def get_args(require=0): """ >> get_args [<require>] Load the command line arguments after the last '--' into $arg1...$argN, optionally requiring at least 'require' such arguments. """ from twill import commands, namespaces, shell, errors global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() require = int(require) if len(shell.twillargs) < require: from twill.errors import TwillAssertionError raise TwillAssertionError("too few arguments; %d rather than %d" % \ (len(shell.twillargs), require,)) if shell.twillargs: for i, arg in enumerate(shell.twillargs): global_dict["arg%d" % (i + 1,)] = arg print>>commands.OUT, "get_args: loaded %d args as $arg1..$arg%d." % \ (i + 1, i + 1) else: print>>commands.OUT, "no arguments to parse!"
def _run_xpath(xpath): _, twill_locals = get_twill_glocals() browser = get_browser() html = browser.get_html() tree = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html) try: results = tree.xpath(xpath) except XPathEvalError: err_msg = "Invalid xpath expression: '%s'" % xpath log_error(err_msg) raise TwillException(err_msg) # XXX we aggregate all the values together and warn when there is more than # one result if results: if len(results) > 1: log_warn("xpath '%s' found multiple results: using all of them" % xpath) result = "\n".join(lxml.html.tostring(r) for r in results) else: log_error("xpath '%s' found no results") result = "" # in case we want to cache it at some point twill_locals["__xpath_result__"] = result twill_locals["__xpath_expr__"] = xpath return result
def do_cleanup_for(name): if has_cleanup_handler(name) and not options.no_cleanup_mode: log_info("running cleanup handler for %s" % name) try: suite_data = file(current_namespace[-1].cleanup[name]).read() calls = parse_suite(suite_data) for script,args,line in calls: try: if current_namespace[-1].suites.get(script): log_warn("Cannot call sub-suite %s during cleanup at %s(%d)" % (script,name,line)) else: log_info("running cleanup: %s" % name) script_data = read_test(script) try: parameters = make_dict_from_call(args,get_twill_glocals()[0]) except (ValueError, TypeError, SyntaxError), e: e.args = ("\"%s%s\": Only positional argument passing is supported in suites." % \ (name, args), ) + e.args[1:] raise e script_data = make_twill_local_defs(parameters) + script_data twill.execute_string(script_data, no_reset=1) except Exception, e: maybe_print_stack() log_warn("Cleanup call to %s failed at %s(%d)" % (script + args, name + CLEANUP, line)) except IOError,e: maybe_print_stack() log_warn("Unable to read cleanup handler for %s" % name) except Exception,e: maybe_print_stack() log_warn("Exception during cleanup handler for %s" % name)
def _run_xpath(xpath): _, twill_locals = get_twill_glocals() browser = get_browser() html = browser.get_html() tree = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html) try: results = tree.xpath(xpath) except XPathEvalError: err_msg = "Invalid xpath expression: '%s'" % xpath log_error(err_msg) raise TwillException(err_msg) #XXX we aggregate all the values together and warn when there is more than #one result if results: if len(results) > 1: log_warn("xpath '%s' found multiple results: using all of them" % xpath) result = '\n'.join(lxml.html.tostring(r) for r in results) else: log_error("xpath '%s' found no results") result = '' # in case we want to cache it at some point twill_locals['__xpath_result__'] = result twill_locals['__xpath_expr__'] = xpath return result
def get_args(require=0): """ >> get_args [<require>] Load the command line arguments after the last '--' into $arg1...$argN, optionally requiring at least 'require' such arguments. """ from twill import commands, namespaces, shell, errors global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() require = int(require) if len(shell.twillargs) < require: from twill.errors import TwillAssertionError raise TwillAssertionError("too few arguments; %d rather than %d" % \ (len(shell.twillargs), require,)) if shell.twillargs: for i, arg in enumerate(shell.twillargs): global_dict["arg%d" % (i + 1, )] = arg print("get_args: loaded %d args as $arg1..$arg%d." % \ (i + 1, i + 1), file=commands.OUT) else: print("no arguments to parse!", file=commands.OUT)
def catalog_find(searchterm, urlfrag, notfind=False): """Just like Twill find, but issues a searchpage-search search""" global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() # This will navigate us away from the place the Twill script is # sitting. Thus, stash away to the current URL, then navigate # back to that URL after searching. br = get_browser() start_url = br.get_url() esc_searchterm = urllib.quote(searchterm) url = "/searchresults.html?body=" + esc_searchterm commands.go(url) # Now do the test. With the fragment of the URL that was # provided, we can do a double-check, to make sure the # searchresults provide that. if notfind: commands.notfind(urlfrag) else: commands.find(urlfrag) # Finally, send them back to the original URL. commands.go(start_url)
