    def __init__(self, twitter_token=None, twitter_secret=None, oauth_token=None, oauth_token_secret=None, \
                headers=None, callback_url=None, client_args=None):
        """setup(self, oauth_token = None, headers = None)

            Instantiates an instance of Twython. Takes optional parameters for authentication and such (see below).

                twitter_token - Given to you when you register your application with Twitter.
                twitter_secret - Given to you when you register your application with Twitter.
                oauth_token - If you've gone through the authentication process and have a token for this user,
                    pass it in and it'll be used for all requests going forward.
                oauth_token_secret - see oauth_token; it's the other half.
                headers - User agent header, dictionary style ala {'User-Agent': 'Bert'}
                client_args - additional arguments for HTTP client (see httplib2.Http.__init__), e.g. {'timeout': 10.0}

                ** Note: versioning is not currently used by search.twitter functions;
                         when Twitter moves their junk, it'll be supported.
        # Needed for hitting that there API.
        self.request_token_url = 'http://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
        self.access_token_url = 'http://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token'
        self.authorize_url = 'http://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize'
        self.authenticate_url = 'http://api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate'
        self.twitter_token = twitter_token
        self.twitter_secret = twitter_secret
        self.oauth_token = oauth_token
        self.oauth_secret = oauth_token_secret
        self.callback_url = callback_url

        # If there's headers, set them, otherwise be an embarassing parent for their own good.
        self.headers = headers
        if self.headers is None:
            self.headers = {'User-agent': 'Twython Python Twitter Library v1.3'}

        self.consumer = None
        self.token = None

        client_args = client_args or {}

        if self.twitter_token is not None and self.twitter_secret is not None:
            self.consumer = oauth.Consumer(self.twitter_token, self.twitter_secret)

        if self.oauth_token is not None and self.oauth_secret is not None:
            self.token = oauth.Token(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret)

        # Filter down through the possibilities here - if they have a token, if they're first stage, etc.
        if self.consumer is not None and self.token is not None:
            self.client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, self.token, **client_args)
        elif self.consumer is not None:
            self.client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, **client_args)
            # If they don't do authentication, but still want to request unprotected resources, we need an opener.
            self.client = httplib2.Http(**client_args)
        # register available funcs to allow listing name when debugging.

        def setFunc(key):
            return lambda **kwargs: self._constructFunc(key, **kwargs)
        for key in api_table.keys():
            self.__dict__[key] = setFunc(key)
    def __init__(self, app_key=None, app_secret=None, oauth_token=None, oauth_token_secret=None, \
                headers=None, callback_url=None, twitter_token=None, twitter_secret=None, proxies=None, version='1.1'):
        """Instantiates an instance of Twython. Takes optional parameters for authentication and such (see below).

            :param app_key: (optional) Your applications key
            :param app_secret: (optional) Your applications secret key
            :param oauth_token: (optional) Used with oauth_token_secret to make authenticated calls
            :param oauth_token_secret: (optional) Used with oauth_token to make authenticated calls
            :param headers: (optional) Custom headers to send along with the request
            :param callback_url: (optional) If set, will overwrite the callback url set in your application
            :param proxies: (optional) A dictionary of proxies, for example {"http":"proxy.example.org:8080", "https":"proxy.example.org:8081"}.

        # Needed for hitting that there API.
        self.api_version = version
        self.api_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/%s'
        self.request_token_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/request_token'
        self.access_token_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/access_token'
        self.authorize_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/authorize'
        self.authenticate_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/authenticate'

        # Enforce unicode on keys and secrets
        self.app_key = app_key and unicode(app_key) or twitter_token and unicode(twitter_token)
        self.app_secret = app_key and unicode(app_secret) or twitter_secret and unicode(twitter_secret)

        self.oauth_token = oauth_token and u'%s' % oauth_token
        self.oauth_token_secret = oauth_token_secret and u'%s' % oauth_token_secret

        self.callback_url = callback_url

        # If there's headers, set them, otherwise be an embarassing parent for their own good.
        self.headers = headers or {'User-Agent': 'Twython v' + __version__}

        # Allow for unauthenticated requests
        self.client = requests.session(proxies=proxies)
        self.auth = None

        if self.app_key is not None and self.app_secret is not None and \
        self.oauth_token is None and self.oauth_token_secret is None:
            self.auth = OAuth1(self.app_key, self.app_secret,

        if self.app_key is not None and self.app_secret is not None and \
        self.oauth_token is not None and self.oauth_token_secret is not None:
            self.auth = OAuth1(self.app_key, self.app_secret,
                               self.oauth_token, self.oauth_token_secret,

        if self.auth is not None:
            self.client = requests.session(headers=self.headers, auth=self.auth, proxies=proxies)

        # register available funcs to allow listing name when debugging.
        def setFunc(key):
            return lambda **kwargs: self._constructFunc(key, **kwargs)
        for key in api_table.keys():
            self.__dict__[key] = setFunc(key)

        # create stash for last call intel
        self._last_call = None
    def __init__(self, app_key=None, app_secret=None, oauth_token=None, oauth_token_secret=None, \
                headers=None, callback_url=None, twitter_token=None, twitter_secret=None, proxies=None):
        """Instantiates an instance of Twython. Takes optional parameters for authentication and such (see below).

