def executeRotateAndDrive(commandPayload): maxVelocity = int(commandPayload[0]) pivotTurnSpeed = int(commandPayload[1]) optionByte1 = int(commandPayload[2]) optionByte2 = int(commandPayload[3]) piOptionByte1 = int(commandPayload[4]) rotationAngle = int(commandPayload[5]) distance = int(commandPayload[6]) waypoints = [] if globals.currentCommandPhase == 0: globals.currentCommand = enums.PI_CMD_ROTATE_AND_DRIVE globals.currentCommandPhase = 1 globals.currentCommandPayload = commandPayload waypoint = (rotationAngle, 0) waypoints.append(waypoint) msg = ('R&D P1: Rotating [pivotSpeed: %d, opt1: %2X, opt2: %2X]' % (pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1, optionByte2)) elif globals.currentCommandPhase == 1: globals.currentCommand = 0 globals.currentCommandPayload = 0 if distance: targetX = globals.currentX + (distance * math.cos(globals.currentHeading)) targetY = globals.currentY + (distance * math.sin(globals.currentHeading)) waypoint = (int(targetX), int(targetY)) waypoints.append(waypoint) optionByte2 = 0 # this carries the rotate command, need to switch back to waypoint transit msg = ( 'R&D P2: Driving %d cm from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) [maxVelocity: %d]' % (distance, globals.currentX, globals.currentY, targetX, targetY, maxVelocity)) else: return (True, '') # no drive phase else: globals.currentCommand = 0 globals.currentCommandPhase = 0 return (False, 'Unknown phase') print(msg) udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) transmitSegments = i2c.buildTransmitSegments(waypoints, maxVelocity, pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1, optionByte2) i2c.registerTransmitSegments(transmitSegments) return (True, '')
def executeSetBotOption(commandPayload): maxVelocity = int(commandPayload[0]) pivotTurnSpeed = int(commandPayload[1]) optionByte1 = int(commandPayload[2]) optionByte2 = int(commandPayload[3]) piOptionByte1 = int(commandPayload[4]) packedOptions = commandPayload[5:] waypoints = [] if len(packedOptions) % 2 != 0: return (False, 'Received invalid packed options from botLab') packedOptionCount = int(len(packedOptions) / 2) print('Received %d packed options [%s]' % (packedOptionCount, packedOptions)) for i in range(packedOptionCount): packedOption = (int(packedOptions[i * 2]), int(packedOptions[(i * 2) + 1])) waypoints.append(packedOption) msg = '' if optionByte1 == enums.BOT_OPTION_CALIBRATE: msg = ('Executing bot calibration [pivotSpeed: %d]' % (pivotTurnSpeed)) elif optionByte1 == enums.BOT_OPTION_RESET_TO_ORIGIN: msg = 'Reset to origin' globals.currentX = 0 globals.currentY = 0 globals.currentHeading = 0 elif optionByte1 == enums.BOT_OPTION_SET_PID_PARAMETERS: msg = 'Updated PID parameters' else: return (False, 'Unknown bot option') print(msg) udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) transmitSegments = i2c.buildTransmitSegments(waypoints, maxVelocity, pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1, optionByte2) i2c.registerTransmitSegments(transmitSegments) return (True, '')
