def main(): turtle.left(90) turtle.up() turtle.backward(120) turtle.down() drawTree(60) turtle.exitonclick()
def turtle_init(): turtle.up() turtle.speed(0) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(350) turtle.down()
def basaDon(): turtle.penup() turtle.backward(200) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.pendown()
def backward(seconds): turtle.backward(seconds * 100) motor_on(LEFT_BACKWARD) motor_on(RIGHT_BACKWARD) sleep(seconds) motor_off(LEFT_BACKWARD) motor_off(RIGHT_BACKWARD)
def tscheme_backward(n): """Move the turtle backward a distance N units on the current heading, without changing direction.""" _check_nums(n) _tscheme_prep() turtle.backward(n) return okay
def house(length): """ Draw a nice house where the base is length long and put the turtle back to its original position at the end. """ inside = SQRT2 * length roof = inside / 2. turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(length) # roof turtle.left(45) turtle.forward(roof) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(roof) turtle.left(45) # interior turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(135) turtle.forward(inside) turtle.left(135) turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(135) turtle.forward(inside) # back into position turtle.left(45) turtle.backward(length)
def y_tree(length = 200): """ This function receives a length and draws a tree according to the length in an angle 60 between the branches always reducing the next length by 0.6. The drawing ends when the length is smaller than 10 :param length: The length of the branch to draw, default 200 :return: None """ ANGLE_BETWEEN_BRANCHES = 60 LENGTH_REDUCTION = 0.6 MIN_LENGTH = 10 if length <= MIN_LENGTH: return else: turtle.forward(length) # draws the branch turtle.left(ANGLE_BETWEEN_BRANCHES / 2) y_tree(LENGTH_REDUCTION * length) # draws the left branch turtle.right(ANGLE_BETWEEN_BRANCHES) y_tree(LENGTH_REDUCTION * length) # draws the right branch turtle.left(ANGLE_BETWEEN_BRANCHES / 2) turtle.backward(length) # returns back to draw next
def draw_tree(depth, height, branches, leafs, angle): """ Draws the tree using recursion :pre: pos(0,0), heading east, up :post: pos(0,0), heading east, up :param depth: number of layers of sub branches (recursion depth) :param height: height of tree :param branches: number of branches :param leafs: number of leafs :param angle: angle between branches :return: None """ if depth == 0: leafs = random.randint(0, leafs) draw_leaf(leafs) t.down() pass else: t.color('brown') t.forward(height) for i in range(1, branches+1): t.left(90 - i * angle) #random branches branches = random.randint(branches-1,branches+5) draw_tree(depth - 1, height * HEIGHT_FACTOR, branches, leafs, angle) t.right(90 - i * angle) #random angle angle = random.randint(angle-1, angle+1) if depth == 1: break t.color('brown') t.backward(height)
def drawTree(tree, angle, length, width): turtle.width(width) if tree[0] == "ancestor": # left branch turtle.left(angle) turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(angle) drawTree(tree[1], angle - 0.2 * angle, length - 0.2 * length, width - 0.3 * width) turtle.width(width) turtle.left(angle) turtle.backward(length) turtle.right(angle) # right branch turtle.right(angle) turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(angle) drawTree(tree[2], angle - 0.2 * angle, length - 0.2 * length, width - 0.3 * width) turtle.width(width) turtle.right(angle) turtle.backward(length) turtle.left(angle) else: # draw the ending node turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.write(tree[0], font=("Monospace", 14, "bold")) turtle.pencolor("black")
def draw_tree(length=200): """ A recursive function that uses the turtle external library to draw a binary tree in the size of the user input (or default: 200). The flow of the function that it first draw a straight line, the right side branches and then left side branches. """ # length is number of pixel deg = 30 # degrees of each branch (left, right) if not length < 10: # Base is when the length is lower then 10, # otherwise, continue with the iteration. turtle.forward(length) # Draw straight line forward size length turtle.right(deg) # Turn right 30 degrees draw_tree(length*0.6) # Call the recursion to draw the right # side branches turtle.left(deg*2) # Then turn left (30 degrees center, # 30 degrees more to the left) draw_tree(length*0.6) # Draw inner left side branches turtle.right(deg) # Turn to center turtle.backward(length) # Go backwards length size
