    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called while initializing this instance in __new__

        finish_initializing should be called after parsing the UI definition
        and creating a UberwriterWindow object with it in order to finish
        initializing the start of the new UberwriterWindow instance.
        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder
        self.ui = builder.get_ui(self, True)
        self.PreferencesDialog = None # class
        self.preferences_dialog = None # instance
        self.AboutDialog = None # class

        self.settings = Gio.Settings("net.launchpad.uberwriter")
        self.settings.connect('changed', self.on_preferences_changed)

        # Optional application indicator support
        # Run 'quickly add indicator' to get started.
        # More information:
        #  http://owaislone.org/quickly-add-indicator/
        #  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators
            from uberwriter import indicator
            # self is passed so methods of this class can be called from indicator.py
            # Comment this next line out to disable appindicator
            self.indicator = indicator.new_application_indicator(self)
        except ImportError:
    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called while initializing this instance in __new__

        finish_initializing should be called after parsing the UI definition
        and creating a UberwriterWindow object with it in order to finish
        initializing the start of the new UberwriterWindow instance.
        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder
        self.ui = builder.get_ui(self, True)
        self.PreferencesDialog = None  # class
        self.preferences_dialog = None  # instance
        self.AboutDialog = None  # class

        self.settings = Gio.Settings("net.launchpad.uberwriter")
        self.settings.connect('changed', self.on_preferences_changed)

        # Optional application indicator support
        # Run 'quickly add indicator' to get started.
        # More information:
        #  http://owaislone.org/quickly-add-indicator/
        #  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators
            from uberwriter import indicator
            # self is passed so methods of this class can be called from indicator.py
            # Comment this next line out to disable appindicator
            self.indicator = indicator.new_application_indicator(self)
        except ImportError: