def _find_linear_terms(rhs_exprs, u):
    """Help function that takes a list of rhs expressions and return a
    list of bools determining what component, rhs_exprs[i], is linear
    wrt u[i].


    uu = [Constant(1.0) for _ in rhs_exprs]
    if len(rhs_exprs) > 1:
        repl = {u: ufl.as_vector(uu)}
        repl = {u: uu[0]}

    linear_terms = []
    for i, ui in enumerate(uu):
        comp_i_s = expand_indices(ufl.replace(rhs_exprs[i], repl))
        linear_terms.append(ui in extract_coefficients(comp_i_s) and
                            ui not in extract_coefficients(
                                expand_derivatives(ufl.diff(comp_i_s, ui))))
    return linear_terms
def derivative(form, u, du=None, coefficient_derivatives=None):
    """Compute the derivative of a form.

    Given a form, this computes its linearization with respect to the
    provided :class:`.Function`.  The resulting form has one
    additional :class:`Argument` in the same finite element space as
    the Function.

    :arg form: a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` to compute the derivative of.
    :arg u: a :class:`.Function` to compute the derivative with
         respect to.
    :arg du: an optional :class:`Argument` to use as the replacement
         in the new form (constructed automatically if not provided).
    :arg coefficient_derivatives: an optional :class:`dict` to
         provide the derivative of a coefficient function.

    :raises ValueError: If any of the coefficients in ``form`` were
        obtained from ``u.split()``.  UFL doesn't notice that these
        are related to ``u`` and so therefore the derivative is
        wrong (instead one should have written ``split(u)``).

    See also :func:`ufl.derivative`.
    if set(extract_coefficients(form)) & set(u.split()):
        raise ValueError(
            "Taking derivative of form wrt u, but form contains coefficients from u.split()."
            "\nYou probably meant to write split(u) when defining your form.")
    if du is None:
        if isinstance(u, function.Function):
            V = u.function_space()
            args = form.arguments()
            number = max(a.number() for a in args) if args else -1
            du = Argument(V, number + 1)
            raise RuntimeError("Can't compute derivative for form")
    return ufl.derivative(form, u, du, coefficient_derivatives)
def test_extract_coefficients_vs_fixture(coefficients, forms):
    assert coefficients == tuple(extract_coefficients(forms[2]))
def compile_ufl_kernel(expression, to_pts, to_element, fs):
    import collections
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_function_pullbacks import apply_function_pullbacks
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_algebra_lowering import apply_algebra_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_derivatives import apply_derivatives
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_geometry_lowering import apply_geometry_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms import extract_arguments, extract_coefficients
    from gem import gem, impero_utils
    from tsfc import fem, ufl_utils
    from import generate as generate_coffee
    from tsfc.kernel_interface import (KernelBuilderBase,

    # Imitate the compute_form_data processing pipeline
    # Unfortunately, we cannot call compute_form_data here, since
    # we only have an expression, not a form
    expression = apply_algebra_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_function_pullbacks(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    if expression.ufl_domain():
        assert fs.mesh() == expression.ufl_domain()
        expression = ufl_utils.replace_coordinates(expression, fs.mesh().coordinates)

    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    builder = KernelBuilderBase()
    args = []

    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    for i, coefficient in enumerate(coefficients):
        args.append(builder.coefficient(coefficient, "w_%d" % i))

    point_index = gem.Index(name='p')
    ir = fem.process('cell', fs.mesh().ufl_cell(), to_pts, None,
                     point_index, (), expression,
    assert len(ir) == 1

    # Deal with non-scalar expressions
    tensor_indices = ()
    if fs.shape:
        tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in fs.shape)
        ir = [gem.Indexed(ir[0], tensor_indices)]

    # Build kernel body
    return_var = gem.Variable('A', (len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)
    return_expr = gem.Indexed(return_var, (point_index,) + tensor_indices)
    impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem([return_expr], ir, [point_index])
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, index_names={point_index: 'p'})

    oriented = needs_cell_orientations(ir)
    if oriented:
        args.insert(0, cell_orientations_coffee_arg)

    # Build kernel
    args.insert(0, ast.Decl("double", ast.Symbol('A', rank=(len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)))
    kernel_code = builder.construct_kernel("expression_kernel", args, body)

    return op2.Kernel(kernel_code,, oriented, coefficients
def compile_ufl_kernel(expression, to_pts, to_element, fs):
    import collections
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_function_pullbacks import apply_function_pullbacks
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_algebra_lowering import apply_algebra_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_derivatives import apply_derivatives
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_geometry_lowering import apply_geometry_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms import extract_arguments, extract_coefficients
    from gem import gem, impero_utils
    from tsfc import fem, ufl_utils
    from import generate as generate_coffee
    from tsfc.kernel_interface import (KernelBuilderBase,

    # Imitate the compute_form_data processing pipeline
    # Unfortunately, we cannot call compute_form_data here, since
    # we only have an expression, not a form
    expression = apply_algebra_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_function_pullbacks(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    if expression.ufl_domain():
        assert fs.mesh() == expression.ufl_domain()
        expression = ufl_utils.replace_coordinates(expression, fs.mesh().coordinates)

    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    builder = KernelBuilderBase()
    args = []

    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    for i, coefficient in enumerate(coefficients):
        args.append(builder.coefficient(coefficient, "w_%d" % i))

    point_index = gem.Index(name='p')
    ir = fem.compile_ufl(expression,
    assert len(ir) == 1

    # Deal with non-scalar expressions
    tensor_indices = ()
    if fs.shape:
        tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in fs.shape)
        ir = [gem.Indexed(ir[0], tensor_indices)]

    # Build kernel body
    return_var = gem.Variable('A', (len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)
    return_expr = gem.Indexed(return_var, (point_index,) + tensor_indices)
    impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem([return_expr], ir, [point_index])
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, index_names={point_index: 'p'})

    oriented = needs_cell_orientations(ir)
    if oriented:
        args.insert(0, cell_orientations_coffee_arg)

    # Build kernel
    args.insert(0, ast.Decl("double", ast.Symbol('A', rank=(len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)))
    kernel_code = builder.construct_kernel("expression_kernel", args, body)

    return op2.Kernel(kernel_code,, oriented, coefficients
def derivative(form, u, du=None, coefficient_derivatives=None):
    """Compute the derivative of a form.

    Given a form, this computes its linearization with respect to the
    provided :class:`.Function`.  The resulting form has one
    additional :class:`Argument` in the same finite element space as
    the Function.

    :arg form: a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` to compute the derivative of.
    :arg u: a :class:`.Function` to compute the derivative with
         respect to.
    :arg du: an optional :class:`Argument` to use as the replacement
         in the new form (constructed automatically if not provided).
    :arg coefficient_derivatives: an optional :class:`dict` to
         provide the derivative of a coefficient function.

    :raises ValueError: If any of the coefficients in ``form`` were
        obtained from ``u.split()``.  UFL doesn't notice that these
        are related to ``u`` and so therefore the derivative is
        wrong (instead one should have written ``split(u)``).

    See also :func:`ufl.derivative`.
    # TODO: What about Constant?
    u_is_x = isinstance(u, ufl.SpatialCoordinate)
    if not u_is_x and len(u.split()) > 1 and set(
            extract_coefficients(form)) & set(u.split()):
        raise ValueError(
            "Taking derivative of form wrt u, but form contains coefficients from u.split()."
            "\nYou probably meant to write split(u) when defining your form.")

    mesh = form.ufl_domain()
    is_dX = u_is_x or u is mesh.coordinates
    args = form.arguments()

    def argument(V):
        if du is None:
            n = max(a.number() for a in args) if args else -1
            return Argument(V, n + 1)
            return du

    if is_dX:
        coords = mesh.coordinates
        u = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
        V = coords.function_space()
        du = argument(V)
        cds = {coords: du}
        if coefficient_derivatives is not None:
        coefficient_derivatives = cds
    elif isinstance(u, firedrake.Function):
        V = u.function_space()
        du = argument(V)
    elif isinstance(u, firedrake.Constant):
        if u.ufl_shape != ():
            raise ValueError(
                "Real function space of vector elements not supported")
        V = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Real", 0)
        du = argument(V)
        raise RuntimeError("Can't compute derivative for form")

    return ufl.derivative(form, u, du, coefficient_derivatives)
def derivative(form, u, du=None, coefficient_derivatives=None):
    """Compute the derivative of a form.

    Given a form, this computes its linearization with respect to the
    provided :class:`.Function`.  The resulting form has one
    additional :class:`Argument` in the same finite element space as
    the Function.

    :arg form: a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` to compute the derivative of.
    :arg u: a :class:`.Function` to compute the derivative with
         respect to.
    :arg du: an optional :class:`Argument` to use as the replacement
         in the new form (constructed automatically if not provided).
    :arg coefficient_derivatives: an optional :class:`dict` to
         provide the derivative of a coefficient function.

