def __init__(self, url, inputFactory=None): self.url = url.rstrip('/') if inputFactory is None: self.inputFactory = SimpleXMLInputFactory()
def setUp(self): self.input = SimpleXMLInputFactory()
class SolrClient(object): """Solr client class used to perform requests to a Solr instance. The client can use different input and output methods using Twisted IProducer and IConsumer. @param url: The URL of the Solr server. @param inputFactory: The input body generator. For advanced uses this argument is used to create custom body generators for the requests using Twisted's IProducer. """ def __init__(self, url, inputFactory=None): self.url = url.rstrip('/') if inputFactory is None: self.inputFactory = SimpleXMLInputFactory() def _request(self, method, path, headers, bodyProducer): """Performs a request to a Solr client The request examines the response to look for wrong header status. Additionally, it parses the response using a ResponseConsumer and creates a L{SolrResponse} object which will be given to the returning deferred callback. @param method: The HTTP method of the request. @param path: The path of the request. @param headers: The headers of the request. @bodyProducer: The L{IBodyProducer} that generates the body of the request. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ result = Deferred() url = self.url + path headers.update({'User-Agent': ['txSolr']}) headers = Headers(headers) _logger.debug('Requesting: [%s] %s' % (method, url)) agent = Agent(reactor) d = agent.request(method, url, headers, bodyProducer) def responseCallback(response): _logger.debug('Received response from ' + url) try: if response.code == 200: deliveryProtocol = ResponseConsumer(result, JSONSolrResponse) response.deliverBody(deliveryProtocol) else: deliveryProtocol = DiscardingResponseConsumer() response.deliverBody(deliveryProtocol) result.errback(HTTPWrongStatus(response.code)) except Exception as e: result.errback(e) def responseErrback(failure): """Unknown error from Agent.request.""" result.errback(HTTPRequestError(failure.value)) _logger.error(failure.value) d.addCallbacks(responseCallback, responseErrback) return result def _update(self, input): """Performs a request to the /update method of Solr. @param input: The L{IBodyProducer} that generates the body of the request. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ method = 'POST' path = '/update?wt=json' headers = {'Content-Type': [self.inputFactory.contentType]} _logger.debug('Updating:\n%s' % input.body) return self._request(method, path, headers, input) def _select(self, params): """Performs a request to the /select method of Solr. @param params: A C{dict} with the request parameters as C{unicode} used for the query. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ # force JSON response for now params.update(wt=u'json') encodedParameters = {} for key, value in params.iteritems(): # Some solr params contains dots (i.e: ht.fl) We use underscores. key = key.replace('_', '.') if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('UTF-8') encodedParameters[key] = value query = urllib.urlencode(encodedParameters) if len(query) < 1024: method = 'GET' path = '/select' + '?' + query headers = {} input = None else: method = 'POST' path = '/select' headers = { 'Content-type': [ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' ] } input = StringProducer(query) return self._request(method, path, headers, input) def add(self, documents, overwrite=None, commitWithin=None): """Add one or many documents to a Solr Instance. @param documents: A C{dict} or C{list} of dicts representing the documents. The dict's keys should be field names and the values field content. @param overwrite: Newer documents will replace previously added documents with the same C{uniqueKey}. @param commitWithin: the addition will be committed within that time. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ input = self.inputFactory.createAdd(documents, overwrite, commitWithin) return self._update(input) def delete(self, ids): """Delete one or many documents given the ID or IDs of the documents. @param ids: A C{string} or list of string representing the IDs of the documents that will be deleted. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ input = self.inputFactory.createDelete(ids) return self._update(input) def deleteByQuery(self, query): """Delete all documents returned by a query. @param query: A Solr query that returns the documents to be deleted. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ input = self.inputFactory.createDeleteByQuery(query) return self._update(input) def commit(self, waitFlush=None, waitSearcher=None, expungeDeletes=None): """Issues a commit action to Sorl. @param waitFlush: Server will block until index changes are flushed to disk. @param waitSearcher: Server will block until a new searcher is opened and registered as the main query searchers. @param expungeDeletes: Merge segments with deletes away. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ input = self.inputFactory.createCommit(waitFlush, waitSearcher, expungeDeletes) return self._update(input) def rollback(self): """Withdraw all uncommitted changes. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ input = self.inputFactory.createRollback() return self._update(input) def optimize(self, waitFlush=None, waitSearcher=None, maxSegments=None): """Issues an optimize action to Solr. @param waitFlush: Server will block until index changes are flushed to disk. @param waitSearcher: Server will block until a new searcher is opened and registered as the main query searcher. @param maxSegments: Optimizes down to at most this number of segments. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ input = self.inputFactory.createOptimize(waitFlush, waitSearcher, maxSegments) return self._update(input) def search(self, query, **kwargs): """Performs a query to Solr. @param query: A C{unicode} query. (See Solr query syntax). @param *kwargs: Additional parameters for the server. For instance: 'hl' for highlighting, 'sort' for sorting, etc. See Solr documentation for all available options. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ params = {} params.update(kwargs) params.update(q=query) return self._select(params) def ping(self): """Ping the server to know if it's alive. This will only work if the Solr server is configured for ping. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{SolrResponse} object. """ method = 'GET' path = '/admin/ping?wt=json' headers = {} return self._request(method, path, headers, None)
class SimpleXMLInputFactoryTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.input = SimpleXMLInputFactory() # TODO: Don't use private methods for this test. def testEncodeValue(self): """L{SimpleXMLInputFactory} encodes primitive values correctly.""" value = datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) value = self.input._encodeValue(value) self.assertEqual(value, '2010-01-01T00:00:00Z') value = date(2010, 1, 1) value = self.input._encodeValue(value) self.assertEqual(value, '2010-01-01T00:00:00Z') value = True value = self.input._encodeValue(value) self.assertEqual(value, 'true') value = 'sample str' value = self.input._encodeValue(value) self.assert_(isinstance(value, unicode)) value = None value = self.input._encodeValue(value) self.assert_(isinstance(value, unicode)) def testCreateAdd(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createAdd} creates a correct body for an C{add} request. """ document = {'id': 1, 'text': 'hello'} expected = ('<add><doc><field name="text">hello</field>' '<field name="id">1</field></doc></add>') input = self.input.createAdd(document).body self.assertEqual(input, expected, 'Wrong input') def testCreateAddEncoding(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createAdd} encodes the C{add} request as UTF-8. """ document = {'id': 1, 'text': u'\U0001d1b6'} expected = ('<add><doc><field name="text">\xf0\x9d\x86\xb6</field>' '<field name="id">1</field></doc></add>') input = self.input.createAdd(document).body self.assertEqual(input, expected, 'Wrong input') def testCreateAddWithCollection(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createAdd} creates a correct body for an C{add} request with a sequence field. """ document = {'id': 1, 'collection': [1, 2, 3]} expected = ('<add><doc><field name="id">1</field>' '<field name="collection">1</field>' '<field name="collection">2</field>' '<field name="collection">3</field></doc></add>') input = self.input.createAdd(document).body self.assertEqual(input, expected, 'Wrong input') def testCreateAddWithWrongValues(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createAdd} raises C{AttributeError} if one of the given values is not a proper C{dict} document. """ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self.input.createAdd, None) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self.input.createAdd, 'string') def testCreateAddWithOverwrite(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createAdd} can add an C{overwrite} option. """ document = {'id': 1, 'text': 'hello'} expected = ('<add overwrite="true">' '<doc><field name="text">hello</field>' '<field name="id">1</field></doc></add>') input = self.input.createAdd(document, overwrite=True).body self.assertEqual(input, expected, 'Wrong input') def testCreateAddWithCommitWithin(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createAdd} can add a C{commitWithin} option. """ document = {'id': 1, 'text': 'hello'} expected = ('<add commitWithin="80">' '<doc><field name="text">hello</field>' '<field name="id">1</field></doc></add>') input = self.input.createAdd(document, commitWithin=80).body self.assertEqual(input, expected, 'Wrong input') def testCreateDelete(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createDelete} creates a correct body for a C{delete} request. """ id = 123 expected = '<delete><id>123</id></delete>' self.assertEqual(self.input.createDelete(id).body, expected) def testCreateDeleteEncoding(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createDelete} encodes a C{delete} request as UTF-8. """ id = u'\U0001d1b6' expected = '<delete><id>\xf0\x9d\x86\xb6</id></delete>' self.assertEqual(self.input.createDelete(id).body, expected) def testCreateDeleteWithEncoding(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createDelete} correctly escapes XML special characters. """ id = '<hola>' expected = '<delete><id><hola></id></delete>' self.assertEqual(self.input.createDelete(id).body, expected) def testCreateDeleteMany(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createDelete} correctly handles multiple document IDs. """ id = [1, 2, 3] expected = '<delete><id>1</id><id>2</id><id>3</id></delete>' self.assertEqual(self.input.createDelete(id).body, expected) def testCommit(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createCommit} creates a correct body for a C{commit} request. """ input = self.input.createCommit().body expected = '<commit />' self.assertEqual(input, expected) def testCommitWaitFlush(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createCommit} can add a C{waitFlush} parameter. """ input = self.input.createCommit(waitFlush=True).body expected = '<commit waitFlush="true" />' self.assertEqual(input, expected) def testCommitWaitSearcher(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createCommit} can add a C{waitSearcher} parameter. """ input = self.input.createCommit(waitSearcher=True).body expected = '<commit waitSearcher="true" />' self.assertEqual(input, expected) def testCommitExpungeDeletes(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createCommit} can add an C{expungeDeletes} parameter. """ input = self.input.createCommit(expungeDeletes=True).body expected = '<commit expungeDeletes="true" />' self.assertEqual(input, expected) def testOptimize(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createOptimize} creates a correct body for an C{optimize} request. """ input = self.input.createOptimize().body expected = '<optimize />' self.assertEqual(input, expected) def testOptimizeWaitFlush(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createOptimize} can add a C{waitFlush} parameter. """ input = self.input.createOptimize(waitFlush=True).body expected = '<optimize waitFlush="true" />' self.assertEqual(input, expected) def testOptimizeWaitSearcher(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createOptimize} can add a C{waitSearcher} parameter. """ input = self.input.createOptimize(waitSearcher=True).body expected = '<optimize waitSearcher="true" />' self.assertEqual(input, expected) def testOptimizeMaxSegments(self): """ L{SimpleXMLInputFactory.createCommit} can add a C{maxSegments} parameter. """ input = self.input.createOptimize(maxSegments=2).body expected = '<optimize maxSegments="2" />' self.assertEqual(input, expected)