class Note(uorm.Model): __db__ = db __table__ = "note" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("id", ("INT",, ("timestamp", ("TIMESTAMP",, ("archived", ("INT", 0)), ("content", ("TEXT", "")), ]) @classmethod def public(cls): print("public") for v in cls.__db__.db.values(None, None, btree.DESC): res = ujson.loads(v) row = cls.Row(*res) if row.archived: continue yield row @classmethod def get_keys(cls): keys = [] for key in cls.__db__.db: keys.append(key) return keys @classmethod def del_key(cls, key): del cls.__db__.db[key] cls.__db__.db.flush() return 0
def __init__(self, bus, reset_pin=None, default_address=True, declination=(0, 0)): self.i2c = pyb.I2C(bus, pyb.I2C.MASTER) if reset_pin is not None: self.reset_pin = pyb.Pin(reset_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) else: self.reset_pin = reset_pin if default_address: self.address = 0x28 else: self.address = 0x29 self.declination = (declination[0] + declination[1] / 60) * math.pi / 180 self.quat_scale = 1.0 / (1 << 14) self.sample_delay = 100 self.default_mode = self.modes["NDOF"] self.offsets = OrderedDict( accel_offset_x=0, accel_offset_y=0, accel_offset_z=0, mag_offset_x=0, mag_offset_y=0, mag_offset_z=0, gyro_offset_x=0, gyro_offset_y=0, gyro_offset_z=0, accel_radius=0, mag_radius=0, ) self.init_sensor()
class ruleTable(uorm.Model): # Create script table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "rule" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("id", 1), ("enable", "off"), ("name", ""), ("filename", ""), ("delay", 60), ]) @classmethod def mapkeys(cls, obj): return [obj.get(k) for k in cls.__schema__.keys()] @classmethod def public(cls): res = [x for x in cls.get()] return res @classmethod def getrow(cls): res = next(cls.get()) return res @classmethod def list(cls): res = [x for x in cls.scan()] return res.values
class serviceTable(uorm.Model): # Create service table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "service" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("id", 1), ("name", ""), ("server", ""), ("port", ""), ("template", ""), ]) @classmethod def mapkeys(cls, obj): return [obj.get(k) for k in cls.__schema__.keys()] @classmethod def public(cls): res = [x for x in cls.get()] return res @classmethod def getrow(cls): res = next(cls.get()) return res @classmethod def list(cls): res = [x for x in cls.scan()] return res
class pluginstoreTable(uorm.Model): # Create plugin table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "pluginstore" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("name", ""), ("data", ""), ]) @classmethod def mapkeys(cls, obj): return [obj.get(k) for k in cls.__schema__.keys()] @classmethod def public(cls): res = [x for x in cls.get()] return res @classmethod def getrow(cls): res = next(cls.get()) return res @classmethod def list(cls): res = [x for x in cls.scan()] return res.values
class notificationTable(uorm.Model): # Create notification table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "notification" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("id", 1), ("serviceid", 1), ("enable", ""), ]) @classmethod def mapkeys(cls, obj): return [obj.get(k) for k in cls.__schema__.keys()] @classmethod def public(cls): res = [x for x in cls.get()] return res @classmethod def getrow(cls): res = next(cls.get()) return res @classmethod def list(cls): res = [x for x in cls.scan()] return res
def init_db(umod): tb_name = "board_cfg" tb_schema = OrderedDict([("name", ""), ("board", ""), ("uid", ""), ("client", ""), ("init", 0)]) umod.mod_add(tb_name, tb_schema) tb_name = "board_mod" tb_schema = OrderedDict([ ("name", ""), ("active", ""), ("status", ""), ]) umod.mod_add(tb_name, tb_schema)