def tscm_backward(n): """Move the turtle backward a distance N units on the current heading, without changing direction.""" _check_nums(n) _tscm_prep() turtle.backward(n.num_val) return UNSPEC
def pythagoras_tree(size, n): turtle.begin_fill() for _ in range(4): turtle.forward(size) turtle.left(90) turtle.end_fill() if n > 0: roof = .5 * math.sqrt(2) * size turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(size) turtle.right(45) pythagoras_tree(roof, n - 1) turtle.forward(roof) turtle.right(90) pythagoras_tree(roof, n - 1) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(roof) turtle.left(45) turtle.backward(size) turtle.right(90)
def plot_a_face(angle, pencolor, fillcolors, dimension): t.down() def plot_a_row(angle, pencolor, fillcolors,dimension): for i in range(len(fillcolors)): t.color(pencolor, fillcolors[i]) t.begin_fill() t.forward(50*3/dimension) t.right(angle) t.forward(50*3/dimension) t.right(180 - angle) t.forward(50*3/dimension) t.right(angle) t.forward(50*3/dimension) t.right(180 - angle) t.end_fill() t.forward(50*3/dimension) n = int(len(fillcolors)/dimension) for i in range(n): plot_a_row(angle,pencolor,fillcolors[dimension*i:dimension*(i+1)],dimension) t.up() t.backward(150) t.right(angle) t.forward(50*3/dimension) t.left(angle) t.down()
def player1_symbol(jogada): if jogada == 1: go_to(-200,200,45) elif jogada==2: go_to(0,200,45) elif jogada==3: go_to(200,200,45) elif jogada==4: go_to(-200,0,45) elif jogada==5: go_to(0,0,45) elif jogada==6: go_to(200,0,45) elif jogada==7: go_to(-200,-200,45) elif jogada==8: go_to(0,-200,45) elif jogada==9: go_to(200,-200,45) turtle.pencolor('green') for i in range(4): turtle.forward(75) turtle.backward(75) turtle.right(90)
def draw_arrow(): '''Draw an arrow toward the turtle's current heading, then return to position and heading.''' arrow_length = 7 # pixels arrow_width = 10 # pixels arrow_end = tt.position() old_heading = tt.heading() # move to back end of upper line tt.penup() tt.backward(arrow_length) tt.left(90) tt.forward(arrow_width) # draw upper line tt.pendown() tt.setposition(arrow_end) tt.setheading(old_heading) # move to back end of lower line tt.penup() tt.backward(arrow_length) tt.right(90) tt.forward(arrow_width) # draw lower line tt.pendown() tt.setposition(arrow_end) tt.setheading(old_heading) tt.penup()
def pezzo(color, colors = colors, unit = unit, alfa = alfa, depth = depth): turtle.pencolor(colors[color]) turtle.fillcolor(color) turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(2): turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(unit) for i in range(2): turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(depth) turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(unit) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(unit) turtle.right(90) for i in range(2): turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(alfa) turtle.forward(depth) turtle.left(180-alfa) turtle.end_fill() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(unit) turtle.left(90)
def render(tree, length, width): "Draws a given phylogenetic tree constrained by dimensions of" "length and width." root = tree[0] leftTree = tree[1] rightTree = tree[2] if leftTree == (): turtle.write(root , font=("Arial", 20, "normal")) return else: turtle.write(root, font=("Arial", 20, "normal")) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(width) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(length) render(leftTree, 0.5*length, 0.5*width) turtle.back(length) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(2*width) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(length) render(rightTree, 0.5*length, 0.5*width) turtle.back(length) turtle.right(90) turtle.back(width) turtle.left(90) return
