def __init__(self, target, root_dir, run_tracker, interpreter=None, conn_timeout=None): = target self.interpreter = interpreter or PythonInterpreter.get() if not isinstance(target, PythonBinary): raise PythonBinaryBuilder.NotABinaryTargetException( "Target %s is not a PythonBinary!" % target) config = Config.load() self.distdir = config.getdefault('pants_distdir') distpath = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.distdir, run_info = run_tracker.run_info build_properties = {} build_properties.update( run_info.add_basic_info(run_id=None, timestamp=time.time())) build_properties.update(run_info.add_scm_info()) pexinfo = target.pexinfo.copy() pexinfo.build_properties = build_properties builder = PEXBuilder(distpath, pex_info=pexinfo, interpreter=self.interpreter) self.chroot = PythonChroot(target, root_dir, builder=builder, interpreter=self.interpreter, conn_timeout=conn_timeout)
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): parser.set_usage("\n" " %prog py (options) [spec] args\n") parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option( "-t", "--timeout", dest="conn_timeout", type="int", default=Config.load().getdefault('connection_timeout'), help="Number of seconds to wait for http connections.") parser.add_option("--pex", dest="pex", default=False, action='store_true', help="dump a .pex of this chroot") parser.add_option("--resolve", dest="resolve", default=False, action='store_true', help="resolve targets instead of building.") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default=False, action='store_true', help="show verbose output.") parser.epilog = """Interact with the chroot of the specified target."""
def __init__(self, target, root_dir, extra_targets=None): self._config = Config.load() self._target = target self._root = root_dir self._cache = BuildCache( os.path.join(self._config.get("python-setup", "artifact_cache"), "%s" % PythonIdentity.get()) ) self._extra_targets = list(extra_targets) if extra_targets is not None else [] self._extra_targets.append(self._get_common_python()) cachedir = self._config.get("python-setup", "cache") safe_mkdir(cachedir) self._eggcache = cachedir local_repo = "file://%s" % os.path.realpath(cachedir) self._repos = [local_repo] + self._config.getlist("python-setup", "repos") self._fetcher = ReqFetcher(repos=self._repos, cache=cachedir) self._index = None for index in self._config.getlist("python-setup", "indices"): if PythonChroot.can_contact_index(index): self._index = index break self._additional_reqs = set() distdir = self._config.getdefault("pants_distdir") distpath = tempfile.mktemp(dir=distdir, self.env = PythonEnvironment(distpath)
def setUp(self): with temporary_file() as ini: ini.write( ''' [DEFAULT] answer: 42 scale: 1.2 path: /a/b/%(answer)s embed: %(path)s::foo disclaimer: Let it be known that. [a] fast: True list: [1, 2, 3, %(answer)s] [b] preempt: False dict: { 'a': 1, 'b': %(answer)s, 'c': ['%(answer)s', %(answer)s] } ''') ini.close() self.config = Config.load(
def __init__(self, target, root_dir, extra_targets=None, builder=None, interpreter=None, conn_timeout=None): self._config = Config.load() self._target = target self._root = root_dir self._interpreter = interpreter or PythonInterpreter.get() self._extra_targets = list( extra_targets) if extra_targets is not None else [] self._resolver = MultiResolver(self._config, target, conn_timeout=conn_timeout) self._builder = builder or PEXBuilder(tempfile.mkdtemp(), interpreter=self._interpreter) # Note: unrelated to the general pants artifact cache. self._egg_cache_root = os.path.join( self._config.get('python-setup', 'artifact_cache'), str(self._interpreter.identity)) self._key_generator = CacheKeyGenerator() self._build_invalidator = BuildInvalidator(self._egg_cache_root)
def __init__(self, targets): self._config = Config.load() self._targets = targets self._resolver = SilentResolver( caches = self._config.getlist('python-setup', 'local_eggs') + [self._config.get('python-setup', 'install_cache')], install_cache = self._config.get('python-setup', 'install_cache'), fetcher = fetcher_from_config(self._config))
def _run(): version = get_version() if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == _VERSION_OPTION: _do_exit(version) root_dir = get_buildroot() if not os.path.exists(root_dir): _exit_and_fail('PANTS_BUILD_ROOT does not point to a valid path: %s' % root_dir) if len(sys.argv) < 2 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] in _HELP_ALIASES): _help(version, root_dir) command_class, command_args = _parse_command(root_dir, sys.argv[1:]) parser = optparse.OptionParser(version=version) RcFile.install_disable_rc_option(parser) parser.add_option(_LOG_EXIT_OPTION, action='store_true', default=False, dest='log_exit', help='Log an exit message on success or failure.') config = Config.load() run_tracker = RunTracker(config) report = default_report(config, run_tracker) run_tracker.start(report) url = run_tracker.run_info.get_info('report_url') run_tracker.log(Report.INFO, 'See a report at: %s' % url) run_tracker.log(Report.INFO, '(To run a reporting server: ./pants server)') try: command = command_class(run_tracker, root_dir, parser, command_args) if command.serialized(): def onwait(pid): print('Waiting on pants process %s to complete' % _process_info(pid), file=sys.stderr) return True runfile = os.path.join(root_dir, '') lock = Lock.acquire(runfile, onwait=onwait) else: lock = Lock.unlocked() try: result = _do_exit(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: command.cleanup() raise finally: lock.release() finally: run_tracker.end()
def _run(): version = get_version() if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == _VERSION_OPTION: _do_exit(version) root_dir = get_buildroot() if not os.path.exists(root_dir): _exit_and_fail('PANTS_BUILD_ROOT does not point to a valid path: %s' % root_dir) if len(sys.argv) < 2 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] in _HELP_ALIASES): _help(version, root_dir) command_class, command_args = _parse_command(root_dir, sys.argv[1:]) parser = optparse.OptionParser(version=version) RcFile.install_disable_rc_option(parser) parser.add_option(_LOG_EXIT_OPTION, action='store_true', default=False, dest='log_exit', help = 'Log an exit message on success or failure.') config = Config.load() run_tracker = RunTracker(config) report = initial_reporting(config, run_tracker) run_tracker.start(report) url = run_tracker.run_info.get_info('report_url') if url: run_tracker.log(Report.INFO, 'See a report at: %s' % url) else: run_tracker.log(Report.INFO, '(To run a reporting server: ./pants server)') command = command_class(run_tracker, root_dir, parser, command_args) try: if command.serialized(): def onwait(pid): print('Waiting on pants process %s to complete' % _process_info(pid), file=sys.stderr) return True runfile = os.path.join(root_dir, '') lock = Lock.acquire(runfile, onwait=onwait) else: lock = Lock.unlocked() try: result = _do_exit(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: command.cleanup() raise finally: lock.release() finally: run_tracker.end() # Must kill nailguns only after run_tracker.end() is called, because there may still # be pending background work that needs a nailgun. if (hasattr(command.options, 'cleanup_nailguns') and command.options.cleanup_nailguns) \ or config.get('nailgun', 'autokill', default=False): NailgunTask.killall(None)
def generate_coverage_config(target): cp = configparser.ConfigParser() cp.readfp(Compatibility.StringIO(DEFAULT_COVERAGE_CONFIG)) cp.add_section('html') target_dir = os.path.join(Config.load().getdefault('pants_distdir'), 'coverage', os.path.dirname(target.address.buildfile.relpath), safe_mkdir(target_dir) cp.set('html', 'directory', target_dir) return cp
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): parser.set_usage("\n" " %prog build (options) [spec] (build args)\n" " %prog build (options) [spec]... -- (build args)") parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", dest="conn_timeout", type="int", default=Config.load().getdefault('connection_timeout'), help="Number of seconds to wait for http connections.") parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.epilog = """Builds the specified Python target(s). Use ./pants goal for JVM and other targets."""