            :param app_key: (optional) Your applications key
            :param app_secret: (optional) Your applications secret key
            :param oauth_token: (optional) Used with oauth_token_secret to make authenticated calls
            :param oauth_token_secret: (optional) Used with oauth_token to make authenticated calls
            :param headers: (optional) Custom headers to send along with the request
            :param callback_url: (optional) If set, will overwrite the callback url set in your application
            :param proxies: (optional) A dictionary of proxies, for example {"http":"proxy.example.org:8080", "https":"proxy.example.org:8081"}.

        # Needed for hitting that there API.
        self.api_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/%s'
        self.request_token_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/request_token'
        self.access_token_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/access_token'
        self.authorize_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/authorize'
        self.authenticate_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/authenticate'

        # Enforce unicode on keys and secrets
        self.app_key = app_key and unicode(app_key) or twitter_token and unicode(twitter_token)
        self.app_secret = app_key and unicode(app_secret) or twitter_secret and unicode(twitter_secret)

        self.oauth_token = oauth_token and u'%s' % oauth_token
        self.oauth_token_secret = oauth_token_secret and u'%s' % oauth_token_secret

        self.callback_url = callback_url

        # If there's headers, set them, otherwise be an embarassing parent for their own good.
        self.headers = headers or {'User-Agent': 'Twython v' + __version__}

        # Allow for unauthenticated requests
        self.client = requests.session(proxies=proxies)
        self.auth = None

        if self.app_key is not None and self.app_secret is not None and \
        self.oauth_token is None and self.oauth_token_secret is None:
            self.auth = OAuth1(self.app_key, self.app_secret,

        if self.app_key is not None and self.app_secret is not None and \
        self.oauth_token is not None and self.oauth_token_secret is not None:
            self.auth = OAuth1(self.app_key, self.app_secret,
                               self.oauth_token, self.oauth_token_secret,

        if self.auth is not None:
            self.client = requests.session(headers=self.headers, auth=self.auth, proxies=proxies)

        # register available funcs to allow listing name when debugging.
        def setFunc(key):
            return lambda **kwargs: self._constructFunc(key, **kwargs)
        for key in api_table.keys():
            self.__dict__[key] = setFunc(key)

        # create stash for last call intel
        self._last_call = None
    def __init__(self, twitter_token = None, twitter_secret = None, oauth_token = None, oauth_token_secret = None, headers=None, callback_url=None, client_args={}):
        """setup(self, oauth_token = None, headers = None)

            Instantiates an instance of Twython. Takes optional parameters for authentication and such (see below).

                twitter_token - Given to you when you register your application with Twitter.
                twitter_secret - Given to you when you register your application with Twitter.
                oauth_token - If you've gone through the authentication process and have a token for this user,
                    pass it in and it'll be used for all requests going forward.
                oauth_token_secret - see oauth_token; it's the other half.
                headers - User agent header, dictionary style ala {'User-Agent': 'Bert'}
                client_args - additional arguments for HTTP client (see httplib2.Http.__init__), e.g. {'timeout': 10.0}

                ** Note: versioning is not currently used by search.twitter functions; when Twitter moves their junk, it'll be supported.
        # Needed for hitting that there API.
        self.request_token_url = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
        self.access_token_url = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/access_token'
        self.authorize_url = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize'
        self.authenticate_url = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/authenticate'
        self.twitter_token = twitter_token
        self.twitter_secret = twitter_secret
        self.oauth_token = oauth_token
        self.oauth_secret = oauth_token_secret
        self.callback_url = callback_url

        # If there's headers, set them, otherwise be an embarassing parent for their own good.
        self.headers = headers
        if self.headers is None:
            self.headers = {'User-agent': 'Twython Python Twitter Library v1.3'}

        consumer = None
        token = None

        if self.twitter_token is not None and self.twitter_secret is not None:
            consumer = oauth.Consumer(self.twitter_token, self.twitter_secret)

        if self.oauth_token is not None and self.oauth_secret is not None:
            token = oauth.Token(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret)

        # Filter down through the possibilities here - if they have a token, if they're first stage, etc.
        if consumer is not None and token is not None:
            self.client = oauth.Client(consumer, token, **client_args)
        elif consumer is not None:
            self.client = oauth.Client(consumer, **client_args)
            # If they don't do authentication, but still want to request unprotected resources, we need an opener.
            self.client = httplib2.Http(**client_args)
        def setFunc(key):
            return lambda **kwargs: self._constructFunc(key, **kwargs)
        # register available funcs to allow listing name when debugging.
        for key in api_table.keys():
            self.__dict__[key] = setFunc(key)
文件: twython.py 项目: J0s3f/twython
    def __init__(self, app_key=None, app_secret=None, oauth_token=None, oauth_token_secret=None, \
                headers=None, callback_url=None, twitter_token=None, twitter_secret=None):
        """Instantiates an instance of Twython. Takes optional parameters for authentication and such (see below).

