def dispatch(self, action, addr): if action['type'] == 'newpeer': print("A new peer is coming") self.peers[action['data']] = addr # print(addr) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, addr, { "type": 'peers', "data": self.peers }) if action['type'] == 'peers': print("Received a bunch of peers") self.peers.update(action['data']) # introduce youself. pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "introduce", "data": self.myid }, self.peers) if action['type'] == 'introduce': print("Get a new friend.") self.peers[action['data']] = addr if action['type'] == 'input': print(action['data'])
def startpeer(self): print(f'{self.myid} sending a newpeer') print(self.myid) print(self.udp_socket) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, self.seed, { "type": "newpeer", "data": self.myid })
def send(self): while 1: msg_input = input("$:") if msg_input == "exit": pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "exit", "data": self.myid }, self.peers) break if msg_input == "friends": print(self.peers) continue if msg_input == 'product': #TODO print('print product infomation here') newProduct = Product() = input('Your product name: ') newProduct.description = input( 'Please descript your product status:') newProduct.price = input('what is the price of the product:') newProduct.owner = self.myid newProduct.printInfo() smsg = newProduct.jsonFile() smsg.update({'type': 'newProduct'}) print(smsg) pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, smsg, self.peers) continue if msg_input == 'products info': for p_lst in self.product_lst: print(p_lst) for p in p_lst: p.printInfo() continue l = msg_input.split() if l[-1] in self.peers.keys(): toA = self.peers[l[-1]] s = ' '.join(l[:-1]) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, toA, {"type": "input", "data": s}) else: pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "input", "data": msg_input }, self.peers) continue
def rece(self): while 1: data, addr = pu.recembase(self.udp_socket) action = json.loads(data) print(action["type"]) if action['type'] == 'newpeer': print("A new peer is coming") self.peers[action['data']] = addr print(addr) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, addr, { "type": 'peers', "data": self.peers }) if action['type'] == 'newProduct': print('Someone post a new product') newProduct = Product(action) newProduct.printInfo() if in self.product_lst: self.product_lst[].append(newProduct) else: self.product_lst[] = [newProduct] #end if if action['type'] == 'peers': print("Received a bunch of peers") self.peers.update(action['data']) # introduce youself. pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "introduce", "data": self.myid }, self.peers) if action['type'] == 'introduce': print("Get a new friend.") self.peers[action['data']] = addr if action['type'] == 'input': print(action['data']) if action['type'] == 'exit': if (self.myid == action['data']): #cannot be closed too fast. time.sleep(0.5) break # self.udp_socket.close() value, key = self.peers.pop(action['data']) print(action['data'] + " is left.")
def send(self): while 1: msg_input = input("$:") if msg_input == "exit": break if msg_input == "friends": print(self.peers) continue l = msg_input.split() if l[-1] in self.peers.keys(): toA = self.peers[l[-1]] s = ' '.join(l[:-1]) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, toA, {"type": "input", "data": s}) else: pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "input", "data": msg_input }, self.peers) continue
def rece(self): while 1: data, addr = pu.recembase(self.udp_socket) action = json.loads(data) # print(action["type"]) # self.dispatch(action, addr) # def dispatch(self, action,addr): if action['type'] == 'newpeer': print("A new peer is coming") self.peers[action['data']] = addr # print(addr) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, addr, { "type": 'peers', "data": self.peers }) if action['type'] == 'peers': print("Received a bunch of peers") self.peers.update(action['data']) # introduce youself. pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "introduce", "data": self.myid }, self.peers) if action['type'] == 'introduce': print("Get a new friend.") self.peers[action['data']] = addr if action['type'] == 'input': print(action['data']) if action['type'] == 'exit': if (self.myid == action['data']): #cannot be closed too fast. time.sleep(0.5) break # self.udp_socket.close() value, key = self.peers.pop(action['data']) print(action['data'] + " is left.")
def startpeer(self): pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, self.seed, { "type": "newpeer", "data": self.myid })
def rece(self): while 1: data, addr = pu.recembase(self.udp_socket) action = json.loads(data) if action['type'] == 'newpeer': self.peers[action['data']]= addr print(self.peers) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, addr,{ "type":'peers', "data":self.peers }) if action['type'] == 'newProduct': #print('Someone post a new product') newProduct = Product(action) newProduct.printInfo() if in self.product_lst: self.product_lst[].append(newProduct) else: self.product_lst[] = [newProduct] #end if print('debug: sync value is:', action['sync']) if not action['sync']: self.version+=1 #end rec newProduct if action['type'] == 'remove': name = action['Name'] uid = action['UID'] # Assume the product in list if name in self.product_lst: p_lst = self.product_lst[name] for p in p_lst: if p.uid == uid: p_lst.remove(p) #print('debug: remove signal, ack') break #end if #end for else: pass #print('debug: there is no such a product') #end if #end if action if action['type'] == 'update': name = action['Name'] uid = action['UID'] attr = action['Attribute'] value = action['Value'] # Assume the product in list if name in self.product_lst: p_lst = self.product_lst[name] for p in p_lst: if p.uid == uid: p.setAttr(attr,value) #print('debug: update signal, ack') break #end if #end for else: pass #print('debug: there is no such a product') #end if #end if action if action['type'] == 'peers': self.peers.update(action['data']) pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type":"introduce", "data": self.myid, },self.peers) # syncchronize dictionary for peer in self.peers: dist = self.peers[peer] pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, dist, { "type": "sync", "version": self.version }) break #end for #end rec peers if action['type'] == 'sync': print('debug: in sync') pversion = action['version'] if pversion > self.version: pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, addr, { "type": 'broadcast', }) else: pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, addr, {'type': 'reset'}) time.sleep(1) for pn in self.product_lst: p_lst = self.product_lst[pn] for p in p_lst: smsg = p.jsonFile() smsg.update({'type': 'newProduct', 'sync': True}) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, addr, smsg) #end for #end for pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, addr, {'type': 'syncVersion', 'version': self.version}) #end if #end rec sync if action['type'] == 'syncVersion': self.version == action['version'] #end rec syncVersion if action['type'] == 'broadcast': pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, {'type': 'reset'}, self.peers) time.sleep(1) for pn in self.product_lst: p_lst = self.product_lst[pn] for p in p_lst: smsg = p.jsonFile() smsg.update({'type': 'newProduct', 'sync': True}) pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, smsg, self.peers) #end for #end for pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, {'type': 'syncVersion', 'version': self.version}, self.peers) #end rec broadcast if action['type'] == 'reset': self.product_lst.clear() #end rec reset if action['type'] == 'introduce': self.peers[action['data']]= addr #end rec introduce if action['type'] == 'input': print(action['data']) if action['type'] == 'exit': if(self.myid == action['data']): #cannot be closed too fast. time.sleep(0.5) break # self.udp_socket.close() value, key = self.peers.pop(action['data']) print( action['data'] + " is left.")
