  def get_analysis_collection(self):
    """ Populates and retrieves the merged analysis collection for this compilation """

    if self.zinc_analysis_collection is None:
      self.zinc_analysis_collection = \
      for af in self.all_analysis_files:
        basedir = os.path.relpath(af.class_basedir, self.context._buildroot)
        self.zinc_analysis_collection.add_and_parse_file(af.analysis_file, basedir)
    return self.zinc_analysis_collection
 def _compute_classes_by_src(artifact):
   """Compute src->classes."""
   if not os.path.exists(artifact.analysis_file):
     return {}
   len_rel_classes_dir = len(artifact.classes_dir) - len(get_buildroot())
   analysis = ZincAnalysisCollection(stop_after=ZincAnalysisCollection.PRODUCTS)
   analysis.add_and_parse_file(artifact.analysis_file, artifact.classes_dir)
   classes_by_src = {}
   for src, classes in analysis.products.items():
     classes_by_src[src] = [cls[len_rel_classes_dir:] for cls in classes]
   return classes_by_src
  def _get_deleted_sources(self):
    """Returns the list of sources present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.

    This is a global list. We have no way of associating them to individual targets.
    # We compute the list lazily.
    if self._deleted_sources is None:
      with self.context.new_workunit('find-deleted-sources'):
        analysis = ZincAnalysisCollection(stop_after=ZincAnalysisCollection.PRODUCTS)
        if os.path.exists(self._analysis_file):
          analysis.add_and_parse_file(self._analysis_file, self._classes_dir)
        old_sources = analysis.products.keys()
        self._deleted_sources = filter(lambda x: not os.path.exists(x), old_sources)
    return self._deleted_sources
    def _get_deleted_sources(self):
        """Returns the list of sources present in the last analysis that have since been deleted.

    This is a global list. We have no way of associating them to individual targets.
        # We compute the list lazily.
        if self._deleted_sources is None:
            with self.context.new_workunit('find-deleted-sources'):
                analysis = ZincAnalysisCollection(
                if os.path.exists(self._analysis_file):
                old_sources = analysis.products.keys()
                self._deleted_sources = filter(lambda x: not os.path.exists(x),
        return self._deleted_sources
 def get_analysis_collection(self):
   """Populates and retrieves the merged analysis collection for this compilation."""
   if self.zinc_analysis_collection is None:
     self.zinc_analysis_collection = \
     basedir = os.path.relpath(self.classes_dir, self.context._buildroot)
     self.zinc_analysis_collection.add_and_parse_file(self.analysis_file, basedir)
   return self.zinc_analysis_collection
class JvmDependencyCache(object):
    """ Class which computes compilation dependencies of targets for jvm-based languages.

  The behavior of this is determined by flags set in the compilation task's context.
  The flags (set by command-line options) are:
  - check_missing_deps: the master flag, which determines whether the dependency checks should
     be run at all.
  - check_intransitive_deps: a flag which determines whether or not to generate errors about
    intransitive dependency errors, where a target has a dependency on another target which
    it doesn't declare, but which is part of its transitive dependency graph. If this is set
    to 'none', intransitive errors won't be reported. If "warn", then it will print warning
    messages, but will not cause the build to fail, and will not populate build products with
    the errors. If "error", then the messages will be printed, build products populated, and
    the build will fail.
  - check_unnecessary_deps: if set to True, then warning messages will be printed about
    dependencies that are declared, but not actually required.
    def init_product_requirements(task):
        """ Set the compilation product requirements that are needed for dependency analysis.

      task: the task whose products should be set.
        task._computed_jar_products = False

    def setup_parser(cls, option_group, args, mkflag):
        """ Set up command-line options for dependency checking.

    Any jvm compilation task that wants to use dependency analysis can call this from
    its setup_parser method to add the appropriate options for dependency testing.

    See scala_compile.py for an example.
            mkflag("check-missing-deps", negate=True),
            help="[%default] Check for undeclared dependencies in scala code")

        # This flag should eventually be removed once code is in compliance.
                                choices=['none', 'warn', 'error'],
                                help="[%default] Enable errors for undeclared deps that don't " \
                                  "cause compilation errors, because the dependencies are " \
                                  "provided transitively.")
                                mkflag("check-unnecessary-deps", negate=True),
                                action="callback", callback=mkflag.set_bool,
                                help="[%default] Enable warnings for declared dependencies " \
                                  "that are not needed.")

    def __init__(self, context, targets, all_analysis_files):
      context: The task context instance.
      targets: The set of targets to analyze. These should all be target types that
               inherit from jvm_target, and contain source files that will be compiled into
               jvm class files.
      all_analysis_files: The analysis files of the targets to analyze, and all their deps.