def test_same_function_names_work(self): # draw some things using the english commands in tortuga tortuga.forward(50) tortuga.left(90) tortuga.forward(50) tortuga.right(45) tortuga.backward(50) tortuga.left(45) tortuga.pensize(5) for c in (english_colors): tortuga.color(c) tortuga.forward(10) # now draw the same things using turtle turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.right(45) turtle.backward(50) turtle.left(45) turtle.pensize(5) for c in (english_colors): turtle.color(c) turtle.forward(10) # and make sure they both resulted in the same output self.assert_same()
def test_equivalent_spanish_names_work(self): # draw some things using the english commands in tortuga tortuga.adelante(50) tortuga.izquierda(90) tortuga.adelante(50) tortuga.derecho(45) tortuga.atras(50) tortuga.izquierda(45) tortuga.tamano_lapiz(5) for c in (english_colors): tortuga.color(c) tortuga.adelante(10) for c in (spanish_colors): tortuga.color(c) tortuga.adelante(10) # now draw the same things using turtle turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.right(45) turtle.backward(50) turtle.left(45) turtle.pensize(5) for c in (english_colors): turtle.color(c) turtle.forward(10) for c in (english_colors): turtle.color(c) turtle.forward(10) # and make sure they both resulted in the same output self.assert_same()
def serpinski_draw(length, depth): t.forward(length) print("forward {}".format(length)) serpinski(length/2, depth-1) t.backward(length) print("backward {}".format(length)) t.left(120) print("left 120")
def tree(trunkLength,height): turtle.speed(1) turtle.reset() turtle.left(90) turtle.pu() turtle.backward(200) turtle.pd() grow(trunkLength,height)
def backward(quantity): """Turtle animation function. Moves the turtle backwards by the amount of the passed quantity (converted from a string to a floating-point value). """ convertedQuantity = convertfloat(quantity) turtle.backward(convertedQuantity)
def drawArrows(): turtle.pendown() turtle.right(135) turtle.forward(5) turtle.backward(5) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(5) turtle.penup()
def draw_A(): turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.backward(55) turtle.right(120) turtle.forward(45)
def axis(): turtle.backward(400) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(90) turtle.left(180) turtle.forward(180) turtle.left(180) turtle.forward(90)
def on_backward(): val = t.textinput('Backward', "How much: ") if val: try: val = int(val) t.backward(val) except ValueError: messagebox.showinfo('Error', 'Wrong value') t.listen()
def drawSprite(turtle, legs, legLength): angle = 360/legs for leg in range(legs): turtle.forward(legLength) stampTriangle(turtle) turtle.penup() turtle.backward(legLength) turtle.left(angle) turtle.pendown()
def drawTree(length): if length > 10: turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(30) drawTree(length - 10) turtle.left(60) drawTree(length - 10) turtle.right(30) turtle.backward(length)
def drawtree(turtle,distance): if distance>5: turtle.forward(distance) turtle.right(20) drawtree(turtle,distance-15) turtle.left(40) drawtree(turtle,distance-10) turtle.right(20) turtle.backward(distance)
def star(longestTrunk): starLocAdjust(longestTrunk) turtle.pencolor("purple") for i in range(0,8): turtle.forward(10) turtle.backward(10) turtle.right(45) turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.hideturtle()
def draw_single_tree(ygr_code): turtle.forward(4) tree.draw_tree(6, 50, 1, ygr_code) turtle.backward(4) grass.draw_grass_patch(100, 9, 2, ygr_code)
import turtle as t print("Inserire una sequenza contenete solo le lettere f, b, r, l") sequenza = input() t.color("red", "red") t.speed(1) distanza = 50 k = 0 for k in range(len(sequenza)): if (sequenza[k] == "f"): t.forward(distanza) elif (sequenza[k] == "b"): t.backward(distanza) elif (sequenza[k] == "r"): t.right(90) elif (sequenza[k] == "l"): t.left(90) else: print("La sequenza contiene una lettera non supportata") t.done()
def curve5(): for i in range(100): t.right(0.8) t.backward(1)
