class ProgramItem(Item): """ Item class for program items This is used in the tv guide and in the list of schedules recordings. """ def __init__(self, parent, prog, context='menu'): Item.__init__(self, parent, skin_type='video') logger.log(9, '__init__(parent=%r, prog=%r, context=%r)', parent, prog, context) # prog is a TvProgram object as we get it from the recordserver self.prog = prog self.context = context if hasattr(prog, 'name'): = self.title = if hasattr(prog, 'title'): self.title = = Unicode(prog.title) if hasattr(prog, 'sub_title'): self.sub_title = prog.sub_title if hasattr(prog, 'desc'): self.description = prog.desc if hasattr(prog, 'categories'): self.categories = prog.categories if hasattr(prog, 'ratings'): self.ratings = prog.ratings if hasattr(prog, 'advisories'): self.advisories = prog.advisories = tv_util.get_chan_displayname(prog.channel_id) if hasattr(prog, 'scheduled'): self.scheduled = prog.scheduled else: self.scheduled = False self.favorite = False if hasattr(prog, 'allowDuplicates'): self.allowDuplicates = prog.allowDuplicates else: self.allowDuplicates = 1 if hasattr(prog, 'onlyNew'): self.onlyNew = prog.onlyNew else: self.onlyNew = 0 self.overlap = prog.overlap self.start = time.strftime(config.TV_DATETIME_FORMAT, time.localtime(prog.start)) self.stop = time.strftime(config.TV_DATETIME_FORMAT, time.localtime(prog.stop)) self.recordclient = RecordClient() def actions(self): """ List of actions """ logger.log(9, 'actions()') #list of entries for the menu items = [] #'Play', if this programm is currently running or starts soon if self.context == 'guide': items.append((, _('Play'))) #now = time.time() #if self.prog.start <= now+(7*60) and self.prog.stop > now: # items.append((, _('Play'))) # 'Show full description' items.append((self.show_description, _('Full Description'))) if self.recordclient.pingNow(): # 'Schedule for recording' OR 'Remove from schedule' (status, reason) = self.recordclient.isProgScheduledNow(self.prog) self.scheduled = status if self.scheduled: items.append((self.remove_program, _('Remove from schedule'))) else: items.append( (self.schedule_program, _('Schedule for recording'))) # 'Add to favorites' OR 'Remove from favorites' (status, reason) = self.recordclient.isProgAFavoriteNow(self.prog) self.favorite = status if self.favorite: items.append((self.edit_favorite, _('Edit favorite'))) else: items.append((self.add_favorite, _('Add to favorites'))) plugins_list = plugin.get('tv_program') for p in plugins_list: items += p.items(self) return items ### Actions: def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Start watching TV """ logger.log(9, 'play(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) # watching TV should only be possible from the guide if not self.context == 'guide': rc.post_event(MENU_SELECT) return now = time.time() if menuw: menuw.delete_submenu() # Check if the selected program is >7 min in the future if self.prog.start > now + (7 * 60): if menuw: # this program is in the future if self.scheduled: msgtext = _( 'Do you want to remove the Program from the record schedule?' ) confirmbtn = _('Remove') else: msgtext = _( 'This Program is in the future. Do you want to record it?') confirmbtn = _('Record') dialog.show_confirmation(msgtext, lambda: self.toggle_rec(menuw=menuw), proceed_text=confirmbtn) return else: # check if the device is free fc = FreevoChannels() # for that we need the name of the lock file suffix = fc.getVideoGroup(self.prog.channel_id, True, CHANNEL_ID).vdev suffix = suffix.split('/')[-1] tvlockfile = config.FREEVO_CACHEDIR + '/record.' + suffix if os.path.exists(tvlockfile): if menuw: # XXX: In the future add the options to watch what we are # recording or cancel it and watch TV. msgtext = _('Sorry, you cannot watch TV while recording. ') msgtext += _('If this is not true then remove ') msgtext += tvlockfile + '.' dialog.show_alert(msgtext) else: # everything is ok, we can start watching! self.parent.hide() self.parent.player('tv', self.prog.channel_id) def show_description(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ View a full scrollable description of the program. """ logger.log(9, 'show_description(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) ShowProgramDetails(menuw, self) def toggle_rec(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Schedule or unschedule this program, depending on its current status """ logger.log(9, 'toggle_rec(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) if self.scheduled: # remove this program from schedule it it is already scheduled self.remove_program(menuw=menuw) else: # otherwise add it to schedule without more questions self.schedule_program(menuw=menuw) def schedule_program(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Add a program to schedule """ logger.log(9, 'schedule_program(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) # schedule the program (status, reason) = self.recordclient.scheduleRecordingNow(self.prog) if status == 'ok': self.scheduled = True menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) if hasattr(self.parent, 'update'): self.parent.update(force=True) else: menuw.refresh(reload=True) msgtext = _('"%s" has been scheduled for recording') % elif status == 'conflict': msgtext = _('Conflict detected!') self.resolve_conflict(menuw, reason) return else: # something went wrong msgtext = _('Scheduling failed: ') + _(reason) dialog.show_message(msgtext) def remove_program(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Remove a program from schedule """ logger.log(9, 'remove_program(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) # remove the program (status, reason) = self.recordclient.removeScheduledRecordingNow(self.prog) if status: self.scheduled = False menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) if hasattr(self.parent, 'update'): self.parent.update(force=True) else: menuw.refresh(reload=True) msgtext = _('"%s" has been removed from schedule') % else: # something went wrong msgtext = _('Remove failed') + (':\n%s' % reason) dialog.show_message(msgtext) def add_favorite(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Add a program to favorites """ logger.log(9, 'add_favorite(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) if menuw: menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) # create a favorite fav = Favorite(self.title, self.prog, True, True, True, -1, True, False) logger.log(9, 'self.title=%r, self.prog=%r, fav.__dict__=%r)', self.title, self.prog, fav.__dict__) # and a favorite item which represents the submen fav_item = FavoriteItem(self, fav, fav_action='add') # and open that submenu fav_item.display_submenu(menuw=menuw) def edit_favorite(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Edit the settings of a favorite """ logger.log(9, 'edit_favorite(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) if menuw: menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) # get the favorite from the record client (got_fav, fav) = self.recordclient.getFavoriteObjectNow(self.prog) if got_fav: # create a favorite item for the submenu fav_item = FavoriteItem(self, fav, fav_action='edit') # and open the submenu fav_item.display_submenu(menuw=menuw) else: dialog.show_alert(_('Cannot edit favorite %s') % def display_submenu(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Open the submenu for this item """ logger.log(9, 'display_submenu(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) if not menuw: return # this tries to imitated freevo's internal way of creating submenus menuw.make_submenu(_('Program Menu'), self.actions(), self) def resolve_conflict(self, menuw, conflictingProgs): prog_text = self.prog.getattr('time') + u' ' + self.prog.title other_prog_text = u'' menu_items = [] for progs in conflictingProgs: remove_text = '' for cprog in progs: if other_prog_text: other_prog_text += u'\n' other_prog_text += cprog.getattr('time') + u' ' + cprog.title if not remove_text: remove_text = cprog.title else: remove_text += u', ' + cprog.title other_prog_text += u'\n\n' menu_items.append( menu.MenuItem( _('Remove ') + remove_text, self.remove_and_schedule, progs)) self.conflict_info = _( 'How do you want to resolve the conflict?\n%s\nconflicts with\n%s' ) % (prog_text, other_prog_text) menu_items.append( menu.MenuItem( _('Cancel scheduling ') + self.prog.title, menuw.back_one_menu)) conflict_menu = menu.Menu(_('Resovle Conflict'), menu_items, item_types='tv conflict menu') conflict_menu.infoitem = self menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) menuw.pushmenu(conflict_menu) menuw.refresh() def remove_and_schedule(self, arg=None, menuw=None): for prog in arg: self.recordclient.removeScheduledRecordingNow(prog) menuw.back_one_menu() self.schedule_program(menuw=menuw)
class ProgramItem(Item): """ Item class for program items This is used in the tv guide and in the list of schedules recordings. """ def __init__(self, parent, prog, context='menu'): Item.__init__(self, parent, skin_type='video') logger.log( 9, '__init__(parent=%r, prog=%r, context=%r)', parent, prog, context) # prog is a TvProgram object as we get it from the recordserver self.prog = prog self.context= context if hasattr(prog, 'name'): = self.title = if hasattr(prog, 'title'): self.title = = Unicode(prog.title) if hasattr(prog, 'sub_title'): self.sub_title = prog.sub_title if hasattr(prog, 'desc'): self.description = prog.desc if hasattr(prog, 'categories'):self.categories = prog.categories if hasattr(prog, 'ratings'): self.ratings = prog.ratings if hasattr(prog, 'advisories'): self.advisories = prog.advisories = tv_util.get_chan_displayname(prog.channel_id) if hasattr(prog, 'scheduled'): self.scheduled = prog.scheduled else: self.scheduled = False self.favorite = False self.allowDuplicates = prog.allowDuplicates self.onlyNew = prog.onlyNew self.overlap = prog.overlap self.start = time.strftime(config.TV_DATETIME_FORMAT, time.localtime(prog.start)) self.stop = time.strftime(config.TV_DATETIME_FORMAT, time.localtime(prog.stop)) self.recordclient = RecordClient() def actions(self): """ List of actions """ logger.log( 9, 'actions()') #list of entries for the menu items = [] #'Play', if this programm is currently running or starts soon if self.context == 'guide': items.append((, _('Play'))) #now = time.time() #if self.prog.start <= now+(7*60) and self.prog.stop > now: # items.append((, _('Play'))) # 'Show full description' items.append((self.show_description, _('Full Description'))) if self.recordclient.pingNow(): # 'Schedule for recording' OR 'Remove from schedule' (status, reason) = self.recordclient.isProgScheduledNow(self.prog) self.scheduled = status if self.scheduled: items.append((self.remove_program, _('Remove from schedule'))) else: items.append((self.schedule_program, _('Schedule for recording'))) # 'Add to favorites' OR 'Remove from favorites' (status, reason) = self.recordclient.isProgAFavoriteNow(self.prog) self.favorite = status if self.favorite: items.append((self.edit_favorite, _('Edit favorite'))) else: items.append((self.add_favorite, _('Add to favorites'))) plugins_list = plugin.get('tv_program') for p in plugins_list: items += p.items(self) return items ### Actions: def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Start watching TV """ logger.log( 9, 'play(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) # watching TV should only be possible from the guide if not self.context == 'guide': rc.post_event(MENU_SELECT) return now = time.time() if menuw: menuw.delete_submenu() # Check if the selected program is >7 min in the future if self.prog.start > now + (7*60): if menuw: # this program is in the future if self.scheduled: msgtext= _('Do you want to remove the Program from the record schedule?') confirmbtn = _('Remove') else: msgtext = _('This Program is in the future. Do you want to record it?') confirmbtn = _('Record') dialog.show_confirmation(msgtext, lambda: self.toggle_rec(menuw=menuw), proceed_text=confirmbtn) return else: # check if the device is free fc = FreevoChannels() # for that we need the name of the lock file suffix = fc.getVideoGroup(self.prog.channel_id, True, CHANNEL_ID).vdev suffix = suffix.split('/')[-1] tvlockfile = config.FREEVO_CACHEDIR + '/record.'+suffix if os.path.exists(tvlockfile): if menuw: # XXX: In the future add the options to watch what we are # recording or cancel it and watch TV. msgtext = _('Sorry, you cannot watch TV while recording. ') msgtext += _('If this is not true then remove ') msgtext += tvlockfile + '.' dialog.show_alert(msgtext) else: # everything is ok, we can start watching! self.parent.hide() self.parent.player('tv', self.prog.channel_id) def show_description(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ View a full scrollable description of the program. """ logger.log( 9, 'show_description(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) ShowProgramDetails(menuw, self) def toggle_rec(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Schedule or unschedule this program, depending on its current status """ logger.log( 9, 'toggle_rec(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) if self.scheduled: # remove this program from schedule it it is already scheduled self.remove_program(menuw=menuw) else: # otherwise add it to schedule without more questions self.schedule_program(menuw=menuw) def schedule_program(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Add a program to schedule """ logger.log( 9, 'schedule_program(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) # schedule the program (status, reason) = self.recordclient.scheduleRecordingNow(self.prog) if status == 'ok': self.scheduled = True menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) if hasattr(self.parent, 'update'): self.parent.update(force=True) else: menuw.refresh(reload=True) msgtext= _('"%s" has been scheduled for recording') % elif status == 'conflict': msgtext=_('Conflict detected!') self.resolve_conflict(menuw, reason) return else: # something went wrong msgtext = _('Scheduling failed: ')+ _(reason) dialog.show_message(msgtext) def remove_program(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Remove a program from schedule """ logger.log( 9, 'remove_program(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) # remove the program (status, reason) = self.recordclient.removeScheduledRecordingNow(self.prog) if status: self.scheduled = False menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) if hasattr(self.parent, 'update'): self.parent.update(force=True) else: menuw.refresh(reload=True) msgtext = _('"%s" has been removed from schedule') % else: # something went wrong msgtext = _('Remove failed')+(':\n%s' % reason) dialog.show_message(msgtext) def add_favorite(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Add a program to favorites """ logger.log( 9, 'add_favorite(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) if menuw: menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) # create a favorite fav = Favorite(self.title, self.prog, True, True, True, -1, True, False) logger.log( 9, 'self.title=%r, self.prog=%r, fav.