        # The package prefixes are part of a hack to make it possible to use the
        # zinc caches for dependency analysis. We need to be able to convert from
        # a class file path and the name of the class contained in the file, without
        # expending the cost of reading every class file to find its name.
        # The package prefixes are the names of the root packages - typically
        # "com", "org", "net".
        self.package_prefixes = context.config.getlist(
            'scala-compile', 'dep-analysis-package-prefixes')
        if self.package_prefixes is None:
            self.package_prefixes = ['com', 'org', 'net', 'scala']
        self.all_analysis_files = all_analysis_files
        self.zinc_analysis_collection = None
        self.context = context
        self.check_missing_deps = self.context.options.scala_check_missing_deps
        self.check_intransitive_deps = self.context.options.scala_check_intransitive_deps
        self.check_unnecessary_deps = self.context.options.scala_check_unnecessary_deps
        self.targets = targets

        # Maps used by the zinc cache variant of dependency analysis.

        # Mapping from target to jars that ivy reports the target provides.
        self.ivy_jars_by_target = defaultdict(set)
        # Mapping from jar to targets that provide those jars; inverse of ivy_jars_by_target.
        self.ivy_targets_by_jar = defaultdict(set)

        # Maps between targets and the source files that are provided by those targets.
        self.targets_by_source = None
        self.sources_by_target = None

        # Maps between targets and the classes that are provided by those targets.
        self.targets_by_class = None
        self.classes_by_target = None

        # Map from targets to the binary dependencies of that target.
        self.binary_deps_by_target = None
        # map from targets to the source dependencies of that target.
        self.source_deps_by_target = None

        # Map from targets to the class dependencies of that target.
        self.class_deps_by_target = None

        self.computed_deps = None

    def _compute_jardep_contents(self):
        """Compute the relations between jar dependencies and jar files.

    Returns: a pair of maps (jars_by_target, targets_by_jar) describing the mappings between
             jars and the targets that contain those jars.

        # Get a list of all of the jar dependencies declared by the build targets.
        found_jar_deps = set()

        # We need all the deps of all the targets, so we implement the walk ourselves instead of
        # using Target.walk(). This is 15x faster.
        visited = set()

        def visit(target):
            for t in target.resolve():
                if t in visited:
                if isinstance(t, JarDependency):
                if hasattr(t, 'dependencies'):
                    for dep in t.dependencies:

        for t in self.targets:

        jardeps_by_id = {}
        for jardep in found_jar_deps:
            jardeps_by_id[(jardep.org, jardep.name)] = jardep

        # Using the ivy reports in the build products, compute a list of
        # actual jar dependencies.
        ivy_products = self.context.products.get("ivy_jar_products").get("ivy")
        ivy_jars_by_target = defaultdict(set)
        ivy_targets_by_jar = defaultdict(set)
        for ivy_report_list in ivy_products.values():
            for report in ivy_report_list:
                for ref in report.modules_by_ref:
                    target_key = (ref.org, ref.name)
                    if target_key in jardeps_by_id:
                        jardep_target = jardeps_by_id[target_key]
                        for jar in report.modules_by_ref[ref].artifacts:
        return ivy_jars_by_target, ivy_targets_by_jar

    def _normalize_source_path(self, target, src):
        """ Normalize a source file relative to the target that provides it.

    Given a target and a source file path specified by that target, produce a normalized
    path for the source file that matches the pathname used in the zinc analysis files.
        return os.path.join(target.target_base, src)

    def get_analysis_collection(self):
        """Populates and retrieves the merged analysis collection for this compilation."""
        if self.zinc_analysis_collection is None:
            self.zinc_analysis_collection = \
            for af in self.all_analysis_files:
                basedir = os.path.relpath(af.class_basedir,
                    af.analysis_file, basedir)
        return self.zinc_analysis_collection

    def get_targets_by_class(self):
        """ Memoizing getter for a map from classes to the targets that provide them. """
        if self.targets_by_class is None:
        return self.targets_by_class

    def get_binary_deps_by_target(self):
        """ Memoizing getter for a map from targets to their binary dependencies. """
        if self.binary_deps_by_target is None:
        return self.binary_deps_by_target

    def _compute_classfile_dependency_relations(self):
        """Compute the dependency relations based on binary and classname deps.

