def draw_move(turtle, cell_size, offset, domino, dx, dy, move_num, step_count): shade = (move_num-1) * 1.0/step_count rgb = (0, 1-shade, shade) turtle.forward((domino.head.x-offset[0]) * cell_size) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward((domino.head.y-offset[1]) * cell_size) turtle.right(90) turtle.setheading(domino.degrees) turtle.forward(cell_size*.5) turtle.setheading(math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180/math.pi) pen = turtle.pen() turtle.pencolor(rgb) circle_pos = turtle.pos() turtle.width(4) turtle.forward(cell_size*0.05) turtle.down() turtle.forward(cell_size*0.4) turtle.up() turtle.pen(pen) turtle.setpos(circle_pos) turtle.forward(8) turtle.setheading(270) turtle.forward(8) turtle.left(90) turtle.down() turtle.pencolor(rgb) turtle.fillcolor('white') turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill() turtle.pen(pen) turtle.write(move_num, align='center') turtle.up()
def draw_grid(ll,ur): size = ur - ll for gridsize in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 ,200, 500]: lines = (ur-ll)/gridsize # print('gridsize', gridsize, '->', int(lines)+1, 'lines') if lines <= 11: break turtle.color('gray') turtle.width(1) x = ll while x <= ur: if int(x/gridsize)*gridsize == x: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, ll-.25*gridsize) turtle.write(str(x),align="center",font=("Arial",12,"normal")) turtle.goto(x,ll) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(x,ur) # print(x,ll,'to',x,ur) x += 1 y = ll while y <= ur: # horizontal grid lines: if int(y/gridsize)*gridsize == y: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(ll-.1*gridsize, y - .06*gridsize) turtle.write(str(y),align="right",font=("Arial",12,"normal")) turtle.goto(ll,y) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(ur,y) # print(ll,y,'to',ur,y) y += 1
def draw_tree(n, b, l, size): if n < 0: #base-case return elif n == 0: #Draw Leaves turtle.color("green") #Color of leaves turtle.width(1) numberOfLeaves = random.randint(5, 15) #Random number of leaves ranging from 5 to 15 angle = int(270 / numberOfLeaves) #Angle Range between leaves determined by number of leaves for i in range(numberOfLeaves): if (randomB(l)): angle2 = random.randint(0 + (i * angle), 0 + ((i + 1) * angle)) #Angle between different leaves can be different given the Angle Range angle2-=135 turtle.right(angle2) turtle.forward(5) turtle.back(5) turtle.left(angle2) return else: #Draw Tree turtle.color("brown") #Color of Tree turtle.forward(size) b1 = math.floor(5 * b) #Using Bushiness to calculate number of branches: Max branchess are 5 angle = int(270 / b1); #Angle Range between branches determined by Number of Branches for i in range(b1): if randomB(b1): angle2 = random.randint(0 + (i * angle), 0 + ((i + 1) * angle)) #Angle between different branches can be different given the Angle Range angle2-=135 turtle.right(angle2) draw_tree(n - 1, b, l, size * random.uniform(0.4, 0.7)) #Recursion step: size of sub-tree is random turtle.left(angle2) turtle.color("brown") turtle.back(size) return
def drawBoard(): global b #actually draw the board :D turtle.width(5) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-3*b/2.0,b/2.0) turtle.down() turtle.seth(0) turtle.forward(3*b) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-3*b/2.0,-b/2.0) turtle.down() turtle.seth(0) turtle.forward(3*b) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-b/2.0,3*b/2.0) turtle.down() turtle.seth(270) turtle.forward(3*b) turtle.up() turtle.goto(b/2.0,3*b/2.0) turtle.down() turtle.seth(270) turtle.forward(3*b)
def grid(side): sqrt = math.sqrt(squares) #horizontal for i in range(1,squares): if i % sqrt == 0: turtle.width(2) turtle.color("red") move(-side*squares/2., side*squares/2.-i*side) turtle.fd(side*squares) turtle.width(1) turtle.color("black") #vertical turtle.setheading(-90) for i in range(1,squares): if i % sqrt == 0: turtle.width(2) turtle.color("red") move(-side*squares/2.+i*side, side*squares/2.) turtle.fd(side*squares) turtle.width(1) turtle.color("black") #big square move(-side*squares/2., side*squares/2.) turtle.width(3) turtle.setheading(0) turtle.color("blue") for i in range(4): turtle.fd(side*squares) turtle.rt(90)
