def tr_create_font_in(self, chunk):
        h = get_data('<h', chunk[:2])[0]
        esc = get_data('<h', chunk[4:6])[0]
        weight = get_data('<h', chunk[8:10])[0]
        size = round(abs(self.coef * h), 1) * .7
        size = 12.0 if not size else size
        size = 5.0 if size < 5.0 else size
        fl_b = weight >= 500
        fl_i, fl_u, fl_s, charset = get_data('<BBBB', chunk[10:14])
        fl_i = fl_i == wmf_const.META_TRUE
        fl_u = fl_u == wmf_const.META_TRUE
        fl_s = fl_s == wmf_const.META_TRUE

        if charset in wmf_const.META_CHARSETS:
            charset = wmf_const.META_CHARSETS[charset]
            charset = wmf_const.META_CHARSETS[wmf_const.ANSI_CHARSET]

        fontface = wmf_utils.parse_nt_string(chunk[18:]).encode('utf-8')
        font_family = 'Sans'
        if fontface in libpango.get_fonts()[0]:
            font_family = fontface

        font = (font_family, size, fl_b, fl_i, fl_u, fl_s, esc / 10.0, charset)
        self.add_gdiobject(('font', font))
    def tr_textout(self, chunk):
        length = get_data('<h', chunk[:2])[0]

        encoding = self.get_encoding()
        txt = chunk[8:8 + length].decode(encoding)
        txt_length = len(txt)
        txt = txt.encode('utf-8')
        y, x, = get_data('<hhhh', chunk[8 + length:16 + length])
        p = apply_trafo_to_point([x, y], self.get_trafo())

        cfg = self.layer.config
        sk2_style, tags = self.get_text_style()
        markup = [[tags, (0, txt_length)]]
        tr = [] + libgeom.NORMAL_TRAFO
        text = sk2_model.Text(cfg, self.layer, p, txt, -1, tr, sk2_style)
        text.markup = markup
        rect = None
        if self.dc.opacity:
            bg_style = [[], [], [], []]
            clr = [] + self.dc.bgcolor
            clr = [uc2const.COLOR_RGB, clr, 1.0, '', '']
            bg_style[0] = [sk2const.FILL_EVENODD, sk2const.FILL_SOLID, clr]
            bbox = [] + text.cache_bbox
            rect = bbox[:2] + [bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]]
            rect = sk2_model.Rectangle(cfg, self.layer, rect, style=bg_style)
        if self.dc.font[-2]:
            tr = libgeom.trafo_rotate_grad(self.dc.font[-2], p[0], p[1])
            text.trafo = libgeom.multiply_trafo(text.trafo, tr)
            if self.dc.opacity:
                rect.trafo = libgeom.multiply_trafo(rect.trafo, tr)
    def tr_polypolygon(self, chunk):
        polygonnum = get_data('<H', chunk[:2])[0]
        pointnums = []
        pos = 2
        for i in range(polygonnum):
            pointnums.append(get_data('<h', chunk[pos:pos + 2])[0])
            pos += 2
        paths = []
        for pointnum in pointnums:
            points = []
            for i in range(pointnum):
                x, y = get_data('<hh', chunk[pos:4 + pos])
                points.append([float(x), float(y)])
                pos += 4
            if not points[0] == points[-1]:
                points.append([] + points[0])
            paths.append([points[0], points[1:], sk2const.CURVE_CLOSED])
        if not paths:

        cfg = self.layer.config
        sk2_style = self.get_style()
        curve = sk2_model.Curve(cfg, self.layer, paths, self.get_trafo(),
    def tr_stretch_dib(self, chunk):
        src_h, src_w, = get_data('<hh', chunk[6:10])
        dst_h, dst_w, dst_y, dst_x = get_data('<hhhh', chunk[14:22])
        imagestr = utils.dib_to_bmp(chunk[22:])

        tr = self.get_trafo()
        p0 = apply_trafo_to_point([dst_x, dst_y], tr)
        p1 = apply_trafo_to_point([dst_w + dst_x, dst_h + dst_y], tr)
        w = abs(p1[0] - p0[0])
        h = abs(p1[1] - p0[1])
        trafo = [w / src_w, 0.0, 0.0, h / src_h, p0[0], p0[1] - h]

