def get_centroid_farthest(grid, start, idds): """ =========================================================================== Description: Return Centroid Idd of Set of Idds (farhets if many). =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Grid. 2. idds : set of int (Set of Nodes Idds). =========================================================================== Return: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. int : Centroid. 2. int : Total Distances from Centroid to Idds. =========================================================================== """ centroid = None total_min = float('Infinity') idds = set(idds) for idd in idds: total = get_total_distances_to(grid, idd, idds - {idd}) if (total < total_min): centroid = idd total_min = total if (total == total_min): if (u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, start, idd) > u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, start, centroid)): centroid = idd return centroid, total_min
def get_far_node(grid, src, dist_min, dist_max=float('Infinity')): """ =========================================================================== Description: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Get Grid, Source Node and Distances Boundaries. 2. Return Random Valid Idd within the Boundaries. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Grid 2. src : Node 3. dist_min : int 4. dist_max : float =========================================================================== Return: Random and Valid Node Idd (int). =========================================================================== """ idds = u_grid.get_valid_idds(grid) idds_valid = list() for idd in idds: dist = u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, src, idd) if (dist >= dist_min) and (dist <= dist_max): idds_valid.append(idd) random.shuffle(idds_valid) return idds_valid[0]
def get_farthest(grid, src, dests): """ =========================================================================== Description: Return the Farthest Idd to the Src (random if there are many). =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Grid. 2. src : int (Node Idd). 3. dests : set of int (Nodes Idd). =========================================================================== Return: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. nearest : int (Farthest Node Idd). 2. distance_farthest : int (Distance from Src to the Farthest Dest). =========================================================================== """ farthest = None distance_farthest = 0 for dest in dests: distance = u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, src, dest) if (distance >= distance_farthest): farthest = dest distance_farthest = distance return farthest, distance_farthest
def gen_random_pairs(grid, distance_min, epochs): """ =========================================================================== Description: Generate Random Pairs with Epochs where Min Distance. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Grid. 2. distance_min : int (Min Distance between the Pair Idds). 3. epochs : int (Amount of Attempts). =========================================================================== Return: set of tuples (int,int) : Random Pairs. =========================================================================== """ idds = u_grid.get_valid_idds(grid) pairs = set() if len(idds) < 2: return pairs for i in range(epochs): random.shuffle(idds) idd_1 = idds[0] idd_2 = idds[1] if (u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, idd_1, idd_2) >= distance_min): pairs.add((idd_1, idd_2)) return pairs
def tester_get_path(): grid = u_grid.gen_symmetric_grid(4) start = 0 goal = 12 astar = KAStar(grid, start, {goal}) optimal_path = [0, 4, 8, 12] p1 = astar.get_path(goal) == optimal_path grid = u_grid.gen_symmetric_grid(4) grid[1][1] = -1 grid[2][1] = -1 start = 8 goal = 10 astar = KAStar(grid, start, {goal}) optimal_path = [8, 12, 13, 14, 10] p2 = astar.get_path(goal) == optimal_path p3 = True for i in range(1000): n = u_random.get_random_int(4, 4) grid = u_grid.gen_symmetric_grid(n) idds_valid = u_grid.get_valid_idds(grid) random.shuffle(idds_valid) start = idds_valid[0] goals = idds_valid[1:3] kastar = KAStar(grid, start, goals) for goal in goals: len_optimal = u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, start, goal) + 1 if len(kastar.get_path(goal)) != len_optimal: p3 = False print('start={0}'.format(start)) print('goal={0}'.format(goals)) print('grid:') for row in range(grid.shape[0]): li = list() for col in range(grid.shape[1]): li.append(grid[row][col]) li = [str(x) for x in li] print(','.join(li)) print('goal[{0}]: {1}'.format(goal, kastar.get_path(goal))) fname = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name[7:] if (p1 and p2 and p3): print('OK: {0}'.format(fname)) else: print('Failed: {0}'.format(fname))