class LoginData(uorm.Model): __db__ = db __table__ = "login" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp", ("TIMESTAMP",, ("archived", ("INT", 0)), ("username", ("TEXT", "")), ("password", ("TEXT", "")), ("email", ("TEXT", "")), ("street", ("TEXT", "")), ("city", ("TEXT", "")), ("postcode", ("TEXT", "")), ("country", ("TEXT", "")), ("mobile", ("TEXT", "")), ("content", ("TEXT", "")), ]) @classmethod def mapkeys(cls, obj): return [obj.get(k) for k in cls.__schema__.keys()] @classmethod def public(cls): res = [x for x in cls.scan() if x.archived == 0] res.sort(key=lambda x: x.timestamp, reverse=True) return res
def save(self, ordered=False): # dump updated setting into json print("Writing new config item to file %s" % self.file) with open(self.file, 'w') as f: if ordered: ujson.dump(self.config, f) else: ujson.dump(OrderedDict(self.config), f)
class dxmapTable(uorm.Model): # Create dxpin table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "dxmap" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("count", 0), ("d0", ""), ("d1", ""), ("d2", ""), ("d3", ""), ("d4", ""), ("d5", ""), ("d6", ""), ("d7", ""), ("d8", ""), ("d9", ""), ("d10", ""), ("d11", ""), ("d12", ""), ("d13", ""), ("d14", ""), ("d15", ""), ("d16", ""), ("d17", ""), ("d18", ""), ("d19", ""), ("d20", ""), ("d21", ""), ("d22", ""), ("d23", ""), ("d24", ""), ("d25", ""), ("d26", ""), ("d27", ""), ("d28", ""), ("d29", ""), ("d30", ""), ("d31", ""), ("d32", ""), ("d33", ""), ("d34", ""), ("d35", ""), ("d36", ""), ("d37", ""), ("d38", ""), ("d39", ""), ("d40", ""), ]) @classmethod def getrow(cls): try: res = next(cls.get()) except StopIteration: return None return res
def init_db(umod): tb_name = "cfg_telnet" tb_schema = OrderedDict([ ("name", ""), ("port", ""), ("pswd", ""), ]) umod.mod_add(tb_name, tb_schema, active="1", up="ap")
def init_db(umod): tb_name = "board_pin" tb_schema = OrderedDict([ ("name", ""), ("npin", ""), ("bpin", "") ]) umod.mod_add(tb_name, tb_schema, active="1", up="main")
def mod_get(self, m_name): self.tbl_add() if self._tbl == m_name: return True s_mod = self.mod_sel(m_name) if len(s_mod): self.tbl_add(s_mod[0]["name"], OrderedDict(s_mod[0]["sch"])) return True return False
def __init__(self, store_path="u_config"): _sch_name = "_schema" _sch_conf = OrderedDict([ ("name", ("str", "")), ("sch", ("dict", ())), ]) = uorm.Store(store_schema=_sch_name, store_path=store_path, store_config=_sch_conf) self.lock = asyncio.Lock()
def init_db(umod): tb_name = "cfg_mqtt" tb_schema = OrderedDict([ ("name", ""), ("type", ""), ("ip", ""), ("port", ""), ]) umod.mod_add(tb_name, tb_schema, active="1", up="sta")
def mod_get(self, m_name): self.tbl_add() if self._tbl == m_name: return self._sch s_mod = self.mod_sel(m_name) if len(s_mod): sch = OrderedDict(s_mod[0]["sch"]) self.tbl_add(s_mod[0]["name"], sch) return sch return False
def UNION(fields): res = OrderedDict() off = 0 for k, t in fields.items(): if isinstance(t, tuple): assert t[0] == 0 res[k] = (off, t[1]) else: res[k] = off | t off = uctypes.PREV_OFFSET return res
def __init__(self, db="u_db"): self.db = uorm.DB(db) self.model = uorm.Model self.model.__db__ = self.db self._tbl = "modules" self._sch = OrderedDict([ ("name", ""), ("sch", ""), ("active", ""), ("up", ""), ])
def init_db(umod): tb_name= "cfg_wifi_sta" tb_schema = OrderedDict([ ("name", ""), ("ssid", ""), ("passwd", ""), ]) umod.mod_add(tb_name, tb_schema) tb_name= "cfg_wifi_ap" tb_schema = OrderedDict([ ("name", ""), ("essid", ""), ("channel", ""), ("password", ""), ("authmode", ""), ]) umod.mod_add(tb_name, tb_schema)
class advancedTable(uorm.Model): # Create advanced table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "advanced" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("scripts", "off"), ("rules", "off"), ("notifications", "off"), ("mqttretain", ""), ("messagedelay", 0), ("ntphostname", ""), ("ntptimezone", 60), ("ntpdst", ""), ("sysloghostname", ""), ("sysloglevel", 0), ("serialloglevel", 1), ("webloglevel", 0), ("webloglines", 10), ("enablesdlog", ""), ("sdloglevel", 0), ("enableserial", ""), ("serialbaudrate", 115200), ("enablesync", ""), ("syncport", 8888), ("fixedipoctet", 0), ("wdi2caddress", 0), ("usessdp", ""), ("connectfailure", 0), ("i2cstretchlimit", 0), ]) @classmethod def mapkeys(cls, obj): return [obj.get(k) for k in cls.__schema__.keys()] @classmethod def public(cls): res = [x for x in cls.get()] return res @classmethod def getrow(cls): res = next(cls.get()) return res @classmethod def list(cls): res = [x for x in cls.scan()] return res
