class File(StaticRenderMixin):
    File is a resource that represents a plain non-interpreted file
    (although it can look for an extension like .rpy or .cgi and hand the
    file to a processor for interpretation if you wish). Its constructor
    takes a file path.

    Alternatively, you can give a directory path to the constructor. In this
    case the resource will represent that directory, and its children will
    be files underneath that directory. This provides access to an entire
    filesystem tree with a single Resource.

    If you map the URL C{http://server/FILE} to a resource created as
    File('/tmp'), C{http://server/FILE/foo/bar.html} will return the contents of
    C{/tmp/foo/bar.html} .

    def _getContentTypes(self):
        if not hasattr(File, "_sharedContentTypes"):
            File._sharedContentTypes = loadMimeTypes()
        return File._sharedContentTypes

    contentTypes = property(_getContentTypes)

    contentEncodings = {".gz": "gzip", ".bz2": "bzip2"}

    processors = {}

    indexNames = ["index", "index.html", "index.htm", "index.trp", "index.rpy"]

    type = None

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a file with the given path.
        super(File, self).__init__()

        self.putChildren = {}
        if isinstance(path, FilePath):
            self.fp = path
            assert isinstance(path, str), "This should be a string."
            self.fp = FilePath(path)
        # Remove the dots from the path to split
        self.defaultType = defaultType
        self.ignoredExts = list(ignoredExts)
        if processors is not None:
            self.processors = dict([(key.lower(), value)
                                    for key, value in processors.items()])

        if indexNames is not None:
            self.indexNames = indexNames

    def comparePath(self, path):

        if isinstance(path, FilePath):
            return path.path == self.fp.path
            return path == self.fp.path

    def exists(self):
        return self.fp.exists()

    def etag(self):
        if not self.fp.exists(): return succeed(None)

        st = self.fp.statinfo

        # Mark ETag as weak if it was modified more recently than we can
        # measure and report, as it could be modified again in that span
        # and we then wouldn't know to provide a new ETag.
        weak = (time.time() - st.st_mtime <= 1)

        return succeed(
            http_headers.ETag("%X-%X-%X" %
                              (st.st_ino, st.st_size, st.st_mtime),

    def lastModified(self):
        if self.fp.exists():
            return self.fp.getmtime()
            return None

    def creationDate(self):
        if self.fp.exists():
            return self.fp.getmtime()
            return None

    def contentLength(self):
        if self.fp.exists():
            if self.fp.isfile():
                return self.fp.getsize()
                # Computing this would require rendering the resource; let's
                # punt instead.
                return None
            return None

    def _initTypeAndEncoding(self):
        self._type, self._encoding = getTypeAndEncoding(
            self.fp.basename(), self.contentTypes, self.contentEncodings,

        # Handle cases not covered by getTypeAndEncoding()
        if self.fp.isdir(): self._type = "httpd/unix-directory"

    def contentType(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_type"):
        return http_headers.MimeType.fromString(self._type)

    def contentEncoding(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_encoding"):
        return self._encoding

    def displayName(self):
        if self.fp.exists():
            return self.fp.basename()
            return None

    def ignoreExt(self, ext):
        """Ignore the given extension.

        Serve file.ext if file is requested

    def putChild(self, name, child):
        Register a child with the given name with this resource.
        @param name: the name of the child (a URI path segment)
        @param child: the child to register
        self.putChildren[name] = child

    def getChild(self, name):
        Look up a child resource.
        @return: the child of this resource with the given name.
        if name == "":
            return self

        child = self.putChildren.get(name, None)
        if child: return child

        child_fp = self.fp.child(name)
        if hasattr(self, "knownChildren"):
            if name in self.knownChildren:
                child_fp.existsCached = True
        if child_fp.exists():
            return self.createSimilarFile(child_fp)
            return None

    def listChildren(self):
        @return: a sequence of the names of all known children of this resource.
        children = self.putChildren.keys()
        if self.fp.isdir():
            children += [c for c in self.fp.listdir() if c not in children]
            self.knownChildren = set(children)
        return children

    def locateChild(self, req, segments):
        See L{IResource}C{.locateChild}.
        # If getChild() finds a child resource, return it
        child = self.getChild(segments[0])
        if child is not None: return (child, segments[1:])

        # If we're not backed by a directory, we have no children.
        # But check for existance first; we might be a collection resource
        # that the request wants created.
        if self.fp.exists() and not self.fp.isdir(): return (None, ())

        # OK, we need to return a child corresponding to the first segment
        path = segments[0]

        if path:
            fpath = self.fp.child(path)
            # Request is for a directory (collection) resource
            return (self, server.StopTraversal)

