def dumpSchema(txn, title, schemaname="public"): """ Generate the L{Schema}. """ schemaname = schemaname.lower() schema = Schema(title) # Sequences seqs = {} rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname, )) for row in rows: name = row[0] seqs[name.upper()] = Sequence(schema, name.upper()) # Tables tables = {} rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname, )) for row in rows: name = row[0] table = Table(schema, name.upper()) tables[name.upper()] = table # Columns rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length, column_default from information_schema.columns where table_schema = '%s' and table_name = '%s';" % ( schemaname, name, )) for name, datatype, charlen, default in rows: # TODO: figure out the type column = Column( table, name.upper(), SQLType(DTYPE_MAP.get(datatype, datatype), charlen)) table.columns.append(column) if default: if default.startswith("nextval("): dname = default.split("'")[1].split(".")[-1] column.default = seqs[dname.upper()] elif default in DEFAULTVALUE_MAP: column.default = DEFAULTVALUE_MAP[default] else: try: column.default = int(default) except ValueError: column.default = default # Key columns keys = {} rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select constraint_name, table_name, column_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname, )) for conname, tname, cname in rows: keys[conname] = (tname, cname) # Constraints constraints = {} rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select constraint_name, table_name, column_name from information_schema.constraint_column_usage where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname, )) for conname, tname, cname in rows: constraints[conname] = (tname, cname) # References - referential_constraints rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select constraint_name, unique_constraint_name, delete_rule from information_schema.referential_constraints where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname, )) for conname, uconname, delete in rows: table = tables[keys[conname][0].upper()] column = table.columnNamed(keys[conname][1].upper()) column.doesReferenceName(constraints[uconname][0].upper()) if delete != "NO ACTION": column.deleteAction = delete.lower() # Indexes # TODO: handle implicit indexes created via primary key() and unique() statements within CREATE TABLE rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select indexdef from pg_indexes where schemaname = '%s';" % (schemaname, )) for indexdef in rows: addSQLToSchema(schema, indexdef[0].replace("%s." % (schemaname, ), "").upper()) # Functions rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select routine_name from information_schema.routines where routine_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname, )) for row in rows: name = row[0] Function(schema, name) returnValue(schema)
def dumpCurrentSchema(verbose=False): schemaname = "public" schema = Schema("Dumped schema") # Sequences seqs = {} rows = execSQL( "Schema sequences...", "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,), verbose ) for row in rows: name = row[0] seqs[name.upper()] = Sequence(schema, name.upper()) # Tables tables = {} rows = execSQL( "Schema tables...", "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,), verbose ) for row in rows: name = row[0] table = Table(schema, name.upper()) tables[name.upper()] = table # Columns rows = execSQL( "Reading table '{}' columns...".format(name), "select column_name, data_type, is_nullable, character_maximum_length, column_default from information_schema.columns where table_schema = '%s' and table_name = '%s';" % (schemaname, name,), verbose, ) for name, datatype, is_nullable, charlen, default in rows: # TODO: figure out the type column = Column(table, name.upper(), SQLType(DTYPE_MAP_POSTGRES.get(datatype, datatype), int(charlen) if charlen else 0)) table.columns.append(column) if default: if default.startswith("nextval("): dname = default.split("'")[1].split(".")[-1] column.default = seqs[dname.upper()] elif default in DEFAULTVALUE_MAP_POSTGRES: column.default = DEFAULTVALUE_MAP_POSTGRES[default] else: try: column.default = int(default) except ValueError: column.default = default if is_nullable == "NO": table.tableConstraint(Constraint.NOT_NULL, [, ]) # Key columns keys = {} rows = execSQL( "Schema key columns...", "select constraint_name, table_name, column_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,), verbose ) for conname, tname, cname in rows: keys[conname] = (tname, cname) # Constraints constraints = {} rows = execSQL( "SChema constraints...", "select constraint_name, table_name, column_name from information_schema.constraint_column_usage where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,), verbose ) for conname, tname, cname in rows: constraints[conname] = (tname, cname) # References - referential_constraints rows = execSQL( "Schema referential constraints...", "select constraint_name, unique_constraint_name, delete_rule from information_schema.referential_constraints where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,), verbose ) for conname, uconname, delete in rows: table = tables[keys[conname][0].upper()] column = table.columnNamed(keys[conname][1].upper()) column.doesReferenceName(constraints[uconname][0].upper()) if delete != "NO ACTION": column.deleteAction = delete.lower() # Indexes # TODO: handle implicit indexes created via primary key() and unique() statements within CREATE TABLE rows = execSQL( "Schema indexes...", "select indexdef from pg_indexes where schemaname = '%s';" % (schemaname,), verbose ) for indexdef in rows: addSQLToSchema(schema, indexdef[0].replace("%s." % (schemaname,), "").upper()) # Functions rows = execSQL( "Schema functions", "select routine_name from information_schema.routines where routine_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,), verbose ) for row in rows: name = row[0] Function(schema, name) return schema
def dumpSchema_postgres(txn, title, schemaname="public"): """ Generate the L{Schema}. """ schemaname = schemaname.lower() schema = Schema(title) # Sequences seqs = {} rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,) ) for row in rows: name = row[0] seqs[name.upper()] = Sequence(schema, name.upper()) # Tables tables = {} rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,) ) for row in rows: name = row[0] table = Table(schema, name.upper()) tables[name.upper()] = table # Columns rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select column_name, data_type, is_nullable, character_maximum_length, column_default from information_schema.columns where table_schema = '%s' and table_name = '%s';" % (schemaname, name) ) for name, datatype, is_nullable, charlen, default in rows: # TODO: figure out the type column = Column(table, name.upper(), SQLType(DTYPE_MAP_POSTGRES.get(datatype, datatype), charlen)) table.columns.append(column) if default: if default.startswith("nextval("): dname = default.split("'")[1].split(".")[-1] column.default = seqs[dname.upper()] elif default in DEFAULTVALUE_MAP_POSTGRES: column.default = DEFAULTVALUE_MAP_POSTGRES[default] else: try: column.default = int(default) except ValueError: column.default = default if is_nullable == "NO": table.tableConstraint(Constraint.NOT_NULL, []) # Key columns keys = {} rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select constraint_name, table_name, column_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,) ) for conname, tname, cname in rows: keys[conname] = (tname, cname) # Constraints constraints = {} rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select constraint_name, table_name, column_name from information_schema.constraint_column_usage where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,) ) for conname, tname, cname in rows: constraints[conname] = (tname, cname) # References - referential_constraints rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select constraint_name, unique_constraint_name, delete_rule from information_schema.referential_constraints where constraint_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,) ) for conname, uconname, delete in rows: table = tables[keys[conname][0].upper()] column = table.columnNamed(keys[conname][1].upper()) column.doesReferenceName(constraints[uconname][0].upper()) if delete != "NO ACTION": column.deleteAction = delete.lower() # Indexes # TODO: handle implicit indexes created via primary key() and unique() statements within CREATE TABLE rows = yield txn.execSQL("select indexdef from pg_indexes where schemaname = '%s';" % (schemaname,)) for indexdef in rows: addSQLToSchema(schema, indexdef[0].replace("%s." % (schemaname,), "").upper()) # Functions rows = yield txn.execSQL( "select routine_name from information_schema.routines where routine_schema = '%s';" % (schemaname,) ) for row in rows: name = row[0] Function(schema, name) returnValue(schema)