def test_conv2d_int8_tflite(ifm_shape, kernel_shape, strides, dilation, padding, activation): """Compares TVM output against TFLite output""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True test_runner = AOT_USMP_CORSTONE300_RUNNER dtype = "int8" from tvm.relay.testing.tflite import TFLiteModel tfl_model = TFLiteModel(dtype) conv2d_function = tfl_model.create_conv2d_single( kernel_shape, strides, padding, dilation, activation ) tfl_model.create_tflite_model(conv2d_function, [ifm_shape]) relay_mod, relay_params = tfl_model.convert_to_relay() cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(relay_mod, relay_params) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(relay_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # validate CMSIS-NN output against TFLite output input_map, output_map, output_tolerance = tfl_model.generate_reference_data() compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=input_map, outputs=output_map, params=relay_params, output_tolerance=output_tolerance, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_op_int8(zero_point, scale, compiler_cpu, cpu_flags): """Tests int8 QNN Softmax for CMSIS-NN""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True dtype = "int8" shape = [1, 16, 16, 3] model = make_model(shape, dtype, dtype, zero_point, scale) orig_mod = make_module(model) cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(orig_mod) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(orig_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # validate the output in_min, in_max = get_range_for_dtype_str(dtype) np.random.seed(0) input_data = np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype) inputs = {"in0": input_data} params = {} output_list = generate_ref_data(orig_mod["main"], inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params), create_test_runner(compiler_cpu, cpu_flags), interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_deprecated_target_arguments(capsys): """Tests we can still use with -executor, -runtime and -link-params""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True test_runner = AOT_DEFAULT_RUNNER x = relay.var("x", shape=(1, 10)) y = relay.var("y", shape=(1, 10)) z = relay.add(x, y) func = relay.Function([x, y], z) x_in = np.ones((1, 10)).astype("float32") y_in = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 10)).astype("float32") params = {"x": x_in} inputs = {"y": y_in} output_list = generate_ref_data(func, inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=IRModule.from_expr(func), inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, use_runtime_executor=False, target= "c -executor=aot --link-params -runtime=c -interface-api=c --unpacked-api", )
def test_byoc_microtvm_multiple_subgraphs(merge_compiler_regions): """This is a test case to check BYOC capabilities of AOT with multiple sub graphs""" use_unpacked_api = False interface_api = "packed" test_runner = AOT_DEFAULT_RUNNER x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 10)) w0 = relay.var("w0", shape=(10, 10)) w1 = relay.var("w1", shape=(10, 10)) w2 = relay.var("w2", shape=(10, 10)) w3 = relay.var("w3", shape=(10, 10)) w4 = relay.var("w4", shape=(10, 10)) w5 = relay.var("w5", shape=(10, 10)) w6 = relay.var("w6", shape=(10, 10)) w7 = relay.var("w7", shape=(10, 10)) # C compiler z0 = relay.add(x, w0) p0 = relay.subtract(z0, w1) q0 = relay.multiply(p0, w2) z1 = relay.add(x, w3) p1 = relay.subtract(z1, w4) q1 = relay.multiply(p1, w5) # Other parts on TVM z2 = relay.add(x, w6) q2 = relay.subtract(z2, w7) r = relay.concatenate((q0, q1, q2), axis=0) f = relay.Function([x, w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7], r) mod = tvm.IRModule() ann = byoc.CcompilerAnnotator() mod["main"] = ann.visit(f) if merge_compiler_regions: mod = transform.MergeCompilerRegions()(mod) mod = tvm.relay.transform.PartitionGraph("mod_name")(mod) mod = tvm.relay.transform.InferType()(mod) x_data = np.random.rand(10, 10).astype("float32") w_data = [] for _ in range(8): w_data.append(np.random.rand(10, 10).astype("float32")) map_inputs = OrderedDict([("x", x_data)] + [("w{}".format(i), w_data[i]) for i in range(8)]) output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, map_inputs) input_list = [map_inputs["x"]] input_list.extend([map_inputs["w{}".format(i)] for i in range(8)]) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(name="my_mod", module=mod, inputs=map_inputs, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_quant_mobilenet_tfl(): """Since in AOT we pass directly the output buffer from the user, in quantized networks sharing the output buffers is not possible. This is because the output data type is int8 and the intermediate buffer are int32 or int16. We use mobilenet quantized to stress this situation and verify that the output buffer sharing is disabled in AOT.""" pytest.importorskip("tflite") import