def centroid(geojson, properties: dict = None) -> Feature:
    Takes one or more features and calculates the centroid using the mean of all vertices.

    :param geojson: Input features
    :param properties: Properties to be set to the output Feature point
    :return: Feature: Point feature which is the centroid of the given features


    >>> from turfpy.measurement import centroid
    >>> from geojson import Polygon
    >>> polygon = Polygon([((-81, 41), (-88, 36), (-84, 31), (-80, 33), (-77, 39),
    (-81, 41))])
    >>> centroid(polygon)
    x_sum = 0
    y_sum = 0
    length = 0

    def _callback_coord_each(coord, coord_index, feature_index,
                             multi_feature_index, geometry_index):
        nonlocal x_sum, y_sum, length
        x_sum += coord[0]
        y_sum += coord[1]
        length += 1

    coord_each(geojson, _callback_coord_each)
    point = Point((x_sum / length, y_sum / length))
    return Feature(geometry=point, properties=properties if properties else {})
def explode(geojson):
    points = []
    if geojson["type"] == "FeatureCollection":

        def _callback_feature_each(feature, feature_index):
            def _callback_coord_each(
                coord, coord_index, feature_index, multi_feature_index, geometry_index,
                nonlocal points
                point = Point(coord)
                points.append(Feature(geometry=point, properties=feature["properties"]))

            coord_each(feature, _callback_coord_each)

        feature_each(geojson, _callback_feature_each)

        def _callback_coord_each(
            coord, coord_index, feature_index, multi_feature_index, geometry_index,
            nonlocal points, geojson
            point = Point(coord)
            points.append(Feature(geometry=point, properties=geojson["properties"]))

        coord_each(geojson, _callback_coord_each)
    return FeatureCollection(points)
def bbox(geojson):
    This function is used to generate bounding box coordinates for given geojson.

    :param geojson: Geojson object for which bounding box is to be found.
    :return: bounding box for the given Geojson object.

    Example :

    >>> from turfpy.measurement import bbox
    >>> from geojson import Polygon

    >>> p = Polygon([(2.38, 57.322), (23.194, -20.28), (-120.43, 19.15),(2.38, 57.322)])
    >>> bb = bbox(p)
    result = [float("inf"), float("inf"), float("-inf"), float("-inf")]

    def _callback_coord_each(coord, coord_index, feature_index,
                             multi_feature_index, geometry_index):
        nonlocal result
        if result[0] > coord[0]:
            result[0] = coord[0]
        if result[1] > coord[1]:
            result[1] = coord[1]
        if result[2] < coord[0]:
            result[2] = coord[0]
        if result[3] < coord[1]:
            result[3] = coord[1]

    coord_each(geojson, _callback_coord_each)
    return result
        def _callback_feature_each(feature, feature_index):
            def _callback_coord_each(
                coord, coord_index, feature_index, multi_feature_index, geometry_index,
                nonlocal points
                point = Point(coord)
                points.append(Feature(geometry=point, properties=feature["properties"]))

            coord_each(feature, _callback_coord_each)
def transform_rotate(
    feature: Union[List[Feature], FeatureCollection],
    angle: float,
    pivot: list = None,
    mutate: bool = False,
    Rotates any geojson Feature or Geometry of a specified angle,
    around its centroid or a given pivot
    point; all rotations follow the right-hand rule.

    :param feature: Geojson to be rotated.
    :param angle: angle of rotation (along the vertical axis),
        from North in decimal degrees, negative clockwise
    :param pivot: point around which the rotation will be performed
    :param mutate: allows GeoJSON input to be mutated
        (significant performance increase if True)
    :return: the rotated GeoJSON

    Example :-

    >>> from turfpy.transformation import transform_rotate
    >>> from geojson import Polygon, Feature
    >>> f = Feature(geometry=Polygon([[[0,29],[3.5,29],[2.5,32],[0,29]]]))
    >>> pivot = [0, 25]
    >>> transform_rotate(f, 10, pivot)
    if not feature:
        raise Exception("geojson is required")

    if angle == 0:
        return feature

    if not pivot:
        pivot = centroid(feature)["geometry"]["coordinates"]

    if not mutate:
        feature = copy.deepcopy(feature)

    def _callback_coord_each(
        coord, coord_index, feature_index, multi_feature_index, geometry_index
        nonlocal pivot, angle
        initial_angle = rhumb_bearing(GeoPoint(pivot), GeoPoint(coord))
        final_angle = initial_angle + angle
        distance = rhumb_distance(GeoPoint(pivot), GeoPoint(coord))
        new_coords = get_coord(rhumb_destination(GeoPoint(pivot), distance, final_angle))
        coord[0] = new_coords[0]
        coord[1] = new_coords[1]