def login(username): """Find user for given username and make the browser logged in""" global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() # Set a globabl Twill variable to let Twill scripts now the name # of the test, e.g. the directory, as well as community name. #global_dict['test_name'] = test_name #global_dict['community_name'] = test_name + "-testcase" global_dict['cwd'] = os.getcwd() hn = global_dict['localhost_url'] # First logout logout() # Do a login au = global_dict['%s_user' % username] # Echo to screen dump("Logging into %s as %s" % (hn, au)) # Continue ap = global_dict['%s_password' % username] commands.go(hn + '/login.html') commands.fv("formLogin", "login", au) commands.fv("formLogin", "password", ap) commands.submit() # Make sure the login succeeded commands.find("My Profile")
def set_random_word(varname): """Create a random word based by adding an int to varname """ global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() randint = str(random.randint(100000, 999999)) global_dict[varname] = varname + randint
def make_intranets(intranets_name): """ Make the offices root hierarchy, deleting if it exists""" global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() global_dict['intranets_name'] = intranets_name # Check to see if we have that community, if so, delete it. commands.go('/' + intranets_name) br = get_browser() status = br.get_code() if status != 404: # The community shouldn't exist, and so we should get 404 # looking for it. If no 404, then it exists and we should # delete it. url = "/%s/delete.html?confirm=1" % intranets_name commands.go(url) # Now, make the community and make sure it exists commands.go("/add_community.html") commands.fv("save", "title", intranets_name) desc = "Test intranets root created for Twill test case named '%s'" commands.fv("save", "description", desc % test_name) commands.submit() commands.find("Add Existing")
def post_file(form, field, file): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() test_path = globals.get('test_path') file = os.path.join(test_path, file) file = open(file) body = file.close() fv(form, field, body)
def getmatch(where, what): """ >> getmatch into_var expression Evaluates an expression against __match__ and puts it into 'into_var'. """ global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals() match = local_dict['__match__'] local_dict[where] = _do_eval(match, what)
def export_file_contains(filename, content): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() z, zipname = globals["__project_export__"] if filename not in z.namelist(): raise TwillAssertionError("file %s not found in project export zipfile" % filename) log_warn("inspecting contents of file '%s' in project export zipfile '%s' " % (filename, zipname)) body = if content not in body: raise TwillAssertionError("text '%s' not found in contents of file '%s': %s" % (content, filename, body))
def post_file(form, field, file): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() test_path = globals.get("test_path") file = os.path.join(test_path, file) file = open(file) body = file.close() fv(form, field, body)
def inspect(filename): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() z, zipname = globals['__project_export__'] if filename not in z.namelist(): raise TwillAssertionError("file %s not found in project export zipfile" % filename) log_warn("inspecting contents of file '%s' in project export zipfile '%s' " % ( filename, zipname)) body = import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
def inspect(filename): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() z, zipname = globals["__project_export__"] if filename not in z.namelist(): raise TwillAssertionError("file %s not found in project export zipfile" % filename) log_warn("inspecting contents of file '%s' in project export zipfile '%s' " % (filename, zipname)) body = import pdb pdb.set_trace()
def download_project_export(): url = get_browser().get_url() assert url.endswith(".zip") zipcontents = get_browser().get_html() output = StringIO() output.write(zipcontents) z = zipfile.ZipFile(output, "r") name = url.split("/")[-1] globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() globals["__project_export__"] = (z, name)
