def make_converter(proto):
    """Return a function that will convert its argument using <proto> as a
    prototype.  The <proto> is either a type or an instance of a Quantity
    or a string that can be parsed as a Quantity.
    if proto in (int, float):  # simple numerical type

        def topod(other):
            return proto(other)

        return topod

    if proto == str:  # treat string special to instrument some error checking

        def tostr(other):
            other = str(other)
            if other == "":
                raise ValueError, "Empty string is an illegal value for str"
            if other is None:
                raise ValueError, "None is an illegal value for str"
            return other

        return tostr

    if isquantity(proto):
        return toquantity(proto)

    # it better be of some type of self-converting prototype
    def toobj(other):
        ret = proto(other)
        return ret

    return toobj
def validate_input(proto, *args, **kwargs):
    """Validate the input <args> and <kwargs> against the prototypes in <proto>.

    <proto> is a list of ("name",object) tuples.

    <args> is a list of positional arguments assumed to follow the
    ordering of <proto> but may be of shorter length.

    <kwargs> is a dictionary of "name"/object pairs supplying any
    remaining arguments.

    Any unspecified arguments are given the default from <proto> and
    no keys in <kwargs> may be given in addition to what are specified
    in <args>.

    A an ordered list of values are returned.
    # print 'VALIDATE INPUT', str(proto)

    members = OrderedDict()
    converters = dict()
    for name, pval in proto:
        c = make_converter(pval)
        converters[name] = c

        # print 'CONVERTER:',name,c,pval

        # set default
        if isquantity(pval):
            members[name] = c(pval)
        elif hasattr(pval, "default"):
            # print 'SET DEFAULT:',name,pval.default
            members[name] = pval.default()
            members[name] = None

        # if isquantity(pval):
        #     pval = toquantity(pval)(pval)
        # members[name] = pval
        # converters[name] = make_converter(pval)

    already = list()
    for k, v in zip(members.keys(), args):
        members[k] = converters[k](v)
        # print 'ARGS:',k,v,members[k]

    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if k not in converters.keys():
            raise ValueError, 'Object "%s" not in prototype' % (k,)
        if k in already:
            raise ValueError, "Keyword argument already supplied as positional: %s" % k
        members[k] = converters[k](v)
        # print 'KWDS:',k,v,members[k]

    return members.values()