def get_indicators(self): short_mavg = ti.sma(, int(self.strategy_value['short_window'])) medium_mavg = ti.sma(, int(self.strategy_value['medium_window'])) long = ti.sma(, int(self.strategy_value['long_window'])) return short_mavg, medium_mavg, long
def on_candle_update(self): ma1 = ti.sma(self.handler.close, period=10) ma2 = ti.sma(self.handler.close, period=20) if ti.crossover(ma1, ma2)[0]: elif ti.crossover(ma2, ma1)[0]: self.handler.sell()
def get_moving_average_analysis(data, current_moving_average, time_period): time_period_unit_moving_average = tulipy.sma(data, time_period) # equalize array size min_len_arrays = min(len(time_period_unit_moving_average), len(current_moving_average)) # compute difference between 1 unit values and others ( >0 means currently up the other one) values_difference = (current_moving_average[-min_len_arrays:] - time_period_unit_moving_average[-min_len_arrays:]) values_difference = DataUtil.drop_nan(values_difference) if len(values_difference): # indexes where current_unit_moving_average crosses time_period_unit_moving_average crossing_indexes = TrendAnalysis.get_threshold_change_indexes(values_difference, 0) multiplier = 1 if values_difference[-1] > 0 else -1 # check at least some data crossed 0 if crossing_indexes: normalized_data = DataUtil.normalize_data(values_difference) current_value = min(abs(normalized_data[-1])*2, 1) if math.isnan(current_value): return 0 # check <= values_difference.count()-1if current value is max/min if current_value == 0 or current_value == 1: chances_to_be_max = TrendAnalysis.get_estimation_of_move_state_relatively_to_previous_moves_length( crossing_indexes, values_difference) return multiplier*current_value*chances_to_be_max # other case: maxima already reached => return distance to max else: return multiplier*current_value # just crossed the average => neutral return 0
def sma(self, name='sma', period=5): if len(self.df_ohlc) > period: self._add_column_to_ohlc( name, ti.sma(self.df_ohlc.priceclose.values, period=period)) return True else: return False
def return_last_minimums_sell(stock): firstminim = 0 firstindex = 0 closing_price_list = stock['Close'].tolist() numpyclose = np.asarray(closing_price_list) sma = ti.sma(numpyclose, 26) list_of_sma = list(np.flip(sma)) minimlist = [list_of_sma[0]] for index, value in enumerate(list_of_sma[1:-1]): if value < list_of_sma[index] and value < list_of_sma[index + 2]: if firstminim == 0: firstminim = value firstindex = index minimlist.append(firstminim) continue else: if abs((value - firstminim) / firstminim) < 0.02 and (index - firstindex) < 10: firstminim = value firstindex = index continue else: firstminim = value firstindex = index minimlist.append(firstminim) return [minimlist, list_of_sma]
def eval_impl(self): self.eval_note = 0 close_values = self.last_candle_data[ PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value] sma_values = tulipy.sma(close_values, 6) last_ma_value = sma_values[-1] if last_ma_value == 0: self.eval_note = 0 else: last_price = close_values[-1] current_ratio = last_price / last_ma_value if current_ratio > 1: # last_price > last_ma_value => sell ? => eval_note > 0 if current_ratio >= 2: self.eval_note = 1 else: self.eval_note = current_ratio - 1 elif current_ratio < 1: # last_price < last_ma_value => buy ? => eval_note < 0 self.eval_note = -1 * (1 - current_ratio) else: self.eval_note = 0 self.notify_evaluator_thread_managers(self.__class__.__name__)