as tf_testing use_unpacked_api = True interface_api = "c" test_runner = AOT_DEFAULT_RUNNER tflite_model_file = tf_testing.get_workload_official( "" "models/mobilenet_v1_2018_08_02/mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tgz", "mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite", ) mod, inputs, params = create_relay_module_and_inputs_from_tflite_file( tflite_model_file) output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_mobilenet(): """Full network test with Mobilenet""" use_unpacked_api = True interface_api = "c" test_runner = AOT_DEFAULT_RUNNER mod, params = testing.mobilenet.get_workload(batch_size=1) uma_backend = VanillaAcceleratorBackend() uma_backend.register() target ="vanilla_accelerator","c")) target_c ="c") data_shape = [int(x) for x in mod["main"].checked_type.arg_types[0].shape] data = np.random.uniform(size=data_shape).astype("float32") input_list = {"data": data} output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, input_list, params) mod = uma_backend.partition(mod) aot_test_model = AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=input_list, outputs=output_list, params=params) compile_and_run( aot_test_model, test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, workspace_byte_alignment=1, debug_calculated_workspaces=False, target=[target_c, target], )
def test_transpose(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner): """Test that non-inpleaceable operations (e.g., transpose) do not happen in-place.""" dtype = "float32" x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 5), dtype=dtype) y = relay.var("y", shape=(10, 5), dtype=dtype) t = relay.var("z", shape=(), dtype=dtype) a = relay.add(x, y) b = relay.transpose(a) z = relay.add(b, t) # Check result. func = relay.Function([x, y, t], z) x_data = np.random.rand(10, 5).astype(dtype) y_data = np.random.rand(10, 5).astype(dtype) t_data = np.random.uniform(size=()).astype(dtype) inputs = {"x": x_data, "y": y_data, "z": t_data} output_list = generate_ref_data(func, inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=IRModule.from_expr(func), inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, enable_op_fusion=False, )
def test_mobilenet(debug_calculated_workspaces, workspace_byte_alignment): use_unpacked_api = True interface_api = "c" test_runner = AOT_DEFAULT_RUNNER # TODO(@Mousius) - Enable memory planning to take into account debug information debugging_memory_overhead = 1024 * 1024 mod, params = testing.mobilenet.get_workload(batch_size=1) data_shape = [int(x) for x in mod["main"].checked_type.arg_types[0].shape] data = np.random.uniform(size=data_shape).astype("float32") inputs = {"data": data} output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params, extra_memory_in_bytes=debugging_memory_overhead, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, workspace_byte_alignment=workspace_byte_alignment, debug_calculated_workspaces=debug_calculated_workspaces, )
def test_conv2d(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner, groups, weight_shape): """Test a subgraph with a single conv2d operator.""" dtype = "float32" ishape = (1, 32, 14, 14) wshape = (32, weight_shape, 3, 3) data0 = relay.var("data", shape=ishape, dtype=dtype) weight0 = relay.var("weight", shape=wshape, dtype=dtype) out = relay.nn.conv2d(data0, weight0, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=(1, 1), groups=groups) main_f = relay.Function([data0, weight0], out) mod = tvm.IRModule() mod["main"] = main_f mod = transform.InferType()(mod) i_data = np.random.uniform(0, 1, ishape).astype(dtype) w1_data = np.random.uniform(0, 1, wshape).astype(dtype) inputs = OrderedDict([("data", i_data), ("weight", w1_data)]) output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_name_sanitiser_name_clash(): """Test that 2 input tensors with names that clash once sanitized, generates an error""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True test_runner = AOT_DEFAULT_RUNNER dtype = "float32" x = relay.var("input::-1", shape=(10, 5), dtype=dtype) # Next 2 input tensor names will clash once sanitized. y = relay.var("input::-2", shape=(10, 5), dtype=dtype) t = relay.var("input:--2", shape=(), dtype=dtype) a = relay.add(x, y) b = relay.transpose(a) z = relay.add(b, t) # Check result. func = relay.Function([x, y, t], z) x_data = np.random.rand(10, 5).astype(dtype) y_data = np.random.rand(10, 5).astype(dtype) t_data = np.random.uniform(size=()).astype(dtype) inputs = {"input::-1": x_data, "input::-2": y_data, "input:--2": t_data} output_list = generate_ref_data(func, inputs) with pytest.raises(TVMError, match="Sanitized input tensor name clash"): compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=IRModule.from_expr(func), inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, enable_op_fusion=False, )
