def update_next_cell(value): for index in range(len(spreadsheet.header_row)): print('index: {}, current value: {}'.format( index,[index].value)) # Get the next cell that hasn't been filled in yet if not[index].value: header = spreadsheet.header_row[index] row = spreadsheet.today_row_num col = index + 2 # There's a leftmost column that's just dates and it's also 1-indexed print('updating "{}" at {},{} with {}'.format( header.value, row, col, value)) spreadsheet.worksheet.update_cell(row, col, value) break # `index` is now the location of the last answered question if index + 1 < len(spreadsheet.header_row): next_message = "{}) {}".format(index + 2, spreadsheet.header_row[index + 1].value) else: next_message = "You're all set. Put your phone away and sleep." sent = Twilio().messages.create(to=TO_NUMBER, from_=TWILIO_FROM_NUMBER, body=next_message) print(sent)
def workflow(body: dict, settings: dict) -> None: """ CATCH WORKFLOW allows you to run a code function given an API POST request @rtype: null @param settings: dictionary of settings params of the workflow """ hrflow_client = Hrflow(api_secret=settings["API_KEY"], api_user=settings["USER_EMAIL"]) twilio_client = Twilio(settings["TWILIO_SID"], settings["TWILIO_TOKEN"]) # from sms = ReceivedSMS(body) try: sms_parsing = text=sms.Body).get("data") except requests.exceptions.RequestException: raise Exception("Parsing sms with SmsSid: %s failed " % (sms.SmsSid)) skills = [ sms.Body[ent["start"]:ent["end"]].lower() for ent in sms_parsing["ents"] if ent["label"] in ["HardSkill", "SoftSkill"] ] if skills: message = "Here is the list of parsed skills from the SMS: " message += ", ".join(skills) else: message = "Sorry, no skills found! Please try another message." sms_sent = twilio_client.messages.create(to=sms.From, from_=sms.To, body=message)
def send_sms(phone_number, content): account_sid = 'AC4d3a68850fdbae49d26518b29c1e0404' auth_token = '65890d206e6755cf15afc2b3b5e6c0ee' client = Twilio(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages.create(body=content, from_='+12243081374', to=phone_number)
def initialize_twilio_client(): global twilio_client twilio_client = Twilio(twilio_sid, twilio_auth_token)
def _create_user(self, email_or_phone, password, fullname, gender, birthday, is_staff, is_superuser, **extra_fields): """ Create EmailPhoneUser with the given email or phone and password. :param str email_or_phone: user email or phone :param str password: user password :param bool is_staff: whether user staff or not :param bool is_superuser: whether user admin or not :return settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL user: user :raise ValueError: email or phone is not set :raise NumberParseException: phone does not have correct format """ if not email_or_phone: raise ValueError('The given email_or_phone must be set') if "@" in email_or_phone: email_or_phone = self.normalize_email(email_or_phone) api_key = 'a0447053ba64e12d58c6f18ee42bcfc5' api_secret = '03d7d5b3791148902dcffd64edb62dbb' mailjet = Client(auth=(api_key, api_secret), version='v3.1') signup_code ='%M%m%H') data = { 'Messages': [{ "From": { "Email": "*****@*****.**", "Name": "euame" }, "To": [{ "Email": email_or_phone, "Name": fullname }], "Subject": "Your euame account verification code", "TextPart": "your code is: " + signup_code, "HTMLPart": "<h3>Dear new customer, your account verification code is:" + signup_code + "</h3><br />please fill your code in the verfication screen of euame app" }] } result = mailjet.send.create(data=data) print(result.status_code) print(result.json()) username, email, phone = (email_or_phone, email_or_phone, "") else: phone = self.normalize_phone(email_or_phone) username, email = (email_or_phone, "") signup_code ='%M%m%H') account_sid = 'AC4d3a68850fdbae49d26518b29c1e0404' auth_token = '65890d206e6755cf15afc2b3b5e6c0ee' client = Twilio(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages.create( body='your euame verification code: ' + signup_code, from_='+12243081374', to=phone) print(message.sid) now = is_active = extra_fields.pop("is_active", False) user = User.objects.create_user(username=username, password=password) user = self.model(user=user, email_or_phone=email_or_phone, email=email, phone=phone, fullname=fullname, gender=gender, birthday=birthday, signup_code=signup_code, is_staff=is_staff, is_active=is_active, is_superuser=is_superuser, last_login=now, date_joined=now, **extra_fields) return user
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None): self.username = username or os.environ.get('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID') self.password = password or os.environ.get('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN') self.client = Twilio(self.username, self.password)
def deliver_text(content): return Twilio().messages.create(to=TO_NUMBER, from_=TWILIO_FROM_NUMBER, body=content)
from import storage from twilio_caller.models import TwilioCall from utility import phone_number_parser, send_simple_message from audio_pipeline import run_audio_pipeline # TODO: sys.path.append( path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))))) import audio_tools from keystone_asr import wav_to_flac, transcribe_gcs, upload_folder, transcribe_slices, transcribe_in_parallel from pprint import pprint from keyword_search import index_audio_url, audio_search, phrase_search from keystone import generate_speaker_lines, sort_words, confidence_to_hex, add_speakers twilio = Twilio(environ.get('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'), environ.get('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN')) UPLOAD_ORIGINAL = True DO_TRANSCRIPTS = False DO_INDEXING = True DO_PHRASE_DETECTION = True NUM_KEYWORDS = 4 DEFAULT_PHRASE_TIME_SEC = 15 BAD_PHRASES = ['', ' '] sqs = boto3.resource('sqs') print('using queue: {}'.format(settings.RECORDING_QUEUE)) recording_queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName=settings.RECORDING_QUEUE) class ReusableForm(forms.Form):