def grid(side): turtle.color("blue") #horizontal for i in range(1, 5): move(-side*3, side*3-i*side) turtle.fd(6*side) #vertical turtle.setheading(-90) for i in range(1, 6): move(-side*3+i*side, side*3) turtle.fd(5*side) #big square turtle.color("red") turtle.width(2) turtle.setheading(0) move(-side*3, side*3) for i in range(4): if (i % 2 == 0): cena = side * 6 else: cena = side * 5 turtle.fd(cena) turtle.rt(90)
def drawLine(x,y,rotation,width,length): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.width(width) turtle.setheading(rotation) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(length) return turtle.position()
def draw(self,turtle): turtle.width(self.width) turtle.pencolor(self.color) turtle.forward(self.longside) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(self.shortside) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(self.longside) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(self.shortside)
def drawAxe(padEcart): turtle.color(0.7,0.7,0.7) turtle.width(1) padAngle = math.pi/5 for idx in range(0,5): turtle.up() turtle.goto((math.sin(idx*padAngle)*padEcart*11.0),math.cos(idx*padAngle)*padEcart*11.0) turtle.down() turtle.goto(-math.sin(idx*padAngle)*padEcart*11.0,-math.cos(idx*padAngle)*padEcart*11.0) turtle.down()
def draw(self,turtle): turtle.width(self.width) turtle.pencolor(self.color) turtle.forward(self.length) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(self.length) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(self.length) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(self.length) turtle.right(90)
def polygon(sides, length, colour = "Black", width = 1, speed = 10): turtle.pencolor(colour) turtle.width(width) turtle.speed(speed) turtle.pendown() for vector in range(sides): turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(360 / sides) turtle.penup() turtle.done()
def writing(): turtle.width(1) turtle.color("white") Base((-250,-100)) turtle.setheading(162) turtle.pu() turtle.fd(28) turtle.setheading(180) turtle.fd(10) turtle.write("Raphaella and Danes' ", font=("Calibri", 12, "italic")) turtle.fd(14) turtle.pd() turtle.write(" Apple Tree",font = ("Calibri",12,"bold"))
def tree(n,l): if n==0: return turtle.down() turtle.width(6*float(n)/max_depth) turtle.color(float(n)/max_depth,1-float(n)/max_depth,0.2) turtle.forward(l) turtle.left(20+turn_scalar*n) tree(n-1,l/length_scalar) turtle.right(40+2*turn_scalar*n) tree(n-1,l/length_scalar) turtle.left(20+turn_scalar*n) turtle.up() turtle.backward(l)
def drawBase(size,n,widthh): turtle.width(widthh) widthh+=.5 if n<0: return else: turtle.forward(size) turtle.left(120) for i in range(6): turtle.forward(size) turtle.left(60) turtle.right(120) turtle.back(size) drawBase(.8*size,n-1,widthh) return
def setup(col, x, y, w, s, shape): turtle.up() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.width(w) turtle.turtlesize(s) turtle.color(col) turtle.shape(shape) turtle.down() wn.onkey(up, "Up") wn.onkey(left, "Left") wn.onkey(right, "Right") wn.onkey(back, "Down") wn.onkey(quitTurtles, "Escape") wn.listen() wn.mainloop()
def draw_lines(lines, color='black', width=3, dots=0, visible=False): """draw every line in lines""" turtle.pen(speed=10,shown=False) turtle.color(color) turtle.width(width) for line in lines: ((x0,y0),(x1,y1)) = list(line) turtle.penup() turtle.goto((x0,y0)) turtle.pendown() if dots>0: if visible: # turtle.pen(speed=10,shown=True) turtle.goto((x1,y1)) # turtle.pen(speed=10,shown=False) else: turtle.goto((x1,y1))
def draw_axis(camera, viewer): turtle.width(10) X, Y, Z, O = apply_perspective([(300,0,0),(0,300,0),(0,0,300),(0,0,0)],camera,viewer) turtle.color(1,0,0) turtle.up() turtle.goto(O) turtle.down() turtle.goto(X) turtle.goto(O) turtle.color(0,1,0) turtle.goto(Y) turtle.goto(O) turtle.color(0,0,1) turtle.goto(Z) turtle.goto(O) turtle.color(0,0,0) turtle.width(1)