def adc_gen(pin, delay=None): sample = 0 adc = pyb.ADC(pin) ms_time = utime.ticks_ms() while True: if (delay is None) or (utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), ms_time) > delay): ms_time = utime.ticks_ms() value = hist = OrderedDict() hist['#'] = sample hist['adc'] = value yield (sample, value, hist) sample += 1
def init_db(umod): tb_name = "cfg_push" tb_schema = OrderedDict([ ("name", ""), ("b_pin", ""), ("p_on", ""), ("p_mode", ""), ("p_pull", ""), ("ps_mode", ""), ("ps_pin", ""), ("value", ""), ]) umod.mod_add(tb_name, tb_schema, active="1", up="main")
def __init__(self, bus, reset_pin=None, default_address=True, declination=(0, 0)): self.i2c = pyb.I2C(bus, pyb.I2C.MASTER) if reset_pin is not None: self.reset_pin = pyb.Pin(reset_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) else: self.reset_pin = reset_pin if default_address: self.address = 0x28 else: self.address = 0x29 self.declination = \ (declination[0] + declination[1] / 60) * math.pi / 180 self.quat_scale = 1.0 / (1 << 14) self.sample_delay = 100 self.default_mode = self.modes['NDOF'] self.offsets = OrderedDict(accel_offset_x=0, accel_offset_y=0, accel_offset_z=0, mag_offset_x=0, mag_offset_y=0, mag_offset_z=0, gyro_offset_x=0, gyro_offset_y=0, gyro_offset_z=0, accel_radius=0, mag_radius=0) self.init_sensor()
def generator(self, delay=None): """Return a generator """ sample = 0 ms_time = utime.ticks_ms() while True: if (delay is None) or (utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), ms_time) > delay): ms_time = utime.ticks_ms() value = self.range hist = OrderedDict() hist['#'] = sample hist['mm'] = value yield (sample, value, hist) sample += 1
class controllerTable(uorm.Model): # Create controller table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "controller" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("id", 1), ("usedns", ""), ("hostname", ""), ("port", 1883), ("user", ""), ("password", ""), ("subscribe", ""), ("publish", ""), ("enable", ""), ("protocol", ""), ]) @classmethod def public(cls): # if cached: return cached table if hasattr(cls, '_controller'): return cls._controller # no cache: fetch it! try: cls._controller = [x for x in cls.get()] except StopIteration: return None return cls._controller @classmethod def getrow(cls): try: res = next(cls.get()) except StopIteration: return None return res @classmethod def delete(cls, timestamp): # delete the table record try: os.remove(cls.fname(timestamp)) # if cached: delete cached table if hasattr(cls, '_controller'): del cls._controller except KeyError: return False return True
class pluginTable(uorm.Model): # Create plugin table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "plugin" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("id", 1), ("name", ""), ("dtype", ""), ("stype", ""), ("pincnt", 1), ("valuecnt", 1), ("senddata", ""), ("formula", ""), ("sync", ""), ("timer", ""), ("pullup", ""), ("inverse", ""), ("port", ""), ("module", ""), ("template", ""), ]) @classmethod def public(cls): try: res = [x for x in cls.get()] except StopIteration: return None return res @classmethod def getrow(cls): try: res = next(cls.get()) except StopIteration: return None return res @classmethod def delete(cls, timestamp): # delete the table record try: os.remove(cls.fname(timestamp)) except KeyError: return False return True
def adc_gen_burst(pin, delay=None): buf = bytearray(500) # create a buffer of 100 bytes sample = 0 start = utime.ticks_ms() tim = pyb.Timer(4, freq=100) adc = pyb.ADC(pin) while True: adc.read_timed(buf, tim) for val in buf: # loop over all values value = hist = OrderedDict() hist['#'] = sample hist['adc'] = value hist['ms'] = utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), start) yield (sample, value, hist) sample += 1