def send(self): while 1: msg_input = input("$:") msg_input = msg_input.strip() if msg_input == "exit": pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type":"exit", "data":self.myid },self.peers) break if msg_input == "friends": print(self.peers) continue if msg_input == 'product': # implement create Product later #newProduct = self.createProduct() newProduct = Product() = input('Your product name: ') newProduct.description = input('Please descript your product status:') newProduct.price = input('what is the price of the product:') newProduct.owner = self.myid newProduct.uid = self.getUID() newProduct.printInfo() smsg = newProduct.jsonFile() smsg.update({'type': 'newProduct', 'sync': False}) print('Product added') pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, smsg, self.peers) continue if msg_input == 'save': continue if msg_input == 'products info': # print format here, todo later self.printProductInfo() continue if msg_input == 'update': p, attr, value = self.update() if p != None: #print('debug: send a update command to peers') pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "update", "Name":, "UID": p.uid, "Attribute": attr, "Value": value}, self.peers) else: pass #print('debug: update canceled, nothing happend') #end if continue if msg_input == 'remove': p = self.remove() if p != None: #print('debug: send a remove command to peers') pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "remove", "Name":, "UID": p.uid}, self.peers) else: pass #print('debug: Remove canceled, nothing happened') continue if msg_input == 'search': continue if msg_input == 'guide': self.printGuide() continue l = msg_input.split() if l[-1] in self.peers.keys(): toA = self.peers[l[-1]] s = ' '.join(l[:-1]) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, toA,{ "type":"input", "data":s }) else : pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type":"input", "data":msg_input },self.peers) continue #end while if self.myid == 'helper': dist = self.udp_socket.getsockname() pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, dist, {'type': 'exit', 'data': self.myid})
def send(self): while 1: msg_input = input("$:") msg_input = msg_input.strip() if msg_input == "exit": if self.myid != 'helper': pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "exit", "data": self.myid }, self.peers) break if msg_input == "friends": print(self.peers) continue if msg_input == 'product': # implement create Product later #newProduct = self.createProduct() newProduct = Product() = input('Your product name: ') newProduct.description = input( 'Please descript your product status: ') newProduct.price = float( input('what is the price of the product: ')) = input( 'what is your phone number(enter None to skip this question): ' ) = input('what is your email address: ') newProduct.owner = self.myid newProduct.uid = self.getUID() newProduct.printInfo() smsg = newProduct.jsonFile() smsg.update({ 'type': 'newProduct', 'sync': False, 'data': self.myid }) # add to list if in self.product_lst: self.product_lst[].append(newProduct) else: self.product_lst[] = [newProduct] print('Product added') pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, smsg, self.peers) self.version += 1 continue if msg_input == 'save': continue if msg_input == 'products info': # print format here, todo later self.printProductInfo() continue if msg_input == 'update': p, attr, value = self.update() if p != None: print('Update successfully') pu.broadcastJS( self.udp_socket, { "type": "update", "data": self.myid, "Name":, "UID": p.uid, "Attribute": attr, "Value": value }, self.peers) if attr == 'name': p_lst = self.product_lst[] p_lst.remove(p) if value in self.product_lst: self.product_lst[value].append(p) else: self.product_lst[value] = [p] #end if #end if p.setAttr(attr, value) self.version += 1 else: pass #print('debug: update canceled, nothing happend') #end if continue if msg_input == 'remove': p = self.remove() if p != None: #print('debug: send a remove command to peers') pu.broadcastJS( self.udp_socket, { "type": "remove", "data": self.myid, "Name":, "UID": p.uid }, self.peers) else: pass #print('debug: Remove canceled, nothing happened') self.version += 1 continue #end remove command if msg_input == 'search': continue if msg_input == 'guide': self.printGuide() continue l = msg_input.split() if l[-1] in self.peers.keys(): toA = self.peers[l[-1]] s = ' '.join(l[:-1]) pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, toA, {"type": "input", "data": s}) else: pu.broadcastJS(self.udp_socket, { "type": "input", "data": msg_input }, self.peers) continue #end while pu.sendJS(self.udp_socket, self.seed, { 'type': 'exit', 'data': self.myid })