def draw_macd_buy(stock, name): closing_price_list = stock['Close'].tolist() date_list = list(stock.index) numpyclose = np.asarray(closing_price_list) macd1, macd2, macdhistogram = ti.macd(numpyclose, 8, 17, 9) # for buy signals it should be 8,17,9 sma = ti.sma(numpyclose, 17) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) ax1 = plt.subplot(212) ax2 = plt.subplot(211, sharex=ax1, title=name) numberofactivedays = len(date_list[16:]) arrangeddates = np.arange(numberofactivedays) ax1.plot(arrangeddates, macd1, 'r') ax1.plot(arrangeddates, macd2, 'y'), macdhistogram) ax1.plot(arrangeddates, [0] * len(date_list[16:])) ax2.plot(arrangeddates, closing_price_list[16:]) ax2.plot(arrangeddates, sma, 'r') ax1.set_xticks(np.append(arrangeddates[0::20], arrangeddates[-1])) ax2.set_xticks(np.append(arrangeddates[0::20], arrangeddates[-1])) ax1.set_xticklabels([date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list[16:]][0::20] + [[date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list[16:]][-1]]) ax2.set_xticklabels([date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list[16:]][0::20] + [[date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list[16:]][-1]]) ax1.tick_params(rotation=30) ax2.tick_params(rotation=30)
async def evaluate(self, cryptocurrency, symbol, time_frame, candle_data, candle): self.eval_note = commons_constants.START_PENDING_EVAL_NOTE if len(candle_data) >= self.long_period_length: time_units = [5, self.long_period_length] current_moving_average = tulipy.sma(candle_data, 2) results = [ self.get_moving_average_analysis(candle_data, current_moving_average, time_unit) for time_unit in time_units ] if len(results): self.eval_note = numpy.mean(results) else: self.eval_note = commons_constants.START_PENDING_EVAL_NOTE if self.eval_note == 0: self.eval_note = commons_constants.START_PENDING_EVAL_NOTE await self.evaluation_completed( cryptocurrency, symbol, time_frame, eval_time=evaluators_util.get_eval_time(full_candle=candle, time_frame=time_frame))
async def eval_impl(self): self.eval_note = 0 period = 6 close_values = self.last_candle_data[ PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value] if len(close_values) > period: sma_values = tulipy.sma(close_values, period) last_ma_value = sma_values[-1] if last_ma_value == 0: self.eval_note = 0 else: last_price = close_values[-1] current_ratio = last_price / last_ma_value if current_ratio > 1: # last_price > last_ma_value => sell ? => eval_note > 0 if current_ratio >= 2: self.eval_note = 1 else: self.eval_note = current_ratio - 1 elif current_ratio < 1: # last_price < last_ma_value => buy ? => eval_note < 0 self.eval_note = -1 * (1 - current_ratio) else: self.eval_note = 0 await self.notify_evaluator_task_managers(self.get_name())
def sma(self, data, period, ba, ohlc): series_arr = [] for item in data[:period]: value = round(float(item[ba][ohlc]), 5) series_arr.append(value) DATA = np.array(series_arr) sma = ti.sma(DATA, period=period) return sma
def test_sma(self): expected = np.array([82.426, 82.738, 83.094, 83.318, 83.628, 83.778, 84.254, 84.994, 85.574, 86.218, 86.804]), actual = ti.sma(CLOSE, period=5) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(actual, expected))
def compute(self, data_dict): close = data_dict.get('close') open = data_dict.get('open') ret = np.log(close / open) return ti.sma(ret, self.lookback)
def test_sma(data): arr = data["close"].to_numpy(copy=True).astype(float) ti_sma = np.round(np.append([np.nan for i in range(9)], ti.sma(arr, period=10)), decimals=3) sma = indicator.Indicate(data["close"])\ .smooth_moving_average(10)['close_sma_10']\ .astype(float) assert np.allclose(ti_sma, sma, atol=1e-03, equal_nan=True)
def sma_potential_sell(stock): closing_price_list = stock['Close'].tolist() numpyclose = np.asarray(closing_price_list) sma = ti.sma(numpyclose, 26) if sma[-50] > sma[-5] > sma[-1] > closing_price_list[ -1] and closing_price_list[-2] > sma[-2]: return True else: return False
