def SensorData(): uRAD.detection(distances,0,SNR,0,0,movement) tof3.start_ranging(3) api_dict["back"] = tof3.get_distance() tof3.stop_ranging() api_dict["distance"] = distances[0] api_dict["snr"] = SNR[0] api_dict["movement"] = movement[0] return(json.dumps(api_dict))
def getWeatherData(time): #Transfer the timestamp when function is activated in UNIX time. def websiteData(): #Konfigurasjon av linkt til nettsiden med json fil. cred = credentials.Certificate("/home/pi/Library/FirestoreKey.json") app = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred) store = firestore.client() # Connect the doc_ref to selected Node on the website. doc_ref = store.collection(u'Unit').document(u"Node1" ).collection(u"Activity") #Add bird detection coordinates and in real time. doc_ref.add({u"Bird": 1, u"Cord": [10.39621,63.426905],u"TimeStamp": round(time)}) #The function write to the next line in a specified CSV file when the Raspberry Pi booted up. def startTime(filename): f = open(filename, mode = "a") sensor_write = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) write_to_log = sensor_write.writerow(["\n", "Raspberry pi booted up: ", gettime_print(), gettime()]) #Skriver til CSVfilen. def writeToFile(filename): #the a is for append f = open(filename, mode = "a") sensor_write = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) write_to_log = sensor_write.writerow(["Bird detected", "#", birdCount, " ", gettime_print(), gettime()]) #Return UNIX time in seconds. def gettime(): return round(time.clock_gettime(0)) #Return date og time and write to screen in the pi. #Returns date and time to show def gettime_print(): return #Stores the detection times if the Raspberry Pi loses connection to WiFi. def backup_data(float time): filename = "/home/pi/Library/FugleData_backup" f = open(filename, mode = "a") sensor_write = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) write_to_log = sensor_write.writerow([time]) #Reads the content from a file and returns every line in a matrix. def readFromFile(file): a = [] with open(file) as f: for line in f.readlines(): a.append(line) return a #Erase the content from a file. def delFile(filename): file = open(filename,"r+") file.truncate(0) file.close() getTimePiStartedBoot("/home/pi/Library/FugleData") getWeatherData() # infinite detection loop while True: # target detecton request uRAD.detection(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, movement) time_count = time.perf_counter() if(time_count > 60): getWeatherData() time_count = 0 if (movement[0] == True): detection_time = gettime() print("Bird detected.","#", birdCount," ", gettime_print()) birdCount += 1 writeToFile("/home/pi/Library/FugleData") try: websiteData(detection_time) backup_list = readFromFile("/home/pi/Library/FugleData_backup") #Sends the detection times when the Raspberry Pi lost connection to WiFi. if(len(backup_list) > 0): for i in range(0,len(backup_list)-1): websiteData(float(backuplist[i])) delFile("/home/pi/Library/FugleData_backup") except: backup_data(detection_time)
uRAD.loadConfiguration(uMode, uFrequency, uBW, uSamples, uTargets, uMaxRange, uMTI, uMovement) # Storage Variables distances = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] SNR = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] movement = [0] api_dict = {} # Switch on URAD uRAD.turnON() while True: past_distance = distances uRAD.detection(distances, 0, SNR, 0, 0, movement) for idx in range(0, 5): print(abs(past_distance[idx] - distances[idx])) api_dict["distance"] = distances[0] api_dict["snr"] = SNR[0] api_dict["movement"] = movement[0] @app.route("/") def home(): return render_template("index.html") @app.before_request def option_autoreply(): """ Always reply 200 on OPTIONS request """
# Main datacollection loop # Capture ndata datapoints i = 0 keep_going = True threading.Thread(target=key_capture_thread, args=(), name='key_capture_thread', daemon=True).start() while keep_going and (i < ndata or not ndata): if len(velocity): lastsample = True else: lastsample = False # uRAD.detection(0, velocity, snr, iarr, qarr, movement) uRAD.detection(0, 0, 0, iarr, qarr, movement) velocity = vel.velocity(iarr, qarr) if len(velocity): # v or print("{}: velocity: {: 3.2f}, snr: {: 3.2f}" # .format(i, velocity[0], snr[0])) if args.duration and lastsample: videocapture(duration, 1) if args.send: # Collect data buffadd(activity, velocity) else: v or print(i) # Send data # TODO: threading