def write(self): # Load 2point fits file with n(z) info. fits = twopoint.TwoPointFile.from_fits(self.input_path("2pt"), covmat_name=None) # Write file without covariance (all data vectors) fits.spectra = self.exts fits.to_fits(self.output_path("2pt_extended"), clobber=True) if self.params['lensfile'] != 'None': self.strip_wtheta(fits) import pdb pdb.set_trace() self.strip_missing_gglensing(fits) length = self.get_cov_lengths(fits) self.sort_2pt(fits, length) # Writes the covariance info into a covariance object and saves to 2point fits file. fits.covmat_info = twopoint.CovarianceMatrixInfo( 'COVMAT', TWO_POINT_NAMES, length, self.covmat[0]) fits.to_fits(self.output_path("2pt_g"), clobber=True) fits.covmat_info = twopoint.CovarianceMatrixInfo( 'COVMAT', TWO_POINT_NAMES, length, self.covmat[1]) fits.to_fits(self.output_path("2pt_ng"), clobber=True) print "Have disabled covmat cleanup"
def covmat_from_block(block, spectra, sky_area, number_density_shear_bin, number_density_lss_bin, sigma_e_bin): getter = ObservedClGetter(number_density_shear_bin, number_density_lss_bin, sigma_e_bin) C = [] names = [] starts = [] lengths = [] # s and t index the spectra that we have. e.g. s or t=1 might be the full set of # shear-shear measuremnts x = 0 for s, AB in enumerate(spectra[:]): M = [] starts.append(x) L = len(AB) lengths.append(L) x += L names.append( for t, CD in enumerate(spectra[:]): print( "Looking at covariance between {} and {} (s={}, t={})".format(,, s, t)) # We only calculate the upper triangular. # Get the lower triangular here. We have to # transpose it compared to the upper one. if s > t: MI = C[t][s].T else: MI = gaussian_covariance.compute_gaussian_covariance( sky_area, getter.lookup, block, AB, CD) M.append(MI) C.append(M) C = np.vstack([np.hstack(CI) for CI in C]) info = twopoint.CovarianceMatrixInfo("COVMAT", names, lengths, C) return info
twopoint_filename = sys.argv[1] covmat_filename = sys.argv[2] new_filename = sys.argv[3] print("Loading 2pt data in {}".format(twopoint_filename)) data = twopoint.TwoPointFile.from_fits(twopoint_filename, covmat_name=None) print("Loading text covariance file from {}".format(covmat_filename)) covmat = np.loadtxt(covmat_filename) print("Now you need to make sure that the ordering of the covariance matrix") print("matches the ordering in the text file!") print("Expecting this order:") print("#Name Bin1 Bin2 Angle") for s in data.spectra: for b1, b2, ang in zip(s.bin1, s.bin2, s.angle): print(, b1, b2, ang) replace_this_with_some_reordering_if_needed() # The ordering of the names = [ for s in data.spectra] lengths = [len(s) for s in data.spectra] n = sum(lengths) assert covmat.shape == (n, n) data.covmat_info = twopoint.CovarianceMatrixInfo("COVMAT", names, lengths, covmat) data.to_fits(new_filename)
def execute(block, config): real_space = config['real_space'] fourier_space = not real_space filename = config['filename'] #shear_nz = config['shear_nz'] #position_nz = config['position_nz'] overwrite = config['overwrite'] make_covariance = config['make_covariance'] print("Saving two-point data to {}".format(filename)) theory_spec_list = [] cl_theory_spec_list = [] cl_to_xi_type_list = [] spec_meas_list = [] kernels = [] no_kernel_found = [] #Loop through spectrum_sections, generating a SpectrumMeasurement #for each. #If we're generating the covariance for real space spectra, also #generate a TheorySpectrum for the corresponding Cl. print("Generating twopoint file with the