        pixmap = sk2_model.Pixmap(self.layer.config)
        pixmap.handler.load_from_fileptr(self.sk2_doc.cms, StringIO(imagestr))
        pixmap.trafo = trafo
    def tr_arc(self, chunk, arc_type=sk2const.ARC_ARC):
        ye, xe, ys, xs, bottom, right, top, left = get_data('<hhhhhhhh', chunk)
        left, top = apply_trafo_to_point([left, top], self.get_trafo())
        right, bottom = apply_trafo_to_point([right, bottom], self.get_trafo())
        xs, ys = apply_trafo_to_point([xs, ys], self.get_trafo())
        xe, ye = apply_trafo_to_point([xe, ye], self.get_trafo())

        if left != right and top != bottom:
            t = [(right - left) / 2, 0, 0, (bottom - top) / 2,
                 (right + left) / 2, (top + bottom) / 2]
            t = libgeom.invert_trafo(t)
            xs, ys = apply_trafo_to_point([xs, ys], t)
            xe, ye = apply_trafo_to_point([xe, ye], t)
            end_angle = libgeom.get_point_angle([xs, ys], [0.0, 0.0])
            start_angle = libgeom.get_point_angle([xe, ye], [0.0, 0.0])
            start_angle = end_angle = 0.0

        cfg = self.layer.config
        sk2_style = self.get_style()
        if arc_type == sk2const.ARC_ARC:
            sk2_style[0] = []
        rect = [left, top, right - left, bottom - top]
        ellipse = sk2_model.Circle(cfg, self.layer, rect, start_angle,
                                   end_angle, arc_type, sk2_style)
    def tr_polyline(self, chunk):
        pointnum = get_data('<h', chunk[:2])[0]
        points = []
        for i in range(pointnum):
            x, y = get_data('<hh', chunk[2 + i * 4:6 + i * 4])
            points.append([float(x), float(y)])
        if len(points) < 2:
        paths = [
            [points[0], points[1:], sk2const.CURVE_OPENED],

        cfg = self.layer.config
        sk2_style = self.get_style()
        sk2_style[0] = []
        curve = sk2_model.Curve(cfg, self.layer, paths, self.get_trafo(),
    def tr_rectangle(self, chunk):
        bottom, right, top, left = get_data('<hhhh', chunk)
        left, top = apply_trafo_to_point([left, top], self.get_trafo())
        right, bottom = apply_trafo_to_point([right, bottom], self.get_trafo())

        cfg = self.layer.config
        sk2_style = self.get_style()
        rect = [left, top, right - left, bottom - top]
        rect = sk2_model.Rectangle(cfg, self.layer, rect, style=sk2_style)
 def tr_select_object(self, chunk):
     obj = None
     idx = get_data('<h', chunk)[0]
     if idx < len(self.gdiobjects):
         obj = self.gdiobjects[idx]
     if obj:
         if obj[0] == 'stroke':
         elif obj[0] == 'fill':
         elif obj[0] == 'font':
    def tr_create_pen_in(self, chunk):
        stroke = []
        style, width = get_data('<hh', chunk[:4])
        r, g, b = get_data('<BBBx', chunk[6:10])
        if not style & 0x000F == wmf_const.PS_NULL:
            stroke_rule = sk2const.STROKE_MIDDLE
            color_vals = [r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0]
            color = [uc2const.COLOR_RGB, color_vals, 1.0, '']
            stroke_width = abs(width * self.get_trafo()[0])
            if stroke_width < 1.0:
                stroke_width = 1.0

            stroke_linecap = sk2const.CAP_ROUND
            cap = style & 0x0F00
            for item in SK2_CAPS.keys():
                if cap == item:
                    stroke_linecap = SK2_CAPS[item]

            stroke_linejoin = sk2const.JOIN_MITER
            join = style & 0xF000
            for item in SK2_JOIN.keys():
                if join == item:
                    stroke_linejoin = SK2_JOIN[item]

            dashes = []
            dash = style & 0x000F
            for item in wmf_const.META_DASHES.keys():
                if dash == item:
                    dashes = [] + wmf_const.META_DASHES[item]

            stroke_miterlimit = 9.0

            stroke = [
                stroke_rule, stroke_width, color, dashes, stroke_linecap,
                stroke_linejoin, stroke_miterlimit, 0, 1, []
        self.add_gdiobject(('stroke', stroke))
    def tr_lineto(self, chunk):
        y, x = get_data('<hh', chunk)
        p = [x, y]
        paths = [
            [self.get_curpoint(), [
            ], sk2const.CURVE_OPENED],
        self.set_curpoint([] + p)