    Walks through the zinc analysis relations that are expressed in terms of
    dependencies on class files, and translate class file references to class

    This is an internal implementation which populates instance variables that
    store cached analysis results. It updates two values:

     - targets_by_class is a map from product classes to the targets that provided them, and
     - binary_deps_by_target is a map from targets to the classes that zinc reported they
       have a binary dependency on.
        zinc_analysis = self.get_analysis_collection()
        targets_by_class = defaultdict(set)
        binary_deps_by_target = defaultdict(set)
        # Set up the map from products to the targets that provide them,
        # and from targets to the classes they depend on.
        for target in self.targets:
            for src in target.sources:
                srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(target, src)
                # the classes produced by a target can be specified in zinc relations by
                # an entry in the products, or an entry in the classes, or both. Where it appears
                # depends on the specifics of the last compilation call.
                for product in zinc_analysis.product_classes[srcpath]:
                for classname in zinc_analysis.class_names[srcpath]:
                for bindep in zinc_analysis.binary_dep_classes[srcpath]:
        self.targets_by_class = targets_by_class
        self.binary_deps_by_target = binary_deps_by_target

    def get_targets_by_source(self):
        """ Memoizing getter for a map from sources to the targets that provide those sources. """
        if self.targets_by_source is None:
        return self.targets_by_source

    def _compute_source_relations(self):
        """ Compute the targets_by_source and sources_by_target maps. """
        self.sources_by_target = defaultdict(set)
        self.targets_by_source = defaultdict(set)
        for target in self.targets:
            for src in target.sources:
                srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(target, src)
        return (self.sources_by_target, self.targets_by_source)

    def _check_overlapping_sources(self, targets_by_source):
        """Detect overlapping targets where if a source file is included in more than one target."""
        overlapping_sources = set()
        for s in targets_by_source:
            if len(targets_by_source[s]) > 1:
                    "Error: source file %s included in multiple targets %s" %
                    (s, targets_by_source[s]))

    def get_computed_jar_dependency_relations(self):
        """ Compute maps from target to the jars that the target provides."""
        # Figure out which jars are in which targets.
         self.ivy_targets_by_jar) = self._compute_jardep_contents()
        computed_jar_deps = defaultdict(set)
        for target in self.targets:
            for src in target.sources:
                srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(target, src)
                jardeps = self.zinc_analysis_collection.binary_deps[srcpath]
                for j in jardeps:
                    computed_jar_deps[target] |= self.ivy_targets_by_jar[j]
        return computed_jar_deps

    def get_compilation_dependencies(self, targets_by_source,
        """ Compute a map from the source files in a target to class files that it depends on

    Note: this code currently relies on the relations report generated by the zinc incremental
    scala compiler. If other languages/compilers want to use this code, they need to provide
    a similar report. See zinc_analysis_file.py for details about the information
    needed by this analysis.

      targets_by_source: a map from source files to the targets that provide them.
      binary_deps_by_target: a map from targets to the classes that they depend on.
    Returns: a target-to-target mapping from targets to targets that they depend on.
       If this was already computed, return the already computed result.

        zinc_analysis = self.get_analysis_collection()

        # Use data about targets to convert the zinc cache stuff into target -> target dependencies.
        targets_by_class = self.get_targets_by_class()
        self.source_deps_by_target = defaultdict(set)


        # map from targets to the classes that they depend on.
        self.class_deps_by_target = defaultdict(set)

        # Then generate a map from targets to the classes that they depend on.
        for target in self.targets:
            if target in binary_deps_by_target:
                self.class_deps_by_target[target] |= binary_deps_by_target[
            for src in target.sources:
                srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(target, src)
                    target] |= zinc_analysis.external_deps[srcpath]
                for srcdep in zinc_analysis.source_deps[srcpath]:
                        target] |= self.targets_by_source[srcdep]
                if srcpath in zinc_analysis.class_names:
                        target] |= zinc_analysis.class_names[srcpath]

        self.computed_deps = defaultdict(set)
        for fromtarget in self.class_deps_by_target:
            for classdep in self.class_deps_by_target[fromtarget]:
                if classdep in targets_by_class:
                    self.computed_deps[fromtarget] |= targets_by_class[

        for fromtarget in self.source_deps_by_target:
            for totarget in self.source_deps_by_target[fromtarget]:

        return self.computed_deps

    def get_dependency_blame(self, from_target, to_target, targets_by_class,
        """ Figures out why target A depends on target B according the the dependency analysis.