def setUp(self): with temporary_file() as ini: ini.write(''' [python-setup] platforms: [ 'current', 'linux-x86_64'] ''') ini.close() self.config = Config.load(
def profile_classpath(profile, java_runner=None, config=None, ivy_jar=None, ivy_settings=None, workunit_factory=None): # TODO(John Sirois): consider rework when ant backend is gone and there is no more need to share # path structure java_runner = java_runner or runjava_indivisible config = config or Config.load() profile_dir = config.get('ivy-profiles', 'workdir') profile_libdir = os.path.join(profile_dir, '%s.libs' % profile) profile_check = '%s.checked' % profile_libdir if not os.path.exists(profile_check): # TODO(John Sirois): refactor IvyResolve to share ivy invocation command line bits ivy_classpath = [ivy_jar] if ivy_jar else config.getlist( 'ivy', 'classpath') safe_mkdir(profile_libdir) ivy_settings = ivy_settings or config.get('ivy', 'ivy_settings') ivy_xml = os.path.join(profile_dir, '%s.ivy.xml' % profile) ivy_opts = [ '-settings', ivy_settings, '-ivy', ivy_xml, # TODO(John Sirois): this pattern omits an [organisation]- prefix to satisfy IDEA jar naming # needs for scala - isolate this hack to where it belongs '-retrieve', '%s/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]' % profile_libdir, '-sync', '-symlink', '-types', 'jar', 'bundle', '-confs', 'default' ] result = java_runner(classpath=ivy_classpath, main='org.apache.ivy.Main', workunit_factory=workunit_factory, workunit_name='%s:bootstrap' % profile, opts=ivy_opts) if result != 0: raise TaskError('Failed to load profile %s, ivy exit code %d' % (profile, result)) touch(profile_check) return [ os.path.join(profile_libdir, jar) for jar in os.listdir(profile_libdir) ]
def setUp(self): with temporary_file() as ini: ini.write( ''' [python-setup] platforms: [ 'current', 'linux-x86_64'] ''') ini.close() self.config = Config.load(
def __init__(self, target, root_dir, extra_targets=None, builder=None, conn_timeout=None): self._config = Config.load() self._target = target self._root = root_dir self._key_generator = CacheKeyGenerator() self._extra_targets = list(extra_targets) if extra_targets is not None else [] self._resolver = MultiResolver.from_target(self._config, target, conn_timeout=conn_timeout) self._builder = builder or PEXBuilder(tempfile.mkdtemp()) # Note: unrelated to the general pants artifact cache. self._egg_cache_root = os.path.join(self._config.get('python-setup', 'artifact_cache'), '%s' % PythonIdentity.get())
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): parser.set_usage("\n" " %prog build (options) [spec] (build args)\n" " %prog build (options) [spec]... -- (build args)") parser.add_option( "-t", "--timeout", dest="conn_timeout", type="int", default=Config.load().getdefault('connection_timeout'), help="Number of seconds to wait for http connections.") parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.epilog = """Builds the specified Python target(s). Use ./pants goal for JVM and other targets."""
def __init__(self, target, root_dir, extra_targets=None, builder=None, conn_timeout=None): self._config = Config.load() self._target = target self._root = root_dir self._key_generator = CacheKeyGenerator() self._extra_targets = list(extra_targets) if extra_targets is not None else [] self._resolver = MultiResolver.from_target(self._config, target, conn_timeout=conn_timeout) self._builder = builder or PEXBuilder(tempfile.mkdtemp()) artifact_cache_root = os.path.join(self._config.get('python-setup', 'artifact_cache'), '%s' % PythonIdentity.get()) self._artifact_cache = FileBasedArtifactCache(None, self._root, artifact_cache_root, self._builder.add_dependency_file)
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): parser.set_usage("\n" " %prog py (options) [spec] args\n") parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", dest="conn_timeout", type="int", default=Config.load().getdefault('connection_timeout'), help="Number of seconds to wait for http connections.") parser.add_option("--pex", dest="pex", default=False, action='store_true', help="dump a .pex of this chroot") parser.add_option("--resolve", dest="resolve", default=False, action='store_true', help="resolve targets instead of building.") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default=False, action='store_true', help="show verbose output.") parser.epilog = """Interact with the chroot of the specified target."""
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): parser.set_usage("\n" " %prog build (options) [spec] (build args)\n" " %prog build (options) [spec]... -- (build args)") parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", dest="conn_timeout", type="int", default=Config.load().getdefault('connection_timeout'), help="Number of seconds to wait for http connections.") parser.add_option('-i', '--interpreter', dest='interpreter', default=None, help='The interpreter requirement for this chroot.') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show verbose output.') parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.epilog = ('Builds the specified Python target(s). Use ./pants goal for JVM and other ' 'targets.')
def compiled_idl(cls, idl_dep, generated_deps=None, compiler=None, language=None, namespace_map=None): """Marks a jar as containing IDL files that should be fetched and processed locally. idl_dep: A dependency resolvable to a single jar library. generated_deps: Dependencies for the code that will be generated from "idl_dep" compiler: The thrift compiler to apply to the fetched thrift IDL files. language: The language to generate code for - supported by some compilers namespace_map: A mapping from IDL declared namespaces to custom namespaces - supported by some compilers. """ deps = [t for t in idl_dep.resolve() if t.is_concrete] if not len(deps) == 1: raise TaskError('Can only arrange for compiled idl for a single dependency at a time, ' 'given:\n\t%s' % '\n\t'.join(map(str, deps))) jar = deps.pop() if not isinstance(jar, JarDependency): raise TaskError('Can only arrange for compiled idl from a jar dependency, given: %s' % jar) request = (jar, compiler, language) namespace_signature = None if namespace_map: sha = hashlib.sha1() for ns_from, ns_to in sorted(namespace_map.items()): sha.update(ns_from) sha.update(ns_to) namespace_signature = sha.hexdigest() request += (namespace_signature,) if request not in cls._PLACEHOLDER_BY_REQUEST: if not cls._EXTRACT_BASE: config = Config.load() cls._EXTRACT_BASE = config.get('idl-extract', 'workdir') safe_mkdir(cls._EXTRACT_BASE) SourceRoot.register(cls._EXTRACT_BASE, JavaThriftLibrary) with ParseContext.temp(cls._EXTRACT_BASE): # TODO(John Sirois): abstract ivy specific configurations notion away jar._configurations.append('idl') jar.with_artifact(configuration='idl', classifier='idl') target_name = '-'.join(filter(None, (, compiler, language, namespace_signature))) placeholder = JavaThriftLibrary(target_name, sources=None, dependencies=[jar] + (generated_deps or []), compiler=compiler, language=language, namespace_map=namespace_map) cls._PLACEHOLDER_BY_REQUEST[request] = placeholder cls._PLACEHOLDERS_BY_JAR[jar].append(placeholder) return cls._PLACEHOLDER_BY_REQUEST[request]
def __init__(self, run_tracker, root_dir, parser, argv): Command.__init__(self, run_tracker, root_dir, parser, argv) if not self.args: self.error("A spec argument is required") self._config = Config.load() self._root = root_dir address = Address.parse(root_dir, self.args[0]) = Target.get(address) if is None: self.error('%s is not a valid target!' % self.args[0]) if not self.error('Target must provide an artifact.')