class WifiAPModel(BaseModel): __table__ = "wifiap" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("created_at", str(int(utime.time()))), ("channel", 11), ("hidden", False), ("authmode", 4), ("essid", "geekgarden"), ("password", "mysupersecretpass"), ("hostname", "geekgarden"), ("ip", ""), ("mask", ""), ("gateway", ""), ("dns", ""), ]) __fields__ = list(__schema__.keys())
def cdf_cal(time_list): """ Calculates the cdf for the time delay :param list: the list of times """ results_sum = OrderedDict() for time in time_list: print("time:{}".format(time)) round_time = round(time, 3) print("round_time:{}".format(round_time)) if round_time in results_sum: results_sum[round_time] += 1 else: results_sum[round_time] = 1 #print("results_sum -> {}".format(results_sum)) for time_delay in results_sum: results_sum[time_delay] = results_sum[time_delay] / len(time_list)
def generator(self, delay=50): """Return a generator """ sample = 0 ms_time = utime.ticks_ms() while True: if (delay is None) or (utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), ms_time) > delay): ms_time = utime.ticks_ms() value = self.range # preserve the value of the measurement hist = OrderedDict() # create a simple dictionary hist['#'] = sample # the number of each sample hist[ 'mm'] = value # write the value of the measurement into the dictionary hist['time'] = ms_time yield (sample, value, hist) # create a generator sample += 1
class scriptTable(uorm.Model): # Create script table __db__ = _dbc __table__ = "script" __schema__ = OrderedDict([ ("timestamp",, ("id", 1), ("enable", "off"), ("pluginid", 0), ("name", ""), ("filename", ""), ("delay", 60), ]) @classmethod def public(cls): # if cached: return cached table if hasattr(cls, '_script'): return cls._script # no cache: fetch it! try: cls._script = [x for x in cls.get()] except StopIteration: return None return cls._script @classmethod def getrow(cls): try: res = next(cls.get()) except StopIteration: return None return res @classmethod def delete(cls, timestamp): # delete the table record try: os.remove(cls.fname(timestamp)) # if cached: delete cached table if hasattr(cls, '_script'): del cls._script except KeyError: return False return True
class BNO055: reg = dict( VECTOR_ACCELEROMETER=0x08, VECTOR_MAGNETOMETER=0x0e, VECTOR_GYROSCOPE=0x14, VECTOR_EULER=0x1a, VECTOR_LINEARACCEL=0x28, VECTOR_GRAVITY=0x2e, QUATERNION_DATA=0x20, TEMPERATURE=0x34, CHIP_ID=0x00, SYS_TRIGGER=0x3f, OPR_MODE=0x3d, PAGE_ID=0x07, PWR_MODE=0x3e, ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR=0x55, CALIB_STAT_ADDR=0x35, ) modes = dict( CONFIG=0x00, NDOF=0x0c, ) power_modes = dict( NORMAL=0x00, LOW=0x01, SUSPEND=0x02 ) BNO055_ID = 0xa0 NUM_BNO055_OFFSET_REGISTERS = 22 def __init__(self, bus, reset_pin=None, default_address=True, declination=(0, 0)): print(bus) self.i2c = pyb.I2C(bus, pyb.I2C.MASTER) if reset_pin is not None: self.reset_pin = pyb.Pin(reset_pin, pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) else: self.reset_pin = reset_pin if default_address: self.address = 0x28 else: self.address = 0x29 self.declination = \ (declination[0] + declination[1] / 60) * math.pi / 180 self.quat_scale = 1.0 / (1 << 14) self.sample_delay = 100 self.default_mode = self.modes['NDOF'] self.offsets = OrderedDict( accel_offset_x=0, accel_offset_y=0, accel_offset_z=0, mag_offset_x=0, mag_offset_y=0, mag_offset_z=0, gyro_offset_x=0, gyro_offset_y=0, gyro_offset_z=0, accel_radius=0, mag_radius=0 ) self.init_sensor() def init_sensor(self): pyb.delay(1000) addresses = self.i2c.scan() if self.address not in addresses: raise Exception("Address %s not found during scan: %s" % ( self.address, addresses)) if not self.i2c.is_ready(self.address): raise Exception("Device not ready") pyb.delay(50) chip_id = self.read_8(self.reg['CHIP_ID']) if ord(chip_id) != self.BNO055_ID: pyb.delay(1000) # wait for boot chip_id = self.read_8(self.reg['CHIP_ID']) if