    Generates a tuple which can be used to generate a message like:
     "*from_target* depends on *to_target* because *from_target*'s source file X
      depends on *to_target*'s class Y."

      from_target: the target which has a missing dependency.
      to_target: the target that from_target has an undeclared dependency on.
      targets_by_class: a map from classes to the targets that provide them.
    Returns: a pair of (source, class) where:
       source is the name of a source file in "from" that depends on something
          in "to".
       class is the name of the class that source1 depends on.
       If no dependency data could be found to support the dependency,
       returns (None, None)
        # iterate over the sources in the from target.
        for source in from_target.sources:
            # for each class that the source depends on:
            srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(from_target, source)
            for cl in self.get_analysis_collection().external_deps[srcpath]:
                targets_providing = targets_by_class[cl]
                if to_target in targets_providing:
                    return source, cl
            for depsrc in self.get_analysis_collection().source_deps[srcpath]:
                if to_target in targets_by_source[depsrc]:
                    return source, depsrc
        return None, None

    def get_missing_deps_for_target(self, target, declared_deps, computed_deps,
                                    targets_by_class, targets_by_source,
        """Compute the missing dependencies for a specific target.

      target: the target
      computed_deps: the computed dependencies for the target.
      computed_jar_deps: the computed jar dependencies for the target.
      targets_by_class: a mapping specifying which classes are produced by which targets.
      error_filter: function which checks a target identified as a missing dependency,
        and returns True if that missing dependency should be treated as an error.

      (undeclared_deps, intransitive_undeclared_deps)
        # Make copies of the computed deps. Then we'll walk the declared deps,
        # removing everything that was declared; what's left are the undeclared deps.
        if not error_filter(target):
            return [], []
        undeclared_deps = filter(error_filter, computed_deps - declared_deps)

        # The intransitive missing deps are everything that isn't declared as a dep of this target.
        intransitive_undeclared_deps = \
            set(filter(error_filter, computed_deps.difference(target.dependencies).difference([target])))
        if len(undeclared_deps) > 0:
            genmap = self.context.products.get('missing_deps')
                target, self.context._buildroot,
                [x.derived_from.address.reference() for x in undeclared_deps])
            for dep_target in undeclared_deps:
                    "Error: target %s has undeclared compilation dependency on %s,"
                    % (target.address,
                    "       because source file %s depends on class %s" %
                    self.get_dependency_blame(target, dep_target,
        if self.check_intransitive_deps is not 'none' and len(
                intransitive_undeclared_deps) > 0:
            genmap = self.context.products.get('missing_intransitive_deps')
            genmap.add(target, self.context._buildroot, [
                for x in intransitive_undeclared_deps
            for dep_target in intransitive_undeclared_deps:
                    "Error: target %s has undeclared intransitive compilation dependency on %s,"
                    % (target.address.reference(),
                    "       because source file %s depends on class %s" %
                    self.get_dependency_blame(target, dep_target,

        return undeclared_deps, intransitive_undeclared_deps

    def check_undeclared_dependencies(self,
        """ Performs the undeclared dependencies/overdeclared dependencies checks.

    For each dependency issue discovered, generates warnings/error messages and
    (depending on flag settings), setting build products.
        if not self.check_missing_deps:

        with self.context.new_workunit(name='depcheck'):
            targets_by_source = self.get_targets_by_source()
            targets_by_class = self.get_targets_by_class()
            binary_deps_by_target = self.get_binary_deps_by_target()

            deps_by_target = self.get_compilation_dependencies(
                targets_by_source, binary_deps_by_target)

            all_undeclared_deps = set()
            all_intransitive_undeclared_deps = set()

            transitive_declared_deps_map = self._get_declared_transitive_deps(
            for target in deps_by_target:
                declared_deps = transitive_declared_deps_map[target]
                computed_deps = deps_by_target[target]
                undeclared_deps, immediate_undeclared_deps = \
                                                   declared_deps, computed_deps,
                                                   targets_by_class, targets_by_source,

                # TODO(markcc): add checks for missing jar dependencies.

                if self.check_unnecessary_deps:
                    if not target.has_label('synthetic'):
                            target, computed_deps)

            if len(all_undeclared_deps) > 0 or \
              (self.check_intransitive_deps is not 'none' and len(all_intransitive_undeclared_deps) > 0):
                raise TaskError('Missing dependencies detected.')

    def _get_declared_transitive_deps(self, targets):
        """For each target, compute all its declared transitive dependencies.