def profile_classpath(profile, java_runner=None, config=None, ivy_jar=None, ivy_settings=None, workunit_factory=None): # TODO(John Sirois): consider rework when ant backend is gone and there is no more need to share # path structure java_runner = java_runner or runjava_indivisible config = config or Config.load() profile_dir = config.get("ivy-profiles", "workdir") profile_libdir = os.path.join(profile_dir, "%s.libs" % profile) profile_check = "%s.checked" % profile_libdir if not os.path.exists(profile_check): # TODO(John Sirois): refactor IvyResolve to share ivy invocation command line bits ivy_classpath = [ivy_jar] if ivy_jar else config.getlist("ivy", "classpath") safe_mkdir(profile_libdir) ivy_settings = ivy_settings or config.get("ivy", "ivy_settings") ivy_xml = os.path.join(profile_dir, "%s.ivy.xml" % profile) ivy_opts = [ "-settings", ivy_settings, "-ivy", ivy_xml, # TODO(John Sirois): this pattern omits an [organisation]- prefix to satisfy IDEA jar naming # needs for scala - isolate this hack to where it belongs "-retrieve", "%s/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" % profile_libdir, "-sync", "-symlink", "-types", "jar", "bundle", "-confs", "default", ] result = java_runner( classpath=ivy_classpath, main="org.apache.ivy.Main", workunit_factory=workunit_factory, workunit_name="%s:bootstrap" % profile, opts=ivy_opts, ) if result != 0: raise TaskError("Failed to load profile %s, ivy exit code %s" % (profile, str(result))) touch(profile_check) return [os.path.join(profile_libdir, jar) for jar in os.listdir(profile_libdir)]
def __init__(self, target, root_dir, extra_targets=None, builder=None): self._config = Config.load() self._target = target self._root = root_dir self._cache = BuildCache(os.path.join(self._config.get('python-setup', 'artifact_cache'), '%s' % PythonIdentity.get())) self._extra_targets = list(extra_targets) if extra_targets is not None else [] self._resolver = PythonResolver([self._target] + self._extra_targets) self._builder = builder or PEXBuilder(tempfile.mkdtemp()) self._platforms = (Platform.current(),) self._pythons = (sys.version[:3],) # TODO(wickman) Should this be in the binary builder? if isinstance(self._target, PythonBinary): self._platforms = self._target._platforms self._pythons = self._target._interpreters
def execute(self): config = Config.load() distdir = config.getdefault('pants_distdir') setup_dir = os.path.join( distdir, '%s-%s' % (, chroot = Chroot(distdir, self.write_sources(chroot) self.write_setup(chroot) if os.path.exists(setup_dir): import shutil shutil.rmtree(setup_dir) os.rename(chroot.path(), setup_dir) with pushd(setup_dir): cmd = '%s %s' % (sys.executable, or 'sdist') print('Running "%s" in %s' % (cmd, setup_dir)) extra_args = {} if else dict( stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) po = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, **extra_args) po.wait() if print('Ran %s' % cmd) print('Output in %s' % setup_dir) return po.returncode elif po.returncode != 0: print('Failed to run %s!' % cmd) for line in print('stdout: %s' % line) for line in print('stderr: %s' % line) return po.returncode expected_tgz = '%s-%s.tar.gz' % (, expected_target = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'dist', expected_tgz) dist_tgz = os.path.join(distdir, expected_tgz) if not os.path.exists(expected_target): print('Could not find expected target %s!' % expected_target) sys.exit(1) safe_delete(dist_tgz) os.rename(expected_target, dist_tgz) print('Wrote %s' % dist_tgz) safe_rmtree(setup_dir)
def iter_generated_sources(cls, target, root, config=None): config = config or Config.load() # This is sort of facepalmy -- will make this much better. for target_type, target_builder in cls.GENERATED_TARGETS.items(): if isinstance(target, target_type): builder_cls = target_builder break else: raise TypeError( 'write_generated_sources could not find suitable code generator for %s' % type(target)) builder = builder_cls(target, root, config) builder.generate() for root, _, files in os.walk(builder.package_root): for fn in files: target_file = os.path.join(root, fn) yield os.path.relpath(target_file, builder.package_root), target_file
def select_binary(base_path, version, name, config=None): """Selects a binary matching the current os and architecture. Raises TaskError if no binary of the given version and name could be found. """ # TODO(John Sirois): finish doc of the path structure expexcted under base_path config = config or Config.load() cachedir = config.getdefault('pants_cachedir', default=os.path.expanduser('~/.pants.d')) baseurl = config.getdefault('pants_support_baseurl') timeout_secs = config.getdefault('pants_support_fetch_timeout_secs', type=int, default=30) sysname, _, release, _, machine = os.uname() os_id = _ID_BY_OS[sysname.lower()] if os_id: middle_path = _PATH_BY_ID[os_id(release, machine)] if middle_path: binary_path = os.path.join(base_path, *(middle_path + [version, name])) cached_binary_path = os.path.join(cachedir, binary_path) if not os.path.exists(cached_binary_path): url = posixpath.join(baseurl, binary_path)'Fetching %s binary from: %s' % (name, url)) downloadpath = cached_binary_path + '~' try: with closing( urllib_request.urlopen( url, timeout=timeout_secs)) as binary: with safe_open(downloadpath, 'wb') as cached_binary: cached_binary.write( os.rename(downloadpath, cached_binary_path) chmod_plus_x(cached_binary_path) except (IOError, urllib_error.HTTPError, urllib_error.URLError) as e: raise TaskError('Failed to fetch binary from %s: %s' % (url, e)) finally: safe_delete(downloadpath) log.debug('Selected %s binary cached at: %s' % (name, cached_binary_path)) return cached_binary_path raise TaskError('No %s binary found for: %s' % (name, (sysname, release, machine)))
def safe_args(args, max_args=None, config=None, argfile=None, delimiter='\n', quoter=None, delete=True): """ Yields args if there are less than a limit otherwise writes args to an argfile and yields an argument list with one argument formed from the path of the argfile. :args The args to work with. :max_args The maximum number of args to let though without writing an argfile. If not specified then the maximum will be loaded from config. :config Used to lookup the configured maximum number of args that can be passed to a subprocess; defaults to the default config and looks for key 'max_subprocess_args' in the DEFAULTS. :argfile The file to write args to when there are too many; defaults to a temporary file. :delimiter The delimiter to insert between args written to the argfile, defaults to '\n' :quoter A function that can take the argfile path and return a single argument value; defaults to: <code>lambda f: '@' + f<code> :delete If True deletes any arg files created upon exit from this context; defaults to True. """ max_args = max_args or (config or Config.load()).getdefault( 'max_subprocess_args', int, 10) if len(args) > max_args: def create_argfile(fp): fp.write(delimiter.join(args)) fp.close() return [quoter( if quoter else '@%s' %] if argfile: try: with safe_open(argfile, 'w') as fp: yield create_argfile(fp) finally: if delete and os.path.exists(argfile): os.unlink(argfile) else: with temporary_file(cleanup=delete) as fp: yield create_argfile(fp) else: yield args
def __init__(self, target, root_dir, extra_targets=None, builder=None): self._config = Config.load() self._target = target self._root = root_dir self._cache = BuildCache( os.path.join(self._config.get('python-setup', 'artifact_cache'), '%s' % PythonIdentity.get())) self._extra_targets = list( extra_targets) if extra_targets is not None else [] self._resolver = PythonResolver([self._target] + self._extra_targets) self._builder = builder or PEXBuilder(tempfile.mkdtemp()) self._platforms = (Platform.current(), ) self._pythons = (sys.version[:3], ) # TODO(wickman) Should this be in the binary builder? if isinstance(self._target, PythonBinary): self._platforms = self._target._platforms self._pythons = self._target._interpreters
def __init__(self, run_tracker, root_dir, parser, argv): Command.__init__(self, run_tracker, root_dir, parser, argv) if not self.args: self.error("A spec argument is required") self.config = Config.load() self.interpreter_cache = PythonInterpreterCache(self.config, logger=self.debug) self.interpreter_cache.setup() interpreters = self.interpreter_cache.select_interpreter( list(self.interpreter_cache.matches([self.options.interpreter] if self.options.interpreter else ['']))) if len(interpreters) != 1: self.error('Unable to detect suitable interpreter.') else: self.debug('Selected %s' % interpreters[0]) self.interpreter = interpreters[0] try: specs_end = self.args.index('--') if len(self.args) > specs_end: self.build_args = self.args[specs_end+1:len(self.args)+1] else: self.build_args = [] except ValueError: specs_end = 1 self.build_args = self.args[1:] if len(self.args) > 1 else [] self.targets = OrderedSet() for spec in self.args[0:specs_end]: try: address = Address.parse(root_dir, spec) except: self.error("Problem parsing spec %s: %s" % (spec, traceback.format_exc())) try: target = Target.get(address) except: self.error("Problem parsing BUILD target %s: %s" % (address, traceback.format_exc())) if not target: self.error("Target %s does not exist" % address) self.targets.update(tgt for tgt in target.resolve() if tgt.is_concrete)
def execute(self): config = Config.load() distdir = config.getdefault('pants_distdir') setup_dir = os.path.join(distdir, '%s-%s' % (, chroot = Chroot(distdir, self.write_sources(chroot) self.write_setup(chroot) if os.path.exists(setup_dir): import shutil shutil.rmtree(setup_dir) os.rename(chroot.path(), setup_dir) with pushd(setup_dir): cmd = '%s %s' % (sys.executable, or 'sdist') print('Running "%s" in %s' % (cmd, setup_dir)) extra_args = {} if else dict(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) po = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, **extra_args) po.wait() if print('Ran %s' % cmd) print('Output in %s' % setup_dir) return po.returncode elif po.returncode != 0: print('Failed to run %s!' % cmd) for line in print('stdout: %s' % line) for line in print('stderr: %s' % line) return po.returncode expected_tgz = '%s-%s.tar.gz' % (, expected_target = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'dist', expected_tgz) dist_tgz = os.path.join(distdir, expected_tgz) if not os.path.exists(expected_target): print('Could not find expected target %s!' % expected_target) sys.exit(1) safe_delete(dist_tgz) os.rename(expected_target, dist_tgz) print('Wrote %s' % dist_tgz) safe_rmtree(setup_dir)
def safe_args(args, max_args=None, config=None, argfile=None, delimiter='\n', quoter=None, delete=True): """ Yields args if there are less than a limit otherwise writes args to an argfile and yields an argument list with one argument formed from the path of the argfile. :args The args to work with. :max_args The maximum number of args to let though without writing an argfile. If not specified then the maximum will be loaded from config. :config Used to lookup the configured maximum number of args that can be passed to a subprocess; defaults to the default config and looks for key 'max_subprocess_args' in the DEFAULTS. :argfile The file to write args to when there are too many; defaults to a temporary file. :delimiter The delimiter to insert between args written to the argfile, defaults to '\n' :quoter A function that can take the argfile path and return a single argument value; defaults to: <code>lambda f: '@' + f<code> :delete If True deletes any arg files created upon exit from this context; defaults to True. """ max_args = max_args or (config or Config.load()).getdefault('max_subprocess_args', int, 10) if len(args) > max_args: def create_argfile(fp): fp.write(delimiter.join(args)) fp.close() return [quoter( if quoter else '@%s' %] if argfile: try: with safe_open(argfile, 'w') as fp: yield create_argfile(fp) finally: if delete and os.path.exists(argfile): os.unlink(argfile) else: with temporary_file(cleanup=delete) as fp: yield create_argfile(fp) else: yield args
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): parser.set_usage('\n' ' %prog py (options) [spec] args\n') parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option('-t', '--timeout', dest='conn_timeout', type='int', default=Config.load().getdefault('connection_timeout'), help='Number of seconds to wait for http connections.') parser.add_option('--pex', dest='pex', default=False, action='store_true', help='Dump a .pex of this chroot instead of attempting to execute it.') parser.add_option('--ipython', dest='ipython', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run the target environment in an IPython interpreter.') parser.add_option('-r', '--req', dest='extra_requirements', default=[], action='append', help='Additional Python requirements to add to this chroot.') parser.add_option('-i', '--interpreter', dest='interpreter', default=None, help='The interpreter requirement for this chroot.') parser.add_option('-e', '--entry_point', dest='entry_point', default=None, help='The entry point for the generated PEX.') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show verbose output.') parser.epilog = """Interact with the chroot of the specified target."""