def mainLoop(): # draw hanger global state state = 'drawing' turtle.penup() turtle.pensize(4) turtle.setposition(-50, 100) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(100) turtle.backward(50) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(220) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(20) turtle.left(90) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-300, -100) # alphabetic characters top_line = ['Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P'] mid_line = ['A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L'] btm_line = ['Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M'] # top line for i in range(10): turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fillcolor('light blue') turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-290 + 50 * i, -130) turtle.pendown() turtle.write(top_line[i], font=("Arial", 14, "bold")) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-300 + 50 * i, -100) turtle.pendown() turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() turtle.forward(50) # mid line turtle.setposition(-280, -165) for i in range(9): turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fillcolor('light green') turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-270 + 50 * i, -195) turtle.pendown() turtle.write(mid_line[i], font=("Arial", 14, "bold")) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-280 + 50 * i, -165) turtle.pendown() turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() turtle.forward(50) # bottom line turtle.setposition(-260, -230) for i in range(7): turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fillcolor('light blue') turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-250 + 50 * i, -260) turtle.pendown() turtle.write(btm_line[i], font=("Arial", 14, "bold")) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-260 + 50 * i, -230) turtle.pendown() turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() turtle.forward(50) # button press-call state = 'running' turtle.onscreenclick(btnClk, 1) turtle.listen()
turtle.left(55) turtle.forward(10) #mouth turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-15, -35) turtle.pd() turtle.left(55) turtle.forward(20) #turtle.backward(8) turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-15, -35) turtle.pd() turtle.forward(40) turtle.backward(20) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(10), 180) turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(4) turtle.left(90) turtle.pu() turtle.forward(2) turtle.pd() turtle.forward(7) turtle.pu() turtle.home() print(turtle.position())
def backward(self,distance): super(TurtleGui,self).backward(distance) std_turtle.backward(distance)
def Letter_L(): turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.backward(100) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(30)
def star(side): t.pendown() for i in range(5): #Draws pentagram t.forward(side) t.right(144) t.penup() #t.penup() wn = t.Screen() wn.bgcolor("Hot Pink") t = t.Turtle() t.penup() t.hideturtle() t.backward(175) # Position t at a convenient spot. t.left(90) t.forward(60) t.right(90) for a in range(5): star(100) t.forward(350) t.right(144) #star(100) wn.mainloop()
import turtle turtle.shape('turtle') for i in range(12): turtle.forward(100) turtle.stamp() turtle.backward(100) turtle.left(-30)
rows = eval(input("Enter the number of rows: ")) line = 1 n = 1 while line <= rows: print(" " * (rows - line) + type * (line * 2 - 1) + " " * (rows - line)) line += 1 while line > 2*rows: # line의 마지막을 정해서 무한 루프 없애기 if n <= rows: print(" " * (line - rows) + type * ((line - 2 * n) * 2 - 1) + " " * (line - rows)) line += 1 n += 1 #lab 4-5 #점점 작아지는 사각형 그림그리기 import turtle x = -100 y = 100 while x < 0 and y > 0 : turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pendown() for side in range(4): turtle.backward(2 * x) turtle.right(90) x += 10 y -= 10 continue turtle.hideturtle() turtle.done()
import turtle as t t.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.forward(100) t.right(45) t.forward(50) t.backward(200) t.color("red") t.color("blue") t.turtlesize(40, 40) t.turtlesize(5, 5) t.turtlesize(15, 30) t.turtlesize(1, 1) t.clear(), "red") t.forward(100), "red"), "green")