def executeTransit(commandPayload): maxVelocity = int(commandPayload[0]) pivotTurnSpeed = int(commandPayload[1]) optionByte1 = int(commandPayload[2]) optionByte2 = int(commandPayload[3]) piOptionByte1 = int(commandPayload[4]) globals.followMeWaypoints = [] globals.followMeMaxVelocity = maxVelocity globals.followMePivotTurnSpeed = pivotTurnSpeed points = commandPayload[5:] waypoints = [] if len(points) % 2 != 0: return (False, 'Received invalid waypoint instructions from botLab') waypointCount = int(len(points) / 2) print('Received %d waypoints [%s]' % (waypointCount, points)) for i in range(waypointCount): waypoint = (int(points[i * 2]), int(points[(i * 2) + 1])) waypoints.append(waypoint) if piOptionByte1 & enums.PI_OPTION_FOLLOW_ME_MODE: globals.followMe = True else: globals.followMe = False msg = ( 'Transit between %d waypoints [maxVelocity: %d, pivotSpeed: %d, opt1: %2X, opt2: %2X, piOpt1: %2X]' % (waypointCount, maxVelocity, pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1, optionByte2, piOptionByte1)) print(msg) udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) globals.currentCommand = enums.PI_CMD_TRANSIT_WAYPOINTS transmitSegments = i2c.buildTransmitSegments(waypoints, maxVelocity, pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1, optionByte2) i2c.registerTransmitSegments(transmitSegments) return (True, '')
def detectRedBox(currentX, currentY, currentHeading, uploadSnapshots): global lowerColourRange global upperColourRange global cameraDimX if lowerColourRange == None or upperColourRange == None: msg = 'Camera not calibrated' print(msg) udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) return (False, 0, 0) camera = getCamera() timestamp = time.time() imageName = '%s/%u.jpg' % (config.imagePath, timestamp) camera.capture(imageName, resize=(320, 240)) bgrImg = cv2.imread(imageName) hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(bgrImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) (foundObject, x, y, width, height, aspectRatio) = detectTrackedObject(hsvImg, bgrImg, lowerColourRange, upperColourRange) if uploadSnapshots: labelledImageName = '%s/%u-labelled.jpg' % (config.imagePath, timestamp) cv2.imwrite(labelledImageName, bgrImg) uploadSnapshot(labelledImageName) (targetX, targetY) = (0, 0) if foundObject: (targetX, targetY) = calculatePositionOfTrackedObject(currentX, currentY, currentHeading, x, y, width, cameraDimX) return (foundObject, targetX, targetY)
def calibrateCameraUntilObjectFound(acceptableHueRange, uploadSnapshots): global lowerColourRange global upperColourRange global cameraDimX if acceptableHueRange < 0: acceptableHueRange = 40 camera = getCamera() foundObject = False while not foundObject: timestamp = time.time() imageName = '%s/%u.jpg' % (config.imagePath, timestamp) camera.capture(imageName, resize=(320, 240)) bgrImg = cv2.imread(imageName) hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(bgrImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) (cameraDimX, cameraDimY, averageHue, lowerColourRange, upperColourRange) = calibrateCamera(hsvImg, acceptableHueRange) (foundObject, x, y, width, height, aspectRatio) = detectTrackedObject(hsvImg, bgrImg, lowerColourRange, upperColourRange) if foundObject: if uploadSnapshots: labelledImageName = '%s/%u-labelled.jpg' % (config.imagePath, timestamp) cv2.imwrite(labelledImageName, bgrImg) uploadSnapshot(labelledImageName) msg = 'Calibrated with object of aspect ratio %.2f and average hue %.2f (scene width: %dpx)' % ( aspectRatio, averageHue, cameraDimX) print(msg) udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) else: time.sleep(1)