def profile_classpath(profile, java_runner=None, config=None, ivy_jar=None, ivy_settings=None, workunit_factory=None): # TODO(John Sirois): consider rework when ant backend is gone and there is no more need to share # path structure java_runner = java_runner or runjava_indivisible config = config or Config.load() profile_dir = config.get('ivy-profiles', 'workdir') profile_libdir = os.path.join(profile_dir, '%s.libs' % profile) profile_check = '%s.checked' % profile_libdir if not os.path.exists(profile_check): # TODO(John Sirois): refactor IvyResolve to share ivy invocation command line bits ivy_classpath = [ivy_jar] if ivy_jar else config.getlist('ivy', 'classpath') safe_mkdir(profile_libdir) ivy_settings = ivy_settings or config.get('ivy', 'ivy_settings') ivy_xml = os.path.join(profile_dir, '%s.ivy.xml' % profile) ivy_opts = [ '-settings', ivy_settings, '-ivy', ivy_xml, # TODO(John Sirois): this pattern omits an [organisation]- prefix to satisfy IDEA jar naming # needs for scala - isolate this hack to where it belongs '-retrieve', '%s/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]' % profile_libdir, '-sync', '-symlink', '-types', 'jar', 'bundle', '-confs', 'default' ] result = java_runner(classpath=ivy_classpath, main='org.apache.ivy.Main', workunit_factory=workunit_factory, workunit_name='%s:bootstrap' % profile, opts=ivy_opts) if result != 0: raise TaskError('Failed to load profile %s, ivy exit code %s' % (profile, str(result))) touch(profile_check) return [os.path.join(profile_libdir, jar) for jar in os.listdir(profile_libdir)]
def __init__(self, target, args, root_dir): = target if not isinstance(target, PythonBinary): raise PythonBinaryBuilder.NotABinaryTargetException( "Target %s is not a PythonBinary!" % target) config = Config.load() self.distdir = config.getdefault('pants_distdir') distpath = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.distdir, self.builder = PEXBuilder(distpath) # configure builder PexInfo options for repo in target._repositories: for index in target._indices: = target._allow_pypi = target._zip_safe = target._inherit_path = target._entry_point = target._ignore_errors self.chroot = PythonChroot(target, root_dir, builder=self.builder)
def __init__(self, target, args, root_dir, conn_timeout=None): = target if not isinstance(target, PythonBinary): raise PythonBinaryBuilder.NotABinaryTargetException( "Target %s is not a PythonBinary!" % target) config = Config.load() self.distdir = config.getdefault('pants_distdir') distpath = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.distdir, self.builder = PEXBuilder(distpath) # configure builder PexInfo options for repo in target._repositories: for index in target._indices: = target._allow_pypi = target._zip_safe = target._inherit_path = target._entry_point = target._ignore_errors self.chroot = PythonChroot(target, root_dir, builder=self.builder, conn_timeout=conn_timeout)
def __init__(self, target, root_dir, run_tracker, interpreter=None, conn_timeout=None): = target self.interpreter = interpreter or PythonInterpreter.get() if not isinstance(target, PythonBinary): raise PythonBinaryBuilder.NotABinaryTargetException("Target %s is not a PythonBinary!" % target) config = Config.load() self.distdir = config.getdefault("pants_distdir") distpath = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.distdir, run_info = run_tracker.run_info build_properties = {} build_properties.update(run_info.add_basic_info(run_id=None, timestamp=time.time())) build_properties.update(run_info.add_scm_info()) pexinfo = target.pexinfo.copy() pexinfo.build_properties = build_properties builder = PEXBuilder(distpath, pex_info=pexinfo, interpreter=self.interpreter) self.chroot = PythonChroot( target, root_dir, builder=builder, interpreter=self.interpreter, conn_timeout=conn_timeout )
def __init__(self, target, root_dir, extra_targets=None, builder=None, conn_timeout=None): self._config = Config.load() self._target = target self._root = root_dir self._key_generator = CacheKeyGenerator() self._extra_targets = list( extra_targets) if extra_targets is not None else [] self._resolver = MultiResolver.from_target(self._config, target, conn_timeout=conn_timeout) self._builder = builder or PEXBuilder(tempfile.mkdtemp()) artifact_cache_root = os.path.join( self._config.get('python-setup', 'artifact_cache'), '%s' % PythonIdentity.get()) self._artifact_cache = FileBasedArtifactCache( None, self._root, artifact_cache_root, self._builder.add_dependency_file)
def select_binary(base_path, version, name, config=None): """Selects a binary matching the current os and architecture. Raises TaskError if no binary of the given version and name could be found. """ # TODO(John Sirois): finish doc of the path structure expexcted under base_path config = config or Config.load() cachedir = config.getdefault('pants_cachedir', default=os.path.expanduser('~/.pants.d')) baseurl = config.getdefault('pants_support_baseurl') timeout_secs = config.getdefault('pants_support_fetch_timeout_secs', type=int, default=30) sysname, _, release, _, machine = os.uname() os_id = _ID_BY_OS[sysname.lower()] if os_id: middle_path = _PATH_BY_ID[os_id(release, machine)] if middle_path: binary_path = os.path.join(base_path, *(middle_path + [version, name])) cached_binary_path = os.path.join(cachedir, binary_path) if not os.path.exists(cached_binary_path): url = posixpath.join(baseurl, binary_path)'Fetching %s binary from: %s' % (name, url)) downloadpath = cached_binary_path + '~' try: with closing(urllib_request.urlopen(url, timeout=timeout_secs)) as binary: with safe_open(downloadpath, 'wb') as cached_binary: cached_binary.write( os.rename(downloadpath, cached_binary_path) chmod_plus_x(cached_binary_path) except (IOError, urllib_error.HTTPError, urllib_error.URLError) as e: raise TaskError('Failed to fetch binary from %s: %s' % (url, e)) finally: safe_delete(downloadpath) log.debug('Selected %s binary cached at: %s' % (name, cached_binary_path)) return cached_binary_path raise TaskError('No %s binary found for: %s' % (name, (sysname, release, machine)))
def __init__(self, run_tracker, root_dir, parser, argv): Command.__init__(self, run_tracker, root_dir, parser, argv) = None self.extra_targets = [] self.config = Config.load() self.interpreter_cache = PythonInterpreterCache(self.config, logger=self.debug) self.interpreter_cache.setup() interpreters = self.interpreter_cache.select_interpreter( list(self.interpreter_cache.matches([self.options.interpreter] if self.options.interpreter else ['']))) if len(interpreters) != 1: self.error('Unable to detect suitable interpreter.') self.interpreter = interpreters[0] for req in self.options.extra_requirements: with ParseContext.temp(): self.extra_targets.append(PythonRequirement(req, use_2to3=True)) # We parse each arg in the context of the cli usage: # ./pants command (options) [spec] (build args) # ./pants command (options) [spec]... -- (build args) # Our command token and our options are parsed out so we see args of the form: # [spec] (build args) # [spec]... -- (build args) binaries = [] for k in range(len(self.args)): arg = self.args.pop(0) if arg == '--': break def not_a_target(debug_msg): self.debug('Not a target, assuming option: %s.' % e) # We failed to parse the arg as a target or else it was in valid address format but did not # correspond to a real target. Assume this is the 1st of the build args and terminate # processing args for target addresses. self.args.insert(0, arg) target = None try: address = Address.parse(root_dir, arg) target = Target.get(address) if target is None: not_a_target(debug_msg='Unrecognized target') break except Exception as e: not_a_target(debug_msg=e) break for resolved in filter(lambda t: t.is_concrete, target.resolve()): if isinstance(resolved, PythonBinary): binaries.append(resolved) else: self.extra_targets.append(resolved) if len(binaries) == 0: # treat as a chroot pass elif len(binaries) == 1: # We found a binary and are done, the rest of the args get passed to it = binaries[0] else: self.error('Can only process 1 binary target, %s contains %d:\n\t%s' % ( arg, len(binaries), '\n\t'.join(str(binary.address) for binary in binaries) )) if is None: if not self.extra_targets: self.error('No valid target specified!') = self.extra_targets.pop(0)
def setUpClass(cls): cls.config = Config.load()