following spectra:") print(config['spectrum_sections']) for i_spec in range( len(config["spectrum_sections"]) ): spectrum_section = config["spectrum_sections"][i_spec] output_extension = config["output_extensions"][i_spec] #Read in sample information from block sample_a, sample_b = ( block[spectrum_section, "sample_a"], block[spectrum_section, "sample_b"] ) kernel_name_a, kernel_name_b = "nz_"+sample_a, "nz_"+sample_b #Get kernels if (kernel_name_a not in [ for k in kernels ]) and (kernel_name_a not in no_kernel_found): if block.has_section(kernel_name_a): kernels.append( twopoint.NumberDensity.from_block( block, kernel_name_a ) ) else: no_kernel_found.append(kernel_name_a) if kernel_name_b not in [ for k in kernels ]: if block.has_section(kernel_name_b): kernels.append( twopoint.NumberDensity.from_block( block, kernel_name_b ) ) else: no_kernel_found.append(kernel_name_b) if len(no_kernel_found)>0: print("No kernel found for kernel names:", no_kernel_found) print("This might not be a problem e.g. for CMB lensing.") theory_spec = TheorySpectrum.from_block( block, spectrum_section ) theory_spec_list.append(theory_spec) #get angle_units if config["angle_units"] is not None: angle_units = config['angle_units'].name else: angle_units = None spec_meas_list.append( theory_spec.get_spectrum_measurement( config['angle_mids_userunits'], (kernel_name_a, kernel_name_b), output_extension, angle_lims = config['angle_lims_userunits'], angle_units=angle_units ) ) if make_covariance: if real_space: #In this case we also need the corresponding Cl spectra to generate the covariance cl_section = config["cl_sections"][i_spec] cl_spec = TheorySpectrum.from_block( block, cl_section ) cl_theory_spec_list.append( cl_spec ) #Check cls have the same bin pairings as their corresponding real-space spectra try: assert cl_spec.bin_pairs == theory_spec_list[i_spec].bin_pairs except AssertionError as e: print( "cl and xi specs have different bin_pairs:" ) print( "sections were %s and %s"%(cl_section, spectrum_section)) print( "cl bin pairs:", cl_spec.bin_pairs ) print( "xi bin pairs:", theory_spec_list[i_spec].bin_pairs) raise(e) if not real_space: cl_theory_spec_list = theory_spec_list if make_covariance: #First we need to get the ClCov #For the covariance matrix, we may need to read in more Cls - e.g. if we want #a covariance for Cl_ab and Cl_cd, we require Cl_ad, Cl_ac, Cl_bc and Cl_bd for #the covariance calculation. #So the following checks the types of Cl_ab and Cl_cd, and from that infers #the required spectra. types = [] for spec in cl_theory_spec_list: type_i, type_j = spec.types if type_i not in types: types.append(type_i) if type_j not in types: types.append(type_j) cl_specs = [] for (i,type_1) in enumerate(types): for (j,type_2) in enumerate(types[i:]): print("Getting cls for cov:") print("type_1:", type_1) print("type_2:", type_2) #Get the cl section name for these types from the type_table (man #we need to sort out easy access to this type_table sucks right now) try: cl_section = type_table[(,][0] except KeyError: cl_section = type_table[(,][0] assert cl_section not in [ for s in cl_specs] cl_spec = TheorySpectrum.from_block( block, cl_section ) #Add noise if necessary if (cl_spec.types[0] == cl_spec.types[1]): if cl_spec.types[0].name == "galaxy_shear_emode_fourier": noise = ([ (s**2 / 2 / n) for (s,n) in zip(config['sigma_e'],config['number_density_shear_rad2']) ]) elif cl_spec.types[0].name == "galaxy_position_fourier": noise = [ 1./n for n in config['number_density_lss_rad2'] ] else: print("Tried to, but can't generate noise for spectrum %s"%cl_section) raise ValueError cl_spec.set_noise(noise) cl_specs.append( cl_spec ) cl_cov = ClCov(cl_specs, fsky=config['fsky']) if real_space: #If requested, apply bin cuts now - this will speed up the covariance calculation #Need to apply cuts to real space spectra and cls for (name, b1, b2) in config['bin_cuts']: print("cutting %d,%d from %s"%(b1,b2,name)) spec_index = config['output_extensions'].index(name) spec_meas_list[spec_index].cut_bin_pair( (b1,b2), complain=True ) cl_theory_spec_list[spec_index].cut_bin_pair( (b1,b2) ) cov_blocks, covmat, xi_starts, xi_lengths = real_space_cov( cl_cov, cl_theory_spec_list, config['cl_to_xi_types'], config['ell_max'], config['angle_lims'], upsample=config['upsample_cov'], high_l_filter = config['high_l_filter'] ) covmat_info = twopoint.CovarianceMatrixInfo( 'COVMAT', [ for s in spec_meas_list], xi_lengths, covmat ) else: covmat, cl_lengths = cl_cov.get_binned_cl_cov(config['angle_lims']) assert covmat.shape[0] == sum([len(s.value) for s in spec_meas_list]) covmat_info = twopoint.CovarianceMatrixInfo( 'COVMAT', [ for s in spec_meas_list], [len(s.value) for s in spec_meas_list], covmat ) else: covmat_info = None if not spec_meas_list: raise ValueError("Sorry - I couldn't find any spectra to save.") windows = [] data = twopoint.TwoPointFile(spec_meas_list, kernels, windows, covmat_info) # Apply cuts scale_cuts = config['scale_cuts'] bin_cuts = config['bin_cuts'] if scale_cuts or bin_cuts: data.mask_scales(scale_cuts, bin_cuts) data.to_fits(filename, overwrite=overwrite) return 0
def main(): args = parse_args() if args.q_cat is not None: assert args.q_coeff_cat is not None psf_data = read_psf_data(args) #if requested, apply gold footprint mask and/or gold badregions mask use = np.ones(len(psf_data), dtype=bool) if args.gold_fp_mask: fp = hu.Map("ring", hp.read_map(args.gold_fp_mask)) fp_vals = fp.get_mapval(psf_data['ra'], psf_data['dec']) use[fp_vals < 1] = False print float(use.sum()) / len(use) if args.gold_br_mask: br = hu.Map("ring", hp.read_map(args.gold_br_mask)) br_vals = br.get_mapval(psf_data['ra'], psf_data['dec']) use[br_vals > 0] = False print float(use.sum()) / len(use) if use.sum() != len(use): print 'gold masks leave fraction %f of stars' % (float(use.sum()) / len(use)) psf_data = psf_data[use] theta_min, theta_max, nbins = 0.25, 250., args.nbins bin_slop = args.bin_slop sep_units = 'arcmin' gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(nbins=nbins, min_sep=theta_min, max_sep=theta_max, sep_units=sep_units, verbose=1, bin_slop=bin_slop) if args.z_bin_lims: num_z_bins = len(args.z_bin_lims) - 1 else: num_z_bins = 1 shape_colnames = homog_colnames #read data if args.pipeline == 'metacal': shape_data, shape_mask_0, shape_masks_sel, common_mask, read_rows_union, area_deg = get_mcal_cat( args.shape_cat, args.cut_dict, mcal_cols=[ 'e1', 'e2', 'psf_e1', 'psf_e2', 'R11', 'R22', 'ra', 'dec' ], test_nrows=args.test_nrows, add_Rmean_col=True) if args.z_bin_lims: #supplying z_bin_lims implies you want to some 'tomographic' redshift bin splitting, so read in some redshift info too z_arrays = get_mcal_photoz(read_rows=read_rows_union) #pylab.hist(z_arrays[0],bins=20) #first one is the one used for the unsheared binning (and therefore the measurement), so add this to the shape_data array shape_data = nmbot.add_field(shape_data, [("mean_z", float)], [z_arrays[0]]) #now make a McalCat and apply correction shape_cat = corrtools.McalCat(shape_data, shape_mask_0, shape_masks_sel, quantities=[('e1', 'e2'), ('psf_e1', 'psf_e2')]) print len(shape_cat.arr_data) if args.z_bin_lims: print shape_cat.arr_data['mean_z'].min( ), shape_cat.arr_data['mean_z'].max() shape_cat.redshift_split(zcol='mean_z', z_bin_lims=args.z_bin_lims) shape_cat.sheared_redshift_split(z_arrs_sheared=z_arrays[1:]) shape_cat.apply_mcal_correction() print shape_cat.bin_stats else: assert args.pipeline == "im3shape" shape_data, read_rows, area_deg = get_im3_cat( args.shape_cat, args.cut_dict, im3_cols=IM3_COLS_DEFAULT + ['psf_e1', 'psf_e2'], test_nrows=None, apply_c=True) print shape_data.dtype.names if args.z_bin_lims: z_array = get_photoz(read_rows=read_rows) shape_data = nmbot.add_field(shape_data, [("mean_z", float)], [z_array]) shape_cat = corrtools.GalCat(shape_data, quantities=[('e1', 'e2'), ('psf_e1', 'psf_e2')]) if args.z_bin_lims: shape_cat.redshift_split(zcol='mean_z', z_bin_lims=args.z_bin_lims) shape_cat.apply_m_correction() print shape_cat.bin_stats weight_col = 'weight' if args.q_cat: q_data =, rows=read_rows_union)[shape_mask_0] if args.z_bin_lims: q_data = q_data[ (shape_data[shape_mask_0]["mean_z"] > args.z_bin_lims[0]) * (shape_data["mean_z"][shape_mask_0] < args.z_bin_lims[-1])] print "len(q_data), len(shape_cat.arr_data)", len(q_data), len( shape_cat.arr_data) #shape_data,q_data=shape_data[shape_mask_0],q_data[shape_mask_0] #shape_data = nmbot.add_field(shape_data, [('de1',float),('de2',float)], [q_data['de1'],q_data['de2']]) use = np.ones(len(q_data), dtype='bool') use[np.isnan(q_data['e1'])] = False use[q_data['de1'] < -1.] = False use[q_data['de2'] < -1.] = False print 'fraction %f has bad q data, will use mean qs for these objets' % ( 1 - float(use.sum()) / len(use)) mean_q1 = q_data['de1'][use].mean() mean_q2 = q_data['de2'][use].mean() q_data['de1'][~use] = mean_q1 q_data['de2'][~use] = mean_q2 #now compute corrections with open(args.q_coeff_cat, 'r') as f: coeff_lines = f.readlines() for l in coeff_lines: if l[0] == '#': continue l_entries = (l.strip()).split() zbin, x, y, alpha = int( l_entries[0]), l_entries[1], l_entries[2], float(l_entries[3]) if (x == 'de1' and y == 'e1'): shape_cat.arr_data['e1'][shape_cat.zbin_masks[ zbin]] -= alpha * q_data['de1'][shape_cat.zbin_masks[zbin]] elif (x == 'de2' and y == 'e2'): shape_cat.arr_data['e2'][shape_cat.zbin_masks[ zbin]] -= alpha * q_data['de2'][shape_cat.zbin_masks[zbin]] else: continue print 'zbin, x, y, alpha', zbin, x, y, alpha #sh_cat,im3_psf_cat = make_shape_treecorr_cats(shape_data, shape_colnames) if not os.path.isdir(args.outdir): os.makedirs(args.outdir) #recalculate post-correction bin stats and save shape_cat.get_bin_stats() with open(pj(args.outdir, "bin_stats_shape.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(shape_cat.bin_stats, f) print psf_data.dtype.names psf_corr_names = ['P', 'p', 'q'] #psf_quantities = [(args.psf_model_prefix+'_e1', args.psf_model_prefix+'_e2'),('de1','de2')] psf_quantities = [('e1', 'e2'), (args.psf_model_prefix + '_e1', args.psf_model_prefix + '_e2'), ('de1', 'de2')] if args.dTpT: psf_data = nmbot.add_field( psf_data, [('dse_1', float), ('dse_2', float)], [ psf_data['dsize'] * psf_data['e1'] / psf_data['size'], psf_data['dsize'] * psf_data['e2'] / psf_data['size'] ]) psf_quantities.append(('dse_1', 'dse_2')) psf_corr_names.append('dse') elif args.dTp: psf_data = nmbot.add_field(psf_data, [('dse_1', float), ('dse_2', float)], [ psf_data['dsize'] * psf_data['e1'], psf_data['dsize'] * psf_data['e2'] ]) psf_quantities.append(('dse_1', 'dse_2')) psf_corr_names.append('dse') psf_cat = corrtools.GalCat(psf_data, x_col='ra', y_col='dec', quantities=psf_quantities, w_col=args.star_weight_col) psf_cat.redshift_split() with open(pj(args.outdir, "bin_stats_psf.