        # Don't run processors on directories - if someone wants their own
        # customized directory rendering, subclass File instead.
        if fpath.isfile():
            processor = self.processors.get(fpath.splitext()[1].lower())
            if processor:
                return (processor(fpath.path), segments[1:])

        elif not fpath.exists():
            sibling_fpath = fpath.siblingExtensionSearch(*self.ignoredExts)
            if sibling_fpath is not None:
                fpath = sibling_fpath

        return self.createSimilarFile(fpath.path), segments[1:]

    def renderHTTP(self, req):
        return super(File, self).renderHTTP(req)

    def render(self, req):
        """You know what you doing."""
        if not self.fp.exists():
            return responsecode.NOT_FOUND

        if self.fp.isdir():
            if req.path[-1] != "/":
                # Redirect to include trailing '/' in URI
                return http.RedirectResponse(
                    req.unparseURL(path=req.path + '/'))
                ifp = self.fp.childSearchPreauth(*self.indexNames)
                if ifp:
                    # Render from the index file
                    standin = self.createSimilarFile(ifp.path)
                    # Directory listing is in twistedcaldav.extensions
                    standin = Data(
                        "\n".join(["Directory: " + str(req.path), "---"] + [
                            x.basename() + ("/" if x.isdir() else "")
                            for x in self.fp.children()
                        ]), "text/plain")
                return standin.render(req)

            f = self.fp.open()
        except IOError, e:
            import errno
            if e[0] == errno.EACCES:
                return responsecode.FORBIDDEN
            elif e[0] == errno.ENOENT:
                return responsecode.NOT_FOUND

        response = http.Response()
        response.stream = stream.FileStream(f, 0, self.fp.getsize())

        for (header, value) in (
            ("content-type", self.contentType()),
            ("content-encoding", self.contentEncoding()),
            if value is not None:
                response.headers.setHeader(header, value)

        return response
class EINVALTestCase(TestCase):
    Sometimes, L{os.listdir} will raise C{EINVAL}.  This is a transient error,
    and L{CachingFilePath.listdir} should work around it by retrying the
    C{listdir} operation until it succeeds.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a L{CachingFilePath} for the test to use.
        self.cfp = CachingFilePath(self.mktemp())
        self.clock = Clock()
        self.cfp._sleep = self.clock.advance

    def test_testValidity(self):
        If C{listdir} is replaced on a L{CachingFilePath}, we should be able to
        observe exceptions raised by the replacement.  This verifies that the
        test patching done here is actually testing something.
        class CustomException(Exception): "Just for testing."
        def blowUp(dirname):
            raise CustomException()
        self.cfp._listdir = blowUp
        self.assertRaises(CustomException, self.cfp.listdir)
        self.assertRaises(CustomException, self.cfp.children)

    def test_retryLoop(self):
        L{CachingFilePath} should catch C{EINVAL} and respond by retrying the
        C{listdir} operation until it succeeds.
        calls = []
        def raiseEINVAL(dirname):
            if len(calls) < 5:
                raise OSError(EINVAL, "This should be caught by the test.")
            return ['a', 'b', 'c']
        self.cfp._listdir = raiseEINVAL
        self.assertEquals(self.cfp.listdir(), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.assertEquals(self.cfp.children(), [
                CachingFilePath(pathjoin(self.cfp.path, 'a')),
                CachingFilePath(pathjoin(self.cfp.path, 'b')),
                CachingFilePath(pathjoin(self.cfp.path, 'c')),])

    def requireTimePassed(self, filenames):
        Create a replacement for listdir() which only fires after a certain
        amount of time.
        self.calls = []
        def thunk(dirname):
            now = self.clock.seconds()
            if now < 20.0:
                raise OSError(EINVAL, "Not enough time has passed yet.")
                return filenames
        self.cfp._listdir = thunk

    def assertRequiredTimePassed(self):
        Assert that calls to the simulated time.sleep() installed by
        C{requireTimePassed} have been invoked the required number of times.
        # Waiting should be growing by *2 each time until the additional wait
        # exceeds BACKOFF_MAX (5), at which point we should wait for 5s each
        # time.
        def cumulative(values):
            current = 0.0
            for value in values:
                current += value
                yield current

                    [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 5.0, 5.0])))

    def test_backoff(self):
        L{CachingFilePath} will wait for an increasing interval up to
        C{BACKOFF_MAX} between calls to listdir().
        self.requireTimePassed(['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.assertEquals(self.cfp.listdir(), ['a', 'b', 'c'])

    def test_siblingExtensionSearch(self):
        L{FilePath.siblingExtensionSearch} is unfortunately not implemented in
        terms of L{FilePath.listdir}, so we need to verify that it will also
        filenames = [self.cfp.basename()+'.a',
                     self.cfp.basename() + '.b',
                     self.cfp.basename() + '.c']
        siblings = map(self.cfp.sibling, filenames)
        for sibling in siblings:
文件: static.py 项目: jrossi/twext
class File(StaticRenderMixin):
    File is a resource that represents a plain non-interpreted file
    (although it can look for an extension like .rpy or .cgi and hand the
    file to a processor for interpretation if you wish). Its constructor
    takes a file path.

