def markdown_filter(value, typogrify=True, extensions=('extra', 'codehilite')):
    A smart wrapper around the ``markdown`` and ``typogrify`` functions that automatically removes leading
    whitespace before every line. This is necessary because Markdown is whitespace-sensitive. Consider some Markdown
    content in a template that looks like this:

    ..  codeblock:: html+jinja
            {% filter markdown %}
                ## A Heading

                Some content here.

                    Code goes here.
                    More lines of code
                    And more.

                Closing thoughts
            {% endfilter %}

    In this example, a typical Markdown filter would see the leading whitespace before the first heading and assume
    it was a code block, which would then cause the entire Markdown document to be rendered incorrectly. You may have
    a document with spacing like this because your text editor automatically 'pretty-prints' the markup,
    including the content within the filter tag.

    This filter automatically removes the leading whitespace - leaving code block and other expected offsets in place
    of course - so that rendering occurs correctly regardless of the nested spacing of the source document.

    # Determine how many leading spaces there are, then remove that number from the beginning of each line.
    match = re.match(r'(\n*)(\s*)', value)
    s, e = match.span(2)
    pattern = re.compile(
        r'^ {%s}' %
        (e - s),  # use ^ in the pattern so mid-string matches won't be removed
    )  # use multi-line mode so ^ will match the start of each line
    output = pattern.sub(u'', value)
    if typogrify:
        return jinja2_filters.typogrify(markdown(output,
        return markdown(output, extensions=extensions)
def markdown_filter(value, typogrify=True, extensions=('extra', 'codehilite')):
    A smart wrapper around the ``markdown`` and ``typogrify`` functions that automatically removes leading
    whitespace before every line. This is necessary because Markdown is whitespace-sensitive. Consider some Markdown
    content in a template that looks like this:

    ..  codeblock:: html+jinja
            {% filter markdown %}
                ## A Heading

                Some content here.

                    Code goes here.
                    More lines of code
                    And more.

                Closing thoughts
            {% endfilter %}

    In this example, a typical Markdown filter would see the leading whitespace before the first heading and assume
    it was a code block, which would then cause the entire Markdown document to be rendered incorrectly. You may have
    a document with spacing like this because your text editor automatically 'pretty-prints' the markup,
    including the content within the filter tag.

    This filter automatically removes the leading whitespace - leaving code block and other expected offsets in place
    of course - so that rendering occurs correctly regardless of the nested spacing of the source document.

    # Determine how many leading spaces there are, then remove that number from the beginning of each line.
    match = re.match(r'(\n*)(\s*)', value)
    s, e = match.span(2)
    pattern = re.compile(r'^ {%s}' % (e - s), # use ^ in the pattern so mid-string matches won't be removed
                         flags=re.MULTILINE) # use multi-line mode so ^ will match the start of each line
    output = pattern.sub(u'', value)
    if typogrify:
        return jinja2_filters.typogrify(markdown(output, extensions=extensions))
        return markdown(output, extensions=extensions)
 def convert_to_html(content):
     return typogrify(
         markdown.markdown(content, extensions=['extra', 'codehilite']))
 def convert_to_html(content):
     return typogrify(markdown.markdown(content, extensions=['extra', 'codehilite']))