def setup(x,y): wn.screensize(400,400) #turtle.up() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.pendown() turtle.width(2) turtle.turtlesize(2) turtle.color("green") turtle.shape("yoda.gif") #turtle.down() #time.sleep(1) wn.listen() wn.onkey(home,"t") wn.onkey(up, "Up") wn.onkey(down, "Down") wn.onkey(right, "Right") wn.onkey(left, "Left") wn.onkey(escaper, "Escape")
def basic_actions_parametric (cls): actions = {} actions[Symbol(' ')] = lambda (obj,s) : obj.nop() actions[Symbol('[')] = lambda (obj,s) : obj.push() actions[Symbol(']')] = lambda (obj,s) : obj.pop() actions[Symbol('F')] = lambda (obj,s) : t.forward(s.parameters[0]) actions[Symbol('!')] = lambda (obj,s) : t.width(s.parameters[0]) actions[Symbol('+')] = lambda (obj,s) : t.left(s.parameters[0]) actions[Symbol('-')] = lambda (obj,s) : t.right(s.parameters[0]) return actions
def drawSquare(size,depth,number): walk=0 #Base condition if depth<1: return walk #Recursion to draw squares elif depth>=1: for _ in range(4): #Calculating how much turtle walked and drawing at the same time walk+=drawSquare(size/3,depth-1,number+1) if 0==(number%2): turtle.width(1) if 0!=(number%2): turtle.width(4) turtle.forward(size) walk+=size turtle.left(90) #return distance walked return walk
def sign(): turtle.color("chocolate") turtle.width(5) Base((-250,-200)) turtle.setheading(0) turtle.fd(100) Tip = turtle.pos() turtle.fill(True) for x in range (1,5): turtle.setheading(turtle.heading() + 90) if x % 2 != 0: turtle.fd(150) else: turtle.fd(75) if turtle.heading() == 180: turtle.fd(25) turtle.bk(25) turtle.fillcolor('chocolate') turtle.fill(False) def writing(): turtle.width(1) turtle.color("white") Base((-250,-100)) turtle.setheading(162) turtle.pu() turtle.fd(28) turtle.setheading(180) turtle.fd(10) turtle.write("Raphaella and Danes' ", font=("Calibri", 12, "italic")) turtle.fd(14) turtle.pd() turtle.write(" Apple Tree",font = ("Calibri",12,"bold")) writing() turtle.setheading(0)
def tree(length, angle, color, width): t.color(color) t.width(width) t.pendown() if length < 10: return t.forward(length) t.left(angle) tree(length*0.75, angle, (color[0], color[1] + 3, color[2] + 1), width * 1.03) t.right(2 * angle) tree(length*0.75, angle, (color[0], color[1] + 3, color[2] + 1), width * 1.03) t.left(angle) t.color(gcolor) t.penup() t.back(length)
def tree(levels, degrees, distance, thickness, scale): if levels == 0: return turtle.width(thickness) initial_heading = turtle.heading() r, g, b = GREEN[0] + levels*dR, GREEN[1] + levels*dG, GREEN[2] + levels*dB turtle.color((r, g, b)) turtle.forward(distance) start = turtle.position() turtle.left(degrees) tree(levels-1, degrees, scale*distance, scale*thickness, scale) turtle.color((r,g,b)) turtle.up() turtle.goto(*start) turtle.down() turtle.setheading(initial_heading) turtle.right(degrees) tree(levels-1, degrees, scale*distance, scale*thickness, scale) return
def drawTree(tree, angle, length, width): turtle.width(width) if tree[0] == "ancestor": # left branch turtle.left(angle) turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(angle) drawTree(tree[1], angle - 0.2 * angle, length - 0.2 * length, width - 0.3 * width) turtle.width(width) turtle.left(angle) turtle.backward(length) turtle.right(angle) # right branch turtle.right(angle) turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(angle) drawTree(tree[2], angle - 0.2 * angle, length - 0.2 * length, width - 0.3 * width) turtle.width(width) turtle.right(angle) turtle.backward(length) turtle.left(angle) else: # draw the ending node turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.write(tree[0], font=("Monospace", 14, "bold")) turtle.pencolor("black")
def demo(): turtle.width(1) turtle.color("black") # move out of the way turtle.tracer(0) turtle.up() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(180) turtle.down() turtle.write("start", 1) turtle.color("red") for i in range(5): turtle.forward(20) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(20) turtle.right(90) turtle.fill(0) turtle.tracer(1) # more text turtle.write("end")