def host_alias(old_host, new_host): old_host = strip_scheme(old_host) new_host = strip_scheme(new_host) twill_globals, _locals = get_twill_glocals() old_host_subst = _substitute_vars(old_host, twill_globals) new_host_subst = _substitute_vars(new_host, twill_globals) hostname_redirect_mapping[old_host_subst] = new_host_subst
def download_project_export(): url = get_browser().get_url() assert url.endswith(".zip") zipcontents = get_browser().get_html() output = StringIO() output.write(zipcontents) z = zipfile.ZipFile(output, 'r') name = url.split('/')[-1] globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() globals['__project_export__'] = (z, name)
def popmatch(which): """ >> popmatch index Pops __matchlist__[i] into __match__. """ global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals() matchlist = local_dict['__matchlist__'] match = matchlist.pop(int(which)) local_dict['__match__'] = match
def logout(): """Visit the logout screen""" global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() # Visit the logout URL hn = global_dict['localhost_url'] commands.go(hn + '/logout') # Make sure the login succeeded commands.find("Remember me")
def login(username): "login to a plone site" global parser go("/login_form") global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals() domain = urlparse(local_dict['__url__']).netloc global_dict["domain"] = domain global_dict["root"] = parser.get(domain, "zoperoot") formvalue(2,"__ac_name", username) formvalue(2,"__ac_password", parser.get(domain, username)) submit()
def export_file_contains(filename, content): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() z, zipname = globals['__project_export__'] if filename not in z.namelist(): raise TwillAssertionError("file %s not found in project export zipfile" % filename) log_warn("inspecting contents of file '%s' in project export zipfile '%s' " % ( filename, zipname)) body = if content not in body: raise TwillAssertionError("text '%s' not found in contents of file '%s': %s" % ( content, filename, body))
def showvar(which): """ >> showvar var Shows the value of the variable 'var'. """ global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals() d = global_dict.copy() d.update(local_dict) print d.get(str(which))
def send_mail_string(mailStr, base_url=None): if base_url is None: tglobals, tlocals = get_twill_glocals() base_url = tglobals['base_url'] receiverURL = "%s/send_listen_mail" % base_url.rstrip("/") tglobals, tlocals = get_twill_glocals() ctx = tglobals.copy() ctx.update(tlocals) mailStr = substitute_vars(mailStr, ctx) mail = email.message_from_string(mailStr) body = mail.get_payload() sender = mail['From'] recipient = mail['To'] subject = mail['Subject'] log_warn("sending email: Subject: '%s'; From: '%s'; To: '%s'" % (subject, sender, recipient)) send(receiverURL, mailStr)
def send_mail(dir, file, base_url): if not os.path.isabs(dir): tglobals, tlocals = get_twill_glocals() test_path = tglobals['test_path'] dir = os.path.join(test_path, dir) file = os.path.join(dir, file) fp = open(file) mailStr = fp.close() send_mail_string(mailStr, base_url)
def split(what): """ >> split <regexp> Sets __matchlist__ to re.split(regexp, page). """ page = browser.get_html() m = re.split(what, page) global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals() local_dict['__matchlist__'] = m
def send_mail_string(mailStr, base_url=None): if base_url is None: tglobals, tlocals = get_twill_glocals() base_url = tglobals['base_url'] receiverURL = "%s/send_listen_mail" % base_url.rstrip("/") tglobals, tlocals = get_twill_glocals() ctx = tglobals.copy() ctx.update(tlocals) mailStr = substitute_vars(mailStr, ctx) mail = email.message_from_string(mailStr) body = mail.get_payload() sender = mail['From'] recipient = mail['To'] subject = mail['Subject'] log_warn("sending email: Subject: '%s'; From: '%s'; To: '%s'" % ( subject, sender, recipient)) send(receiverURL, mailStr)
def css_len(css, num): num = int(num) _, twill_locals = get_twill_glocals() browser = get_browser() html = browser.get_html() tree = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html) sel = CSSSelector(css) results = sel(tree) actual_num = len(results) if actual_num != num: raise TwillAssertionError('Expected %s matches to "%s"; found %s' % (num, css, actual_num))
def select_mail_from_header(header, value): actuals = [] _, locals = get_twill_glocals() for mailpath in get_mail(): fp = open(mailpath) msg = email.message_from_file(fp) fp.close() actual = msg.get(header) if value == actual: locals['__current_mail__'] = mailpath return actuals.append(actual) raise TwillAssertionError("No mail with header %s=%s was sent. Values were:\n%s" % (header, value, pformat(actuals)))