def test_conv_with_params(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner): """Tests compilation of convolution with parameters""" mod = get_conv2d_relay_module() main_func = mod["main"] shape_dict = { p.name_hint: p.checked_type.concrete_shape for p in main_func.params } type_dict = {p.name_hint: p.checked_type.dtype for p in main_func.params} weight_data = np.ones(shape_dict["weight"]).astype(type_dict["weight"]) input_data = np.ones(shape_dict["data"]).astype(type_dict["data"]) params = {"weight": weight_data} inputs = {"data": input_data} output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_pool( self, pool_type, shape, dtype, pool_size, strides, padding, dilation, layout, ceil_mode, schedule_name, ): """Test a subgraph with a single max_pool operator.""" ishape = shape input0 = relay.var("input", relay.TensorType(ishape, dtype)) out0 = getattr(relay.op.nn, pool_type)( input0, pool_size=pool_size, strides=strides, dilation=dilation, padding=padding, layout=layout, out_layout="", ceil_mode=ceil_mode, ) ref_mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(relay.Function([input0], out0)) input1 = relay.var("input", relay.TensorType(ishape, dtype)) out1 = getattr(relay.op.nn, pool_type)( input1, pool_size=pool_size, strides=strides, dilation=dilation, padding=padding, layout=layout, out_layout="", ceil_mode=ceil_mode, ) mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(relay.Function([input1], out1)) inputs = { "input": np.random.randint(low=-128, high=127, size=ishape, dtype=dtype) } output_list = generate_ref_data(ref_mod, inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), runner=AOT_CORSTONE300_RUNNER, interface_api="c", use_unpacked_api=True, target_opts={ "-keys": "arm_cpu", "-mcpu": "cortex-m7", }, schedule_name=schedule_name, )
def test_add_name_mangling_with_params(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner): x = relay.var("x", shape=(1, 10)) y = relay.var("y", shape=(1, 10)) z = relay.add(x, y) func = relay.Function([x, y], z) x_in = np.ones((1, 10)).astype("float32") y_in = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 10)).astype("float32") params = {"x": x_in} inputs = {"y": y_in} output_list = generate_ref_data(func, inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( name="my_mod", module=func, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_add_name_mangling_with_params(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner): """Checks name mangling works with parameters""" input_x = relay.var("x", shape=(1, 10)) input_y = relay.var("y", shape=(1, 10)) func_add = relay.add(input_x, input_y) relay_func = relay.Function([input_x, input_y], func_add) x_in = np.ones((1, 10)).astype("float32") y_in = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 10)).astype("float32") params = {"x": x_in} inputs = {"y": y_in} output_list = generate_ref_data(relay_func, inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( name="my_mod", module=relay_func, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_add_with_params(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner): """Tests compilation of add with parameters""" input_x = relay.var("x", shape=(1, 10)) input_y = relay.var("y", shape=(1, 10)) input_z = relay.add(input_x, input_y) func = relay.Function([input_x, input_y], input_z) input_x_data = np.ones((1, 10)).astype("float32") input_y_data = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 10)).astype("float32") params = {"x": input_x_data} inputs = {"y": input_y_data} output_list = generate_ref_data(func, inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=IRModule.from_expr(func), inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_op_int8(zero_point, scale): interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True test_runner = AOT_USMP_CORSTONE300_RUNNER dtype = "int8" shape = [1, 16, 16, 3] model = make_model(shape, dtype, dtype, zero_point, scale) orig_mod = make_module(model) cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(orig_mod) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(orig_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # validate the output in_min, in_max = get_range_for_dtype_str(dtype) np.random.seed(0) input_data = np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype) inputs = {"in0": input_data} params = {} output_list = generate_ref_data(orig_mod["main"], inputs, params) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=params), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_dense(dim_m, dim_k, dim_n): """Test a subgraph with a single dense operator.""" ishape = (dim_m, dim_k) wshape = (dim_n, dim_k) input0 = relay.var("input", relay.TensorType(ishape, "int8")) dense_f = relay.op.nn.batch_flatten(input0) weight0 = relay.const( np.random.randint(low=-10, high=10, size=wshape, dtype="int8")) out = relay.op.nn.dense(dense_f, weight0, out_dtype="int32") mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(relay.Function([input0], out)) inputs = { "input": np.random.randint(low=-128, high=127, size=ishape, dtype="int8") } output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), runner=AOT_CORSTONE300_RUNNER, interface_api="c", use_unpacked_api=True, target_opts={ "-keys": "arm_cpu", "-mcpu": "cortex-m7", }, )