        cfg = self.layer.config
        sk2_style = self.get_style()
        sk2_style[0] = []
        curve = sk2_model.Curve(cfg, self.layer, paths, self.get_trafo(),
    def tr_dibcreate_pat_brush(self, chunk):
        # style, colorusage = get_data('<hh', chunk[:4])
        imagestr = utils.dib_to_bmp(chunk[4:])
        bitsperpixel = get_data('<h', chunk[18:20])[0]

        ptrn, flag = libimg.read_pattern(imagestr)

        ptrn_type = sk2const.PATTERN_TRUECOLOR
        if flag or bitsperpixel == 1:
            ptrn_type = sk2const.PATTERN_IMG
        ptrn_style = [
        ptrn_trafo = [] + sk2const.NORMAL_TRAFO
        ptrn_transf = [] + sk2const.PATTERN_TRANSFORMS

        pattern = [ptrn_type, ptrn, ptrn_style, ptrn_trafo, ptrn_transf]
        fill = [sk2const.FILL_EVENODD, sk2const.FILL_PATTERN, pattern]
        self.add_gdiobject(('fill', fill))
    def tr_create_brush_in(self, chunk):
        fill = []
        style, r, g, b, hatch = get_data('<hBBBxh', chunk)
        color_vals = [r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0]
        color = [uc2const.COLOR_RGB, color_vals, 1.0, '']
        if style == wmf_const.BS_SOLID:
            fill = [sk2const.FILL_EVENODD, sk2const.FILL_SOLID, color]
        elif style == wmf_const.BS_HATCHED:
            if hatch not in wmf_hatches.WMF_HATCHES:
                hatch = wmf_const.HS_HORIZONTAL
            ptrn = wmf_hatches.WMF_HATCHES[hatch]
            ptrn_type = sk2const.PATTERN_IMG

            bgcolor = [uc2const.COLOR_RGB, [] + self.dc.bgcolor, 1.0, '']
            ptrn_style = [color, bgcolor]

            ptrn_trafo = [] + sk2const.NORMAL_TRAFO
            ptrn_transf = [] + sk2const.PATTERN_TRANSFORMS
            pattern = [ptrn_type, ptrn, ptrn_style, ptrn_trafo, ptrn_transf]
            fill = [sk2const.FILL_EVENODD, sk2const.FILL_PATTERN, pattern]
        self.add_gdiobject(('fill', fill))
    def tr_round_rectangle(self, chunk):
        eh, ew, bottom, right, top, left = get_data('<hhhhhh', chunk)
        corners = 4 * [
        if eh and ew:
            coef = max(ew / abs(right - left), eh / abs(bottom - top))
            corners = 4 * [
        left, top = apply_trafo_to_point([left, top], self.get_trafo())
        right, bottom = apply_trafo_to_point([right, bottom], self.get_trafo())

        cfg = self.layer.config
        sk2_style = self.get_style()
        rect = [left, top, right - left, bottom - top]
        rect = sk2_model.Rectangle(cfg,
    def tr_set_text_align(self, chunk):
        mode = get_data('<h', chunk[:2])[0]

        self.dc.text_update_cp = True
        if not mode & 0x0001:
            self.dc.text_update_cp = False

        lower = mode & 0x0007
        self.dc.text_align = sk2const.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT
        if lower & 0x0006 == wmf_const.TA_CENTER:
            self.dc.text_align = sk2const.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER
        elif lower & wmf_const.TA_RIGHT:
            self.dc.text_align = sk2const.TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT

        if mode & wmf_const.TA_BASELINE == wmf_const.TA_BASELINE:
            self.dc.text_valign = sk2const.TEXT_VALIGN_BASELINE
        elif mode & wmf_const.TA_BOTTOM:
            self.dc.text_valign = sk2const.TEXT_VALIGN_BOTTOM
            self.dc.text_valign = sk2const.TEXT_VALIGN_TOP

        self.dc.text_rtl = False
        if mode & wmf_const.TA_RTLREADING:
            self.dc.text_rtl = True
 def tr_moveto(self, chunk):
     y, x = get_data('<hh', chunk)
     self.set_curpoint([x, y])
 def tr_set_bg_mode(self, chunk):
     mode = get_data('<h', chunk[:2])[0]
     self.dc.opacity = mode == wmf_const.OPAQUE
 def tr_delete_object(self, chunk):
     idx = get_data('<h', chunk)[0]
     if idx < len(self.gdiobjects):
         self.gdiobjects[idx] = None
 def tr_set_text_color(self, chunk):
     self.dc.text_color = [val / 255.0 for val in get_data('<BBBx', chunk)]
 def tr_set_window_ext(self, chunk):
     self.wheight, self.wwidth = get_data('<hh', chunk)
 def tr_set_polyfill_mode(self, chunk):
     mode = get_data('<h', chunk[:2])[0]
     if mode in SK2_FILL_RULE:
         self.dc.fill_rule = SK2_FILL_RULE[mode]
    def translate(self, wmf_doc, sk2_doc):
        self.wmf_doc = wmf_doc
        self.sk2_doc = sk2_doc
        self.wmf_mt = wmf_doc.model
        self.sk2_mt = sk2_doc.model
        self.sk2_mtds = sk2_doc.methods

