def gotConnection(self): yield self.authenticate(username=self.username, password=self.password, mechanism='PLAIN') self.chan = yield yield self.chan.channel_open() yield self.chan.exchange_declare(exchange="logs", type="topic", durable=True, auto_delete=False) self.producer = QueueProducer(callback=self.sendEvent, size=self.queueSize) self.transport.registerProducer(self.producer, streaming=True) self.producer.resumeProducing() self.dispatcher.register(self.producer.put)
class RabbitMQPublisher(AMQClient): """ Protocol for passing UDP Log events to Logstash via RabbitMQ. To handle push-back from the RabbitMQ server, log events are sent from a local in-memory queue. If L{queueSize} is set and the queue is full, old items are dropped in favor of the new ones. @ivar queueSize: Optional maximum queue size. """ def __init__(self, dispatcher, username='******', password='******', vhost='/', exchange='logs', queueSize=None): self.dispatcher = dispatcher self.username = username self.password = password = exchange self.queueSize = queueSize self.chan = None specDir = FilePath(__file__).parent() specFilePath = specDir.child('amqp0-9-1.extended.xml') spec = txamqp.spec.load(specFilePath.path) delegate = TwistedDelegate() AMQClient.__init__(self, delegate=delegate, vhost=vhost, spec=spec) def connectionMade(self): """ Add this protocol as a consumer of log events. """ AMQClient.connectionMade(self) def eb(failure): log.err(failure) self.transport.loseConnection() d = self.gotConnection() d.addErrback(eb) @defer.inlineCallbacks def gotConnection(self): yield self.authenticate(username=self.username, password=self.password, mechanism='PLAIN') self.chan = yield yield self.chan.channel_open() yield self.chan.exchange_declare(exchange="logs", type="topic", durable=True, auto_delete=False) self.producer = QueueProducer(callback=self.sendEvent, size=self.queueSize) self.transport.registerProducer(self.producer, streaming=True) self.producer.resumeProducing() self.dispatcher.register(self.producer.put) def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Remove this protocol as a consumer of log events. """ self.chan = None self.dispatcher.unregister(self.producer.put) log.err(reason, "Connection lost") AMQClient.connectionLost(self, reason) def sendEvent(self, event): """ Write an event to Logstash. """ if not self.chan: log.msg("No AMQP channel. Dropping event.") return event = copy.copy(event) # Pass timestamp on as a string, to work around Logstash bug 279. event['timestamp'] = repr(event['timestamp']) # Make sure isError is always a boolean if 'isError' in event: event['isError'] = bool(event['isError']) body = simplejson.dumps(event) content = Content(body) return self.chan.basic_publish(, content=content)