            :param app_key: (optional) Your applications key
            :param app_secret: (optional) Your applications secret key
            :param oauth_token: (optional) Used with oauth_secret to make authenticated calls
            :param oauth_secret: (optional) Used with oauth_token to make authenticated calls
            :param headers: (optional) Custom headers to send along with the request
            :param callback_url: (optional) If set, will overwrite the callback url set in your application

        # Needed for hitting that there API.
        self.api_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/%s'
        self.request_token_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/request_token'
        self.access_token_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/access_token'
        self.authorize_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/authorize'
        self.authenticate_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/authenticate'

        # Enforce unicode on keys and secrets
        self.app_key = None
        if app_key is not None or twitter_token is not None:
            self.app_key = u'%s' % (app_key or twitter_token)

        self.app_secret = None
        if app_secret is not None or twitter_secret is not None:
            self.app_secret = u'%s' % (app_secret or twitter_secret)

        self.oauth_token = None
        if oauth_token is not None:
            self.oauth_token = u'%s' % oauth_token

        self.oauth_secret = None
        if oauth_token_secret is not None:
            self.oauth_secret = u'%s' % oauth_token_secret

        self.callback_url = callback_url

        # If there's headers, set them, otherwise be an embarassing parent for their own good.
        self.headers = headers
        if self.headers is None:
            self.headers = {
                'User-agent': 'Twython Python Twitter Library v' + __version__

        self.client = None
        self.auth = None

        if self.app_key is not None and self.app_secret is not None:
            self.auth = OAuth1(self.app_key,

        if self.oauth_token is not None and self.oauth_secret is not None:
            self.auth = OAuth1(self.app_key,

        if self.client is None:
            # If they don't do authentication, but still want to request
            # unprotected resources, we need an opener.
            self.client = requests.session()

        # register available funcs to allow listing name when debugging.
        def setFunc(key):
            return lambda **kwargs: self._constructFunc(key, **kwargs)

        for key in api_table.keys():
            self.__dict__[key] = setFunc(key)

        # create stash for last call intel
        self._last_call = None
文件: twython.py 项目: fone4u/twython
    def __init__(self, app_key=None, app_secret=None, oauth_token=None, oauth_token_secret=None, \
                headers=None, callback_url=None, twitter_token=None, twitter_secret=None):
        """Instantiates an instance of Twython. Takes optional parameters for authentication and such (see below).

            :param app_key: (optional) Your applications key
            :param app_secret: (optional) Your applications secret key
            :param oauth_token: (optional) Used with oauth_secret to make authenticated calls
            :param oauth_secret: (optional) Used with oauth_token to make authenticated calls
            :param headers: (optional) Custom headers to send along with the request
            :param callback_url: (optional) If set, will overwrite the callback url set in your application

        # Needed for hitting that there API.
        self.api_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/%s'
        self.request_token_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/request_token'
        self.access_token_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/access_token'
        self.authorize_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/authorize'
        self.authenticate_url = self.api_url % 'oauth/authenticate'

        # Enforce unicode on keys and secrets
        self.app_key = None
        if app_key is not None or twitter_token is not None:
            self.app_key = u'%s' % (app_key or twitter_token)

        self.app_secret = None
        if app_secret is not None or twitter_secret is not None:
            self.app_secret = u'%s' % (app_secret or twitter_secret)

        self.oauth_token = None
        if oauth_token is not None:
            self.oauth_token = u'%s' % oauth_token

        self.oauth_secret = None
        if oauth_token_secret is not None:
            self.oauth_secret = u'%s' % oauth_token_secret

        self.callback_url = callback_url

        # If there's headers, set them, otherwise be an embarassing parent for their own good.
        self.headers = headers
        if self.headers is None:
            self.headers = {'User-agent': 'Twython Python Twitter Library v' + __version__}

        self.client = None

        if self.app_key is not None and self.app_secret is not None:
            self.auth = OAuth1(self.app_key, self.app_secret,

        if self.oauth_token is not None and self.oauth_secret is not None:
            self.auth = OAuth1(self.app_key, self.app_secret,
                               self.oauth_token, self.oauth_secret,

        # Filter down through the possibilities here - if they have a token, if they're first stage, etc.
        if self.client is None:
            # If they don't do authentication, but still want to request unprotected resources, we need an opener.
            self.client = requests.session()

        # register available funcs to allow listing name when debugging.
        def setFunc(key):
            return lambda **kwargs: self._constructFunc(key, **kwargs)
        for key in api_table.keys():
            self.__dict__[key] = setFunc(key)

        # create stash for last call intel
        self._last_call = None