def _set_axis_labels(self, fig, sub, n_regions, region_labels, indices2emphasize, color='k', position='left'): y_ticks = range(n_regions) # region_labels = numpy.array(["%d. %s" % l for l in zip(y_ticks, region_labels)]) region_labels = generate_region_labels(len(y_ticks), region_labels, ". ", self.print_regions_indices, y_ticks) big_ax = fig.add_subplot(sub, frameon=False) if position == 'right': big_ax.yaxis.tick_right() big_ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") big_ax.set_yticks(y_ticks) big_ax.set_yticklabels(region_labels, color='k') if not (color == 'k'): labels = big_ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels() for idx in indices2emphasize: labels[idx].set_color(color) big_ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(labels) big_ax.invert_yaxis() big_ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
def axYticks(labels, nTS, offsets=offset): pyplot.gca().set_yticks((offset * numpy.array([list(range(nTS))]).flatten()).tolist()) try: pyplot.gca().set_yticklabels(labels.flatten().tolist()) except: labels = generate_region_labels(nTS, [], "", True) self.logger.warning("Cannot convert region labels' strings for y axis ticks!")
def plot_vector(self, vector, labels, subplot, title, show_y_labels=True, indices_red=None, sharey=None): ax = pyplot.subplot(subplot, sharey=sharey) pyplot.title(title) n_vector = labels.shape[0] y_ticks = numpy.array(range(n_vector), dtype=numpy.int32) color = 'k' colors = numpy.repeat([color], n_vector) coldif = False if indices_red is not None: colors[indices_red] = 'r' coldif = True if len(vector.shape) == 1: ax.barh(y_ticks, vector, color=colors, align='center') else: ax.barh(y_ticks, vector[0, :], color=colors, align='center') # ax.invert_yaxis() ax.grid(True, color='grey') ax.set_yticks(y_ticks) if show_y_labels: region_labels = generate_region_labels(n_vector, labels, ". ", self.print_regions_indices) ax.set_yticklabels(region_labels) if coldif: labels = ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels() for ids in indices_red: labels[ids].set_color('r') ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(labels) else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.autoscale(tight=True) if sharey is None: ax.invert_yaxis() return ax
def _plot_matrix(self, matrix, xlabels, ylabels, subplot=111, title="", show_x_labels=True, show_y_labels=True, x_ticks=numpy.array([]), y_ticks=numpy.array([]), indices_red_x=None, indices_red_y=None, sharex=None, sharey=None, cmap='autumn_r', vmin=None, vmax=None): ax = pyplot.subplot(subplot, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey) pyplot.title(title) nx, ny = matrix.shape indices_red = [indices_red_x, indices_red_y] ticks = [x_ticks, y_ticks] labels = [xlabels, ylabels] nticks = [] for ii, (n, tick) in enumerate(zip([nx, ny], ticks)): if len(tick) == 0: ticks[ii] = numpy.array(range(n), dtype=numpy.int32) nticks.append(len(ticks[ii])) cmap = pyplot.set_cmap(cmap) img = pyplot.imshow(matrix[ticks[0]][:, ticks[1]].T, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation='none') pyplot.grid(True, color='black') for ii, (xy, tick, ntick, ind_red, show, lbls, rot) in enumerate( zip(["x", "y"], ticks, nticks, indices_red, [show_x_labels, show_y_labels], labels, [90, 0])): if show: labels[ii] = \ generate_region_labels(len(tick), numpy.array(lbls)[tick], ". ", self.print_regions_indices, tick) # labels[ii] = numpy.array(["%d. %s" % l for l in zip(tick, lbls[tick])]) getattr(pyplot, xy + "ticks")(numpy.array(range(ntick)), labels[ii], rotation=rot) else: labels[ii] = numpy.array(["%d." % l for l in tick]) getattr(pyplot, xy + "ticks")(numpy.array(range(ntick)), labels[ii]) if ind_red is not None: tck = tick.tolist() ticklabels = getattr(ax, xy + "axis").get_ticklabels() for iidx, indr in enumerate(ind_red): try: ticklabels[tck.index(indr)].set_color('r') except: pass getattr(ax, xy + "axis").set_ticklabels(ticklabels) ax.autoscale(tight=True) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax1 = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) pyplot.colorbar( img, cax=cax1) # fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) #fraction=0.15, shrink=1.0 return ax, cax1
