def dW_orbit_track(W0, Ep, Emw, fmw, t0, tstop, Wlim):
    """Returns last obs, list of obs after each orbit"""
    track = pd.DataFrame()
    # fist orbit
    n = 0
    ti = t0
    Wi = np.NaN
    Wf = W0
    tt = tab.tt_up(Wf, Ep)
    tf = t0 + tt
    obs = {'n': n, 'ti': ti, 'Wi': Wi, 'tf': tf, 'Wf': Wf}
    track = track.append(obs, ignore_index=True)
    # MW exchange and orbit
    while tf <= tstop and Wf > Wlim:
        # new conditions
        n = n + 1
        ti = tf
        Wi = Wf
        phi = np.random.random() * 2 * np.pi  # random phase
        Wf = Wi + dWs(phi, Emw, fmw)  # new energy
        # orbit
        # tt = tab.tt_up(Wf, Ep)
        Wint = int(Wf * 1e8)
        if (Wint <= 15198) and (Wint >= -9119):
            tt = lut_up_f[Wint]
        elif Wint < -9119:  # below Wlim
            tt = np.NaN
        elif Wint > 15198:  # max of lut
            tt = tab.tt_up(Wf, Ep)
        tf = ti + 2 * tt
        obs = {'n': n, 'ti': ti, 'Wi': Wi, 'tf': tf, 'Wf': Wf}
        track = track.append(obs, ignore_index=True)
    return obs, track
def lookup_tt_f(W, Ep):
    Wint = int(W * 1e8)
    if (Wint <= 15198) and (Wint >= -9119):
        tt = lut_up_f[Wint]
    elif Wint < -9119:  # below Wlim
        tt = np.NaN
    elif Wint > 15198:  # max of lut
        tt = tab.tt_up(W, Ep)
    return tt
def lookup_tt_f(W, Ep, dup, lut_up_f, lut_down_f):
    """For before 20ns, turning time from lut_up/down_f."""
    Wint = int(W*1e8)
    if (Wint <= 15198) and (Wint >= -9119) and dup:
        tt = lut_up_f[Wint]
    elif (Wint <= 15198) and (Wint >= -9119) and not dup:
        tt = lut_down_f[Wint]
    elif Wint < -9119:  # below Wlim
        tt = math.nan
    elif (Wint > 15198) and dup:  # max of lut
        tt = tab.tt_up(W, Ep)
    elif (Wint > 15198) and not dup:
        tt = tab.tt_down(W, Ep)
    return tt
def catch_at_20ns(W, y, ti, dup):
    """When field turns off, how long does e- take to return to the core.

    If r is NaN, then previous steps exited because W < Wlim, tf = NaN.
    Otherwise, determine if e- is outgoing or returning. If returning,
    tf is the time it takes to get from zi to r (trf). If outgoing, if W >= 0
    then never returns and tf = NaN. If W < 0, then e- returns at
    ti + tt + (tt - trf) = ti + 2*tt - trf

    non-keyword arguments:
    W -- float: e- energy (a.u.)
    y -- [float, float]: [radius, velocity] e- initial state (a.u.)
    ti -- float: starting time (a.u.), should be 20 ns
    dup -- Bool: True/False means up/down hill e-

    returns: tf -- float: time (a.u.) when e- returns to the core.
    [r, v] = y  # unpack
    if math.isnan(r):  # exited because W < Wfinal
        t = math.nan  # indicate this is the final energy
        zi = math.copysign(6, r)  # get zi on the correct side.
        # how long does it take to get from core to current position
        if dup is True:
            trf = quad(tab.intg_up, zi, r, args=(W, 0))[0]
            trf = quad(tab.intg_down, zi, r, args=(W, 0))[0]
        # returning or not returning?
        if (r > 0) != (v > 0):  # r and v different signs, e- returning
            t = trf
        elif (r > 0) == (v > 0):  # r and v same signs, e- outgoing
            # Leaving, or up/downhill turning time?
            if W >= 0:  # e- never returns
                t = math.nan
            elif dup is True:
                tt = tab.tt_up(W, 0)  # turning time in zero field
                t = 2*tt - trf  # has to turn, and then come back to r
            elif dup is False:
                tt = tab.tt_down(W, 0)  # turning time in zero field
                t = 2*tt - trf  # has to turn, and then come back to r
                print("catch_at_20ns() A: Something went wrong.")
            print("catch_at_20ns() B: Something went wrong.")
    return t + ti  # start time plus elapsed time
def catch_at_20ns(W, y, ti):
    """When field turns off, how long does e- take to return to the core.

    If r is NaN, then previous steps exited because W < Wlim, tf = NaN.
    Otherwise, determine if e- is outgoing or returning. If returning,
    tf is the time it takes to get from zi to r (trf). If outgoing, if W >= 0
    then never returns and tf = NaN. If W < 0, then e- returns at
    ti + tt + (tt - trf) = ti + 2*tt - trf

    non-keyword arguments:
    W -- float: e- energy (a.u.)
    y -- array: [radius, velocity] e- initial state (a.u.)
    ti -- starting time (a.u.), should be 20 ns

    returns: tf -- float: time (a.u.) when e- returns to the core.
    [r, v] = y  # unpack
    if np.isnan(r):  # exited because W < Wfinal
        t = np.NaN  # indicate this is the final energy
        zi = math.copysign(6, r)  # get zi on the correct side.
        # how long does it take to get from core to current position
        trf = quad(tab.intg_up, zi, r, args=(W, 0))[0]
        if (r > 0) != (v > 0):  # r and v different signs, e- returning
            t = trf
        elif (r > 0) == (v > 0):  # r and v same signs, e- outgoing
            if W >= 0:  # e- never returns
                t = np.NaN
                tt = tab.tt_up(W, 0)  # turning time in zero field
                t = 2 * tt - trf  # has to turn, and then come back to r
    # au = atomic_units()
    # rstring = ("catch():\n" +
    #            "W = {0} GHz\t" + "ti = {3} ns\n" +
    #            "r = {1} a.u.\t" + "v = {2} a.u.\n" +
    #            "trf = {4} ns\t" + "t = {5} ns\t" + "tf = {6} ns")
    # rstring = rstring.format(
    #         W/au['GHz'], r, v, ti/au['ns'], trf/au['ns'], t/au['ns'],
    #         (t + ti)/au['ns'])
    # print(rstring)
    return t + ti  # start time plus elapsed time
def dW_orbit_Epoff_track(W0, Emw, fmw, t0, tstop, Wlim, tring):
    """Returns last obs, list of obs after each orbit"""
    # set up start
    n = 0
    ti = np.NaN
    Wi = np.NaN
    tf = t0
    Wf = W0
    obs = {'n': n, 'ti': ti, 'Wi': Wi, 'tf': tf, 'Wf': Wf}
    track = pd.DataFrame(obs, index=[0])
    while tf <= tstop and Wf > Wlim:
        # new conditions
        n = n + 1
        ti = tf
        Wi = Wf
        phi = np.random.random() * 2 * np.pi  # random phase
        Emw_t = Emw * math.exp(-ti / tring)  # ringing down
        Wf = Wi + dWs(phi, Emw_t, fmw)  # new energy
        # orbit
        tt = tab.tt_up(Wf, 0)  # field is turned off
        tf = ti + 2 * tt
        obs = {'n': n, 'ti': ti, 'Wi': Wi, 'tf': tf, 'Wf': Wf}
        track = track.append(obs, ignore_index=True)
    return obs, track