def drawPI(padEcart,decimales): turtle.color(1,1,1) padAngle = 36 turtle.width(4) turtle.up() turtle.goto(0,padEcart) turtle.down() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill() turtle.up() turtle.goto(0,padEcart) turtle.down() cpt = 2 for decimale in decimales: turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(padEcart) turtle.right(90)*cpt,decimale*padAngle) cpt += 1
def turtle_graphic(turtle): turtle.speed(1) turtle.width(3) # set pentagram width for i in range(1,6): # pentagram turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(144) # now heading 0.0 turtle.right(108) # or bran.setheading(252) #adjust heading to 252.0 turtle.width(5) # set outer circle width,360) # circle around pentagram turtle.width(1) # set inner circles width
tr.goto(d / 5, d / 4) tr.color('black', 'blue') tr.pendown() tr.begin_fill() circle(120) tr.end_fill() tr.penup() d_g = 1 / np.sin(np.pi / 120) tr.goto(4 * d / 5 - d_g, d / 4) tr.pendown() tr.begin_fill() circle(120) tr.end_fill() tr.penup() tr.goto(d / 2, d / 6) tr.pendown() tr.width(10) tr.goto(d / 2, -d / 6) tr.penup() tr.goto(5 * d / 6, 0) smile = int(np.pi / np.arcsin(3 / (2 * d))) tr.left(180) tr.color('red') tr.pendown() hfcircle(smile) tr.done()
import turtle as tl # 设置笔刷宽度 tl.width(2) # 向前距离 tl.forward(2) # 右转 #tl.right(90) tl.forward(2) # 笔刷颜色 tl.pencolor('red') tl.forward(2) # 窗口等待操作,而不是马上关闭 # tl.done() # 画五角星 tl.pencolor('red') for x in range(5): tl.forward(100) tl.right(144) # 画图练习 tl.setpos(0, 0) # 设置笔起点位置 tl.color('red', 'yellow') tl.begin_fill() while True:
__author__ = 'student' import turtle as tu tu.penup() tu.goto(-200, 150) tu.pendown() tu.width(2) tu.color('brown') tu.speed(6000) def x(l, n): if n == 0: return x(l, n - 1) tu.right(90) y(l, n - 1) tu.forward(l) tu.right(90) def y(l, n): if n == 0: return tu.left(90) tu.forward(l) x(l, n - 1) tu.left(90) y(l, n - 1) tu.forward(20)
import turtle as t t.shape('turtle') t.color('blue') t.width(2) t.speed(8) count = 0 for i in range(0, 100, 10): t.forward(10 + count) t.left(90) t.forward(20 + count) t.left(90) t.forward(30 + count) t.left(90) t.forward(40 + count) t.left(90) count = 40 + count input()
def definir_epaisseur(epaisseur): turtle.width(epaisseur)
import turtle import time turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(-200, 0) turtle.pd() turtle.pencolor("brown") turtle.width(3) turtle.right(60) turtle.forward(200) time.sleep(1.5) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(200) time.sleep(1.5) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(200) time.sleep(1.5) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(200) time.sleep(1.5) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(200) time.sleep(1.5) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(200) time.sleep(3)
import turtle # 设置色彩模式是RGB: turtle.colormode(255) lv = 14 l = 120 s = 45 turtle.width(lv) # 初始化RGB颜色: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 turtle.pencolor(r, g, b) turtle.penup() turtle.bk(l) turtle.pendown() turtle.fd(l) def draw_tree(l, level): global r, g, b # save the current pen width w = turtle.width() # narrow the pen width
def draw(self, turtle): turtle.width(self.width) turtle.pencolor(self.color)
bob.left(5) bob.forward(1) bob.forward(20) for times in range(43): bob.right(4) bob.forward(0.5) bob.forward(5) for times in range(45): bob.left(4) bob.forward(0.2) bob.forward(10) bob.right(110) bob.forward(15) #Razer Logo 2nd Line turtle.width(4) turtle.color('lime') turtle.penup() turtle.left(90) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(350) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(25) turtle.right(90) turtle.right(20) for times in range(10): turtle.forward(1) turtle.left(2) for times in range(20):