    coord_each(feature, _callback_coord_each)

    return feature
def scale(feature, factor, origin):
    is_point = get_type(feature) == "Point"
    origin = define_origin(feature, origin)

    if factor == 1 or is_point:
        return feature

    def _callback_coord_each(
        coord, coord_index, feature_index, multi_feature_index, geometry_index
        nonlocal factor, origin
        original_distance = rhumb_distance(GeoPoint(origin), GeoPoint(coord))
        bearing = rhumb_bearing(GeoPoint(origin), GeoPoint(coord))
        new_distance = original_distance * factor
        new_coord = get_coord(rhumb_destination(GeoPoint(origin), new_distance, bearing))
        coord[0] = new_coord[0]
        coord[1] = new_coord[1]
        if len(coord) == 3:
            coord[2] = coord[2] * factor

    coord_each(feature, _callback_coord_each)

    return feature
def transform_translate(
    feature: Union[List[Feature], FeatureCollection],
    distance: float,
    direction: float,
    units: str = "km",
    z_translation: float = 0,
    mutate: bool = False,
    Moves any geojson Feature or Geometry
    of a specified distance along a
    Rhumb Line on the provided direction angle.

    :param feature: Geojson data that is to be translated
    :param distance: length of the motion;
        negative values determine motion in opposite direction
    :param direction: of the motion; angle
        from North in decimal degrees, positive clockwise
    :param units: units for the distance and z_translation
    :param z_translation: length of the vertical motion, same unit of distance
    :param mutate: allows GeoJSON input to be mutated
        (significant performance increase if true)
    :return: the translated GeoJSON

    Example :-

    >>> from turfpy.transformation import transform_translate
    >>> from geojson import Polygon, Feature
    >>> f = Feature(geometry=Polygon([[[0,29],[3.5,29],[2.5,32],[0,29]]]))
    >>> transform_translate(f, 100, 35, mutate=True)
    if not feature:
        raise Exception("geojson is required")

    if not distance:
        raise Exception("distance is required")

    if distance == 0 and z_translation == 0:
        return feature

    if not direction:
        raise Exception("direction is required")

    if distance < 0:
        distance = -distance
        direction = direction + 180

    if not mutate:
        feature = copy.deepcopy(feature)

    def _callback_coord_each(
        coord, coord_index, feature_index, multi_feature_index, geometry_index
        nonlocal distance, direction, units, z_translation
        new_coords = get_coord(
            rhumb_destination(GeoPoint(coord), distance, direction, {units: units})
        coord[0] = new_coords[0]
        coord[1] = new_coords[1]
        if z_translation and len(coord) == 3:
            coord[2] += z_translation

    coord_each(feature, _callback_coord_each)

    return feature
文件: misc.py 项目: omanges/turfpy
def sector(center: Feature,
           radius: int,
           bearing1: int,
           bearing2: int,
           options: dict = {}) -> Feature:
    Creates a circular sector of a circle of given radius and center Point ,
    between (clockwise) bearing1 and bearing2; 0
    bearing is North of center point, positive clockwise.

    :param center: A `Point` object representing center point of circle.
    :param radius: An int representing radius of the circle.
    :param bearing1: Angle, in decimal degrees, of the first radius of the arc.
    :param bearing2: Angle, in decimal degrees, of the second radius of the arc.
    :param options: A dict representing additional properties, which can be `steps`
        which has default values as 64, `units` which has default values of `km`,
        and `properties` which will be added to resulting Feature as properties.
    :return: A polygon feature object.


    >>> from turfpy.misc import sector
    >>> from geojson import Feature, Point
    >>> center = Feature(geometry=Point((-75, 40)))
    >>> radius = 5
    >>> bearing1 = 25
    >>> bearing2 = 45
    >>> sector(center, radius, bearing1, bearing2)
    if not options:
        options = {}
    steps = int(options["steps"]) if options.get("steps") else 64
    units = str(options.get("units")) if options.get("units") else "km"

    properties = options.get("properties") if options.get("properties") else {}

    if not center:
        raise Exception("center if required")

    if center.get("type") != "Feature":
        raise Exception("Invalid Feature value for center parameter")

    if not radius:
        raise Exception("Radius is required")

    if not bearing1:
        raise Exception("bearing1 is required")

    if not bearing2:
        raise Exception("bearing2 is required")

    if convert_angle_to_360(bearing1) == convert_angle_to_360(bearing2):
        return circle(center, radius, steps, units)

    coords = get_coords(center)

    arc = line_arc(center, radius, bearing1, bearing2, options)

    sliceCoords = [[coords]]

    def _callback_coord_each(
        nonlocal sliceCoords

    coord_each(arc, _callback_coord_each)


    return Feature(geometry=Polygon(sliceCoords), properties=properties)