class Goal(Command): """Lists installed goals or else executes a named goal.""" __command__ = 'goal' GLOBAL_OPTIONS = [ Option("-t", "--timeout", dest="conn_timeout", type='int', default=Config.load().getdefault('connection_timeout'), help="Number of seconds to wait for http connections."), Option("-x", "--time", action="store_true", dest="time", default=False, help="Times goal phases and outputs a report."), Option("-e", "--explain", action="store_true", dest="explain", default=False, help="Explain the execution of goals."), Option("-k", "--kill-nailguns", action="store_true", dest="cleanup_nailguns", default=False, help="Kill nailguns before exiting"), Option("-d", "--logdir", dest="logdir", help="[%default] Forks logs to files under this directory."), Option( "-l", "--level", dest="log_level", type="choice", choices=['debug', 'info', 'warn'], help= "[info] Sets the logging level to one of 'debug', 'info' or 'warn'." "if set."), Option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="Squelches all console output apart from errors."), Option("--no-colors", dest="no_color", action="store_true", default=turn_off_colored_logging, help="Do not colorize log messages."), Option( "-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry_run", default=False, help= "Print the commands that would be run, without actually running them." ), Option( "--read-from-artifact-cache", "--no-read-from-artifact-cache", action="callback", callback=_set_bool, dest="read_from_artifact_cache", default=True, help= "Whether to read artifacts from cache instead of building them, if configured to do so." ), Option( "--write-to-artifact-cache", "--no-write-to-artifact-cache", action="callback", callback=_set_bool, dest="write_to_artifact_cache", default=True, help="Whether to write artifacts to cache if configured to do so." ), # NONE OF THE ARTIFACT CACHE FLAGS BELOW DO ANYTHING ANY MORE. # TODO: Remove them once all uses of them are killed. Option( "--verify-artifact-cache", "--no-verify-artifact-cache", action="callback", callback=_set_bool, dest="verify_artifact_cache", default=False, help= "Whether to verify that cached artifacts are identical after rebuilding them." ), Option( "--local-artifact-cache-readonly", "--no-local-artifact-cache-readonly", action="callback", callback=_set_bool, dest="local_artifact_cache_readonly", default=False, help= "If set, we don't write to local artifact caches, even when writes are enabled." ), # Note that remote writes are disabled by default, so you have control over who's populating # the shared cache. Option( "--remote-artifact-cache-readonly", "--no-remote-artifact-cache-readonly", action="callback", callback=_set_bool, dest="remote_artifact_cache_readonly", default=True, help= "If set, we don't write to remote artifact caches, even when writes are enabled." ), Option( "--all", dest="target_directory", action="append", help= "DEPRECATED: Use [dir]: with no flag in a normal target position on the command " "line. (Adds all targets found in the given directory's BUILD file. Can be " "specified more than once.)"), Option( "--all-recursive", dest="recursive_directory", action="append", help= "DEPRECATED: Use [dir]:: with no flag in a normal target position on the command " "line. (Adds all targets found recursively under the given directory. Can be " "specified more than once to add more than one root target directory to scan.)" ), ] output = None @staticmethod def add_global_options(parser): for option in Goal.GLOBAL_OPTIONS: parser.add_option(option) @staticmethod def parse_args(args): goals = OrderedSet() specs = OrderedSet() help = False explicit_multi = False def is_spec(spec): return os.sep in spec or ':' in spec for i, arg in enumerate(args): help = help or 'help' == arg if not arg.startswith('-'): specs.add(arg) if is_spec(arg) else goals.add(arg) elif '--' == arg: if specs: raise GoalError( 'Cannot intermix targets with goals when using --. Targets should ' 'appear on the right') explicit_multi = True del args[i] break if explicit_multi: spec_offset = len(goals) + 1 if help else len(goals) specs.update(arg for arg in args[spec_offset:] if not arg.startswith('-')) return goals, specs @classmethod def execute(cls, context, *names): parser = OptionParser() cls.add_global_options(parser) phases = [Phase(name) for name in names] Phase.setup_parser(parser, [], phases) options, _ = parser.parse_args([]) context = Context(context.config, options, context.run_tracker, context.target_roots, requested_goals=list(names)) return cls._execute(context, phases, print_timing=False) @staticmethod def _execute(context, phases, print_timing): engine = GroupEngine(print_timing=print_timing) return engine.execute(context, phases) # TODO(John Sirois): revisit wholesale locking when we move py support into pants new @classmethod def serialized(cls): # Goal serialization is now handled in goal execution during group processing. # The goal command doesn't need to hold the serialization lock; individual goals will # acquire the lock if they need to be serialized. return False def __init__(self, run_tracker, root_dir, parser, args): self.targets = [] Command.__init__(self, run_tracker, root_dir, parser, args) @contextmanager def check_errors(self, banner): errors = {} def error(key, include_traceback=False): exc_type, exc_value, _ = sys.exc_info() msg = StringIO() if include_traceback: frame = inspect.trace()[-2] filename = frame[1] lineno = frame[2] funcname = frame[3] code = ''.join(frame[4]) if frame[4] else None traceback.print_list([(filename, lineno, funcname, code)], file=msg) if exc_type: msg.write(''.join( traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_value))) errors[key] = msg.getvalue() sys.exc_clear() yield error if errors: msg = StringIO() msg.write(banner) invalid_keys = [key for key, exc in errors.items() if not exc] if invalid_keys: msg.write('\n %s' % '\n '.join(invalid_keys)) for key, exc in errors.items(): if exc: msg.write('\n %s =>\n %s' % (key, '\n '.join(exc.splitlines()))) # The help message for goal is extremely verbose, and will obscure the # actual error message, so we don't show it in this case. self.error(msg.getvalue(), show_help=False) def setup_parser(self, parser, args): self.config = Config.load() Goal.add_global_options(parser) # We support attempting zero or more goals. Multiple goals must be delimited from further # options and non goal args with a '--'. The key permutations we need to support: # ./pants goal => goals # ./pants goal goals => goals # ./pants goal compile src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile -x src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile src/java/... -x => compile # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... -x => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- -x src/java/... => compile, run if not args: args.append('goals') if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in set(['-h', '--help', 'help']): def format_usage(usages): left_colwidth = 0 for left, right in usages: left_colwidth = max(left_colwidth, len(left)) lines = [] for left, right in usages: lines.append(' %s%s%s' % (left, ' ' * (left_colwidth - len(left) + 1), right)) return '\n'.join(lines) usages = [ ("%prog goal goals ([spec]...)", Phase('goals').description), ("%prog goal help [goal] ([spec]...)", Phase('help').description), ("%prog goal [goal] [spec]...", "Attempt goal against one or more targets."), ("%prog goal [goal] ([goal]...) -- [spec]...", "Attempts all the specified goals."), ] parser.set_usage("\n%s" % format_usage(usages)) parser.epilog = ( "Either lists all installed goals, provides extra help for a goal or else " "attempts to achieve the specified goal for the listed targets." """ Note that target specs accept two special forms: [dir]: to include all targets in the specified directory [dir]:: to include all targets found in all BUILD files recursively under the directory""") parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) else: goals, specs = Goal.parse_args(args) self.requested_goals = goals with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='setup', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP]): # Bootstrap goals by loading any configured bootstrap BUILD files with self.check_errors( 'The following bootstrap_buildfiles cannot be loaded:' ) as error: with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='bootstrap', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP ]): for path in self.config.getlist('goals', 'bootstrap_buildfiles', default=[]): try: buildfile = BuildFile( get_buildroot(), os.path.relpath(path, get_buildroot())) ParseContext(buildfile).parse() except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(path, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError): error(path) # Now that we've parsed the bootstrap BUILD files, and know about the SCM system. self.run_tracker.run_info.add_scm_info() # Bootstrap user goals by loading any BUILD files implied by targets. spec_parser = SpecParser(self.root_dir) with self.check_errors( 'The following targets could not be loaded:') as error: with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='parse', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP ]): for spec in specs: try: for target, address in spec_parser.parse(spec): if target: self.targets.append(target) # Force early BUILD file loading if this target is an alias that expands # to others. unused = list(target.resolve()) else: siblings = Target.get_all_addresses( address.buildfile) prompt = 'did you mean' if len( siblings ) == 1 else 'maybe you meant one of these' error('%s => %s?:\n %s' % (address, prompt, '\n '.join( str(a) for a in siblings))) except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(spec, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError, TargetDefinitionException): error(spec) self.phases = [Phase(goal) for goal in goals] rcfiles = self.config.getdefault('rcfiles', type=list, default=[]) if rcfiles: rcfile = RcFile(rcfiles, default_prepend=False, process_default=True) # Break down the goals specified on the command line to the full set that will be run so we # can apply default flags to inner goal nodes. Also break down goals by Task subclass and # register the task class hierarchy fully qualified names so we can apply defaults to # baseclasses. sections = OrderedSet() for phase in Engine.execution_order(self.phases): for goal in phase.goals(): sections.add( for clazz in goal.task_type.mro(): if clazz == Task: break sections.add('%s.%s' % (clazz.__module__, clazz.