def test_maxpool_1d(data_shape_nwc, pool_size, strides, padding): """Test a subgraph with a single maxpool_1d operator.""" ishape = data_shape_nwc input0 = relay.var("input", relay.TensorType(ishape, "int8")) out = relay.op.nn.max_pool1d(input0, pool_size, layout="NWC", strides=strides, padding=padding) mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(relay.Function([input0], out)) inputs = { "input": np.random.randint(low=-128, high=127, size=ishape, dtype="int8") } output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), runner=AOT_CORSTONE300_RUNNER, interface_api="c", use_unpacked_api=True, target_opts={ "-keys": "arm_cpu", "-mcpu": "cortex-m7", }, )
def test_conv2d(data_shape_nhwc, kernel_size, num_filter, strides, padding, dilation, dtype): """Test a subgraph with a single conv2d operator.""" ishape = data_shape_nhwc wshape = (*kernel_size, data_shape_nhwc[-1], num_filter) weight_data = np.random.randint(low=-10, high=10, size=wshape, dtype=dtype) input0 = relay.var("input", relay.TensorType(ishape, dtype)) weight0 = relay.const(weight_data) out0 = relay.op.nn.conv2d( input0, weight0, kernel_size=kernel_size, strides=strides, padding=padding, dilation=(dilation, dilation), data_layout="NHWC", kernel_layout="HWIO", out_dtype="int32", out_layout="NHWC", ) ref_mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(relay.Function([input0], out0)) input1 = relay.var("input", relay.TensorType(ishape, dtype)) weight1 = relay.const(np.moveaxis(weight_data, 2, -1)) out1 = relay.op.nn.conv2d( input1, weight1, kernel_size=kernel_size, strides=strides, padding=padding, dilation=(dilation, dilation), data_layout="NHWC", kernel_layout="HWOI", out_dtype="int32", out_layout="NHWC", ) mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(relay.Function([input1], out1)) inputs = { "input": np.random.randint(low=-128, high=127, size=ishape, dtype=dtype) } output_list = generate_ref_data(ref_mod, inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), runner=AOT_CORSTONE300_RUNNER, interface_api="c", use_unpacked_api=True, target_opts={ "-keys": "arm_cpu", "-mcpu": "cortex-m7", }, )
def test_op_int8( op, relu_type, input_0_scale, input_0_zero_point, input_1_scale, input_1_zero_point, compiler_cpu, cpu_flags, ): """Tests QNN binary operator for CMSIS-NN""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True dtype = "int8" shape = [1, 16, 16, 3] model = make_model( op, generate_variable("input_0"), generate_variable("input_1"), input_0_scale, input_0_zero_point, input_1_scale, input_1_zero_point, relu_type, ) orig_mod = make_module(model) cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(orig_mod) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(orig_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # validate the output in_min, in_max = get_range_for_dtype_str(dtype) inputs = { "input_0": np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype), "input_1": np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype), } output_list = generate_ref_data(orig_mod["main"], inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, output_tolerance=1, ), create_test_runner(compiler_cpu, cpu_flags), interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_same_input_to_binary_op(op, relu_type): """Tests QNN binary operator for CMSIS-NN where both inputs are the same""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True test_runner = AOT_USMP_CORSTONE300_RUNNER dtype = "int8" shape = [1, 16, 16, 3] input_ = generate_variable("input") input_scale = 0.256 input_zero_point = 33 model = make_model( op, input_, input_, input_scale, input_zero_point, input_scale, input_zero_point, relu_type, ) orig_mod = make_module(model) cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(orig_mod) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(orig_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # Check if the number of internal function parameter is 1 cmsisnn_global_func = cmsisnn_mod["tvmgen_default_cmsis_nn_main_0"] assert ( isinstance(cmsisnn_global_func.body, tvm.relay.expr.Call) and len(cmsisnn_global_func.body.args) == 1 ), "Composite function for the binary op should have only 1 parameter." # validate the output in_min, in_max = get_range_for_dtype_str(dtype) inputs = { "input": np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype), } output_list = generate_ref_data(orig_mod["main"], inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, output_tolerance=1, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_conv2d(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner, groups, weight_shape): """Test