def plot_vector_violin(self, dataset, vector=[], lines=[], labels=[], subplot=111, title="", violin_flag=True, colormap="YlOrRd", show_y_labels=True, indices_red=None, sharey=None): ax = pyplot.subplot(subplot, sharey=sharey) pyplot.title(title) n_violins = dataset.shape[1] y_ticks = numpy.array(range(n_violins), dtype=numpy.int32) # the vector plot coldif = False if indices_red is None: indices_red = [] if violin_flag: # the violin plot colormap = cmap=pyplot.set_cmap(colormap)) colormap = colormap.to_rgba(numpy.mean(dataset, axis=0), alpha=0.75) violin_parts = ax.violinplot(dataset, y_ticks, vert=False, widths=0.9, showmeans=True, showmedians=True, showextrema=True) violin_parts['cmeans'].set_color("k") violin_parts['cmins'].set_color("b") violin_parts['cmaxes'].set_color("b") violin_parts['cbars'].set_color("b") violin_parts['cmedians'].set_color("b") for ii in range(len(violin_parts['bodies'])): violin_parts['bodies'][ii].set_color( numpy.reshape(colormap[ii], (1, 4))) violin_parts['bodies'][ii]._alpha = 0.75 violin_parts['bodies'][ii]._edgecolors = numpy.reshape( colormap[ii], (1, 4)) violin_parts['bodies'][ii]._facecolors = numpy.reshape( colormap[ii], (1, 4)) else: colorcycle = pyplot.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] n_samples = dataset.shape[0] for ii in range(n_violins): for jj in range(n_samples): ax.plot(dataset[jj, ii], y_ticks[ii], "D", mfc=colorcycle[jj % n_samples], mec=colorcycle[jj % n_samples], ms=20) color = 'k' colors = numpy.repeat([color], n_violins) if indices_red is not None: colors[indices_red] = 'r' coldif = True if len(vector) == n_violins: for ii in range(n_violins): ax.plot(vector[ii], y_ticks[ii], '*', mfc=colors[ii], mec=colors[ii], ms=10) if len(lines) == 2 and lines[0].shape[0] == n_violins and lines[ 1].shape[0] == n_violins: for ii in range(n_violins): yy = (y_ticks[ii] - 0.45*lines[1][ii]/numpy.max(lines[1][ii]))\ * numpy.ones(numpy.array(lines[0][ii]).shape) ax.plot(lines[0][ii], yy, '--', color=colors[ii]) ax.grid(True, color='grey') ax.set_yticks(y_ticks) if show_y_labels: region_labels = generate_region_labels(n_violins, labels, ". ", self.print_regions_indices) ax.set_yticklabels(region_labels) if coldif: labels = ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels() for ids in indices_red: labels[ids].set_color('r') ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(labels) else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if sharey is None: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.autoscale() return ax
def plot_ts(self, data, time=None, var_labels=[], mode="ts", subplots=None, special_idx=[], subtitles=[], labels=[], offset=0.5, time_unit="ms", title='Time series', figure_name=None, figsize=None): if not isinstance(figsize, (list, tuple)): figsize = self.config.figures.LARGE_SIZE if isinstance(data, dict): var_labels = data.keys() data = data.values() elif isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray): if len(data.shape) < 3: if len(data.shape) < 2: data = numpy.expand_dims(data, 1) data = numpy.expand_dims(data, 2) data = [data] else: # Assuming a structure of Time X Space X Variables X Samples data = [ data[:, :, iv].squeeze() for iv in range(data.shape[2]) ] elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): data = ensure_list(data) else: raise_value_error("Input timeseries: %s \n" "is not on of one of the following types: " "[numpy.ndarray, dict, list, tuple]" % str(data)) n_vars = len(data) data_lims = [] for id, d in enumerate(data): if isequal_string(mode, "raster"): data[id] = (d - d.mean(axis=0)) drange = numpy.max(data[id].max(axis=0) - data[id].min(axis=0)) data[id] = data[id] / drange # zscore(d, axis=None) data_lims.append([d.min(), d.max()]) data_shape = data[0].shape if len(data_shape) == 1: n_times = data_shape[0] nTS = 1 for iV in range(n_vars): data[iV] = data[iV][:, numpy.newaxis] else: n_times, nTS = data_shape[:2] if len(data_shape) > 2: nSamples = data_shape[2] else: nSamples = 1 if special_idx is None: special_idx = [] n_special_idx = len(special_idx) if len(subtitles) == 0: subtitles = var_labels if isinstance(labels, list) and len(labels) == n_vars: labels = [ generate_region_labels(nTS, label, ". ", self.print_ts_indices) for label in labels ] else: labels = [ generate_region_labels(nTS, labels, ". ", self.print_ts_indices) for _ in range(n_vars) ] if isequal_string(mode, "traj"): data_fun, plot_lines, projection, n_rows, n_cols, def_alpha, loopfun, \ subtitle, subtitle_col, axlabels, axlimits = \ self._trajectories_plot(n_vars, nTS, nSamples, subplots) else: if isequal_string(mode, "raster"): data_fun, time, plot_lines, projection, n_rows, n_cols, def_alpha, loopfun, \ subtitle, subtitle_col, axlabels, axlimits, axYticks = \ self._ts_plot(time, n_vars, nTS, n_times, time_unit, 0, offset, data_lims) else: data_fun, time, plot_lines, projection, n_rows, n_cols, def_alpha, loopfun, \ subtitle, subtitle_col, axlabels, axlimits, axYticks = \ self._ts_plot(time, n_vars, nTS, n_times, time_unit, ensure_list(subplots)[0]) alpha_ratio = 1.0 / nSamples alphas = numpy.maximum( numpy.array([def_alpha] * nTS) * alpha_ratio, 0.1) alphas[special_idx] = numpy.maximum(alpha_ratio, 0.1) if isequal_string(mode, "traj") and (n_cols * n_rows > 1): colors = numpy.zeros((nTS, 4)) colors[special_idx] = \ numpy.array([numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0, 1.0]) for _ in range(n_special_idx)]).reshape((n_special_idx, 4)) else: cmap ='jet') colors = numpy.array([cmap(0.5 * iTS / nTS) for iTS in range(nTS)]) colors[special_idx] = \ numpy.array([cmap(1.0 - 0.25 * iTS / nTS) for iTS in range(n_special_idx)]).reshape((n_special_idx, 4)) colors[:, 3] = alphas lines = [] pyplot.figure(title, figsize=figsize) axes = [] for icol in range(n_cols): if n_rows == 1: # If there are no more rows, create axis, and set its limits, labels and possible subtitle axes += ensure_list( pyplot.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, icol + 1, projection=projection)) axlimits(data_lims, time, n_vars, icol) axlabels(labels[icol % n_vars], var_labels, n_vars, n_rows, 1, 0) pyplot.gca().set_title(subtitles[icol]) for iTS in loopfun(nTS, n_rows, icol): if n_rows > 1: # If there are more rows, create axes, and set their limits, labels and possible subtitles axes += ensure_list( pyplot.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, iTS + 1, projection=projection)) axlimits(data_lims, time, n_vars, icol) subtitle(labels[icol % n_vars], iTS) axlabels(labels[icol % n_vars], var_labels, n_vars, n_rows, (iTS % n_rows) + 1, iTS) lines += ensure_list( plot_lines(data_fun(data, time, icol), iTS, colors, labels[icol % n_vars])) if isequal_string( mode, "raster"): # set yticks as labels if this is a raster plot axYticks(labels[icol % n_vars], nTS) yticklabels = pyplot.gca().yaxis.get_ticklabels() self.tick_font_size = numpy.minimum( self.tick_font_size, int(numpy.round(self.tick_font_size * 100.0 / nTS))) for iTS in range(nTS): yticklabels[iTS].set_fontsize(self.tick_font_size) if iTS in special_idx: yticklabels[iTS].set_color(colors[iTS, :3].tolist() + [1]) pyplot.gca().yaxis.set_ticklabels(yticklabels) pyplot.gca().invert_yaxis() if self.config.figures.MOUSE_HOOVER: for line in lines: self.HighlightingDataCursor(line, formatter='{label}'.format, bbox=dict(fc='white'), arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle='simple', fc='white', alpha=0.5)) self._save_figure(pyplot.gcf(), figure_name) self._check_show() return pyplot.gcf(), axes, lines