def _update_node(self, node, father, g): """ ======================================================================= Description: Update Node. ======================================================================= Attributes: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. node : Node (node to update) 2. father : Node 3. g : int 4. goals : set of int (active goals) ======================================================================= """ node.father = father node.g = g h = u_grid.manhattan_distance(self.grid,node.idd,self.goal) node.f = node.g + h
def get_total_distances_to(grid, src, dests): """ =========================================================================== Description: Return a Total Distances from Source to Destinations. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Grid. 2. src : int (Node Idd). 3. dests : set of int (Nodes Idds). =========================================================================== Return: int (Total Distances from Source to Destinations). =========================================================================== """ total = 0 for dest in dests: total += u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, src, dest) return total
def tester_get_path(): grid = u_grid.gen_symmetric_grid(4) start = 0 goal = 12 astar = AStar(grid,start,goal) optimal_path = [0,4,8,12] p1 = astar.get_path() == optimal_path grid = u_grid.gen_symmetric_grid(4) grid[1][1] = -1 grid[2][1] = -1 start = 8 goal = 10 astar = AStar(grid,start,goal) optimal_path = [8,12,13,14,10] p2 = astar.get_path() == optimal_path p3 = True for i in range(1000): n = u_random.get_random_int(3,10) grid = u_grid.gen_symmetric_grid(n) idds_valid = u_grid.get_valid_idds(grid) random.shuffle(idds_valid) start = idds_valid[0] goal = idds_valid[1] astar = AStar(grid,start,goal) len_optimal = u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid,start,goal)+1 if len(astar.get_path()) != len_optimal: p3 = False fname = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name[7:] if (p1 and p2 and p3): print('OK: {0}'.format(fname)) else: print('Failed: {0}'.format(fname))
def _update_node(self, node, father, g, goals): """ ======================================================================= Description: Update Node. ======================================================================= Attributes: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. node : Node (node to update) 2. father : Node 3. g : int 4. goals : set of int (active goals) ======================================================================= """ node.father = father node.g = g h = float('Infinity') for goal in goals: h_cur = u_grid.manhattan_distance(self._grid, node.idd, goal) self.counter_heuristic += 1 if (h_cur < h): h = h_cur node.h = h node.f = node.g + h
def get_expanded_nodes(grid, grid_g, grid_h, goal): """ =========================================================================== Description: Return the Number of Expanded Nodes of A* Algorithm. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid_g : Grid of G (of Start). 2. grid_h : Grid of H (of Goal). 3. goal : int (Idd number). =========================================================================== Return: Set of Idds (expanded nodes of A* algorithm). =========================================================================== """ grid_f = grid_g + grid_h row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid_f, goal) f = grid_f[row][col] grid_f_less = grid * (grid_f < f) expanded_nodes = set(np.unique(grid_f_less)) - {-1} grid_f_equal = grid * (grid_f == f) candidate_idds = list(np.unique(grid_f_equal)) queue_nodes = queue.PriorityQueue() for idd in candidate_idds: row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid, idd) queue_nodes.put((-grid_g[row][col], idd)) idd_cur = queue_nodes.get() expanded_nodes.add(idd_cur[1]) while not queue_nodes.empty(): idd = queue_nodes.get() if u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, idd_cur[1], idd[1]) == 1: expanded_nodes.add(idd[1]) idd_cur = idd expanded_nodes.remove(0) return expanded_nodes
def gen_grid_h(grid, goal, lookups=set(), grid_lookup=None): """ =========================================================================== Description: Generate Grid of Heuristic values for Idd_1. =========================================================================== Arguments: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. grid : Serialized Grid. 2. goal : int (Node's Id). 3. lookup : Set of Idds. 4. grid_lookup : Grid with True Heuristic. =========================================================================== Return: Grid of Heuristic values for Idd_1. =========================================================================== """ grid_h = np.full([grid.shape[0], grid.shape[1]], -1, dtype=int) for idd in range(grid.size): row, col = u_grid.to_row_col(grid, idd) if grid[row][col] >= 0: if idd in lookups: grid_h[row][col] = grid_lookup[row][col] else: grid_h[row][col] = u_grid.manhattan_distance(grid, idd, goal) return grid_h