    Alternatively, you can give a directory path to the constructor. In this
    case the resource will represent that directory, and its children will
    be files underneath that directory. This provides access to an entire
    filesystem tree with a single Resource.

    If you map the URL C{http://server/FILE} to a resource created as
    File('/tmp'), C{http://server/FILE/foo/bar.html} will return the contents of
    C{/tmp/foo/bar.html} .

    def _getContentTypes(self):
        if not hasattr(File, "_sharedContentTypes"):
            File._sharedContentTypes = loadMimeTypes()
        return File._sharedContentTypes

    contentTypes = property(_getContentTypes)

    contentEncodings = {
        ".gz" : "gzip",
        ".bz2": "bzip2"

    processors = {}

    indexNames = ["index", "index.html", "index.htm", "index.trp", "index.rpy"]

    type = None

    def __init__(self, path, defaultType="text/plain", ignoredExts=(), processors=None, indexNames=None):
        """Create a file with the given path.
        super(File, self).__init__()

        self.putChildren = {}
        if isinstance(path, FilePath):
            self.fp = path
            assert isinstance(path, str), "This should be a string."
            self.fp = FilePath(path)
        # Remove the dots from the path to split
        self.defaultType = defaultType
        self.ignoredExts = list(ignoredExts)
        if processors is not None:
            self.processors = dict([
                (key.lower(), value)
                for key, value in processors.items()

        if indexNames is not None:
            self.indexNames = indexNames

    def comparePath(self, path):
        if isinstance(path, FilePath):
            return path.path == self.fp.path
            return path == self.fp.path

    def exists(self):
        return self.fp.exists()

    def etag(self):
        if not self.fp.exists(): return succeed(None)

        st = self.fp.statinfo

        # Mark ETag as weak if it was modified more recently than we can
        # measure and report, as it could be modified again in that span
        # and we then wouldn't know to provide a new ETag.
        weak = (time.time() - st.st_mtime <= 1)

        return succeed(http_headers.ETag(
            "%X-%X-%X" % (st.st_ino, st.st_size, st.st_mtime),

    def lastModified(self):
        if self.fp.exists():
            return self.fp.getmtime()
            return None

    def creationDate(self):
        if self.fp.exists():
            return self.fp.getmtime()
            return None

    def contentLength(self):
        if self.fp.exists():
            if self.fp.isfile():
                return self.fp.getsize()
                # Computing this would require rendering the resource; let's
                # punt instead.
                return None
            return None

    def _initTypeAndEncoding(self):
        self._type, self._encoding = getTypeAndEncoding(

        # Handle cases not covered by getTypeAndEncoding()
        if self.fp.isdir(): self._type = "httpd/unix-directory"

    def contentType(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_type"):
        return http_headers.MimeType.fromString(self._type)

    def contentEncoding(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_encoding"):
        return self._encoding

    def displayName(self):
        if self.fp.exists():
            return self.fp.basename()
            return None

    def ignoreExt(self, ext):
        """Ignore the given extension.

        Serve file.ext if file is requested

    def putChild(self, name, child):
        Register a child with the given name with this resource.
        @param name: the name of the child (a URI path segment)
        @param child: the child to register
        self.putChildren[name] = child

    def getChild(self, name):
        Look up a child resource.
        @return: the child of this resource with the given name.
        if name == "":
            return self

        child = self.putChildren.get(name, None)
        if child: return child

        child_fp = self.fp.child(name)
        if hasattr(self, "knownChildren"):
            if name in self.knownChildren:
                child_fp.existsCached = True
        if child_fp.exists():
            return self.createSimilarFile(child_fp)
            return None

    def listChildren(self):
        @return: a sequence of the names of all known children of this resource.
        children = self.putChildren.keys()
        if self.fp.isdir():
            children += [c for c in self.fp.listdir() if c not in children]
            self.knownChildren = set(children)
        return children

    def locateChild(self, req, segments):
        See L{IResource}C{.locateChild}.
        # If getChild() finds a child resource, return it
        child = self.getChild(segments[0])
        if child is not None: return (child, segments[1:])

        # If we're not backed by a directory, we have no children.
        # But check for existance first; we might be a collection resource
        # that the request wants created.
        if self.fp.exists() and not self.fp.isdir(): return (None, ())

        # OK, we need to return a child corresponding to the first segment
        path = segments[0]

        if path:
            fpath = self.fp.child(path)
            # Request is for a directory (collection) resource
            return (self, server.StopTraversal)

