 def create_nc_project(self):
     """Creates a neuroConstruct project from the NeuroML2 file(s)."""
     from java.io import File
     from ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.project import Project
     from ucl.physiol.neuroconstruct.cell.converters import MorphMLConverter
     project = Project.createNewProject('/Users/rgerkin/', self.model_name,
     morphDir = File(
         % NC_HOME)
     morphmlFile = File(morphDir, "SimplePurkinjeCell.morph.xml")
     converter = MorphMLConverter()
     cell = converter.loadFromMorphologyFile(morphmlFile, "NewCell")
     project.cellManager.addCellType(cell)  # Actually add it to the project
         "DefaultCellGroup", cell.getInstanceName(
         ))  # Set the type of an existing cell group to this
print "Loading project from file: " + projFile.getAbsolutePath(
) + ", exists: " + str(projFile.exists())

pm = ProjectManager()
myProject = pm.loadProject(projFile)
print "Loaded project: " + myProject.getProjectName()

morphDir = File(
morphmlFile = File(morphDir, "SimplePurkinjeCell.morph.xml")

print "Going to load morphology from: " + morphmlFile.getCanonicalPath()

converter = MorphMLConverter()
cell = converter.loadFromMorphologyFile(morphmlFile, "NewCell")

print "Loaded cell: " + cell.getInstanceName() + " with " + str(
    cell.getAllSegments().size()) + " segments"

myProject.cellManager.addCellType(cell)  # Actually add it to the project
    cell.getInstanceName())  # Set the type of an existing cell group to this

# Now the project can be generated as in Ex5_MultiSimGenerate.py

#      * OR *

# Save project
# Uncomment these lines to save the morphology in the project, then view the
projFile = File("TestPython/TestPython.neuro.xml")
print "Loading project from file: " + projFile.getAbsolutePath()+", exists: "+ str(projFile.exists())

pm = ProjectManager()
myProject = pm.loadProject(projFile)
print "Loaded project: " + myProject.getProjectName() 

morphDir = File("../nCexamples/Ex3_Morphology/importedMorphologies/")
morphmlFile = File(morphDir, "SimplePurkinjeCell.morph.xml")

print "Going to load morphology from: " + morphmlFile.getCanonicalPath()

converter = MorphMLConverter()
cell = converter.loadFromMorphologyFile(morphmlFile, "NewCell") 

print "Loaded cell: " + cell.getInstanceName() + " with " + str(cell.getAllSegments().size()) +" segments" 

myProject.cellManager.addCellType(cell) # Actually add it to the project
myProject.cellGroupsInfo.setCellType("SampleCellGroup", cell.getInstanceName()) # Set the type of an existing cell group to this

# Now the project can be generated as in Ex5_MultiSimGenerate.py

#      * OR *

# Save project
# Uncomment these lines to save the morphology in the project, then view the