def botLabCallback(data): dataString = data.decode('ascii') payload = dataString.split() if len(payload) < 7: # name + command + maxVelocity + pivotTurnSpeed + 2x bot option bytes + 1x Pi option byte print('Received invalid command payload: [%s]' % dataString) return if payload[0] == print('Ignoring broadcast command from myself') return command = int(payload[1]) globals.currentCommandPhase = 0 success = False errMsg = '' if command == enums.PI_CMD_TRANSIT_WAYPOINTS: (success, errMsg) = commands.executeTransit(payload[2:]) elif command == enums.PI_CMD_SET_BOT_OPTION: (success, errMsg) = commands.executeSetBotOption(payload[2:]) elif command == enums.PI_CMD_ROTATE_AND_DRIVE: (success, errMsg) = commands.executeRotateAndDrive(payload[2:]) elif command == enums.PI_CMD_FIND_OBJECT: (success, errMsg) = commands.executeFindObject(payload[2:]) elif command == enums.PI_CMD_CALIBRATE_CAMERA: (success, errMsg) = commands.executeCalibrateCamera(payload[2:]) elif command == enums.PI_CMD_REPORT_STATUS: (success, errMsg) = commands.executeReportStatus(payload[2:]) else: errMsg = 'Unknown command' if not success: print('Failed to execute command [%2X]: %s (payload: %s)' % (command, errMsg, dataString)) msg = 'Failed to execute cmd [%2X]: %s' % (command, errMsg) udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) return 0
def i2cInterrupt(id, tick): """Handle an I2C interrupt to either send or receive data from the bot. """ global localPi global slaveAddr global transmitSegments global segmentsSent s, b, d = localPi.bsc_i2c(slaveAddr) if b: if d[0] == ord( 'p') and len(transmitSegments) != 0 and segmentsSent < len( transmitSegments): """CMD: PING: Send the next waypoint I2C segment.""" s, b, d = localPi.bsc_i2c(slaveAddr, transmitSegments[segmentsSent]) segmentsSent += 1 elif d[0] == ord('s') and b == 3: """CMD: REPORT STATUS: """ mv = struct.unpack_from('>H', d, 1)[0] msg = 'Battery Level: %d mV' % mv print(msg) udp.sendPong('', config.udpBotLabPort, mv) elif d[0] == ord('r'): """CMD: REPORT SNAPSHOT: Receive the next pose snapshot report.""" if b == 14: x = struct.unpack_from('>h', d, 2)[0] y = struct.unpack_from('>h', d, 4)[0] headingPacked = struct.unpack_from('B', d, 6)[0] headingFloat = struct.unpack_from('B', d, 7)[0] distanceToObstacle = struct.unpack_from('>H', d, 8)[0] timestamp = struct.unpack_from('>H', d, 10)[0] detailByte = struct.unpack_from('>B', d, 12)[0] if headingPacked & 0x80: heading = 0 heading -= (headingFloat / 100.0) heading -= (headingPacked & 0x7F) else: heading = (headingPacked & 0x7F) + (headingFloat / 100.0) # If ranging was disabled the distance to obstacle reported will always be 0 if distanceToObstacle: obstacleX = x + (distanceToObstacle * math.cos(heading)) obstacleY = y + (distanceToObstacle * math.sin(heading)) else: obstacleX = 0 # ensure that botlab doesn't draw any obstacles, we weren't measuring them obstacleY = 0 # ensure that botlab doesn't draw any obstacles, we weren't measuring them print('%lu\t%d\t%d\t%f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%u' % (timestamp, x, y, heading, distanceToObstacle, obstacleX, obstacleY, detailByte)) msg = ('%lu\t%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%u' % (timestamp, x, y, heading, obstacleX, obstacleY, detailByte)) udp.logToBotlab(msg, True) globals.currentX = x globals.currentY = y globals.currentHeading = heading if globals.currentCommand == enums.PI_CMD_TRANSIT_WAYPOINTS: # If this is the last snapshot of a waypoint and it wasn't interrupted by an obstacle, it's a good one to follow if (detailByte & POSE_SNAPSHOT_DETAILBYTE_LAST_SNAPSHOT_FOR_WAYPOINT ) and not (detailByte & POSE_SNAPSHOT_DETAILBYTE_ABORTED_WAYPOINT): print(' above snapshot is follow me candidate') waypoint = (x, y) globals.followMeWaypoints.append(waypoint) # If the last snapshot of the last waypoint and follow me mode is on, send all good waypoints if (detailByte & POSE_SNAPSHOT_DETAILBYTE_LAST_SNAPSHOT_FOR_JOURNEY ) and globals.followMe: # TODO: propagate optionByte1 udp.sendFollowMeCommand(globals.followMeWaypoints, globals.followMeMaxVelocity, globals.followMePivotTurnSpeed, 0) elif globals.currentCommand == enums.PI_CMD_ROTATE_AND_DRIVE: if detailByte & POSE_SNAPSHOT_DETAILBYTE_LAST_SNAPSHOT_FOR_WAYPOINT: commands.executeRotateAndDrive( globals.currentCommandPayload) elif globals.currentCommand == enums.PI_CMD_FIND_OBJECT: if detailByte & POSE_SNAPSHOT_DETAILBYTE_LAST_SNAPSHOT_FOR_WAYPOINT: commands.executeFindObject( globals.currentCommandPayload)