    Returns a map: target -> a set of all transitive deps.
        transitive_declared_deps_map = {
        }  # target -> set of transitive declared deps.

        def compute_transitive_deps(target):
            deps = set()
            for t in target.resolve():
                if t in transitive_declared_deps_map:
                    return transitive_declared_deps_map[t]
                deps.add(t)  # a target 'depends' on itself, for our purposes.
                if hasattr(t, 'dependencies'):
                    for child in t.dependencies:
                transitive_declared_deps_map[t] = deps
                return deps

        for t in targets:
        return transitive_declared_deps_map

    def check_target_unnecessary_deps(self, target, computed_deps):
        """ Generate warning messages about unnecessary declared dependencies.

      target: the target to be checked for undeclared dependencies
      computed_deps: the actual dependencies computed for that target.
        # Sometimes if there was an error, the processed_dependencies for a target will be
        # None; if so, we need to skip that target.
        if target.processed_dependencies is not None:
            declared_deps = \
                [ t for t in target.processed_dependencies if hasattr(t, "address") ]
            overdeps = set(declared_deps).difference(computed_deps)
            if len(overdeps) > 0:
                for deptarget in overdeps:
                    if isinstance(deptarget, JvmTarget
                                  ) and not deptarget.has_label('synthetic'):
                            "Warning: target %s declares un-needed dependency on: %s"
                            % (target, deptarget))
class JvmDependencyCache(object):
  """ Class which computes compilation dependencies of targets for jvm-based languages.

  The behavior of this is determined by flags set in the compilation task's context.
  The flags (set by command-line options) are:
  - check_missing_deps: the master flag, which determines whether the dependency checks should
     be run at all.
  - check_intransitive_deps: a flag which determines whether or not to generate errors about
    intransitive dependency errors, where a target has a dependency on another target which
    it doesn't declare, but which is part of its transitive dependency graph. If this is set
    to 'none', intransitive errors won't be reported. If "warn", then it will print warning
    messages, but will not cause the build to fail, and will not populate build products with
    the errors. If "error", then the messages will be printed, build products populated, and
    the build will fail.
  - check_unnecessary_deps: if set to True, then warning messages will be printed about
    dependencies that are declared, but not actually required.

  def init_product_requirements(task):
    """ Set the compilation product requirements that are needed for dependency analysis.

      task: the task whose products should be set.
    task._computed_jar_products = False

  def setup_parser(cls, option_group, args, mkflag):
    """ Set up command-line options for dependency checking.

    Any jvm compilation task that wants to use dependency analysis can call this from
    its setup_parser method to add the appropriate options for dependency testing.

    See scala_compile.py for an example.
    option_group.add_option(mkflag("check-missing-deps"), mkflag("check-missing-deps",
                            action="callback", callback=mkflag.set_bool,
                            help="[%default] Check for undeclared dependencies in scala code")

    # This flag should eventually be removed once code is in compliance.
                            choices=['none', 'warn', 'error'],
                            help="[%default] Enable errors for undeclared deps that don't " \
                              "cause compilation errors, because the dependencies are " \
                              "provided transitively.")
                            mkflag("check-unnecessary-deps", negate=True),
                            action="callback", callback=mkflag.set_bool,
                            help="[%default] Enable warnings for declared dependencies " \
                              "that are not needed.")

  def __init__(self, context, targets, analysis_file, classes_dir):
      context: The task context instance.
      targets: The set of targets to analyze. These should all be target types that
               inherit from jvm_target, and contain source files that will be compiled into
               jvm class files.
      analysis_file: The analysis file of the targets to analyze, and all their deps.
      classes_dir: The root dir of the classes package tree for classes in the analysis file.

    # The package prefixes are part of a hack to make it possible to use the
    # zinc caches for dependency analysis. We need to be able to convert from
    # a class file path and the name of the class contained in the file, without
    # expending the cost of reading every class file to find its name.
    # The package prefixes are the names of the root packages - typically
    # "com", "org", "net".
    self.package_prefixes = context.config.getlist('scala-compile',
    if self.package_prefixes is None:
      self.package_prefixes = [ 'com', 'org', 'net', 'scala' ]
    self.analysis_file = analysis_file
    self.classes_dir = classes_dir
    self.zinc_analysis_collection = None
    self.context = context
    self.check_missing_deps = self.context.options.scala_check_missing_deps
    self.check_intransitive_deps = self.context.options.scala_check_intransitive_deps
    self.check_unnecessary_deps = self.context.options.scala_check_unnecessary_deps
    self.targets = targets

    # Maps used by the zinc cache variant of dependency analysis.

    # Mapping from target to jars that ivy reports the target provides.
    self.ivy_jars_by_target = defaultdict(set)
    # Mapping from jar to targets that provide those jars; inverse of ivy_jars_by_target.
    self.ivy_targets_by_jar = defaultdict(set)

    # Maps between targets and the source files that are provided by those targets.
    self.targets_by_source = None
    self.sources_by_target = None

    # Maps between targets and the classes that are provided by those targets.
    self.targets_by_class = None
    self.classes_by_target = None

    # Map from targets to the binary dependencies of that target.
    self.binary_deps_by_target = None
    # map from targets to the source dependencies of that target.
    self.source_deps_by_target = None

    # Map from targets to the class dependencies of that target.
    self.class_deps_by_target = None

    self.computed_deps = None

  def _compute_jardep_contents(self):
    """Compute the relations between jar dependencies and jar files.