import turtle as tr # set thikness for each ring tr.width(8) tr.bgcolor("#f8f9fa") tr.color("#0081c8") tr.penup() tr.goto(-110, -25) tr.pendown() tr.color("black") tr.penup() tr.goto(0, -25) tr.pendown() tr.color("#ee334e") tr.penup() tr.goto(110, -25) tr.pendown() tr.color("#fcb131") tr.penup() tr.goto(-55, -75) tr.pendown() tr.color("#00a651")
#画布 t.setup(800, 800) #轮廓 t.speed(0) t.fillcolor('#ffff00') t.begin_fill() t.goto((0, 150)) t.left(90), 180) t.fd(300), 180) t.fd(300) t.end_fill() #眼睛 t.width(4) t.fillcolor('white') t.begin_fill() t.up() t.goto((-70, 150)) t.down() t.up() t.goto(-150, 150) t.down() t.end_fill() #眼球 t.width(1) t.fillcolor('black') t.begin_fill()
import turtle colors = ["red", "purple", "blue", "green", "orange", "yellow"] turtle.pensize(2) turtle.bgcolor("black") for x in range(360): turtle.pencolor(colors[x % 6]) turtle.width((x // 100) + 1) turtle.forward(x) turtle.left(59)
#!/usr/bin/python import turtle line_size = 6 angle = 45; while True: turtle.forward(line_size) line_size += 3 turtle.left(angle) turtle.width( int( line_size/8 ) ) if turtle.distance(0,0) > 200: break turtle.exitonclick()
def draw(self, turtle): turtle.width(self.width) turtle.pencolor(self.color) turtle.goto(self.x, self.y)
# Python program to draw Rainbow Benzene using Turtle programming. import turtle colors = ['red', 'purple', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'yellow'] turtle.pen() turtle.bgcolor('black') for x in range(360): turtle.pencolor(colors[x % 6]) turtle.width(x // 6) turtle.forward(x) turtle.left(45), 'green') t.back(100) t.right(120) t.forward(100), 'blue') t.back(100) t.right(120) t.update() def animate(): if state['turn']: state['turn'] -= 1 spinner() t.ontimer(animate, 20) def flick(): state['turn'] += 10 t.setup(420, 420, 370, 0) t.hideturtle() t.tracer(False) t.width(20) t.onkey(flick, 'space') t.listen() animate() t.done()
def move_up(): canvas.yview_scroll(-1, "units") turtle.sety(turtle.ycor() + MAGNIFICATION) def move_down(): canvas.yview_scroll(1, "units") turtle.sety(turtle.ycor() - MAGNIFICATION) screen = Screen() width, height = screen.screensize() screen.screensize(width * MAGNIFICATION, height * MAGNIFICATION) canvas = screen.getcanvas() canvas.config(xscrollincrement=str(MAGNIFICATION)) canvas.config(yscrollincrement=str(MAGNIFICATION)) turtle.width(MAGNIFICATION) turtle.resizemode('auto') screen.onkey(move_left, "Left") screen.onkey(move_right, "Right") screen.onkey(move_up, "Up") screen.onkey(move_down, "Down") screen.listen() turtle.mainloop()
import turtle as t t.setup(600, 600, None,None) t.pu() t.fd(-120) t.pensize(1) t.width(5) t.pd() t.fd(250) t.seth(120) t.fd(250) t.seth(-120) t.fd(250) t.fd(250) t.seth(0) t.fd(250) t.fd(250) t.seth(120) t.fd(250) t.seth(-120) t.fd(250) t.seth(120) t.fd(250)
import turtle happy = turtle.Screen() happy.bgcolor("black") turtle = turtle.Turtle() turtle.shape("turtle") turtle.color("yellow") turtle.width() colors = [ "peru", "ivory", "dark orange", "coral", "cyan", "hot pink", "gold", "ivory", "yellow", "red", "pink", "green", "blue", "light blue", "light green", ] def move(x, y): turtle.up() turtle.setposition(0, 0) turtle.setheading(90) turtle.rt(90)
import turtle turtle.width(10) turtle.color("blue") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(120, 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("black") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(240, 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("red") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(60, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("yellow") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(180, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("green") # 测试是否上传成功 turtle.color("blue")