__name__)) augmented_args = rcfile.apply_defaults(sections, args) if augmented_args != args: del args[:] args.extend(augmented_args) sys.stderr.write( "(using pantsrc expansion: pants goal %s)\n" % ' '.join(augmented_args)) Phase.setup_parser(parser, args, self.phases) def run(self, lock): # TODO(John Sirois): Consider moving to straight python logging. The divide between the # context/work-unit logging and standard python logging doesn't buy us anything. # Enable standard python logging for code with no handle to a context/work-unit. if self.options.log_level: LogOptions.set_stderr_log_level((self.options.log_level or 'info').upper()) logdir = self.options.logdir or self.config.get( 'goals', 'logdir', default=None) if logdir: safe_mkdir(logdir) LogOptions.set_log_dir(logdir) log.init('goals') else: log.init() # Update the reporting settings, now that we have flags etc. def is_console_task(): for phase in self.phases: for goal in phase.goals(): if issubclass(goal.task_type, ConsoleTask): return True return False is_explain = self.options.explain update_reporting(self.options, is_console_task() or is_explain, self.run_tracker) if self.options.dry_run: print('****** Dry Run ******') context = Context(self.config, self.options, self.run_tracker, self.targets, requested_goals=self.requested_goals, lock=lock) if self.options.recursive_directory: context.log.warn( '--all-recursive is deprecated, use a target spec with the form [dir]:: instead' ) for dir in self.options.recursive_directory: self.add_target_recursive(dir) if self.options.target_directory: context.log.warn( '--all is deprecated, use a target spec with the form [dir]: instead' ) for dir in self.options.target_directory: self.add_target_directory(dir) unknown = [] for phase in self.phases: if not phase.goals(): unknown.append(phase) if unknown: _list_goals( context, 'Unknown goal(s): %s' % ' '.join( for phase in unknown)) return 1 return Goal._execute(context, self.phases, print_timing=self.options.time) def cleanup(self): # TODO: Make this more selective? Only kill nailguns that affect state? E.g., checkstyle # may not need to be killed. NailgunTask.killall( sys.exit(1)
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): self.config = Config.load() Goal.add_global_options(parser) # We support attempting zero or more goals. Multiple goals must be delimited from further # options and non goal args with a '--'. The key permutations we need to support: # ./pants goal => goals # ./pants goal goals => goals # ./pants goal compile src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile -x src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile src/java/... -x => compile # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... -x => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- -x src/java/... => compile, run if not args: args.append('goals') if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in set(['-h', '--help', 'help']): def format_usage(usages): left_colwidth = 0 for left, right in usages: left_colwidth = max(left_colwidth, len(left)) lines = [] for left, right in usages: lines.append(' %s%s%s' % (left, ' ' * (left_colwidth - len(left) + 1), right)) return '\n'.join(lines) usages = [ ("%prog goal goals ([spec]...)", Phase('goals').description), ("%prog goal help [goal] ([spec]...)", Phase('help').description), ("%prog goal [goal] [spec]...", "Attempt goal against one or more targets."), ("%prog goal [goal] ([goal]...) -- [spec]...", "Attempts all the specified goals."), ] parser.set_usage("\n%s" % format_usage(usages)) parser.epilog = ("Either lists all installed goals, provides extra help for a goal or else " "attempts to achieve the specified goal for the listed targets." """ Note that target specs accept two special forms: [dir]: to include all targets in the specified directory [dir]:: to include all targets found in all BUILD files recursively under the directory""") parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) else: goals, specs = Goal.parse_args(args) self.requested_goals = goals with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='setup', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP]): # Bootstrap goals by loading any configured bootstrap BUILD files with self.check_errors('The following bootstrap_buildfiles cannot be loaded:') as error: with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='bootstrap', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP]): for path in self.config.getlist('goals', 'bootstrap_buildfiles', default = []): try: buildfile = BuildFile(get_buildroot(), os.path.relpath(path, get_buildroot())) ParseContext(buildfile).parse() except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(path, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError): error(path) # Now that we've parsed the bootstrap BUILD files, and know about the SCM system. self.run_tracker.run_info.add_scm_info() # Bootstrap user goals by loading any BUILD files implied by targets. spec_parser = SpecParser(self.root_dir) with self.check_errors('The following targets could not be loaded:') as error: with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='parse', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP]): for spec in specs: try: for target, address in spec_parser.parse(spec): if target: self.targets.append(target) # Force early BUILD file loading if this target is an alias that expands # to others. unused = list(target.resolve()) else: siblings = Target.get_all_addresses(address.buildfile) prompt = 'did you mean' if len(siblings) == 1 else 'maybe you meant one of these' error('%s => %s?:\n %s' % (address, prompt, '\n '.join(str(a) for a in siblings))) except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(spec, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError): error(spec) self.phases = [Phase(goal) for goal in goals] rcfiles = self.config.getdefault('rcfiles', type=list, default=[]) if rcfiles: rcfile = RcFile(rcfiles, default_prepend=False, process_default=True) # Break down the goals specified on the command line to the full set that will be run so we # can apply default flags to inner goal nodes. Also break down goals by Task subclass and # register the task class hierarchy fully qualified names so we can apply defaults to # baseclasses. all_goals = Phase.execution_order(Phase(goal) for goal in goals) sections = OrderedSet() for goal in all_goals: sections.add( for clazz in goal.task_type.mro(): if clazz == Task: break sections.add('%s.%s' % (clazz.__module__, clazz.__name__)) augmented_args = rcfile.apply_defaults(sections, args) if augmented_args != args: del args[:] args.extend(augmented_args) sys.stderr.write("(using pantsrc expansion: pants goal %s)\n" % ' '.join(augmented_args)) Phase.setup_parser(parser, args, self.phases)
class InternalTarget(Target): """A baseclass for targets that support an optional dependency set.""" class CycleException(Exception): """Thrown when a circular dependency is detected.""" def __init__(self, cycle): Exception.__init__( self, 'Cycle detected:\n\t%s' % (' ->\n\t'.join(str(target.address) for target in cycle))) _config = Config.load() @classmethod def sort_targets(cls, internal_targets): """Returns a list of targets that internal_targets depend on sorted from most dependent to least.""" roots = OrderedSet() inverted_deps = collections.defaultdict( OrderedSet) # target -> dependent targets visited = set() path = OrderedSet() def invert(target): if target in path: path_list = list(path) cycle_head = path_list.index(target) cycle = path_list[cycle_head:] + [target] raise InternalTarget.CycleException(cycle) path.add(target) if target not in visited: visited.add(target) if getattr(target, 'internal_dependencies', None): for internal_dependency in target.internal_dependencies: if hasattr(internal_dependency, 'internal_dependencies'): inverted_deps[internal_dependency].add(target) invert(internal_dependency) else: roots.add(target) path.remove(target) for internal_target in internal_targets: invert(internal_target) sorted = [] visited.clear() def topological_sort(target): if target not in visited: visited.add(target) if target in inverted_deps: for dep in inverted_deps[target]: topological_sort(dep) sorted.append(target) for root in roots: topological_sort(root) return sorted @classmethod def coalesce_targets(cls, internal_targets, discriminator): """Returns a list of targets internal_targets depend on sorted from most dependent to least and grouped where possible by target type as categorized by the given discriminator.""" sorted_targets = InternalTarget.sort_targets(internal_targets) # can do no better for any of these: # [] # [a] # [a,b] if len(sorted_targets) <= 2: return sorted_targets # For these, we'd like to coalesce if possible, like: # [a,b,a,c,a,c] -> [a,a,a,b,c,c] # adopt a quadratic worst case solution, when we find a type change edge, scan forward for # the opposite edge and then try to swap dependency pairs to move the type back left to its # grouping. If the leftwards migration fails due to a dependency constraint, we just stop # and move on leaving "type islands". current_type = None # main scan left to right no backtracking for i in range(len(sorted_targets) - 1): current_target = sorted_targets[i] if current_type != discriminator(current_target): scanned_back = False # scan ahead for next type match for j in range(i + 1, len(sorted_targets)): look_ahead_target = sorted_targets[j] if current_type == discriminator(look_ahead_target): scanned_back = True # swap this guy as far back as we can for k in range(j, i, -1): previous_target = sorted_targets[k - 1] mismatching_types = current_type != discriminator( previous_target) not_a_dependency = look_ahead_target not in previous_target.internal_dependencies if mismatching_types and not_a_dependency: sorted_targets[k] = sorted_targets[k - 1] sorted_targets[k - 1] = look_ahead_target else: break # out of k break # out of j if not scanned_back: # done with coalescing the current type, move on to next current_type = discriminator(current_target) return sorted_targets def sort(self): """Returns a list of targets this target depends on sorted from most dependent to least.""" return InternalTarget.sort_targets([self]) def coalesce(self, discriminator): """Returns a list of targets this target depends on sorted from most dependent to least and grouped where possible by target type as categorized by the given discriminator.""" return InternalTarget.coalesce_targets([self], discriminator) def __init__(self, name, dependencies, is_meta): Target.