def sma_potential_buy(stock): closing_price_list = stock['Close'].tolist() numpyclose = np.asarray(closing_price_list) sma = ti.sma(numpyclose, 17) if sma[-50] < sma[-5] < sma[-1] < closing_price_list[ -1] and closing_price_list[-2] < sma[-2]: return True else: return False
def get_indicators(self): short_window = int(self.strategy_value['short_window']) medium_window = int(self.strategy_value['medium_window']) long_window = int(self.strategy_value['long_window']) ma_window_short = int(self.strategy_value['ma_window_short']) ma_window_long = int(self.strategy_value['ma_window_long']) ultimate = ti.ultosc(self.high, self.low, self.close, short_window, medium_window, long_window) ma_long = ti.sma(, ma_window_long) ma_short = ti.sma(, ma_window_short) min_size = min(ma_long.size, ma_short.size, ultimate.size) self.signal_shift = - min_size cut_u = ultimate.size - min_size cut_l = ma_long.size - min_size cut_m = ma_short.size - min_size ultimate = ultimate[cut_u:] ma_long = ma_long[cut_l:] ma_short = ma_short[cut_m:] return ultimate, ma_short, ma_long
def test_TA_basics(): rsi_result = tulipy.rsi(DATA, period=9) assert all(74 < v < 86 for v in rsi_result) assert len(rsi_result) == 6 sma_result = tulipy.sma(DATA, period=9) assert all(74 < v < 86 for v in sma_result) assert len(sma_result) == 7 bands = tulipy.bbands(DATA, period=9, stddev=2) assert all(80 < v < 89 for band in bands for v in band) assert len(bands) == 3
def start(): while True: # [ # 1499040000000, // Open time # "0.01634790", // Open # "0.80000000", // High # "0.01575800", // Low # "0.01577100", // Close # "148976.11427815", // Volume # 1499644799999, // Close time # "2434.19055334", // Quote asset volume # 308, // Number of trades # "1756.87402397", // Taker buy base asset volume # "28.46694368", // Taker buy quote asset volume # "17928899.62484339" // Ignore # ] try: now = is_close_position() if (now.minute == 0 and now.second == 0) or (now.minute == 30 and now.second == 10): print(now, 'UPDATE DATA OHLC') ohlc = client.futures_klines(symbol=MARKET, interval=Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_30MINUTE) close = [] for row in ohlc: close.append(float(row[4])) ma1 = ti.sma(np.array(close), period=10) ma2 = ti.sma(np.array(close), period=20) if POSITION['price'] == 0: if ti.crossover(ma1, ma2)[0]: create_position(price=float(row[4]), side=Client.SIDE_BUY, date=now) elif ti.crossover(ma2, ma1)[0]: create_position(price=float(row[4]), side=Client.SIDE_SELL, date=now) print(now, 'GET POSITION ENTRY_PRICE[{}] ROE[{}] AMOUNT[{}] SIDE[{}]'.format(POSITION['price'], POSITION['roe'], POSITION['amount'], POSITION['side'])) time.sleep(1) except: traceback.print_exc()
def ti_supertrend( h: np.ndarray, l: np.ndarray, c: np.ndarray, period: int, factor: float, ) -> np.ndarray: f_atr = factor * ta.sma(, l, c), period) out_size = len(f_atr) slicer = slice(-out_size, None) # IMPORTANT! h, l, c = h[slicer], l[slicer], c[slicer] hl2 = (h + l) / 2 up = hl2 - f_atr dn = hl2 + f_atr st = np.empty(out_size) dt = np.empty(out_size) st[0] = up[0] dt[0] = 1 for i in range(1, len(st)): up1 = up[i - 1] dn1 = dn[i - 1] dt1 = dt[i - 1] c1 = c[i - 1] if c1 > up1 > up[i]: up[i] = up1 if c1 < dn1 < dn[i]: dn[i] = dn1 if (dt1 < 0 and dn1 < c[i]) or (dt1 > 0 and up1 > c[i]): dt1 *= -1 dt[i] = dt1 if dt1 > 0: st[i] = up[i] else: st[i] = dn[i] ret = np.empty((out_size, 2)) ret[:, 0] = st ret[:, 1] = dt return ret