def visualize(hightlighted=200): ks, vs = readkvp() name_to_highlight = ks[hightlighted - 1] highlight_neighbor = '' ks, colors = coor2color(ks, vs) jplan = {} with open(os.path.join(BASE, 'plan.json'), 'r') as in_f: jplan = json.load(in_f) plan = [] for i, row in enumerate(jplan[0]): plan.append((jplan[0][row]['Aisle'], jplan[0][row]['Window'])) if jplan[0][row]['Aisle'] == name_to_highlight or jplan[0][row][ 'Window'] == name_to_highlight: draw = random.randint(0, max(0, min(i - 1, 15))) temp = plan[draw] plan[draw] = plan[i] plan[i] = temp if jplan[0][row]['Aisle'] == name_to_highlight: highlight_neighbor = jplan[0][row]['Window'] else: highlight_neighbor = jplan[0][row]['Aisle'] name2id = dict(zip(ks, (i for i in range(len(ks))))) # turtle!!! DISTANCE = 27 WIDTH = 1080 HEIGHT = 675 BGPIC = os.path.join(BASE, 'background.png') turtle.setup(WIDTH, HEIGHT) turtle.bgpic(BGPIC) turtle.pencolor('grey') turtle.shape("square") turtle.colormode(255) turtle.shapesize(1.3) turtle.width(0) turtle.tracer(False) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-(WIDTH / 2) + 108, (HEIGHT / 2) - 100) for _, row in enumerate(jplan[0]): plan.append((jplan[0][row]['Aisle'], jplan[0][row]['Window'])) for i in range(7): for j in range(2): p = name2id[plan[i][j]] turtle.fillcolor(colors[p][0], colors[p][1], colors[p][2]) turtle.stamp() if plan[i][j] == name_to_highlight: turtle.shape('circle') turtle.fillcolor(255, 255, 255) turtle.stamp() turtle.shape('square') turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(int(DISTANCE * 1.07)) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(int(DISTANCE * 1.545)) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(2 * int(DISTANCE * 1.07)) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(215) for i2 in range(9): i = i2 + 9 for j in range(2): p = name2id[plan[i][j]] turtle.fillcolor(colors[p][0], colors[p][1], colors[p][2]) turtle.stamp() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(int(DISTANCE * 1.07)) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(int(DISTANCE * 1.6)) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(2 * int(DISTANCE * 1.07)) turtle.right(90) turtle.hideturtle() ts = turtle.getscreen() ts.getcanvas().postscript(file=os.path.join(BASE, 'plan.eps')) im =, 'plan.eps')), 'plan.jpeg'), "JPEG") #ts = turtle.getscreen().getcanvas() #canvasvg.saveall(os.path.join(BASE, 'plan.svg'), ts) #return 0 # return he's data, color, as well as his neighbor's # or visualize it and return the result? ret = json.dumps([{ 'Name': name_to_highlight, 'Preferences': { 'Window': vs[hightlighted - 1][0], 'Sleep': vs[hightlighted - 1][1], 'Networking': vs[hightlighted - 1][2], 'WindowShading': vs[hightlighted - 1][3], }, 'Color': { 'R': colors[hightlighted - 1][0], 'G': colors[hightlighted - 1][1], 'B': colors[hightlighted - 1][2], } }, { 'Name': highlight_neighbor, 'Preferences': { 'Window': vs[name2id[highlight_neighbor]][0], 'Sleep': vs[name2id[highlight_neighbor]][1], 'Networking': vs[name2id[highlight_neighbor]][2], 'WindowShading': vs[name2id[highlight_neighbor]][3], }, 'Color': { 'R': colors[name2id[highlight_neighbor]][0], 'G': colors[name2id[highlight_neighbor]][1], 'B': colors[name2id[highlight_neighbor]][2], } }]) return ret #if __name__ == '__main__': #visualize()
turtle.right(90 + angle / 2) for i in range(3): turtle.begin_fill() sector(radius1, angle) turtle.left(120) turtle.color(outlinecol) turtle.end_fill() turtle.up() turtle.forward(radius2) turtle.left(90) turtle.down() turtle.color(fillcol) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color(outlinecol) turtle.end_fill() turtle.up() turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(radius2) turtle.width(1) turtle.reset() turtle.width(5) turtle.speed(100) radioactive(160, 36, 400) turtle.mainloop()
import turtle import time ''' t = turtle.Pen() for x in range(360): t.forward(x) t.left(59) ''' turtle.width(8) turtle.color("blue") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(120,0) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("red") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(240,0) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("green") turtle.penup()
import turtle as tr tr.shape('turtle') tr.turtlesize(2) tr.width(3) tr.color('springgreen') tr.goto(0, 0) for i in range(10): tr.fd(200) tr.stamp() tr.goto(0, 0) tr.right(36) tr.exitonclick()
