  def _compute_classes_by_source(self, analysis_file=None):
    """Compute src->classes."""
    if analysis_file is None:
      analysis_file = self._analysis_file

    if not os.path.exists(analysis_file):
      return {}
    buildroot = get_buildroot()
    products = Analysis.parse_products_from_path(analysis_file)
    classes_by_src = {}
    for src, classes in products.items():
      relsrc = os.path.relpath(src, buildroot)
      classes_by_src[relsrc] = [os.path.relpath(cls, self._classes_dir) for cls in classes]
    return classes_by_src
  def _get_deleted_sources(self):
    """Returns the list of sources present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.

    This is a global list. We have no way of associating them to individual targets.
    # We compute the list lazily.
    if self._deleted_sources is None:
      with self.context.new_workunit('find-deleted-sources'):
        if os.path.exists(self._analysis_file):
          products = Analysis.parse_products_from_path(self._analysis_file)
          buildroot = get_buildroot()
          old_sources = [os.path.relpath(src, buildroot) for src in products.keys()]
          self._deleted_sources = filter(lambda x: not os.path.exists(x), old_sources)
          self._deleted_sources = []
    return self._deleted_sources