__dict__=%r)', self.title, self.prog, fav.__dict__) # and a favorite item which represents the submen fav_item = FavoriteItem(self, fav, fav_action='add') # and open that submenu fav_item.display_submenu(menuw=menuw) def edit_favorite(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Edit the settings of a favorite """ logger.log( 9, 'edit_favorite(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) if menuw: menuw.delete_submenu(refresh=False) # get the favorite from the record client (got_fav, fav) = self.recordclient.getFavoriteObjectNow(self.prog) if got_fav: # create a favorite item for the submenu fav_item = FavoriteItem(self, fav, fav_action='edit') # and open the submenu fav_item.display_submenu(menuw=menuw) else: dialog.show_alert(_('Cannot edit favorite %s') % def display_submenu(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Open the submenu for this item """ logger.log( 9, 'display_submenu(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) if not menuw: return # this tries to imitated freevo's internal way of creating submenus menuw.make_submenu(_('Program Menu'), self.actions(), self) def resolve_conflict(self, menuw, conflictingProgs): prog_text = self.prog.getattr('time') + u' ' + self.prog.title other_prog_text = u'' menu_items = [] for progs in conflictingProgs: remove_text = '' for cprog in progs: if other_prog_text: other_prog_text += u'\n' other_prog_text += cprog.getattr('time') + u' ' + cprog.title if not remove_text: remove_text = cprog.title else: remove_text += u', ' + cprog.title other_prog_text += u'\n\n' menu_items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Remove ') + remove_text, self.remove_and_schedule, progs)) self.conflict_info = _('How do you want to resolve the conflict?\n%s\nconflicts with\n%s') % (prog_text, other_prog_text) menu_items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Cancel scheduling ') + self.prog.title, menuw.back_one_menu)) conflict_menu = menu.Menu(_('Resovle Conflict'), menu_items, item_types='tv conflict menu') conflict_menu.infoitem = self menuw.delete_submenu(refresh = False) menuw.pushmenu(conflict_menu) menuw.refresh() def remove_and_schedule(self, arg=None, menuw=None): for prog in arg: self.recordclient.removeScheduledRecordingNow(prog) menuw.back_one_menu() self.schedule_program(menuw=menuw)
class ManualRecordItem(Item): def __init__(self, parent): logger.log( 9, 'manual_record.ManualRecordItem.__init__(parent)') Item.__init__(self, parent, skin_type='video') = _("Manual Record") self.recordclient = RecordClient() # maxinum number of days we can record self.MAXDAYS = 7 # minimum amount of time it would take # to pick us up in seconds by default it is one minute plus # a few seconds just in case self.MINPICKUP = 70 self.months = [ _('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'), _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec') ] now = time.time() now += 300 self.startnow = now self.starttime = time.localtime(now) now += 1900 self.stopnow = now self.stoptime = time.localtime(now) def make_newprog(self): logger.log( 9, 'make_newprog(self)') self.prog = TvProgram() self.disp_title = self.prog.title = self.description = '' self.prog.desc = '' self.prog.channel_id = config.TV_CHANNELS[0][0] self.disp_channel = config.TV_CHANNELS[0][1] #self.start_year = self.starttime[0] self.start_month = self.starttime[1] self.disp_start_month = self.months[self.start_month - 1] self.start_day = self.starttime[2] self.start_time = time.strftime(config.TV_TIME_FORMAT, self.starttime) self.prog.start = self.startnow self.disp_starttime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_start_month, self.start_day, self.start_time) #self.stop_year = self.stoptime[0] self.stop_month = self.stoptime[1] self.disp_stop_month = self.months[self.stop_month - 1] self.stop_day = self.stoptime[2] self.stop_time = time.strftime(config.TV_TIME_FORMAT, self.stoptime) self.prog.stop = self.stopnow self.disp_stoptime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_stop_month, self.stop_day, self.stop_time) def actions(self): logger.log( 9, 'actions(self)') return [( self.display_recitem , _('Display record item') )] def display_recitem(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'display_recitem(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') if not self.recordclient.pingNow(): AlertBox(self.recordclient.recordserverdown).show() return self.make_newprog() items = [] items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify name'), action=self.mod_name)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify channel'), action=self.mod_channel)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify start month'), action=self.mod_start_month)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify start day'), action=self.mod_start_day)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify start time'), action=self.mod_start_time)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify stop month'), action=self.mod_stop_month)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify stop day'), action=self.mod_stop_day)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify stop time'), action=self.mod_stop_time)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Save'), action=self.save_changes)) manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Record Item Menu'), items, item_types = 'tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_name(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'mod_name(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') self.menuw = menuw InputBox(text=_('Alter Name'), handler=self.alter_name).show() def mod_channel(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'mod_channel(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') items = [] for chanline in config.TV_CHANNELS: items.append(menu.MenuItem(chanline[1], action=self.alter_prop, arg=('channel', (chanline[1],chanline[0])))) manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Channel'), items, item_types = 'tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_start_month(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'mod_start_month(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') items = [] iter=0 while iter < 12: month_name = self.months[(iter + self.starttime[1] - 1) % 12]; month_num = self.months.index(month_name) + 1; items.append(menu.MenuItem(month_name, action=self.alter_prop, arg=('startmonth', (month_name, month_num)))) iter = iter + 1 manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Day'), items, item_types = 'tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_start_day(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'mod_start_day(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') items = [] numdays = calendar.monthrange(self.starttime[0], self.start_month)[1] daylimit = numdays + 1 iter=1 while iter < daylimit: newday = (iter + self.starttime[2] - 1) currday = newday % daylimit if newday >= daylimit: currday += 1 items.append(menu.MenuItem(str(currday), action=self.alter_prop, arg=('startday', currday))) iter = iter + 1 manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Day'), items, item_types = 'tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_start_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'mod_start_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') items = [] currminutes = self.starttime[3]*60 + self.starttime[4] minpadding = 5 - (currminutes % 5) if minpadding == 5: minpadding = 0 for i in range(288): mod = (i * 5 + currminutes + minpadding) % 1440 showtime = strftime(config.TV_TIME_FORMAT, gmtime(float(mod * 60))) items.append(menu.MenuItem(showtime, action=self.alter_prop, arg=('starttime', showtime))) manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Time'), items, item_types = 'tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_stop_month(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'mod_stop_month(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') items = [] iter=0 while iter < 12: month_name = self.months[(iter + self.stoptime[1] - 1) % 12]; month_num = self.months.index(month_name) + 1; items.append(menu.MenuItem(month_name, action=self.alter_prop, arg=('stopmonth', (month_name, month_num)))) iter = iter + 1 manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Day'), items, item_types = 'tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_stop_day(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'mod_stop_day(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') items = [] numdays = calendar.monthrange(self.stoptime[0], self.stop_month)[1] daylimit = numdays + 1 iter=1 while iter < daylimit: newday = (iter + self.starttime[2] - 1) currday = newday % daylimit if newday >= daylimit: currday += 1 items.append(menu.MenuItem(str(currday), action=self.alter_prop, arg=('stopday', currday))) iter = iter + 1 manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Day'), items, item_types = 'tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_stop_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'mod_stop_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') items = [] currminutes = self.starttime[3]*60 + self.starttime[4] minpadding = 5 - (currminutes % 5) if minpadding == 5: minpadding = 0 for i in range(288): mod = (i * 5 + currminutes + minpadding) % 1440 showtime = strftime(config.TV_TIME_FORMAT, gmtime(float(mod * 