        # Don't run processors on directories - if someone wants their own
        # customized directory rendering, subclass File instead.
        if fpath.isfile():
            processor = self.processors.get(fpath.splitext()[1].lower())
            if processor:
                return (

        elif not fpath.exists():
            sibling_fpath = fpath.siblingExtensionSearch(*self.ignoredExts)
            if sibling_fpath is not None:
                fpath = sibling_fpath

        return self.createSimilarFile(fpath.path), segments[1:]

    def renderHTTP(self, req):
        return super(File, self).renderHTTP(req)

    def render(self, req):
        """You know what you doing."""
        if not self.fp.exists():
            return responsecode.NOT_FOUND

        if self.fp.isdir():
            if req.path[-1] != "/":
                # Redirect to include trailing '/' in URI
                return http.RedirectResponse(req.unparseURL(path=req.path+'/'))
                ifp = self.fp.childSearchPreauth(*self.indexNames)
                if ifp:
                    # Render from the index file
                    standin = self.createSimilarFile(ifp.path)
                    # Directory listing is in twistedcaldav.extensions
                    standin = Data(
                        "\n".join(["Directory: " + str(req.path), "---"] +
                                  [x.basename() + ("/" if x.isdir() else "")
                                   for x in self.fp.children()]),
                return standin.render(req)

            f = self.fp.open()
        except IOError, e:
            import errno
            if e[0] == errno.EACCES:
                return responsecode.FORBIDDEN
            elif e[0] == errno.ENOENT:
                return responsecode.NOT_FOUND

        response = http.Response()
        response.stream = stream.FileStream(f, 0, self.fp.getsize())

        for (header, value) in (
            ("content-type", self.contentType()),
            ("content-encoding", self.contentEncoding()),
            if value is not None:
                response.headers.setHeader(header, value)

        return response
class EINVALTestCase(TestCase):
    Sometimes, L{os.listdir} will raise C{EINVAL}.  This is a transient error,
    and L{CachingFilePath.listdir} should work around it by retrying the
    C{listdir} operation until it succeeds.
    def setUp(self):
        Create a L{CachingFilePath} for the test to use.
        self.cfp = CachingFilePath(self.mktemp())
        self.clock = Clock()
        self.cfp._sleep = self.clock.advance

    def test_testValidity(self):
        If C{listdir} is replaced on a L{CachingFilePath}, we should be able to
        observe exceptions raised by the replacement.  This verifies that the
        test patching done here is actually testing something.
        class CustomException(Exception):
            "Just for testing."

        def blowUp(dirname):
            raise CustomException()

        self.cfp._listdir = blowUp
        self.assertRaises(CustomException, self.cfp.listdir)
        self.assertRaises(CustomException, self.cfp.children)

    def test_retryLoop(self):
        L{CachingFilePath} should catch C{EINVAL} and respond by retrying the
        C{listdir} operation until it succeeds.
        calls = []

        def raiseEINVAL(dirname):
            if len(calls) < 5:
                raise OSError(EINVAL, "This should be caught by the test.")
            return ['a', 'b', 'c']

        self.cfp._listdir = raiseEINVAL
        self.assertEquals(self.cfp.listdir(), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.assertEquals(self.cfp.children(), [
            CachingFilePath(pathjoin(self.cfp.path, 'a')),
            CachingFilePath(pathjoin(self.cfp.path, 'b')),
            CachingFilePath(pathjoin(self.cfp.path, 'c')),

    def requireTimePassed(self, filenames):
        Create a replacement for listdir() which only fires after a certain
        amount of time.
        self.calls = []

        def thunk(dirname):
            now = self.clock.seconds()
            if now < 20.0:
                raise OSError(EINVAL, "Not enough time has passed yet.")
                return filenames

        self.cfp._listdir = thunk

    def assertRequiredTimePassed(self):
        Assert that calls to the simulated time.sleep() installed by
        C{requireTimePassed} have been invoked the required number of times.

        # Waiting should be growing by *2 each time until the additional wait
        # exceeds BACKOFF_MAX (5), at which point we should wait for 5s each
        # time.
        def cumulative(values):
            current = 0.0
            for value in values:
                current += value
                yield current

            list(cumulative([0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 5.0, 5.0])))

    def test_backoff(self):
        L{CachingFilePath} will wait for an increasing interval up to
        C{BACKOFF_MAX} between calls to listdir().
        self.requireTimePassed(['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.assertEquals(self.cfp.listdir(), ['a', 'b', 'c'])

    def test_siblingExtensionSearch(self):
        L{FilePath.siblingExtensionSearch} is unfortunately not implemented in
        terms of L{FilePath.listdir}, so we need to verify that it will also
        filenames = [
            self.cfp.basename() + '.a',
            self.cfp.basename() + '.b',
            self.cfp.basename() + '.c'
        siblings = map(self.cfp.sibling, filenames)
        for sibling in siblings:
        self.assertEquals(self.cfp.siblingExtensionSearch("*"), siblings[0])