 def test_json_dumps_loads(self):
     Tests class `MapAsJson.MapAsJsonEncoder` loads parameters correctly from JSON.
     input_parameters = {'a': 1, 'b': 1.0, 'c': 'd'}
     test_dict = {
         '1': 1,
         'a': {
             '1': 'b'
         '2': {
             'a': equations.Equation(parameters=input_parameters)
     json_string = json.dumps(test_dict, cls=MapAsJson.MapAsJsonEncoder)
     loaded_dict = json.loads(json_string,
     eq_parameters = loaded_dict['2']['a']
     assert input_parameters == eq_parameters.parameters, "parameters not loaded properly from json"
 def test_equation(self):
     dt = equations.Equation()
     assert dt.parameters == {}
 def test_equation(self):
     dt = equations.Equation()
     self.assertEqual(dt.parameters, {})
     self.assertEqual(dt.ui_equation, '')
class Multiplicative(Noise):
    With "external" fluctuations the intensity of the noise often depends on 
    the state of the system. This results in the (general) stochastic
    differential formulation:

    .. math::
        dX_t = a(X_t)\,dt + b(X_t)\,dW_t

    for appropriate coefficients :math:`a(x)` and :math:`b(x)`, which might be

    From [KloedenPlaten_1995]_, Equation 1.9, page 104.

    .. automethod:: Multiplicative.__init__
    .. automethod:: Multiplicative.gfun


    nsig = arrays.FloatArray(
        configurable_noise = True,
        label = ":math:`D`",
        required = True,
        default = numpy.array([1.0,]),
        order = 1,
        doc = """The noise dispersion, it is the standard deviation of the 
        distribution from which the Gaussian random variates are drawn. NOTE:
        Sensible values are typically ~<< 1% of the dynamic range of a Model's
        state variables.""")

    b = equations.Equation(
        label = ":math:`b`",
        default = equations.Linear(parameters = {"a": 1.0, "b": 0.0}),
        doc = """A function evaluated on the state-variables, the result of
        which enters as the diffusion coefficient.""")

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialise a Multiplicative noise source."""
        LOG.info('%s: initing...' % str(self))
        super(Multiplicative, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        LOG.debug('%s: inited.' % repr(self))

    def __str__(self):
        informal = "Multiplicative(**kwargs)"
        return informal

    def gfun(self, state_variables):
        Scale the noise by the noise dispersion and the diffusion coefficient.
        By default, the diffusion coefficient :math:`b` is a constant.
        It reduces to the simplest scheme of a linear SDE with Multiplicative 
        Noise: homogeneous constant coefficients. See [KloedenPlaten_1995]_,
        Equation 4.6, page 119.

        self.b.pattern = state_variables
        g_x = numpy.sqrt(2.0 * self.nsig) * self.b.pattern  

        return g_x
class SpatioTemporalPatternData(SpatialPatternData):
    Combine space and time equations.

    temporal = equations.Equation(label="Temporal Equation", order=3)