def executeFindObject(commandPayload): maxVelocity = int(commandPayload[0]) pivotTurnSpeed = int(commandPayload[1]) optionByte1 = int(commandPayload[2]) optionByte2 = int(commandPayload[3]) piOptionByte1 = int(commandPayload[4]) rotationAngle = int(commandPayload[5]) rotationIterations = int(commandPayload[6]) objectName = commandPayload[7] distance = int(commandPayload[8]) if not config.supportsCamera: return ('False', 'Camera not supported') if globals.currentCommandPhase >= rotationIterations: globals.currentCommand = 0 globals.currentCommandPhase = 0 return (False, 'Object not found') msg = ('Looking for [%s] (attempt %d of %d)') % ( objectName, globals.currentCommandPhase + 1, rotationIterations) print(msg) udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) foundObject = False (targetX, targetY) = (0, 0) labels = '' # Look for the object, there may be no need to rotate if objectName == 'redbox': (foundObject, targetX, targetY) = imgrecognition.detectRedBox( globals.currentX, globals.currentY, globals.currentHeading, piOptionByte1 & enums.PI_OPTION_UPLOAD_SNAPSHOTS) else: (foundObject, labels) = imgrecognition.detectNamedObjectInSnapshot( objectName, piOptionByte1 & enums.PI_OPTION_UPLOAD_SNAPSHOTS) if foundObject and distance: # We've been commanded to travel this far toward the object we've found targetX = globals.currentX + (distance * math.cos(globals.currentHeading)) targetY = globals.currentY + (distance * math.sin(globals.currentHeading)) if foundObject: globals.currentCommand = 0 globals.currentCommandPhase = 0 if objectName == 'redbox': msg = 'Found [redbox] at (%d, %d)' % (targetX, targetY) else: msg = 'Found [%s]' % objectName if distance: waypoints = [] waypoint = (int(targetX), int(targetY)) waypoints.append(waypoint) if piOptionByte1 & enums.PI_OPTION_FOLLOW_ME_MODE: # Send another bot there, not me msg = ( 'Found [%s], directing others to (%d,%d) [maxVelocity: %d, pivotSpeed: %d, optionByte1: %d]' % (objectName, targetX, targetY, maxVelocity, pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1)) udp.sendFollowMeCommand(waypoints, maxVelocity, pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1) else: msg = ( 'Found [%s], driving %d cm from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) [maxVelocity: %d]' % (objectName, distance, globals.currentX, globals.currentY, targetX, targetY, maxVelocity)) transmitSegments = i2c.buildTransmitSegments( waypoints, maxVelocity, pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1, optionByte2) i2c.registerTransmitSegments(transmitSegments) print(msg) udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) return (True, '') else: msg = 'Saw: %s' % labels udp.logToBotlab(msg, False) globals.currentCommand = enums.PI_CMD_FIND_OBJECT globals.currentCommandPayload = commandPayload globals.currentCommandPhase += 1 waypoints = [] waypoint = (rotationAngle, 0) waypoints.append(waypoint) transmitSegments = i2c.buildTransmitSegments(waypoints, maxVelocity, pivotTurnSpeed, optionByte1, enums.BOT_OPTION2_ROTATE) i2c.registerTransmitSegments(transmitSegments) return (True, '')