def deco(*a, **b):
     """ Decorator for public method"""
     if hasattr(cherrypy, basecontroller.KEY_SESSION):
         user = basecontroller.get_logged_user()
         if (user is not None and user.is_administrator()) or SettingsService.is_first_run():
             return func(*a, **b)
     basecontroller.set_error_message('Only Administrators can access this application area!')
     raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')
 def create_user(self, username=None, password=None, password2=None,
                 role=None, email=None, comment=None, email_msg=None, validated=False):
     Service Layer for creating a new user.
     #Basic fields validation.
     if (username is None) or len(username) < 1:
         raise UsernameException("Empty UserName!")
     if (password is None) or len(password) < 1:
         raise UsernameException("Empty password!")
     if password2 is None:
         password2 = password
     if password != password2:
         raise UsernameException("Passwords do not match!")
         user_validated = (role == 'ADMINISTRATOR') or validated
         user = model.User(username, password, email, user_validated, role)
         if email_msg is None:
             email_msg = 'Hello ' + username + TEXT_CREATE
         admin_msg = (TEXT_CREATE_TO_ADMIN + username + ' :\n ' + cfg.BASE_URL +
                      'user/validate/' + username + '\n\n"' + str(comment) + '"')"Registering user " + username + " !")
         if role != 'ADMINISTRATOR' and email is not None:
             admins = UserService.get_administrators()
             admin = admins[randint(0, len(admins) - 1)]
             if is not None and ( != cfg.DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL or
                                             cfg.SERVER_IP != cfg.LOCALHOST):
                 # Do not send validation email in case default admin email
                 # remained unchanged but TVB in locally deployed....
                 email_sender.send(FROM_ADDRESS,, SUBJECT_REGISTER, admin_msg)
                 self.logger.debug("Email sent to:" + + " for validating user:"******" !")
             email_sender.send(FROM_ADDRESS, email, SUBJECT_REGISTER, email_msg)
             self.logger.debug("Email sent to:" + email + " for notifying new user:"******" !")
         user = dao.store_entity(user)
         if not SettingsService.is_first_run():
             handle_event(".".join([self.__class__.__name__, stack()[0][3]]), user)
         return TEXT_DISPLAY
     except Exception, excep:
         self.logger.error("Could not create user!")
         raise UsernameException(excep.message)
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.flow_controller import FlowController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.settings_controller import SettingsController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.burst.burst_controller import BurstController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.burst.exploration_controller import ParameterExplorationController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.spatial.base_spatio_temporal_controller import SpatioTemporalController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.spatial.region_model_parameters_controller import RegionsModelParametersController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.spatial.surface_model_parameters_controller import SurfaceModelParametersController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.spatial.region_stimulus_controller import RegionStimulusController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.spatial.surface_stimulus_controller import SurfaceStimulusController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.spatial.local_connectivity_controller import LocalConnectivityController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.spatial.noise_configuration_controller import NoiseConfigurationController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.api.simulator_controller import SimulatorController

LOGGER = get_logger('')
CONFIG_EXISTS = not SettingsService.is_first_run()
PARAM_RESET_DB = "reset"

### Ensure Python is using UTF-8 encoding.
### While running distribution/console, default encoding is ASCII
sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')"TVB application running using encoding: " + sys.getdefaultencoding())

def init_cherrypy(arguments=None):
    #### Mount static folders from modules marked for introspection
    arguments = arguments or []
    for module in arguments:
 def deco(*a, **b):
     """ Decorator for public method"""
     if not SettingsService.is_first_run():
         return func(*a, **b)
     raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/settings/settings')