a subgraph with a single conv2d operator.""" dtype = "float32" ishape = (1, 32, 14, 14) wshape = (32, weight_shape, 3, 3) pass_config = {"tir.usmp.enable": True} test_runner = AOTTestRunner( makefile=test_runner.makefile, prologue=test_runner.prologue, epilogue=test_runner.epilogue, includes=test_runner.includes, parameters=test_runner.parameters, pass_config=pass_config, ) data0 = relay.var("data", shape=ishape, dtype=dtype) weight0 = relay.var("weight", shape=wshape, dtype=dtype) out = relay.nn.conv2d(data0, weight0, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=(1, 1), groups=groups) main_f = relay.Function([data0, weight0], out) mod = tvm.IRModule() mod["main"] = main_f mod = transform.InferType()(mod) i_data = np.random.uniform(0, 1, ishape).astype(dtype) w1_data = np.random.uniform(0, 1, wshape).astype(dtype) inputs = OrderedDict([("data", i_data), ("weight", w1_data)]) output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, ) compiled_test_mods = compile_models( models=AOTTestModel(module=mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), interface_api=interface_api, use_unpacked_api=use_unpacked_api, pass_config=test_runner.pass_config, ) for compiled_model in compiled_test_mods: _check_for_no_tvm_backendallocworkspace_calls( compiled_model.executor_factory.lib) run_and_check( models=compiled_test_mods, runner=test_runner, interface_api=interface_api, )
def test_op_int8( in_shape, pool_size, strides, padding, relu_type, pool_type, zero_point, scale, compiler_cpu, cpu_flags, ): """Tests QNN pooling op for int8 inputs""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True dtype = "int8" model = make_model( pool_op=pool_type, shape=in_shape, pool_size=pool_size, strides=strides, padding=padding, scale=scale, zero_point=zero_point, relu_type=relu_type, ) orig_mod = make_module(model) cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(orig_mod) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(orig_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # validate the output in_min, in_max = get_range_for_dtype_str(dtype) np.random.seed(0) inputs = { "input": np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=in_shape, dtype="int8"), } output_list = generate_ref_data(orig_mod["main"], inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=None, output_tolerance=1, ), create_test_runner(compiler_cpu, cpu_flags), interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_int8_pool_with_float32_input( pool_size, strides, padding, relu_type, ): """Tests QNN maxpool partitions with float32 input""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True test_runner = AOT_USMP_CORSTONE300_RUNNER in_shape = (1, 28, 28, 12) zero_point, scale = (-34, 0.0256) input_ = relay.var("input", shape=in_shape, dtype="float32") op = relay.op.add(input_, input_) op = relay.qnn.op.quantize(op, relay.const(scale), relay.const(zero_point), -1, "int8") model = make_model( pool_op=relay.nn.max_pool2d, shape=in_shape, pool_size=pool_size, strides=strides, padding=padding, scale=scale, zero_point=zero_point, relu_type=relu_type, input_op=op, ) orig_mod = make_module(model) cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(orig_mod) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(orig_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # validate the output np.random.seed(0) inputs = {"input": np.random.uniform(0, 1, in_shape).astype("float32")} output_list = generate_ref_data(orig_mod["main"], inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, params=None, output_tolerance=1, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_constant_input_int8(op, input_0, input_1): """Tests binary ops where one of the operands is a constant""" interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True test_runner = AOT_USMP_CORSTONE300_RUNNER dtype = "int8" shape = [1, 16, 16, 3] input_0_scale = 0.256 input_0_zero_point = 33 input_1_scale = 0.128 input_1_zero_point = -24 model = make_model( op, input_0, input_1, input_0_scale, input_0_zero_point, input_1_scale, input_1_zero_point, ) orig_mod = make_module(model) cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(orig_mod) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(orig_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # validate the output in_min, in_max = get_range_for_dtype_str(dtype) inputs = {} if isinstance(input_0, tvm.relay.expr.Var): inputs.update({ "input_0": np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype) }) if isinstance(input_1, tvm.relay.expr.Var): inputs.update({ "input_1": np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype) }) output_list = generate_ref_data(orig_mod["main"], inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, output_tolerance=1, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_byoc_microtvm(merge_compiler_regions): """ This is a simple test to check BYOC capabilities of AOT with and without merging compiler regions to test for """ use_unpacked_api = False interface_api = "packed" test_runner = AOT_DEFAULT_RUNNER input_x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 10)) input_w0 = relay.var("w0", shape=(10, 10)) input_w1 = relay.var("w1", shape=(10, 10)) # z0 = x + w0 marked_input_x = compiler_begin(input_x, "ccompiler") marked_input_w0 = compiler_begin(input_w0, "ccompiler") add_x_and_w0 = relay.add(marked_input_x, marked_input_w0) end_inner_add = compiler_end(add_x_and_w0, "ccompiler") # z1 = z0 + w1 marked_inner_add = compiler_begin(end_inner_add, "ccompiler") marked_w1 = compiler_begin(input_w1, "ccompiler") add_nested_and_w1 = relay.add(marked_inner_add, marked_w1) end_outer_add = compiler_end(add_nested_and_w1, "ccompiler") # z2 = z0 + z1 final_add = relay.add(end_inner_add, end_outer_add) relay_func = relay.Function([input_x, input_w0, input_w1], final_add) mod = tvm.IRModule() mod["main"] = relay_func if merge_compiler_regions: mod = transform.MergeCompilerRegions()(mod) mod = transform.PartitionGraph("mod_name")(mod) mod = transform.InferType()(mod) x_data = [("x", np.random.rand(10, 10).astype("float32"))] w_data = [("w{}".format(i), np.random.rand(10, 10).astype("float32")) for i in range(2)] map_inputs = OrderedDict(x_data + w_data) output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, map_inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(name="my_mod", module=mod, inputs=map_inputs, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_add_const(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner): two = relay.add(relay.const(1), relay.const(1)) func = relay.Function([], two) output_list = generate_ref_data(func, {}) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=IRModule.from_expr(func), inputs={}, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_byoc_microtvm(merge_compiler_regions): """This is a simple test to check BYOC capabilities of AOT - with and without merging compiler regions to test for""" use_unpacked_api = False interface_api = "packed" test_runner = AOT_DEFAULT_RUNNER x = relay.var("x", shape=(10, 10)) w0 = relay.var("w0", shape=(10, 10)) w1 = relay.var("w1", shape=(10, 10)) # z0 = x + w0 x_ = compiler_begin(x, "ccompiler") w0_ = compiler_begin(w0, "ccompiler") z0_ = relay.add(x_, w0_) z0 = compiler_end(z0_, "ccompiler") # z1 = z0 + w1 z0__ = compiler_begin(z0, "ccompiler") w1_ = compiler_begin(w1, "ccompiler") z1_ = relay.add(z0__, w1_) z1 = compiler_end(z1_, "ccompiler") # z2 = z0 + z1 z2 = relay.add(z0, z1) f = relay.Function([x, w0, w1], z2) mod = tvm.IRModule() mod["main"] = f if merge_compiler_regions: mod = transform.MergeCompilerRegions()(mod) mod = transform.PartitionGraph("mod_name")(mod) mod = transform.InferType()(mod) x_data = [("x", np.random.rand(10, 10).astype("float32"))] w_data = [("w{}".format(i), np.random.rand(10, 10).astype("float32")) for i in range(2)] map_inputs = OrderedDict(x_data + w_data) output_list = generate_ref_data(mod, map_inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(name="my_mod", module=mod, inputs=map_inputs, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_op_int8(op, relu_type, input_0_scale, input_0_zero_point, input_1_scale, input_1_zero_point): interface_api = "c" use_unpacked_api = True test_runner = AOT_USMP_CORSTONE300_RUNNER dtype = "int8" shape = [1, 16, 16, 3] model = make_model( op, generate_variable("input_0"), generate_variable("input_1"), input_0_scale, input_0_zero_point, input_1_scale, input_1_zero_point, relu_type, ) orig_mod = make_module(model) cmsisnn_mod = cmsisnn.partition_for_cmsisnn(orig_mod) # validate pattern matching assert_partitioned_function(orig_mod, cmsisnn_mod) # validate the output in_min, in_max = get_range_for_dtype_str(dtype) inputs = { "input_0": np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype), "input_1": np.random.randint(in_min, high=in_max, size=shape, dtype=dtype), } output_list = generate_ref_data(orig_mod["main"], inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel( module=cmsisnn_mod, inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list, output_tolerance=1, ), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )
def test_subtract(interface_api, use_unpacked_api, test_runner): i = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32") sub = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype="int32")) func = relay.Function([i], sub, ret_type=relay.TensorType([], "int32")) i_data = np.array(1, dtype="int32") inputs = {"i": i_data} output_list = generate_ref_data(func, inputs) compile_and_run( AOTTestModel(module=IRModule.from_expr(func), inputs=inputs, outputs=output_list), test_runner, interface_api, use_unpacked_api, )