def drawoutsquare(self,x,y, dim): #draw the thick outline squares turtle.width(5) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.pendown() self.drawsquare(dim)
t.pendown() t.begin_fill() figR(60, 1) # first one t.end_fill() left(180) t.penup() go(90) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() figL(60, 1) # second one t.end_fill() t.penup() left(180) go(45) right(90) go(45) t.pendown() t.width(9) t.color('black') go(30) # nose t.penup() go(20) left(90) go(40) t.color('red') t.pendown() right(90) figN(250, 1) input()
''' Created on 10/9/18 @author: Edward Yaroslavsky eyarosla Pledge: I pledge my honor that I have abided by the Stevens Honor System. CS115 - Hw 5 ''' import turtle # Needed for graphics # Ignore 'Undefined variable from import' errors in Eclipse. width = 16 turtle.left(90) turtle.pencolor("brown") turtle.width(width) def sv_tree(trunk_length, levels): '''Draws a tree of levels amount of recursive branches with decreasing trunk_length size after every level.''' if levels > 0: if levels == 1: turtle.pencolor("green") else: turtle.pencolor("brown") turtle.forward(trunk_length) turtle.width(width // 2) turtle.right(30) sv_tree(trunk_length // 2, levels - 1) turtle.left(60) sv_tree(trunk_length // 2, levels - 1)
t.forward(150) t.pendown() t.right(90) # it's again facing forward # red square V2 t.pencolor("red") for i in range(4): t.forward (100) t.left(90) # advancing pen backward t.penup() t.backward(150) t.pendown() t.width(3) # thicker line # blue square t.pencolor("blue") for i in range(4): t.forward (100) t.left(90) # advancing pen backward t.penup() t.backward(150) t.pendown() # filling the square with a color t.pencolor("green") t.fillcolor("violet")
# TURTLES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # To use turtles we must first import the package. import turtle # EXERCISE 0: (Optional) Customize your turtles appearance. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # You can change the appearance of the turtle using the following commands turtle.color("blue") turtle.shape("turtle") turtle.turtlesize(2) turtle.width(5) # EXERCISE 1: Make your turtle walk in a square. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(90) # EXERCISE 2: Using a loop make your turtle walk in a square. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for side in range(4): turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(90) # EXERCISE 3: Make your turtle walk in an n-sided shape.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import turtle as t import random as r title = 'Rainbow Star' t.title(title) t.showturtle() t.colormode(255) t.speed(5) t.width(3) def star(): x = 1 if x == 1: while x == 1: t.color(r.randrange(0, 255), r.randrange(0, 255), r.randrange(0, 255)) t.begin_fill() t.forward(150) t.left(220) t.end_fill() elif x == 0: print('Failed to loop') else: print('Fatal Error! Please Reinstall.') star()
import turtle as t t.setup() t.bgcolor("black") t.speed(100) sides = 6 colors = ["red", "yellow", "lime", "deepskyblue", "orange", "mediumorchid"] for i in range(230): t.pencolor(colors[i % sides]) t.fd(i * 3 / sides + i) t.left(360 / sides + 1) t.width(i * sides / 200) t.done
import turtle happy = turtle.Screen() happy.setup(700, 700) happy.bgpic("bdday.gif") turtle = turtle.Turtle() turtle.shape("turtle") turtle.width(5) turtle.speed(150) def mov(x, y): turtle.up() turtle.setposition(0, 0) turtle.setheading(90) turtle.fd(x) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(y) turtle.pendown() #letters def A(): turtle.rt(16) turtle.forward(60) turtle.rt(150) turtle.fd(60) turtle.backward(30) turtle.rt(105) turtle.fd(15)
def setup(col, x, y, w, s, shape): turtle.up() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.width(w) turtle.turtlesize(s) turtle.color(col) turtle.shape(shape) turtle.bgpic("assets/dancing-banana.gif") turtle.down() wn.listen() turtle.getscreen()._root.bind_all('<Key>', key_pressed) turtle.getscreen()._root.mainloop()