    Returns: a pair of maps (jars_by_target, targets_by_jar) describing the mappings between
             jars and the targets that contain those jars.

    # Get a list of all of the jar dependencies declared by the build targets.
    found_jar_deps = set()

    # We need all the deps of all the targets, so we implement the walk ourselves instead of
    # using Target.walk(). This is 15x faster.
    visited = set()

    def visit(target):
      for t in target.resolve():
        if t in visited:
        if isinstance(t, JarDependency):
        if hasattr(t, 'dependencies'):
          for dep in t.dependencies:

    for t in self.targets:

    jardeps_by_id = {}
    for jardep in found_jar_deps:
      jardeps_by_id[(jardep.org, jardep.name)] = jardep

    # Using the ivy reports in the build products, compute a list of
    # actual jar dependencies.
    ivy_products = self.context.products.get("ivy_jar_products").get("ivy")
    ivy_jars_by_target = defaultdict(set)
    ivy_targets_by_jar = defaultdict(set)
    for ivy_report_list in ivy_products.values():
      for report in ivy_report_list:
        for ref in report.modules_by_ref:
          target_key = (ref.org, ref.name)
          if target_key in jardeps_by_id:
            jardep_target = jardeps_by_id[target_key]
            for jar in report.modules_by_ref[ref].artifacts:
    return ivy_jars_by_target, ivy_targets_by_jar

  def _normalize_source_path(self, target, src):
    """ Normalize a source file relative to the target that provides it.

    Given a target and a source file path specified by that target, produce a normalized
    path for the source file that matches the pathname used in the zinc analysis files.
    return os.path.join(target.target_base, src)

  def get_analysis_collection(self):
    """Populates and retrieves the merged analysis collection for this compilation."""
    if self.zinc_analysis_collection is None:
      self.zinc_analysis_collection = \
      basedir = os.path.relpath(self.classes_dir, self.context._buildroot)
      self.zinc_analysis_collection.add_and_parse_file(self.analysis_file, basedir)
    return self.zinc_analysis_collection

  def get_targets_by_class(self):
    """ Memoizing getter for a map from classes to the targets that provide them. """
    if self.targets_by_class is None:
    return self.targets_by_class

  def get_binary_deps_by_target(self):
    """ Memoizing getter for a map from targets to their binary dependencies. """
    if self.binary_deps_by_target is None:
    return self.binary_deps_by_target

  def _compute_classfile_dependency_relations(self):
    """Compute the dependency relations based on binary and classname deps.

    Walks through the zinc analysis relations that are expressed in terms of
    dependencies on class files, and translate class file references to class

    This is an internal implementation which populates instance variables that
    store cached analysis results. It updates two values:

     - targets_by_class is a map from product classes to the targets that provided them, and
     - binary_deps_by_target is a map from targets to the classes that zinc reported they
       have a binary dependency on.
    zinc_analysis = self.get_analysis_collection()
    targets_by_class = defaultdict(set)
    binary_deps_by_target = defaultdict(set)
    # Set up the map from products to the targets that provide them,
    # and from targets to the classes they depend on.
    for target in self.targets:
      for src in target.sources:
        srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(target, src)
        # the classes produced by a target can be specified in zinc relations by
        # an entry in the products, or an entry in the classes, or both. Where it appears
        # depends on the specifics of the last compilation call.
        for product in zinc_analysis.product_classes[srcpath]:
        for classname in zinc_analysis.class_names[srcpath]:
        for bindep in zinc_analysis.binary_dep_classes[srcpath]:
    self.targets_by_class = targets_by_class
    self.binary_deps_by_target = binary_deps_by_target

  def get_targets_by_source(self):
    """ Memoizing getter for a map from sources to the targets that provide those sources. """
    if self.targets_by_source is None:
    return self.targets_by_source

  def _compute_source_relations(self):
    """ Compute the targets_by_source and sources_by_target maps. """
    self.sources_by_target = defaultdict(set)
    self.targets_by_source = defaultdict(set)
    for target in self.targets:
      for src in target.sources:
        srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(target, src)
    return (self.sources_by_target, self.targets_by_source)