def __call__(self, Coin): CloseValues = np.array( [c[3] for c in Coin.Candlesticks[-(self.slow_sma_period + 20):]]) if CloseValues.shape[0] < self.slow_sma_period: return 0 slow_SMA = ti.sma(CloseValues, period=self.slow_sma_period)[-1] fast_SMA = ti.sma(CloseValues, period=self.fast_sma_period)[-1] # BEAR TREND; if slow_SMA > fast_SMA: RSI_period = self.bear_rsi_period score_adjust = self.bear_score_adjust else: RSI_period = self.bull_rsi_period score_adjust = self.bull_score_adjust Period = max(1, min(RSI_period, CloseValues.shape[0] - 1)) RSI = ti.rsi(CloseValues, period=Period) return max(min(100, RSI[-1] - score_adjust), -100)
def eval_impl(self): self.eval_note = START_PENDING_EVAL_NOTE if len( > 1: time_units = [5, 10] current_moving_average = tulipy.sma([PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value], 2) results = [ self.get_moving_average_analysis([PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value], current_moving_average, i) for i in time_units ] self.eval_note = numpy.mean(results) if self.eval_note == 0: self.eval_note = START_PENDING_EVAL_NOTE
async def ohlcv_callback(self, exchange: str, exchange_id: str, cryptocurrency: str, symbol: str, time_frame, candle): self.eval_note = 0 new_data = self.get_symbol_candles(exchange, exchange_id, symbol, time_frame). \ get_symbol_close_candles(20) should_eval = symbol not in self.last_candle_data or \ not self._compare_data(new_data, self.last_candle_data[symbol]) self.last_candle_data[symbol] = new_data if should_eval: if len(self.last_candle_data[symbol]) > self.period: self.last_moving_average_values[symbol] = tulipy.sma(self.last_candle_data[symbol], self.period) await self._evaluate_current_price(self.last_candle_data[symbol][-1], cryptocurrency, symbol, evaluators_util.get_eval_time(full_candle=candle, time_frame=time_frame))
def eval_impl(self): self.eval_note = START_PENDING_EVAL_NOTE long_period_length = 10 if len([PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value]) > long_period_length: time_units = [5, long_period_length] current_moving_average = tulipy.sma([PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value], 2) results = [self.get_moving_average_analysis([PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value], current_moving_average, i) for i in time_units] if len(results): self.eval_note = numpy.mean(results) else: self.eval_note = START_PENDING_EVAL_NOTE if self.eval_note == 0: self.eval_note = START_PENDING_EVAL_NOTE
def test_sma(): c = np.random.random(SIZE) length = 14 sma = SMA(length) for i in range(sma.offset): nan =[i]) assert np.isnan(nan) computed = ta.sma(c, length) for i in range(len(computed)): actual =[i + sma.offset]) expected = computed[i] assert actual == approx(expected)
def save_macd_buy(stock_name): stock =, interval="1wk", period="2y", threads=True) stock.index = stock.index.where(~stock.index.duplicated(), stock.index + timedelta(1)) # Remove all the NaN values for index, row in stock.iterrows(): if math.isnan(row["Close"]) or math.isnan(row["Volume"]): stock = stock.drop([index]) closing_price_list = stock['Close'].tolist() date_list = list(stock.index) numpyclose = np.asarray(closing_price_list) macd1, macd2, macdhistogram = ti.macd( numpyclose, 8, 17, 9) # for buy signals it should be 8,17,9 sma = ti.sma(numpyclose, 17) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) ax1 = plt.subplot(212) ax2 = plt.subplot(211, sharex=ax1, title=stock_name) numberofactivedays = len(date_list[16:]) arrangeddates = np.arange(numberofactivedays) ax1.plot(arrangeddates, macd1, 'r') ax1.plot(arrangeddates, macd2, 'y'), macdhistogram) ax1.plot(arrangeddates, [0] * len(date_list[16:])) ax1.set(ylabel='MACD') ax2.plot(arrangeddates, closing_price_list[16:]) ax2.plot(arrangeddates, sma, 'r') ax2.set(ylabel="Price") ax1.set_xticks(np.append(arrangeddates[0::15], arrangeddates[-1])) ax2.set_xticks(np.append(arrangeddates[0::15], arrangeddates[-1])) ax1.set_xticklabels( [date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list[16:]][0::15] + [[date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list[16:]][-1]]) ax2.set_xticklabels( [date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list[16:]][0::15] + [[date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for date in date_list[16:]][-1]]) ax1.tick_params(rotation=30) ax2.tick_params(rotation=30) plt.savefig("Support Files/" + stock_name + "-price" + ".png") plt.close()
