assignments=reps, input=inp, title="Compare things to see which is most similar", description="Compare things and say which is more similar", reward=payment, duration=900, autoapproval=259200, approvalrate=95, height=height, keywords="image, similarity", numapproved=48, comment=comment) tools.my_write(turk.log_root+"/"+label+".out_file_loc",sys.argv[3]) shutil.copy(sys.argv[2],turk.log_root+"/"+label+".trips") shutil.copy(sys.argv[1],turk.log_root+"/"+label+".config2") print "**** The ID of this batch is ",label print "Waiting 2 minutes" time.sleep(120) #label=None turk.check_til_done(label,sys.argv[3],trips) #outfile print "DONE, BYE!"
if "\\" in label or "." in label or "/" in label: label = label.replace("/", "\\") count = 0 fname = "" for filename in glob.glob(turk.log_root + "/*.out_file_loc"): if tools.my_read(filename).strip().replace("/", "\\") == label: fname = filename count += 1 if count > 1: print "Found more than one .out_file_loc file pointing to", label print "Exiting..." exit(0) if count == 0: print "Couldn't find any .out_file_loc file pointing to", label print "Maybe try absolute path" exit(0) label = fname[fname.rindex("\\") + 1:-13] print label trips = tools.remove_comments( tools.my_read(turk.log_root + "/" + label + ".trips").strip().split("\n")) trips = [i.split() for i in trips] trips = [(int(a), int(b), int(c)) for (a, b, c) in trips] #label=None turk.check_til_done( label, tools.my_read(turk.log_root + "/" + label + ".out_file_loc").strip(), trips)
print "Creating " + str(len(t)) + " hits..." label, t = turk.load_external_hit( url="" + inst_shortcut, assignments=1, input=inp, title="Compare things to see which is most similar", description="Compare things and say which is more similar", reward=payment, duration=900, autoapproval=259200, approvalrate=95, height=height, keywords="image, similarity", numapproved=48, comment=comment) tools.my_write(turk.log_root + + "/" + label + ".out_file_loc", sys.argv[3]) shutil.copy(sys.argv[2], turk.log_root + + "/" + label + ".trips") shutil.copy(sys.argv[1], turk.log_root + + "/" + label + ".config2") print "**** The ID of this batch is ", label print "Waiting 2 minutes" time.sleep(120) #label=None turk.check_til_done(label, sys.argv[3], trips) #outfile
if "\\" in label or "." in label or "/" in label: label=label.replace("/","\\") count = 0 fname = "" for filename in glob.glob(turk.log_root+"/*.out_file_loc"): if tools.my_read(filename).strip().replace("/","\\")==label: fname = filename count += 1 if count>1: print "Found more than one .out_file_loc file pointing to",label print "Exiting..." exit(0) if count==0: print "Couldn't find any .out_file_loc file pointing to",label print "Maybe try absolute path" exit(0) label = fname[fname.rindex("\\")+1:-13] print label trips = tools.remove_comments(tools.my_read(turk.log_root+"/"+label+".trips").strip().split("\n")) trips = [i.split() for i in trips] trips = [(int(a),int(b),int(c)) for (a,b,c) in trips] #label=None turk.check_til_done(label,tools.my_read(turk.log_root+"/"+label+".out_file_loc").strip(),trips)