60))) items.append(menu.MenuItem(showtime, action=self.alter_prop, arg=('stoptime', showtime))) manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Time'), items, item_types = 'tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def alter_name(self, name): logger.log( 9, 'alter_name(self, name)') if name: self.disp_title = self.prog.title = name self.menuw.refresh() def alter_prop(self, arg=(None,None), menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'alter_prop(self, arg=(None,None), menuw=None)') (prop, val) = arg if prop == 'channel': self.prog.channel_id = val[1] self.disp_channel = val[0] if prop == 'startday': self.start_day = val self.disp_starttime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_start_month, self.start_day, self.start_time) if prop == 'startmonth': self.start_month = val[1] self.disp_start_month = val[0] self.disp_starttime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_start_month, self.start_day, self.start_time) if prop == 'starttime': self.start_time = val self.disp_starttime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_start_month, self.start_day, self.start_time) if prop == 'stopday': self.stop_day = val self.disp_stoptime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_stop_month, self.stop_day, self.stop_time) if prop == 'stopmonth': self.stop_month = val[1] self.disp_stop_month = val[0] self.disp_stoptime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_stop_month, self.stop_day, self.stop_time) if prop == 'stoptime': self.stop_time = val self.disp_stoptime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_stop_month, self.stop_day, self.stop_time) if menuw: menuw.back_one_menu(arg='reload') def save_changes(self, arg=None, menuw=None): logger.log( 9, 'save_changes(self, arg=None, menuw=None)') result = self.check_prog() if result: (result, reason) = self.recordclient.scheduleRecordingNow(self.prog) if not result: AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost')+(':\n%s' % reason)).show() else: if menuw: menuw.back_one_menu(arg='reload') def check_prog(self): logger.log( 9, 'check_prog(self)') isgood = True curtime_epoch = time.time() curtime = time.localtime(curtime_epoch) startyear = curtime[0] stopyear = curtime[0] currentmonth = curtime[1] # handle the year wraparound if int(self.stop_month) < currentmonth: stopyear = int(stopyear) + 1 if int(self.start_month) < currentmonth: startyear = int(startyear) + 1 # create utc second start time starttime_str = '%s %s %s %s:00' % (self.start_month, self.start_day, startyear, self.start_time) starttime = time.mktime(strptime(starttime_str, '%m %d %Y '+config.TV_TIME_FORMAT+':%S')) # create utc stop time stoptime_str = '%s %s %s %s:00' % (self.stop_month, self.stop_day, stopyear, self.stop_time) stoptime = time.mktime(strptime(stoptime_str, '%m %d %Y '+config.TV_TIME_FORMAT+':%S')) # so we don't record for more then maxdays (maxdays day * 24hr/day * 60 min/hr * 60 sec/min) if not abs(stoptime - starttime) < (self.MAXDAYS * 86400): if self.MAXDAYS > 1: isgood = False msg = _("Program would record for more than %d days!") % self.MAXDAYS AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost')+(':\n%s' % msg)).show() else: isgood = False msg = _("Program would record for more than 1 day!") % self.MAXDAYS AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost')+(':\n%s' % msg)).show() elif not starttime < stoptime: isgood = False msg = _("start time is not before stop time." ) AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost')+(':\n%s' % msg)).show() elif stoptime < curtime_epoch + self.MINPICKUP: isgood = False msg = _("Sorry, the stop time does not give enough time for scheduler to pickup the change. Please set it to record for a few minutes longer.") AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost')+(':\n%s' % msg)).show() else: self.prog.start = starttime self.prog.stop = stoptime return isgood
class ManualRecordItem(Item): def __init__(self, parent): _debug_('manual_record.ManualRecordItem.__init__(parent)', 2) Item.__init__(self, parent, skin_type='video') = _("Manual Record") self.recordclient = RecordClient() # maxinum number of days we can record self.MAXDAYS = 7 # minimum amount of time it would take # to pick us up in seconds by default it is one minute plus # a few seconds just in case self.MINPICKUP = 70 self.months = [ _('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'), _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec') ] now = time.time() now += 300 self.startnow = now self.starttime = time.localtime(now) now += 1900 self.stopnow = now self.stoptime = time.localtime(now) def make_newprog(self): _debug_('make_newprog(self)', 2) self.prog = TvProgram() self.disp_title = self.prog.title = self.description = '' self.prog.desc = '' self.prog.channel_id = config.TV_CHANNELS[0][0] self.disp_channel = config.TV_CHANNELS[0][1] #self.start_year = self.starttime[0] self.start_month = self.starttime[1] self.disp_start_month = self.months[self.start_month - 1] self.start_day = self.starttime[2] self.start_time = time.strftime(config.TV_TIME_FORMAT, self.starttime) self.prog.start = self.startnow self.disp_starttime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_start_month, self.start_day, self.start_time) #self.stop_year = self.stoptime[0] self.stop_month = self.stoptime[1] self.disp_stop_month = self.months[self.stop_month - 1] self.stop_day = self.stoptime[2] self.stop_time = time.strftime(config.TV_TIME_FORMAT, self.stoptime) self.prog.stop = self.stopnow self.disp_stoptime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_stop_month, self.stop_day, self.stop_time) def actions(self): _debug_('actions(self)', 2) return [(self.display_recitem, _('Display record item'))] def display_recitem(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('display_recitem(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) if not self.recordclient.pingNow(): AlertBox(self.recordclient.recordserverdown).show() return self.make_newprog() items = [] items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Modify name'), action=self.mod_name)) items.append( menu.MenuItem(_('Modify channel'), action=self.mod_channel)) items.append( menu.MenuItem(_('Modify start month'), action=self.mod_start_month)) items.append( menu.MenuItem(_('Modify start day'), action=self.mod_start_day)) items.append( menu.MenuItem(_('Modify start time'), action=self.mod_start_time)) items.append( menu.MenuItem(_('Modify stop month'), action=self.mod_stop_month)) items.append( menu.MenuItem(_('Modify stop day'), action=self.mod_stop_day)) items.append( menu.MenuItem(_('Modify stop time'), action=self.mod_stop_time)) items.append(menu.MenuItem(_('Save'), action=self.save_changes)) manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Record Item Menu'), items, item_types='tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_name(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('mod_name(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) self.menuw = menuw InputBox(text=_('Alter Name'), handler=self.alter_name).show() def mod_channel(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('mod_channel(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) items = [] for chanline in config.TV_CHANNELS: items.append( menu.MenuItem(chanline[1], action=self.alter_prop, arg=('channel', (chanline[1], chanline[0])))) manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Channel'), items, item_types='tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_start_month(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('mod_start_month(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) items = [] iter = 0 while iter < 12: month_name = self.months[(iter + self.starttime[1] - 1) % 12] month_num = self.months.index(month_name) + 1 items.append( menu.MenuItem(month_name, action=self.alter_prop, arg=('startmonth', (month_name, month_num)))) iter = iter + 1 manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Day'), items, item_types='tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_start_day(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('mod_start_day(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) items = [] numdays = calendar.monthrange(self.starttime[0], self.start_month)[1] daylimit = numdays + 1 iter = 1 while iter < daylimit: newday = (iter + self.starttime[2] - 1) currday = newday % daylimit if newday >= daylimit: currday += 1 items.append( menu.MenuItem(str(currday), action=self.alter_prop, arg=('startday', currday))) iter = iter + 1 manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Day'), items, item_types='tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_start_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('mod_start_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) items = [] currminutes = self.starttime[3] * 60 + self.starttime[4] minpadding = 5 - (currminutes % 5) if minpadding == 5: minpadding = 0 for i in range(288): mod = (i * 5 + currminutes + minpadding) % 1440 showtime = strftime(config.TV_TIME_FORMAT, gmtime(float(mod * 60))) items.append( menu.MenuItem(showtime, action=self.alter_prop, arg=('starttime', showtime))) manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Time'), items, item_types='tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_stop_month(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('mod_stop_month(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) items = [] iter = 0 while iter < 12: month_name = self.months[(iter + self.stoptime[1] - 1) % 12] month_num = self.months.index(month_name) + 1 items.append( menu.MenuItem(month_name, action=self.alter_prop, arg=('stopmonth', (month_name, month_num)))) iter = iter + 1 manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Day'), items, item_types='tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_stop_day(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('mod_stop_day(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) items = [] numdays = calendar.monthrange(self.stoptime[0], self.stop_month)[1] daylimit = numdays + 1 iter = 1 while iter < daylimit: newday = (iter + self.starttime[2] - 1) currday = newday % daylimit if newday >= daylimit: currday += 1 items.append( menu.MenuItem(str(currday), action=self.alter_prop, arg=('stopday', currday))) iter = iter + 1 manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Day'), items, item_types='tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def mod_stop_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('mod_stop_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) items = [] currminutes = self.starttime[3] * 60 + self.starttime[4] minpadding = 5 - (currminutes % 5) if minpadding == 5: minpadding = 0 for i in range(288): mod = (i * 5 + currminutes + minpadding) % 1440 showtime = strftime(config.TV_TIME_FORMAT, gmtime(float(mod * 60))) items.append( menu.MenuItem(showtime, action=self.alter_prop, arg=('stoptime', showtime))) manualrecord_menu = menu.Menu(_('Modify Time'), items, item_types='tv manual record menu') manualrecord_menu.infoitem = self menuw.pushmenu(manualrecord_menu) menuw.refresh() def alter_name(self, name): _debug_('alter_name(self, name)', 2) if name: self.disp_title = self.prog.title = name self.menuw.refresh() def alter_prop(self, arg=(None, None), menuw=None): _debug_('alter_prop(self, arg=(None,None), menuw=None)', 2) (prop, val) = arg if prop == 'channel': self.prog.channel_id = val[1] self.disp_channel = val[0] if prop == 'startday': self.start_day = val self.disp_starttime = '%s %s %s' % ( self.disp_start_month, self.start_day, self.start_time) if prop == 'startmonth': self.start_month = val[1] self.disp_start_month = val[0] self.disp_starttime = '%s %s %s' % ( self.disp_start_month, self.start_day, self.start_time) if prop == 'starttime': self.start_time = val self.disp_starttime = '%s %s %s' % ( self.disp_start_month, self.start_day, self.start_time) if prop == 'stopday': self.stop_day = val self.disp_stoptime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_stop_month, self.stop_day, self.stop_time) if prop == 'stopmonth': self.stop_month = val[1] self.disp_stop_month = val[0] self.disp_stoptime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_stop_month, self.stop_day, self.stop_time) if prop == 'stoptime': self.stop_time = val self.disp_stoptime = '%s %s %s' % (self.disp_stop_month, self.stop_day, self.stop_time) if menuw: menuw.back_one_menu(arg='reload') def save_changes(self, arg=None, menuw=None): _debug_('save_changes(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2) result = self.check_prog() if result: (result, reason) = self.recordclient.scheduleRecordingNow(self.prog) if not result: AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost') + (':\n%s' % reason)).show() else: if menuw: menuw.back_one_menu(arg='reload') def check_prog(self): _debug_('check_prog(self)', 2) isgood = True curtime_epoch = time.time() curtime = time.localtime(curtime_epoch) startyear = curtime[0] stopyear = curtime[0] currentmonth = curtime[1] # handle the year wraparound if int(self.stop_month) < currentmonth: stopyear = str(int(stopyear) + 1) if int(self.start_month) < currentmonth: startyear = str(int(startyear) + 1) # create utc second start time starttime = time.mktime( strptime.strptime( str(self.start_month) + " " + str(self.start_day) + " " + str(startyear) + " " + str(self.start_time) + ":00", '%m %d %Y ' + config.TV_TIME_FORMAT + ':%S')) # create utc stop time stoptime = time.mktime( strptime.strptime( str(self.stop_month) + " " + str(self.stop_day) + " " + str(stopyear) + " " + str(self.stop_time) + ":00", '%m %d %Y ' + config.TV_TIME_FORMAT + ':%S')) # so we don't record for more then maxdays (maxdays day * 24hr/day * 60 min/hr * 60 sec/min) if not abs(stoptime - starttime) < (self.MAXDAYS * 86400): if self.MAXDAYS > 1: isgood = False msg = _("Program would record for more than %d days!" ) % self.MAXDAYS AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost') + (':\n%s' % msg)).show() else: isgood = False msg = _( "Program would record for more than 1 day!") % self.MAXDAYS AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost') + (':\n%s' % msg)).show() elif not starttime < stoptime: isgood = False msg = _("start time is not before stop time.") AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost') + (':\n%s' % msg)).show() elif stoptime < curtime_epoch + self.MINPICKUP: isgood = False msg = _( "Sorry, the stop time does not give enough time for scheduler to pickup the change. Please set it to record for a few minutes longer." ) AlertBox(text=_('Save Failed, recording was lost') + (':\n%s' % msg)).show() else: self.prog.start = starttime self.prog.stop = stoptime return isgood