turtle.pencolor("purple") turtle.seth(-40), 80) turtle.pencolor("red"), 80) turtle.pencolor("blue"), 80) turtle.pencolor("orange"), 80) turtle.pencolor("green"), 80) turtle.pencolor("yellow"), 80) turtle.pencolor("pink"), 180) turtle.pencolor("black"), 180) turtle.fd(40) turtle.backward(6) turtle.pencolor("white") turtle.pensize(2), 360), 360) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(20) turtle.pendown() turtle.pencolor("red"), 50) turtle.backward(10), 50)
# (Turtle: draw shapes) Write a program that draws a triangle, square, pentagon, # hexagon, and octagon, as shown in Figure 3.6b. Note that the bottom edges of # these shapes are parallel to the x-axis. (Hint: For a triangle with a bottom line # parallel to the x-axis, set the turtle’s heading to 60 degrees.) import turtle turtle.penup() turtle.backward(150) # triangle turtle.pendown() turtle.left(60) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color("red"), steps=3) turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() turtle.setheading(0) turtle.forward(130) # square turtle.pendown() turtle.left(45) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color("green"), steps=4) turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup()
def drawSprite(turtle, legs, length): angle = (360 / legs) for i in range (legs): turtle.forward(length) turtle.backward(length) turtle.right(angle)
# (Turtle: draw the Olympic symbol ) Write a program that prompts the user to # enter the radius of the rings and draws an Olympic symbol of five rings of the # same size with the colors blue, black, red, yellow, and green, as shown in # Figure 3.5c. import turtle as t r = eval(input("Enetr radius: ")) t.speed(10) x = t.xcor() t.penup() t.backward(200) t.pendown() t.pensize(15) t.color("blue") t.penup() t.forward(x + r * 2.5) t.pendown() t.color("black") t.penup() t.forward(x + r * 2.5) t.pendown() t.color("red")
import turtle turtle.shape("turtle") turtle.bgcolor("lightcyan") turtle.pensize(2) turtle.shapesize(1) turtle.speed(2) turtle.forward(100) turtle.color("limegreen") turtle.right(75) turtle.backward(85) turtle.left(73) turtle.color("red") turtle.right(100) turtle.forward(600) turtle.backward(600) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(300) turtle.backward(300) turtle.right(100) turtle.forward(300) turtle.backward(300) turtle.left(67) turtle.forward(600) turtle.backward(600) turtle.penup() turtle.backward(75) turtle.pendown()
turtle.speed(0) turtle.pensize(1.5) #zelva kresli celou sit smerem dolů... Aby mela dostatek prostoru a co nejvice ho vyuzila, tak ji #na zacatku posunu o 350 pixelu nahoru. Pak se zda byt tak akorat. Testovano na 4K a FullHD monitorech, # pri roztazeni okna s zelvi grafikou na celou obrazovku s mercatorem, meritkem 1: 50 000 000 a r = 6371.11. # pri tomto nastaveni se cela sit krasne vejde na monitor. penup() left(90) forward(350) left(180) pendown() #nakreslí nultý poledník alias greenwich forward(pol_delka) backward(pol_delka) right(90) turtle.pensize(1) ### funkce na kresleni poledniku i rovnobezek. Je rozdelena na dve casti, pouzije se podle toho ktera polokoule se zrovna kresli ## vstupem je vzdalenost od pocatecni cary (rovnik nebo greenwich), delka poledniku nebo rovnobezky a cislo charakterizujici polokouli def jedna_cara(vzdalenost, delka, polokoule): if polokoule == 0: penup() forward(vzdalenost) left(90) pendown() forward(delka) backward(delka) left(90)
import turtle i = 0 j = 0 for j in range(10): for i in range(4): turtle.forward(j * 10) turtle.left(90) turtle.penup() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(5) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(5) turtle.pendown()
def spider(corner_legs): turtle.forward(90) turtle.stamp() turtle.backward(90) turtle.left(-corner_legs)
def backward(): turtle.backward(move_speed)