        inch = wmf_const.META_DPI
        left = top = 0
        right = wmf_const.META_W
        bottom = wmf_const.META_H
        header = self.wmf_mt
        self.gdiobjects = []
        self.dcstack = []
        self.dc = DC_Data()

        if self.wmf_mt.is_placeable():
            sig, handle, left, top, right, bottom, inch, rsvd, checksum \
                = get_data(wmf_const.STRUCT_PLACEABLE, self.wmf_mt.chunk)

            val = 0
            for word in get_data('<10h', self.wmf_mt.chunk[:20]):
                val = val ^ word
            if val != checksum:
                LOG.warn('Incorrect WMF header checksum!')

            header = self.wmf_mt.childs[0]

        self.inch = inch
        self.bbox = (left, top, right, bottom)

        self.coef = uc2const.in_to_pt / self.inch
        self.wx = self.vx = left
        self.vwidth = self.wwidth = right - left
        self.vheight = self.wheight = bottom - top
        self.wy = self.vy = top

        self.base_trafo = [
            self.coef, 0, 0, -self.coef,
            -self.coef * self.vwidth / 2.0 - self.coef * self.vx,
            self.coef * self.vheight / 2.0 + self.coef * self.vy

        self.rec_funcs = {
            wmf_const.META_SETWINDOWORG: self.tr_set_window_org,
            wmf_const.META_SETWINDOWEXT: self.tr_set_window_ext,
            wmf_const.META_SETPOLYFILLMODE: self.tr_set_polyfill_mode,
            wmf_const.META_SETBKMODE: self.tr_set_bg_mode,
            wmf_const.META_SETBKCOLOR: self.tr_set_bg_color,
            wmf_const.META_SAVEDC: self.tr_save_dc,
            wmf_const.META_RESTOREDC: self.tr_restore_dc,
            wmf_const.META_CREATEPENINDIRECT: self.tr_create_pen_in,
            wmf_const.META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT: self.tr_create_brush_in,
            wmf_const.META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT: self.tr_create_font_in,
            wmf_const.META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH: self.tr_dibcreate_pat_brush,
            wmf_const.META_STRETCHDIB: self.tr_stretch_dib,
            # ---------
            wmf_const.META_CREATEPALETTE: self.tr_create_noop,
            wmf_const.META_CREATEPATTERNBRUSH: self.tr_create_noop,
            wmf_const.META_CREATEREGION: self.tr_create_noop,
            # ---------
            wmf_const.META_SELECTOBJECT: self.tr_select_object,
            wmf_const.META_DELETEOBJECT: self.tr_delete_object,
            wmf_const.META_ELLIPSE: self.tr_ellipse,
            wmf_const.META_RECTANGLE: self.tr_rectangle,
            wmf_const.META_ROUNDRECT: self.tr_round_rectangle,
            wmf_const.META_POLYGON: self.tr_polygon,
            wmf_const.META_POLYPOLYGON: self.tr_polypolygon,
            wmf_const.META_POLYLINE: self.tr_polyline,
            wmf_const.META_ARC: self.tr_arc,
            wmf_const.META_CHORD: self.tr_chord,
            wmf_const.META_PIE: self.tr_pie,
            wmf_const.META_MOVETO: self.tr_moveto,
            wmf_const.META_LINETO: self.tr_lineto,
            wmf_const.META_TEXTOUT: self.tr_textout,
            wmf_const.META_EXTTEXTOUT: self.tr_exttextout,
            wmf_const.META_SETTEXTCOLOR: self.tr_set_text_color,
            wmf_const.META_SETTEXTALIGN: self.tr_set_text_align,
            wmf_const.META_SETTEXTCHAREXTRA: self.noop,
            wmf_const.META_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION: self.noop,

 def tr_set_window_org(self, chunk):
     self.wy, self.wx = get_data('<hh', chunk)