def findall(what): """ >> findall <regexp> Sets __matchlist__ to re.findall(regexp, page). """ page = browser.get_html() regexp = re.compile(what, re.DOTALL) m = regexp.findall(page) global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals() local_dict['__matchlist__'] = m
def find_in_xpath(what, xpath): _, twill_locals = get_twill_glocals() xpath_result = _run_xpath(xpath) # XXX we just ignore case for now # if we need to differentiate then we can pass in a flag regexp = re.compile(what, re.IGNORECASE) m = if not m: raise TwillAssertionError("no match to '%s' in '%s'" % (what, xpath_result)) if m.groups(): match_str = else: match_str = twill_locals["__match__"] = match_str
def css_len(css, num): num = int(num) _, twill_locals = get_twill_glocals() browser = get_browser() html = browser.get_html() tree = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html) sel = CSSSelector(css) results = sel(tree) actual_num = len(results) if actual_num != num: raise TwillAssertionError("Expected %s matches to \"%s\"; found %s" % (num, css, actual_num))
def find_in_xpath(what, xpath): _, twill_locals = get_twill_glocals() xpath_result = _run_xpath(xpath) #XXX we just ignore case for now #if we need to differentiate then we can pass in a flag regexp = re.compile(what, re.IGNORECASE) m = if not m: raise TwillAssertionError("no match to '%s' in '%s'" % (what, xpath_result)) if m.groups(): match_str = else: match_str = twill_locals['__match__'] = match_str
def setmatch(what): """ >> setmatch expression Sets each element __matchlist__ to eval(expression); 'm' is set to each element of __matchlist__ prior to processing. """ global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals() match = local_dict['__matchlist__'] if isinstance(match, str): # convert to list match = [ match, ] new_match = [ _do_eval(m, what) for m in match ] local_dict['__matchlist__'] = new_match
def run_cat_queue(admin_user, admin_pw): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() base_url = globals.get("base_url") prepath = globals.get("prepath") log_warn("(zope) Running catalog queue for %s" % (base_url)) scheme, uri = urllib.splittype(base_url) host, path = urllib.splithost(uri) if prepath is not None: path = prepath + path auth_url = "%s://%s:%s@%s%s/" % (scheme, admin_user, admin_pw, host, path) portal = XMLRPCServer(auth_url) portal.portal_catalog_queue.manage_process()
def run_cat_queue(admin_user, admin_pw): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() base_url = globals.get('base_url') prepath = globals.get('prepath') log_warn("(zope) Running catalog queue for %s" % (base_url)) scheme, uri = urllib.splittype(base_url) host, path = urllib.splithost(uri) if prepath is not None: path = prepath + path auth_url = "%s://%s:%s@%s%s/" % (scheme, admin_user, admin_pw, host, path) portal = XMLRPCServer(auth_url) portal.portal_catalog_queue.manage_process()
def run_test(name, args): # this pushes the correct namespace on the stack # should be popped test = current_namespace[-1].lookup(name) if test is None: raise NameError("Unable to locate %s or %s in search path" % (name + TEST, name + SUITE)) name = test current = current_namespace[-1] try: if current.suites.get(name): if args: log_warn("Arguments provided to suites are ignored! [%s%s]" % (name, args)) return run_suite(name) elif current.tests.get(name): # don't do anything in cleanup only mode if options.cleanup_mode: return [] try: log_info("running test: %s" % name) output_stream.indent() try: script = file(current.tests[name]).read() try: parameters = make_dict_from_call( args, get_twill_glocals()[0]) except (ValueError, TypeError, SyntaxError), e: e.args = ("\"%s%s\": Only positional argument passing is supported in suites." % \ (name, args), ) + e.args[1:] raise e script = make_twill_local_defs(parameters) + script twill.execute_string(script, no_reset=1) return [] except IOError, e: handle_exception( "Unable to read test '%s'" % (name + TEST), e) return [name] except Exception, e: handle_exception("Error running %s" % name, e) return [name]
def add_members(community_name, user1, user2=None): """Add one and optionally 2 users to a community""" global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() l_url = global_dict['localhost_url'] community_url = urljoin(l_url, 'communities/' + community_name) add_member_url = community_url + '/members/add_existing.html' commands.go(add_member_url) commands.find('Add Existing') commands.fv('save', 'users', user1) commands.submit() if user2: commands.go(add_member_url) commands.find('Add Existing') commands.fv('save', 'users', user2) commands.submit()