def draw_alphabets(): ## ---> Make “ABCDE” scale = 10 print(turtle.pos()) turtle.penup() turtle.setpos((-180.0, 0.0)) ## Letter A turtle.pendown() # Point upwards to begin turtle.left(turtle.heading() + 90) turtle.right(20) turtle.forward(10 * scale) turtle.right(70) turtle.forward(1 * scale) turtle.right(70) turtle.forward(10 * scale) turtle.backward(5 * scale) turtle.right(90 + 20) turtle.forward(4.5 * scale) #Move to right of letter and over 1 * scale turtle.up ( ) turtle.backward(4.5 * scale) turtle.left(110) turtle.forward(5 * scale) turtle.left(70) # Shift position turtle.penup() turtle.forward(2 * scale) turtle.pendown() ## Letter B # Point upwards to begin turtle.left(turtle.heading() + 90) turtle.forward(10 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(4 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(4 * scale) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(1 * scale) turtle.forward(3 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(6 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(6 * scale) # Move to right of letter turtle.up ( ) turtle.right(180) turtle.forward(6 * scale) # Shift position turtle.penup() turtle.forward(2 * scale) turtle.pendown() ## Letter C # Point upwards to begin turtle.left(turtle.heading() + 90) turtle.forward(10 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(4 * scale) turtle.backward(4 * scale) turtle.right(90) ## Start turtle.forward(10 * scale) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(4 * scale) # Shift position turtle.penup() turtle.forward(2 * scale) turtle.pendown() # Letter D turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(4 * scale) turtle.right(30) turtle.forward(1 * scale) turtle.right(60) turtle.forward(8.5 * scale) turtle.right(30) turtle.forward(1.15 * scale) turtle.right(60) turtle.forward(4.4 * scale) turtle.backward(4.4 * scale) turtle.right(180) # Shift position turtle.penup() turtle.forward(2 * scale) turtle.pendown() # Letter E turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(5 * scale) turtle.backward(5 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(5 * scale) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(5 * scale) turtle.backward(5 * scale) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(5 * scale) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(5 * scale) turtle.forward(1 * scale) turtle.penup() print(turtle.pos())
def peeche(): turtle.backward(move_speed)
def curve4(): for i in range(200): t.right(0.8) t.backward(1)
def pra_tras(distancia): '''Mover a tartaruga pra trás pela distância dada''' turtle.backward(distancia)
t.right(0.8) t.forward(1) def curve3(): for i in range(100): t.left(1) t.forward(1) t.penup() t.goto(0, 50) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.fillcolor("#306998") t.backward(80) t.left(90) t.forward(35) curve() t.right(19.5) t.forward(80) curve2() t.right(10) t.forward(50) curve3() t.right(100) t.forward(50) curve() t.right(19.5) t.forward(181) t.left(90)
row = int(input('please, Enter no of row: ')) column = int(input('please, Enter no of column: ')) import turtle turtle.speed(3) turtle.penup() for i in range(column): for j in range(row): turtle.forward(20) turtle.backward(20 * row) if i == column - 1: break turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(20) turtle.left(90) turtle.exitonclick()
def to_center(): turtle.right(360) turtle.backward(50) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(50)
def curve6(): for i in range(100): t.left(1) t.backward(1)
t.down() for x in range(3): t.forward(100) t.left(120) t.up() t.goto(-200,-200) t.down() for x in range(5): t.forward(100) t.left(72) t.up() t.goto(200,-200) t.down() for x in range(5): t.forward(100) t.left(144) t.up() t.goto(0,0) t.down() for x in range(360): t.forward(100) t.left(1) t.backward(100)
# step 1 : Making Track turtle.speed(6) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-140, 140) for step in range(14): if step < 13: turtle.write(step + 1, align='center') else: turtle.write("Finish Line") turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(10) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(150) turtle.penup() turtle.backward(160) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(20) turtle.goto(-190, -50) # step 2 : Making Turtle # for red turtle red = turtle.Turtle() #'red') wrong red.color('red') red.shape('turtle') red.penup() red.goto(-190, 100) red.pendown() red.write("Raju")