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(psf_cat.bin_stats, f) sh = (shape_colnames['e1'], shape_colnames['e2']) sh_psf = (shape_colnames['psf_e1'], shape_colnames['psf_e2']) sh_quantities = [sh, sh_psf] cross_corrs = [] cross_specs = [] psf_auto_specs = [] varxi_arr = [] #first do shear cross psf(gal) epg = corrtools.CorrMeasurement(shape_cat, sh, q2=sh_psf, XX=gg, sub_mean=True) spec_epg, varxis = epg.get_spec(['epg'] * 2, 'NZ_DUMMY', kernel_name2='NZ_DUMMY', ret_varxi_arrs=True) cross_corrs.append(epg) cross_specs.append(spec_epg[0]) varxi_arr += list(varxis[0].copy()) #and psf(gal) auto #do gp auto pg = corrtools.CorrMeasurement(shape_cat, sh_psf, XX=gg, sub_mean=True) spec_pg, varxis = pg.get_spec(['pgpg'] * 2, 'NZ_DUMMY', ret_varxi_arrs=True) varxi_arr += list(varxis[0].copy()) psf_auto_specs.append(spec_pg[0]) for i in range(len(psf_quantities)): q2_i, name_i = psf_quantities[i], psf_corr_names[i] # e x p ep = corrtools.CorrMeasurement(shape_cat, sh, gal_cat2=psf_cat, q2=q2_i, XX=gg, sub_mean=True) sp, varxis = ep.get_spec(['e' + name_i] * 2, 'NZ_DUMMY', kernel_name2='NZ_DUMMY', ret_varxi_arrs=True) cross_corrs.append(ep) cross_specs.append(sp[0]) #just use xip varxi_arr += list(varxis[0].copy()) #do p(gal) x p pgp = corrtools.CorrMeasurement(shape_cat, sh_psf, gal_cat2=psf_cat, q2=q2_i, XX=gg, sub_mean=True) spec_pgp, varxis = pgp.get_spec(['pg' + name_i] * 2, 'NZ_DUMMY', kernel_name2='NZ_DUMMY', ret_varxi_arrs=True) psf_auto_specs.append(spec_pgp[0]) varxi_arr += list(varxis[0].copy()) #sp = corrtools.SpectrumMeasurement.from_galcats(['e'+name_i]*2, shape_cat, sh, 'NZ_DUMMY', gal_cat2=psf_cat, q2=q2_i, # XX=gg, kernel_name2='NZ_DUMMY') for j in range(i, len(psf_quantities)): print name_i, psf_corr_names[j] if i == j: pp = corrtools.CorrMeasurement(psf_cat, q2_i, XX=gg, sub_mean=True) sp, varxis = pp.get_spec([name_i + name_i] * 2, 'NZ_DUMMY', ret_varxi_arrs=True) #pp = corrtools.SpectrumMeasurement.from_galcats([name_i+name_i]*2, psf_cat, q2_i, 'NZ_DUMMY', XX=gg) else: q2_j, name_j = psf_quantities[j], psf_corr_names[j] pp = corrtools.CorrMeasurement(psf_cat, q2_i, XX=gg, q2=q2_j, sub_mean=True) sp, varxis = pp.get_spec([name_i + name_j] * 2, 'NZ_DUMMY', ret_varxi_arrs=True) #pp = corrtools.SpectrumMeasurement.from_galcats([name_i+name_j]*2, psf_cat, q2_i, 'NZ_DUMMY', XX=gg, q2=q2_j, kernel_name2='NZ_DUMMY') psf_auto_specs.append(sp[0]) varxi_arr += list(varxis[0].copy()) print 'varxi_arr', varxi_arr print 'cross_specs', cross_specs print 'psf_auto_specs', psf_auto_specs #make shape noise covariance shape_noise_cov = np.diag(np.array(varxi_arr)) shape_noise_cov_info = twopoint.CovarianceMatrixInfo( "COV_SHAPENOISE", [ for s in cross_specs] + [ for s in psf_auto_specs], [len(s.value) for s in cross_specs] + [len(s.value) for s in psf_auto_specs], shape_noise_cov) #No covariance compuation, just save measurement t = twopoint.TwoPointFile(cross_specs + psf_auto_specs, [twopoint.dummy_kernel("NZ_DUMMY")], None, shape_noise_cov_info) t.to_fits(pj(args.outdir, 'corrs_covsn.fits'), clobber=True)