def livesearch_find(group, term, titleword, notfind=False): """See if the term appears in one of the LiveSearch groups""" global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() # This will navigate us away from the place the Twill script is # sitting. Thus, stash away to the current URL, then navigate # back to that URL after searching. br = get_browser() start_url = br.get_url() # We issue a request and get an XML response esc_searchterm = urllib.quote(term) url = global_dict['localhost_url'] + "/jquery_livesearch?val=" + esc_searchterm commands.go(url) doc = loads(br.get_html()) # Grab the correct /response/kind kind = '' groups = {} titles = [] pre = None for result in doc: if result['pre'][0:19] == u'<div class="header"': # We started a batching group pre = result['pre'][20:-6] groups[pre] = [] # We are inside one of the groupings title = result['title'] if titleword in title: groups[pre].append(result['title']) hasterm = len(groups[group]) if notfind: # Let the _notfind version decide what to do with # the error return hasterm if not hasterm: msg = "LiveSearch does not contain %s in group %s" raise TwillAssertionError(msg % (term, group)) else: msg = "LiveSearch contains %s in group %s" dump(msg % (term, group))
def setmatch(what): """ >> setmatch expression Sets each element __matchlist__ to eval(expression); 'm' is set to each element of __matchlist__ prior to processing. """ global_dict, local_dict = get_twill_glocals() match = local_dict['__matchlist__'] if isinstance(match, str): # convert to list match = [ match, ] new_match = [_do_eval(m, what) for m in match] local_dict['__matchlist__'] = new_match
def get_uid(username, admin_user, admin_pw): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() base_url = globals.get('base_url') prepath = globals.get('prepath') log_warn("(zope) Getting uid for user %s on %s" % (username, base_url)) scheme, uri = urllib.splittype(base_url) host, path = urllib.splithost(uri) if prepath is not None: path = prepath + path auth_url = "%s://%s:%s@%s%s/" % (scheme, admin_user, admin_pw, host, path) portal = XMLRPCServer(auth_url) confirmation_code = getattr(portal.portal_memberdata, username).getUserConfirmationCode() locals['__uid__'] = confirmation_code
def csv_iterate(filename, scriptname): """ >> csv_iterate <csv_file> <script> For each line in <csv_file>, read in a list of comma-separated values, put them in $col1...$colN, and execute <script>. """ from twill import namespaces, execute_file global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() reader = csv.reader(open(filename, "rb")) for i, row in enumerate(reader): logger.debug('csv_iterate: on row %d of %s', i, filename) for i, col in enumerate(row): global_dict["col%d" % (i + 1,)] = col execute_file(scriptname, no_reset=True)
def find_in_css(what, css): _, twill_locals = get_twill_glocals() browser = get_browser() html = browser.get_html() tree = lxml.html.document_fromstring(html) sel = CSSSelector(css) results = sel(tree) results = '\n'.join(lxml.html.tostring(r) for r in results) regexp = re.compile(what, re.IGNORECASE) m = if not m: raise TwillAssertionError("no match to '%s' in '%s'" % (what, results)) if m.groups(): match_str = else: match_str = twill_locals['__match__'] = match_str
def run_export_queue(admin_user, admin_pw, expected=None): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() base_url = globals.get('base_url') prepath = globals.get('prepath') log_warn("(zope) Running export queue for %s" % (base_url)) scheme, uri = urllib.splittype(base_url) host, path = urllib.splithost(uri) if prepath is not None: path = prepath + path auth_url = "%s://%s:%s@%s%s/" % (scheme, admin_user, admin_pw, host, path) portal = XMLRPCServer(auth_url) # pass in a maxwait of 1 second to speed things up exports = portal.manage_project_export_queue(1) if expected is not None and expected not in exports: raise TwillAssertionError("project id %s not found in exported projects: %r" % (expected, exports))
def opencore_user_cleanup(admin_user, admin_pw): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() base_url = globals.get('base_url') prepath = globals.get('prepath') log_warn("(zope) Cleaning up local roles for %s" % (base_url)) scheme, uri = urllib.splittype(base_url) host, path = urllib.splithost(uri) if prepath is not None: path = prepath + path auth_url = "%s://%s:%s@%s%s/" % (scheme, admin_user, admin_pw, host, path) portal = XMLRPCServer(auth_url) try: getattr(portal, 'member-postdelete-cleanup')() except Fault, e: log_warn( "could not clean up local roles, maybe your version of opencore doesn't support it?" )
