def __init__(self, wallet, db=None, blockchain=None, zeroconf=False,
                 sync_period=600, db_dir=None):
        """Initialize the payment server.

            wallet (two1.wallet.Wallet): wallet instance.
            db (.models.ChannelDataManager): a database wrapper to manage the
                payment channel server's interface with a persistent store of
            blockchain (two1.blockchain.provider): a blockchain data
                provider capable of broadcasting raw transactions.
            zeroconf (boolean): whether or not to use a payment channel before
                the deposit transaction has been confirmed by the network.
            sync_period (integer): how often to sync channel status (in sec).
        if blockchain is None:
            url = PaymentServer.DEFAULT_TWENTYONE_BLOCKCHAIN_URL
            if wallet.testnet:
                url = PaymentServer.DEFAULT_TWENTYONE_TESTNET_BLOCKCHAIN_URL
            blockchain = TwentyOneBlockchain(url)

        self.zeroconf = zeroconf

        self._wallet = Two1WalletWrapper(wallet, blockchain)
        self._blockchain = blockchain
        self._db = db
        if db is None:
            self._db = DatabaseSQLite3(db_dir=db_dir)

        self._sync_stop = threading.Event()
        self._sync_thread = threading.Thread(
            args=(sync_period, self._sync_stop),
    def __init__(self, wallet, db=None, account='default', testnet=False,
                 blockchain=None, zeroconf=False, sync_period=600, db_dir=None):
        """Initalize the payment server.

            wallet (.wallet.Two1WalletWrapper): a two1 wallet wrapped with
                payment server functionality.
            db (.models.ChannelDataManager): a database wrapper to manage the
                payment channel server's interface with a persistent store of
            account (string): which account within the wallet to use (e.g.
                'merchant', 'customer', 'default', etc).
            testnet (boolean): whether or not the server should broadcast and
                verify transactions against the bitcoin testnet blockchain.
            blockchain (two1.blockchain.provider): a blockchain data
                provider capable of broadcasting raw transactions.
            zeroconf (boolean): whether or not to use a payment channel before
                the deposit transaction has been confirmed by the network.
            sync_period (integer): how often to sync channel status (in sec).
        self.zeroconf = zeroconf
        self._wallet = Two1WalletWrapper(wallet, account)
        self._blockchain = blockchain
        self._db = db
        if db is None:
            self._db = DatabaseSQLite3(db_dir=db_dir)
        if blockchain is None:
            self._blockchain = TwentyOneBlockchain(
                PaymentServer.DEFAULT_TWENTYONE_BLOCKCHAIN_URL if not self._wallet._wallet.testnet else
        self._sync_stop = threading.Event()
        self._sync_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._auto_sync, args=(sync_period, self._sync_stop), daemon=True)