  def _check_overlapping_sources(self, targets_by_source):
    """Detect overlapping targets where if a source file is included in more than one target."""
    overlapping_sources = set()
    for s in targets_by_source:
      if len(targets_by_source[s]) > 1:
          "Error: source file %s included in multiple targets %s" % (s, targets_by_source[s]))

  def get_computed_jar_dependency_relations(self):
    """ Compute maps from target to the jars that the target provides."""
    # Figure out which jars are in which targets.
    (self.ivy_jars_by_target, self.ivy_targets_by_jar) = self._compute_jardep_contents()
    computed_jar_deps = defaultdict(set)
    for target in self.targets:
      for src in target.sources:
        srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(target, src)
        jardeps = self.zinc_analysis_collection.binary_deps[srcpath]
        for j in jardeps:
          computed_jar_deps[target] |= self.ivy_targets_by_jar[j]
    return computed_jar_deps

  def get_compilation_dependencies(self, targets_by_source, binary_deps_by_target):
    """ Compute a map from the source files in a target to class files that it depends on

    Note: this code currently relies on the relations report generated by the zinc incremental
    scala compiler. If other languages/compilers want to use this code, they need to provide
    a similar report. See zinc_analysis_file.py for details about the information
    needed by this analysis.

      targets_by_source: a map from source files to the targets that provide them.
      binary_deps_by_target: a map from targets to the classes that they depend on.
    Returns: a target-to-target mapping from targets to targets that they depend on.
       If this was already computed, return the already computed result.

    zinc_analysis = self.get_analysis_collection()

    # Use data about targets to convert the zinc cache stuff into target -> target dependencies.
    targets_by_class = self.get_targets_by_class()
    self.source_deps_by_target = defaultdict(set)


    # map from targets to the classes that they depend on.
    self.class_deps_by_target = defaultdict(set)

    # Then generate a map from targets to the classes that they depend on.
    for target in self.targets:
      if target in binary_deps_by_target:
        self.class_deps_by_target[target] |= binary_deps_by_target[target]
      for src in target.sources:
        srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(target, src)
        self.class_deps_by_target[target] |= zinc_analysis.external_deps[srcpath]
        for srcdep in zinc_analysis.source_deps[srcpath]:
          self.source_deps_by_target[target] |= self.targets_by_source[srcdep]
        if srcpath in zinc_analysis.class_names:
          self.class_deps_by_target[target] |= zinc_analysis.class_names[srcpath]

    self.computed_deps = defaultdict(set)
    for fromtarget in self.class_deps_by_target:
      for classdep in self.class_deps_by_target[fromtarget]:
        if classdep in targets_by_class:
          self.computed_deps[fromtarget] |= targets_by_class[classdep]

    for fromtarget in self.source_deps_by_target:
      for totarget in self.source_deps_by_target[fromtarget]:

    return self.computed_deps

  def get_dependency_blame(self, from_target, to_target, targets_by_class, targets_by_source):
    """ Figures out why target A depends on target B according the the dependency analysis.

    Generates a tuple which can be used to generate a message like:
     "*from_target* depends on *to_target* because *from_target*'s source file X
      depends on *to_target*'s class Y."

      from_target: the target which has a missing dependency.
      to_target: the target that from_target has an undeclared dependency on.
      targets_by_class: a map from classes to the targets that provide them.
    Returns: a pair of (source, class) where:
       source is the name of a source file in "from" that depends on something
          in "to".
       class is the name of the class that source1 depends on.
       If no dependency data could be found to support the dependency,
       returns (None, None)
    # iterate over the sources in the from target.
    for source in from_target.sources:
      # for each class that the source depends on:
      srcpath = self._normalize_source_path(from_target, source)
      for cl in self.get_analysis_collection().external_deps[srcpath]:
        targets_providing = targets_by_class[cl]
        if to_target in targets_providing:
          return source, cl
      for depsrc in self.get_analysis_collection().source_deps[srcpath]:
        if to_target in targets_by_source[depsrc]:
          return source, depsrc
    return None, None

  def get_missing_deps_for_target(self, target, declared_deps, computed_deps,
                                  targets_by_class, targets_by_source, error_filter):
    """Compute the missing dependencies for a specific target.

      target: the target
      computed_deps: the computed dependencies for the target.
      computed_jar_deps: the computed jar dependencies for the target.
      targets_by_class: a mapping specifying which classes are produced by which targets.
      error_filter: function which checks a target identified as a missing dependency,
        and returns True if that missing dependency should be treated as an error.

