def parse_url(url, quiet=False, rid=''): '''Parse the datasets in a DCAT format located at URL (debug)''' if quiet: verbose_loggers = ['rdflib', 'udata.core.dataset'] [logging.getLogger(l).setLevel(logging.ERROR) for l in verbose_loggers] class MockSource: url = '' class MockJob: items = [] class MockDatasetFactory(DatasetFactory): '''Use DatasetFactory without .save()''' @classmethod def _create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs): instance = model_class(*args, **kwargs) return instance echo(cyan('Parsing url {}'.format(url))) source = MockSource() source.url = url backend = DcatBackend(source, dryrun=True) backend.job = MockJob() format = backend.get_format() echo(yellow('Detected format: {}'.format(format))) graph = backend.parse_graph(url, format) # serialize/unserialize graph like in the job mechanism _graph = graph.serialize(format=format, indent=None) graph = Graph(namespace_manager=namespace_manager) graph.parse(data=_graph, format=format) for item in backend.job.items: if not rid or rid in item.remote_id: echo(magenta('Processing item {}'.format(item.remote_id))) echo('Item kwargs: {}'.format(yellow(item.kwargs))) node = backend.get_node_from_item(item) dataset = MockDatasetFactory() dataset = dataset_from_rdf(graph, dataset, node=node) echo('') echo(green('Dataset found!')) echo('Title: {}'.format(yellow(dataset))) echo('License: {}'.format(yellow(dataset.license))) echo('Description: {}'.format(yellow(dataset.description))) echo('Tags: {}'.format(yellow(dataset.tags))) echo('Resources: {}'.format(yellow([(r.title, r.format, r.url) for r in dataset.resources]))) try: dataset.validate() except mongoengine.errors.ValidationError as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) else: echo(green('Dataset is valid ✅')) echo('')
def status_label(record): if record.ok: return green(record.last_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)) elif not record.exists(): return yellow('Not applied') else: return red(record.status)
def format_output(output, success=True): echo(' │') for level, msg in output: echo(' │ {0}'.format(msg)) echo(' │') echo(' └──[{0}]'.format(green('OK') if success else red('KO'))) echo('')
def status(): '''Display the database migrations status''' for plugin, package, filename in available_migrations(): migration = get_migration(plugin, filename) if migration: status = green(migration['date'].strftime(DATE_FORMAT)) else: status = yellow('Not applied') log_status(plugin, filename, status)
def execute_migration(plugin, filename, script): '''Execute and record a migration''' db = get_db(DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME) js = SCRIPT_WRAPPER.format(script) print('│') for line in db.eval(js, plugin, filename, script): print('│ {0}'.format(line)) print('│') print('└──[{0}]'.format(green('OK'))) print('')
def format_output(output, success=True, traceback=None): echo(' │') for level, msg in output: echo(' │ {0}'.format(msg)) echo(' │') if traceback: for tb in traceback.split('\n'): echo(' │ {0}'.format(tb)) echo(' │') echo(' └──[{0}]'.format(green('OK') if success else red('KO'))) echo('')
def execute_migration(plugin, filename, script, dryrun=False): '''Execute and record a migration''' db = get_db(DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME) js = SCRIPT_WRAPPER.format(script) lines = script.splitlines() success = True if not dryrun: try: lines = db.eval(js, plugin, filename, script) except OperationFailure as e: log.error(e.details['errmsg'].replace('\n', '\\n')) success = False except PyMongoError as e: log.error('Unable to apply migration: %s', str(e)) success = False print('│') for line in lines: print('│ {0}'.format(line)) print('│') print('└──[{0}]'.format(green('OK') if success else red('KO'))) print('') return success
def render(): '''Force (re)rendering stored images''' print(cyan('Rendering images')) count = Counter() total = Counter() organizations = Organization.objects(logo__exists=True) total['orgs'] = organizations.count() print(white('Processing {0} organizations logos'.format(total['orgs']))) for org in organizations: count['orgs'] += render_or_skip(org, 'logo') users = User.objects(avatar__exists=True) total['users'] = users.count() print(white('Processing {0} user avatars'.format(total['users']))) for user in users: count['users'] += render_or_skip(user, 'avatar') posts = Post.objects(image__exists=True) total['posts'] = posts.count() print(white('Processing {0} post images'.format(total['posts']))) for post in posts: count['posts'] += render_or_skip(post, 'image') reuses = Reuse.objects(image__exists=True) total['reuses'] = reuses.count() print(white('Processing {0} reuse images'.format(total['reuses']))) for reuse in reuses: count['reuses'] += render_or_skip(reuse, 'image') print(white('Summary:')) print(''' Organization logos: {count[orgs]}/{total[orgs]} User avatars: {count[users]}/{total[users]} Post images: {count[posts]}/{total[posts]} Reuse images: {count[reuses]}/{total[reuses]} '''.format(count=count, total=total)) print(green('Images rendered'))
def init(): '''Initialize your udata instance (search index, user, sample data...)''''Apply DB migrations if needed') migrate(record=True) init_search(delete=True, force=not IS_INTERACTIVE) if IS_INTERACTIVE: text = _('Do you want to create a superadmin user ?') if prompt_bool(text, default=True): user = user_commands.create() user_commands.set_admin( text = _('Do you want to import some data-related license ?') if prompt_bool(text, default=True): licenses() text = _('Do you want to create some sample data ?') if prompt_bool(text, default=True): generate_fixtures()'Your udata instance is ready !')))
def is_active(ep, actives): return green(OK) if in actives else red(KO)