def csv_iterate(filename, scriptname): """ >> csv_iterate <csv_file> <script> For each line in <csv_file>, read in a list of comma-separated values, put them in $col1...$colN, and execute <script>. """ from twill import namespaces, execute_file, commands global_dict, local_dict = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() reader = csv.reader(open(filename, "rb")) for i, row in enumerate(reader): if DEBUG: print >> commands.OUT, 'csv_iterate: on row %d of %s' % ( i, filename, ) for i, col in enumerate(row): global_dict["col%d" % (i + 1, )] = col execute_file(scriptname, no_reset=True)
def ensure_project_export(admin_user, admin_pw, project): """ Looks for a project export zipfile in the page. (Expects to be already on the project's export view.) If no export zipfile is found, trigger the export queue processing on the remote server, and then check again. """ globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() base_url = globals.get('base_url') url = "%s/projects/%s/export/current_status_json" % ( base_url, project) go(url) html = get_browser().get_html() if "state" not in html: run_export_queue(admin_user, admin_pw, project) else: json = simplejson.loads(html) if json['state'] == "failed": raise TwillAssertionError( "Export failed: %s" % html) if json['state'] != 'finished': time.sleep(5) ensure_project_export(admin_user, admin_pw, project)
def do_cleanup_for(name): if has_cleanup_handler(name) and not options.no_cleanup_mode: log_info("running cleanup handler for %s" % name) try: suite_data = file(current_namespace[-1].cleanup[name]).read() calls = parse_suite(suite_data) for script, args, line in calls: try: if current_namespace[-1].suites.get(script): log_warn( "Cannot call sub-suite %s during cleanup at %s(%d)" % (script, name, line)) else: log_info("running cleanup: %s" % name) script_data = read_test(script) try: parameters = make_dict_from_call( args, get_twill_glocals()[0]) except (ValueError, TypeError, SyntaxError), e: e.args = ("\"%s%s\": Only positional argument passing is supported in suites." % \ (name, args), ) + e.args[1:] raise e script_data = make_twill_local_defs( parameters) + script_data twill.execute_string(script_data, no_reset=1) except Exception, e: maybe_print_stack() log_warn("Cleanup call to %s failed at %s(%d)" % (script + args, name + CLEANUP, line)) except IOError, e: maybe_print_stack() log_warn("Unable to read cleanup handler for %s" % name) except Exception, e: maybe_print_stack() log_warn("Exception during cleanup handler for %s" % name)
def define_twill_vars(**kwargs): tglobals, tlocals = get_twill_glocals() tglobals.update(kwargs)
def export_contains(filename): globals, locals = get_twill_glocals() z, zipname = globals['__project_export__'] if filename not in z.namelist(): raise TwillAssertionError("file %s not found in project export zipfile" % filename)
def test(): url = twilltestlib.get_url() # capture output fp = StringIO() twill.set_output(fp) twill.parse.execute_string('code 200', initial_url=url) # from file twilltestlib.execute_twill_script('test-go.twill', initial_url=url) twill.set_output(None) assert fp.getvalue() ### # from stdin filename = os.path.join(twilltestlib.testdir, 'test-go.twill') old_in, sys.stdin = sys.stdin, open(filename) try: twilltestlib.execute_twill_script('-', initial_url=url) finally: sys.stdin = old_in # from parse.execute_file twill.parse.execute_file('test-go-exit.twill', initial_url=url) # also test some failures. old_err, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO() try: twill.set_errout(sys.stderr) # # failed assert in a script # try: twill.parse.execute_file('test-go-fail.twill', initial_url=url) assert 0 except TwillAssertionError: pass commands.go(url) try: commands.code(400) assert 0 except TwillAssertionError: pass # # no such command (NameError) # try: twill.parse.execute_file('test-go-fail2.twill', initial_url=url) assert 0 except TwillNameError, e: pass finally: sys.stderr = old_err namespaces.new_local_dict() gd, ld = namespaces.get_twill_glocals() commands.go(url) try: twill.parse.execute_command('url', ('not this', ), gd, ld, "anony") assert 0, "shouldn't get here" except TwillAssertionError: pass try: commands.follow('no such link') assert 0, "shouldn't get here" except TwillAssertionError: pass try: commands.find('no such link') assert 0, "shouldn't get here" except TwillAssertionError: pass try: commands.notfind('Hello') assert 0, "shouldn't get here" except TwillAssertionError: pass try: twill.parse.execute_command('exit', ('0', ), gd, ld, "anony") assert 0, "shouldn't get here" except SystemExit: pass
def get_local(name, default=None): """ return twill Local's variable value """ g, l = get_twill_glocals() return l.get(name, default)
def get_twill_var(varname): twill_globals, twill_locals = get_twill_glocals() return twill_globals.get(varname)