      (undeclared_deps, intransitive_undeclared_deps)
    # Make copies of the computed deps. Then we'll walk the declared deps,
    # removing everything that was declared; what's left are the undeclared deps.
    if not error_filter(target):
      return [], []
    undeclared_deps = filter(error_filter, computed_deps - declared_deps)

    # The intransitive missing deps are everything that isn't declared as a dep of this target.
    intransitive_undeclared_deps = \
        set(filter(error_filter, computed_deps.difference(target.dependencies).difference([target])))
    if len(undeclared_deps) > 0:
      genmap = self.context.products.get('missing_deps')
      genmap.add(target, self.context._buildroot,
           [ x.derived_from.address.reference() for x in undeclared_deps])
      genmap.add(target, self.context._buildroot, )
      for dep_target in undeclared_deps:
        self.context.log.error("Error: target %s has undeclared compilation dependency on %s," %
               (target.address, dep_target.derived_from.address.reference()))
        self.context.log.error("       because source file %s depends on class %s" %
               self.get_dependency_blame(target, dep_target, targets_by_class, targets_by_source))
    if self.check_intransitive_deps is not 'none' and len(intransitive_undeclared_deps) > 0:
      genmap = self.context.products.get('missing_intransitive_deps')
      genmap.add(target, self.context._buildroot,
        [ x.derived_from.address.reference() for x in intransitive_undeclared_deps])
      for dep_target in intransitive_undeclared_deps:
          "Error: target %s has undeclared intransitive compilation dependency on %s," %
          (target.address.reference(), dep_target.derived_from.address.reference()))
          "       because source file %s depends on class %s" %
          self.get_dependency_blame(target, dep_target, targets_by_class, targets_by_source))

    return undeclared_deps, intransitive_undeclared_deps

  def check_undeclared_dependencies(self, error_filter=_default_error_filter):
    """ Performs the undeclared dependencies/overdeclared dependencies checks.

    For each dependency issue discovered, generates warnings/error messages and
    (depending on flag settings), setting build products.
    if not self.check_missing_deps:

    with self.context.new_workunit(name='depcheck'):
      targets_by_source = self.get_targets_by_source()
      targets_by_class = self.get_targets_by_class()
      binary_deps_by_target = self.get_binary_deps_by_target()

      deps_by_target = self.get_compilation_dependencies(targets_by_source, binary_deps_by_target)

      all_undeclared_deps = set()
      all_intransitive_undeclared_deps = set()

      transitive_declared_deps_map = self._get_declared_transitive_deps(deps_by_target.keys())
      for target in deps_by_target:
        declared_deps = transitive_declared_deps_map[target]
        computed_deps = deps_by_target[target]
        undeclared_deps, immediate_undeclared_deps = \
                                           declared_deps, computed_deps,
                                           targets_by_class, targets_by_source,

        # TODO(markcc): add checks for missing jar dependencies.

        if self.check_unnecessary_deps:
          if not target.has_label('synthetic'):
            self.check_target_unnecessary_deps(target, computed_deps)

      if len(all_undeclared_deps) > 0 or \
        (self.check_intransitive_deps is not 'none' and len(all_intransitive_undeclared_deps) > 0):
        raise TaskError('Missing dependencies detected.')

  def _get_declared_transitive_deps(self, targets):
    """For each target, compute all its declared transitive dependencies.

    Returns a map: target -> a set of all transitive deps.
    transitive_declared_deps_map = {}  # target -> set of transitive declared deps.

    def compute_transitive_deps(target):
      deps = set()
      for t in target.resolve():
        if t in transitive_declared_deps_map:
          return transitive_declared_deps_map[t]
        deps.add(t)  # a target 'depends' on itself, for our purposes.
        if hasattr(t, 'dependencies'):
          for child in t.dependencies:
        transitive_declared_deps_map[t] = deps
        return deps

    for t in targets:
    return transitive_declared_deps_map

  def check_target_unnecessary_deps(self, target, computed_deps):
    """ Generate warning messages about unnecessary declared dependencies.

      target: the target to be checked for undeclared dependencies
      computed_deps: the actual dependencies computed for that target.
    # Sometimes if there was an error, the processed_dependencies for a target will be
    # None; if so, we need to skip that target.
    if target.processed_dependencies is not None:
      declared_deps = \
          [ t for t in target.processed_dependencies if hasattr(t, "address") ]
      overdeps = set(declared_deps).difference(computed_deps)
      if len(overdeps) > 0:
        for deptarget in overdeps:
          if isinstance(deptarget, JvmTarget) and not deptarget.has_label('synthetic'):
            self.context.log.warn("Warning: target %s declares un-needed dependency on: %s" %
              (target, deptarget))