def test_atr(): h, l, c = np.random.random((3, SIZE)) period = 5 atr = ATR(period) for i in range(atr.offset): nan =[i], l[i], c[i]) assert np.isnan(nan) computed = ta.sma(, l, c), period) for i in range(len(computed)): actual =[i + atr.offset], l[i + atr.offset], c[i + atr.offset]) expected = computed[i] assert actual == approx(expected)
def calculate_financial_technical_data(comparision_type,comparision_value): logger.debug(comparision_value) data_list = [] fin_res=[] for i in ohlcv_data2.keys(): data_list.append(ohlcv_data2[i][str(comparision_value)]) logger.debug(data_list) if comparision_type == 'sma': data = ( ti.sma(np.asarray(data_list), period=10) ) return data elif comparision_type is 'stddev': #dataaa = ( ti.stddev(np.asarray(data_list), period=5) ) #logger.debug(dataaa) #data = dataaa.tolist() fin_res = ti.stddev(np.asarray(data_list), period=5).tolist() return fin_res elif comparision_type is 'wma': data = ( ti.wma(np.asarray(data_list), period=5) ) return data elif comparision_type is 'zlema': data = ( ti.zlema(np.asarray(data_list), period=5) ) return data
def financial_technical_analysis(): comparision_type = str(request.form.get('comparision')) comparision_value = str(request.form.get('comparision_data')) data_list = [] for i in ohlcv_data2.keys(): data_list.append(ohlcv_data2[i][str(comparision_value)]) if comparision_type == 'sma': res = ( ti.sma(np.asarray(data_list), period=20) ).tolist() print(res[-1]) return render_template('binance_tech_analysis_result.html', res = res[-1],comparision_type="Simple Moving Average",comparision_value=comparision_value.upper()) elif comparision_type == 'stddev': res = ti.stddev(np.asarray(data_list), period=20).tolist() print(res[-1]) return render_template('binance_tech_analysis_result.html', res = res[-1],comparision_type="Standard Deviation",comparision_value=comparision_value.upper()) elif comparision_type == 'wma': res = ( ti.wma(np.asarray(data_list), period=20) ).tolist() return render_template('binance_tech_analysis_result.html', res = res[-1],comparision_type="Weighted Moving Average",comparision_value=comparision_value.upper()) elif comparision_type == 'zlema': res = ( ti.zlema(np.asarray(data_list), period=20) ).tolist() return render_template('binance_tech_analysis_result.html', res = res[-1],comparision_type="Zero-Lag exponential moving average" ,comparision_value=comparision_value.upper())
def compute(self, data_dict): returns = self.returns.get_numpy() return ti.sma(returns, self.lookback)
# # for index, row in binance_data.iterrows(): # CLOSE.append(row.Close) # print(row.Close) # ma1 = ti.sma(np.array(CLOSE), period=1) # ma2 = ti.sma(np.array(CLOSE), period=2) # print(ti.crossover(ma1, ma2)) for row in OHLC[::-1]: # print(row['close']) CLOSE.insert(0, row['close']) if len(CLOSE) < 50: continue ma1 = ti.sma(np.array(CLOSE), period=10) ma2 = ti.sma(np.array(CLOSE), period=20) # print(ti.crossover(ma1, ma2)) is_close_position(row) if POSITION['price'] > 0: continue if ti.crossover(ma1, ma2)[0]: POSITION['price'] = row['close'] POSITION['side'] = 'BUY' POSITION['date'] = row['date'] elif ti.crossover(ma2, ma1)[0]: POSITION['price'] = row['close'] POSITION['side'] = 'SELL' POSITION['date'] = row['date'] # print(TRADES)