__init__(self, name, is_meta) self._injected_deps = [] self.processed_dependencies = resolve(dependencies) self.add_label('internal') self.dependency_addresses = OrderedSet() self.dependencies = OrderedSet() self.internal_dependencies = OrderedSet() self.jar_dependencies = OrderedSet() # TODO(John Sirois): if meta targets were truly built outside parse contexts - we could instead # just use the more general check: if parsing: delay(doit) else: doit() # Fix how target _ids are built / addresses to not require a BUILD file - ie: support anonymous, # non-addressable targets - which is what meta-targets really are once created. if is_meta: # Meta targets are built outside any parse context - so update dependencies immediately self.update_dependencies(self.processed_dependencies) else: # Defer dependency resolution after parsing the current BUILD file to allow for forward # references self._post_construct(self.update_dependencies, self.processed_dependencies) self._post_construct(self.inject_dependencies) def add_injected_dependency(self, spec): self._injected_deps.append(spec) def inject_dependencies(self): self.update_dependencies(resolve(self._injected_deps)) def update_dependencies(self, dependencies): if dependencies: for dependency in dependencies: if hasattr(dependency, 'address'): self.dependency_addresses.add(dependency.address) for resolved_dependency in dependency.resolve(): self.dependencies.add(resolved_dependency) if isinstance(resolved_dependency, InternalTarget): self.internal_dependencies.add(resolved_dependency) if hasattr(resolved_dependency, '_as_jar_dependencies'): self.jar_dependencies.update( resolved_dependency._as_jar_dependencies()) def replace_dependency(self, dependency, replacement): self.dependencies.discard(dependency) self.internal_dependencies.discard(dependency) self.jar_dependencies.discard(dependency) self.update_dependencies([replacement]) def _walk(self, walked, work, predicate=None): Target._walk(self, walked, work, predicate) for dep in self.dependencies: if isinstance(dep, Target) and not dep in walked: walked.add(dep) if not predicate or predicate(dep): additional_targets = work(dep) dep._walk(walked, work, predicate) if additional_targets: for additional_target in additional_targets: additional_target._walk(walked, work, predicate)
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): self.config = Config.load() Goal.add_global_options(parser) # We support attempting zero or more goals. Multiple goals must be delimited from further # options and non goal args with a '--'. The key permutations we need to support: # ./pants goal => goals # ./pants goal goals => goals # ./pants goal compile src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile -x src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile src/java/... -x => compile # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... -x => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- -x src/java/... => compile, run if not args: args.append('goals') if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in set(['-h', '--help', 'help']): def format_usage(usages): left_colwidth = 0 for left, right in usages: left_colwidth = max(left_colwidth, len(left)) lines = [] for left, right in usages: lines.append(' %s%s%s' % (left, ' ' * (left_colwidth - len(left) + 1), right)) return '\n'.join(lines) usages = [ ("%prog goal goals ([spec]...)", Phase('goals').description), ("%prog goal help [goal] ([spec]...)", Phase('help').description), ("%prog goal [goal] [spec]...", "Attempt goal against one or more targets."), ("%prog goal [goal] ([goal]...) -- [spec]...", "Attempts all the specified goals."), ] parser.set_usage("\n%s" % format_usage(usages)) parser.epilog = ("Either lists all installed goals, provides extra help for a goal or else " "attempts to achieve the specified goal for the listed targets." """ Note that target specs accept two special forms: [dir]: to include all targets in the specified directory [dir]:: to include all targets found in all BUILD files recursively under the directory""") parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) else: goals, specs = Goal.parse_args(args) # TODO(John Sirois): kill PANTS_NEW and its usages when is rolled out ParseContext.enable_pantsnew() # Bootstrap goals by loading any configured bootstrap BUILD files with self.check_errors('The following bootstrap_buildfiles cannot be loaded:') as error: with self.timer.timing('parse:bootstrap'): for path in self.config.getlist('goals', 'bootstrap_buildfiles', default = []): try: buildfile = BuildFile(get_buildroot(), os.path.relpath(path, get_buildroot())) ParseContext(buildfile).parse() except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(path, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError): error(path) # Bootstrap user goals by loading any BUILD files implied by targets with self.check_errors('The following targets could not be loaded:') as error: with self.timer.timing('parse:BUILD'): for spec in specs: self.parse_spec(error, spec) self.phases = [Phase(goal) for goal in goals] rcfiles = self.config.getdefault('rcfiles', type=list, default=[]) if rcfiles: rcfile = RcFile(rcfiles, default_prepend=False, process_default=True) # Break down the goals specified on the command line to the full set that will be run so we # can apply default flags to inner goal nodes. Also break down goals by Task subclass and # register the task class hierarchy fully qualified names so we can apply defaults to # baseclasses. all_goals = Phase.execution_order(Phase(goal) for goal in goals) sections = OrderedSet() for goal in all_goals: sections.add( for clazz in goal.task_type.mro(): if clazz == Task: break sections.add('%s.%s' % (clazz.__module__, clazz.__name__)) augmented_args = rcfile.apply_defaults(sections, args) if augmented_args != args: del args[:] args.extend(augmented_args) print("(using pantsrc expansion: pants goal %s)" % ' '.join(augmented_args)) Phase.setup_parser(parser, args, self.phases)
def load_config(): with temporary_file() as ini: ini.write(config or '') ini.close() return Config.load()
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): self.config = Config.load() Goal.add_global_options(parser) # We support attempting zero or more goals. Multiple goals must be delimited from further # options and non goal args with a '--'. The key permutations we need to support: # ./pants goal => goals # ./pants goal goals => goals # ./pants goal compile src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile -x src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile src/java/... -x => compile # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... -x => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- -x src/java/... => compile, run if not args: args.append('goals') if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in set(['-h', '--help', 'help']): def format_usage(usages): left_colwidth = 0 for left, right in usages: left_colwidth = max(left_colwidth, len(left)) lines = [] for left, right in usages: lines.append(' %s%s%s' % (left, ' ' * (left_colwidth - len(left) + 1), right)) return '\n'.join(lines) usages = [ ("%prog goal goals ([spec]...)", Phase('goals').description), ("%prog goal help [goal] ([spec]...)", Phase('help').description), ("%prog goal [goal] [spec]...", "Attempt goal against one or more targets."), ("%prog goal [goal] ([goal]...) -- [spec]...", "Attempts all the specified goals."), ] parser.set_usage("\n%s" % format_usage(usages)) parser.epilog = ("Either lists all installed goals, provides extra help for a goal or else " "attempts to achieve the specified goal for the listed targets." """ Note that target specs accept two special forms: [dir]: to include all targets in the specified directory [dir]:: to include all targets found in all BUILD files recursively under the directory""") parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) else: goals, specs = Goal.parse_args(args) # TODO(John Sirois): kill PANTS_NEW and its usages when is rolled out ParseContext.enable_pantsnew() # Bootstrap goals by loading any configured bootstrap BUILD files with self.check_errors('The following bootstrap_buildfiles cannot be loaded:') as error: for path in self.config.getlist('goals', 'bootstrap_buildfiles', default = []): try: buildfile = BuildFile(get_buildroot(), os.path.relpath(path, get_buildroot())) ParseContext(buildfile).parse() except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(path, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError): error(path) # Bootstrap user goals by loading any BUILD files implied by targets with self.check_errors('The following targets could not be loaded:') as error: for spec in specs: self.parse_spec(error, spec) self.phases = [Phase(goal) for goal in goals] rcfiles = self.config.getdefault('rcfiles', type=list, default=[]) if rcfiles: rcfile = RcFile(rcfiles, default_prepend=False, process_default=True) # Break down the goals specified on the command line to the full set that will be run so we # can apply default flags to inner goal nodes. Also break down goals by Task subclass and # register the task class hierarchy fully qualified names so we can apply defaults to # baseclasses. all_goals = Phase.execution_order(Phase(goal) for goal in goals) sections = OrderedSet() for goal in all_goals: sections.add( for clazz in goal.task_type.mro(): if clazz == Task: break sections.add('%s.%s' % (clazz.__module__, clazz.__name__)) augmented_args = rcfile.apply_defaults(sections, args) if augmented_args != args: del args[:] args.extend(augmented_args) print("(using pantsrc expansion: pants goal %s)" % ' '.join(augmented_args)) Phase.setup_parser(parser, args, self.phases)