ord(chip_id) != self.BNO055_ID: raise Exception("Chip ID invalid:", chip_id) self.set_mode(self.modes['CONFIG']) self.write_8(self.reg['SYS_TRIGGER'], 0x20) # reset pyb.delay(1000) # while ord(self.read_8(self.reg['CHIP_ID'])) != self.BNO055_ID: # pyb.delay(10) self.write_8(self.reg['PWR_MODE'], self.power_modes['NORMAL']) pyb.delay(10) self.write_8(self.reg['PAGE_ID'], 0) self.write_8(self.reg['SYS_TRIGGER'], 0x0) pyb.delay(10) self.set_mode(self.default_mode) pyb.delay(20) pyb.delay(100) self.set_ext_crystal_use() pyb.delay(100) def reset(self): if self.reset_pin is not None: self.reset_pin.low() pyb.delay(1) self.reset_pin.high() self.init_sensor() else: print("No reset pin defined. BNO055 not reset") def set_mode(self, mode): self.write_8(self.reg['OPR_MODE'], mode) pyb.delay(30) def set_ext_crystal_use(self): self.set_mode(self.modes['CONFIG']) pyb.delay(25) self.write_8(self.reg['PAGE_ID'], 0) self.write_8(self.reg['SYS_TRIGGER'], 0x80) pyb.delay(10) self.set_mode(self.default_mode) pyb.delay(20) def get_lin_accel(self): # acceleration in m/s^2 (excluding gravity) x, y, z = self.get_vector('VECTOR_LINEARACCEL') return x / 100.0, y / 100.0, z / 100.0 def get_gyro(self): # angular velocity in rotations per second x, y, z = self.get_vector('VECTOR_GYROSCOPE') return x / 900.0, y / 900.0, z / 900.0 def get_quat(self): # quaternion vector (see: buf = self.read_len(self.reg['QUATERNION_DATA'], 8) w = (buf[1] << 8) | buf[0] x = (buf[3] << 8) | buf[2] y = (buf[5] << 8) | buf[4] z = (buf[7] << 8) | buf[6] return (w * self.quat_scale, x * self.quat_scale, y * self.quat_scale, z * self.quat_scale) def get_euler(self): # yaw, pitch, roll in degrees z, y, x = self.get_vector('VECTOR_EULER') return z / 16.0, y / 16.0, x / 16.0 def get_temp(self): # get temperature in degrees celsius return ord(self.read_8(self.reg['TEMPERATURE'])) def get_accel(self): # acceleration in m/s^2 (including gravity) x, y, z = self.get_vector('VECTOR_ACCELEROMETER') return x / 100.0, y / 100.0, z / 100.0 def get_grav(self): # gravity vector in m/s^2 x, y, z = self.get_vector('VECTOR_GRAVITY') return x / 100.0, y / 100.0, z / 100.0 def get_mag(self): # magnetic field strength in micro-Teslas x, y, z = self.get_vector('VECTOR_MAGNETOMETER') return x / 16.0, y / 16.0, z / 16.0 def get_vector(self, vector_type): # get an x, y, z data array from I2C buf = self.read_len(self.reg[vector_type], 6) data = [] for index in range(0, len(buf), 2): datum = (buf[index + 1] << 8) | buf[index] if datum > 0x7fff: datum -= 0x10000 data.append(datum) return data def get_calibration(self): calib_status = ord(self.read_8(self.reg['CALIB_STAT_ADDR'])) system = (calib_status >> 6) & 0x03 gyro = (calib_status >> 4) & 0x03 accel = (calib_status >> 2) & 0x03 mag = calib_status & 0x03 return system, gyro, accel, mag def is_fully_calibrated(self): for status in self.get_calibration()[1:]: if status < 3: return False return True def update_offsets(self): if self.is_fully_calibrated(): self.set_mode(self.modes['CONFIG']) calib_data = self.read_len(self.reg['ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR'], self.NUM_BNO055_OFFSET_REGISTERS) self.set_mode(self.default_mode) index = 0 for offset in self.offsets.keys(): self.offsets[offset] = (calib_data[index + 1] << 8) | calib_data[index] index += 2 # print(self.offsets) return True else: return False def get_heading(self): # compass heading in radians (be sure to get the correct declination) x, y, z = self.get_mag() heading = math.atan2(y, x) heading += self.declination # Correct for reversed heading if heading < 0: heading += 2 * math.pi # Check for wrap and compensate elif heading > 2 * math.pi: heading -= 2 * math.pi return heading def write_8(self, register, data): return self.i2c.mem_write(data, self.address, register) def read_8(self, register): return self.i2c.mem_read(1, self.address, register) def read_len(self, register, length): # try: return self.i2c.mem_read(length, self.address, register)