritems():
            newDist = abs(pos - value)

            if newDist < minDist:
                theColor = color
                minDist = newDist

        return theColor

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPluginOfGroup("CircleSegmentsPlugin", "Circle Segments",
                                   "Nicolas Chabalier", "18/06/2017", "infos",
                                   "1.0", "Python")