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): self.config = Config.load() Goal.add_global_options(parser) # We support attempting zero or more goals. Multiple goals must be delimited from further # options and non goal args with a '--'. The key permutations we need to support: # ./pants goal => goals # ./pants goal goals => goals # ./pants goal compile src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile -x src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile src/java/... -x => compile # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... -x => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- -x src/java/... => compile, run if not args: args.append('goals') if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in set(['-h', '--help', 'help']): def format_usage(usages): left_colwidth = 0 for left, right in usages: left_colwidth = max(left_colwidth, len(left)) lines = [] for left, right in usages: lines.append(' %s%s%s' % (left, ' ' * (left_colwidth - len(left) + 1), right)) return '\n'.join(lines) usages = [ ("%prog goal goals ([spec]...)", Phase('goals').description), ("%prog goal help [goal] ([spec]...)", Phase('help').description), ("%prog goal [goal] [spec]...", "Attempt goal against one or more targets."), ("%prog goal [goal] ([goal]...) -- [spec]...", "Attempts all the specified goals."), ] parser.set_usage("\n%s" % format_usage(usages)) parser.epilog = ( "Either lists all installed goals, provides extra help for a goal or else " "attempts to achieve the specified goal for the listed targets." """ Note that target specs accept two special forms: [dir]: to include all targets in the specified directory [dir]:: to include all targets found in all BUILD files recursively under the directory""") parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) else: goals, specs = Goal.parse_args(args) self.requested_goals = goals with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='setup', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP]): # Bootstrap goals by loading any configured bootstrap BUILD files with self.check_errors( 'The following bootstrap_buildfiles cannot be loaded:' ) as error: with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='bootstrap', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP ]): for path in self.config.getlist('goals', 'bootstrap_buildfiles', default=[]): try: buildfile = BuildFile( get_buildroot(), os.path.relpath(path, get_buildroot())) ParseContext(buildfile).parse() except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(path, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError): error(path) # Now that we've parsed the bootstrap BUILD files, and know about the SCM system. self.run_tracker.run_info.add_scm_info() # Bootstrap user goals by loading any BUILD files implied by targets. spec_parser = SpecParser(self.root_dir) with self.check_errors( 'The following targets could not be loaded:') as error: with self.run_tracker.new_workunit(name='parse', labels=[WorkUnit.SETUP ]): for spec in specs: try: for target, address in spec_parser.parse(spec): if target: self.targets.append(target) # Force early BUILD file loading if this target is an alias that expands # to others. unused = list(target.resolve()) else: siblings = Target.get_all_addresses( address.buildfile) prompt = 'did you mean' if len( siblings ) == 1 else 'maybe you meant one of these' error('%s => %s?:\n %s' % (address, prompt, '\n '.join( str(a) for a in siblings))) except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(spec, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError, TargetDefinitionException): error(spec) self.phases = [Phase(goal) for goal in goals] rcfiles = self.config.getdefault('rcfiles', type=list, default=[]) if rcfiles: rcfile = RcFile(rcfiles, default_prepend=False, process_default=True) # Break down the goals specified on the command line to the full set that will be run so we # can apply default flags to inner goal nodes. Also break down goals by Task subclass and # register the task class hierarchy fully qualified names so we can apply defaults to # baseclasses. sections = OrderedSet() for phase in Engine.execution_order(self.phases): for goal in phase.goals(): sections.add( for clazz in goal.task_type.mro(): if clazz == Task: break sections.add('%s.%s' % (clazz.__module__, clazz.__name__)) augmented_args = rcfile.apply_defaults(sections, args) if augmented_args != args: del args[:] args.extend(augmented_args) sys.stderr.write( "(using pantsrc expansion: pants goal %s)\n" % ' '.join(augmented_args)) Phase.setup_parser(parser, args, self.phases)
def setup_parser(self, parser, args): self.config = Config.load() parser.add_option("-x", "--time", action="store_true", dest = "time", default = False, help = "Times goal phases and outputs a report.") parser.add_option("-v", "--log", action="store_true", dest = "log", default = False, help = "[%default] Logs extra build output.") parser.add_option("-l", "--level", dest = "log_level", type="choice", choices=['debug', 'info', 'warn'], help = "[info] Sets the logging level to one of 'debug', 'info' or 'warn', " "implies -v if set.") parser.add_option("--all", dest="target_directory", action="append", help = "Adds all targets found in the given directory's BUILD file. Can " "be specified more than once.") parser.add_option("--all-recursive", dest="recursive_directory", action="append", help = "Adds all targets found recursively under the given directory. Can " "be specified more than once to add more than one root target " "directory to scan.") # We support attempting zero or more goals. Multiple goals must be delimited from further # options and non goal args with a '--'. The key permutations we need to support: # ./pants goal => goals # ./pants goal goals => goals # ./pants goal compile src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile -x src/java/... => compile # ./pants goal compile src/java/... -x => compile # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- src/java/... -x => compile, run # ./pants goal compile run -- -x src/java/... => compile, run if not args: args.append('goals') if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in set(['-h', '--help', 'help']): def format_usage(usages): left_colwidth = 0 for left, right in usages: left_colwidth = max(left_colwidth, len(left)) lines = [] for left, right in usages: lines.append(' %s%s%s' % (left, ' ' * (left_colwidth - len(left) + 1), right)) return '\n'.join(lines) usages = [ ("%prog goal goals ([spec]...)", Phase('goals').description), ("%prog goal help [goal] ([spec]...)", Phase('help').description), ("%prog goal [goal] [spec]...", "Attempt goal against one or more targets."), ("%prog goal [goal] ([goal]...) -- [spec]...", "Attempts all the specified goals."), ] parser.set_usage("\n%s" % format_usage(usages)) parser.epilog = ("Either lists all installed goals, provides extra help for a goal or else " "attempts to achieve the specified goal for the listed targets.") parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) else: goals = [] help = False multi = False for i, arg in enumerate(args): help = help or 'help' == arg goals.append(arg) if '--' == arg: multi = True del args[i] goals.pop() break if arg.startswith('-'): break if not multi: goals = [goals[0]] spec_offset = len(goals) + 1 if help else len(goals) specs = [arg for arg in args[spec_offset:] if not arg.startswith('-')] def parse_build(buildfile): # TODO(John Sirois): kill PANTS_NEW and its usages when is rolled out ParseContext(buildfile).parse(PANTS_NEW=True) # Bootstrap goals by loading any configured bootstrap BUILD files with self.check_errors('The following bootstrap_buildfiles cannot be loaded:') as error: for path in self.config.getlist('goals', 'bootstrap_buildfiles', default = []): try: buildfile = BuildFile(get_buildroot(), os.path.relpath(path, get_buildroot())) parse_build(buildfile) except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(path, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError): error(path) # Bootstrap user goals by loading any BUILD files implied by targets self.targets = [] with self.check_errors('The following targets could not be loaded:') as error: for spec in specs: try: address = Address.parse(get_buildroot(), spec) parse_build(address.buildfile) target = Target.get(address) if target: self.targets.append(target) else: siblings = Target.get_all_addresses(address.buildfile) prompt = 'did you mean' if len(siblings) == 1 else 'maybe you meant one of these' error('%s => %s?:\n %s' % (address, prompt, '\n '.join(str(a) for a in siblings))) except (TypeError, ImportError, TaskError, GoalError): error(spec, include_traceback=True) except (IOError, SyntaxError): error(spec) self.phases = [Phase(goal) for goal in goals] Phase.setup_parser(parser, args, self.phases)