    :raises ValueError: If any of the coefficients in ``form`` were
        obtained from ``u.split()``.  UFL doesn't notice that these
        are related to ``u`` and so therefore the derivative is
        wrong (instead one should have written ``split(u)``).

    See also :func:`ufl.derivative`.
    if isinstance(form, firedrake.slate.TensorBase):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Cannot take the derivative of a {type(form).__name__}"
    # TODO: What about Constant?
    u_is_x = isinstance(u, ufl.SpatialCoordinate)
    uc, = (u,) if u_is_x else extract_coefficients(u)
    if not u_is_x and len(uc.split()) > 1 and set(extract_coefficients(form)) & set(uc.split()):
        raise ValueError("Taking derivative of form wrt u, but form contains coefficients from u.split()."
                         "\nYou probably meant to write split(u) when defining your form.")

    mesh = form.ufl_domain()
    if not mesh:
        raise ValueError("Expression to be differentiated has no ufl domain."
                         "\nDo you need to add a domain to your Constant?")
    is_dX = u_is_x or u is mesh.coordinates
        args = form.arguments()
    except AttributeError:
        args = extract_arguments(form)

    def argument(V):
        if du is None:
            n = max(a.number() for a in args) if args else -1
            return Argument(V, n + 1)
            return du

    if is_dX:
        coords = mesh.coordinates
        u = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
        V = coords.function_space()
        du = argument(V)
        cds = {coords: du}
        if coefficient_derivatives is not None:
        coefficient_derivatives = cds
    elif isinstance(uc, firedrake.Function):
        V = uc.function_space()
        du = argument(V)
    elif isinstance(uc, firedrake.Constant):
        if uc.ufl_shape != ():
            raise ValueError("Real function space of vector elements not supported")
        V = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Real", 0)
        du = argument(V)
        raise RuntimeError("Can't compute derivative for form")

    if u.ufl_shape != du.ufl_shape:
        raise ValueError("Shapes of u and du do not match.\n"
                         "If you passed an indexed part of split(u) into "
                         "derivative, you need to provide an appropriate du as well.")
    return ufl.derivative(form, u, du, coefficient_derivatives)
文件: 项目: miklos1/tsfc
def compile_expression_at_points(expression, points, coordinates, parameters=None):
    """Compiles a UFL expression to be evaluated at compile-time known
    reference points.  Useful for interpolating UFL expressions onto
    function spaces with only point evaluation nodes.

    :arg expression: UFL expression
    :arg points: reference coordinates of the evaluation points
    :arg coordinates: the coordinate function
    :arg parameters: parameters object
    import coffee.base as ast

    if parameters is None:
        parameters = default_parameters()
        _ = default_parameters()
        parameters = _

    # No arguments, please!
    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    # Apply UFL preprocessing
    expression = ufl_utils.preprocess_expression(expression)

    # Initialise kernel builder
    builder = firedrake_interface.ExpressionKernelBuilder()

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    domain = expression.ufl_domain()
    if domain:
        assert coordinates.ufl_domain() == domain
        builder.domain_coordinate[domain] = coordinates

    # Collect required coefficients
    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    if has_type(expression, GeometricQuantity):
        coefficients = [coordinates] + coefficients

    # Split mixed coefficients
    expression = ufl_utils.split_coefficients(expression, builder.coefficient_split)

    # Translate to GEM
    point_set = PointSet(points)
    config = dict(interface=builder,
    ir, = fem.compile_ufl(expression, point_sum=False, **config)

    # Deal with non-scalar expressions
    value_shape = ir.shape
    tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in value_shape)
    if value_shape:
        ir = gem.Indexed(ir, tensor_indices)

    # Build kernel body
    return_shape = (len(points),) + value_shape
    return_indices = point_set.indices + tensor_indices
    return_var = gem.Variable('A', return_shape)
    return_arg = ast.Decl(SCALAR_TYPE, ast.Symbol('A', rank=return_shape))
    return_expr = gem.Indexed(return_var, return_indices)
    ir, = impero_utils.preprocess_gem([ir])
    impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem([(return_expr, ir)], return_indices)
    point_index, = point_set.indices
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, {point_index: 'p'}, parameters["precision"])

    # Handle cell orientations
    if builder.needs_cell_orientations([ir]):

    # Build kernel tuple
    return builder.construct_kernel(return_arg, body)
def derivative(form, u, du=None, coefficient_derivatives=None):
    """Compute the derivative of a form.

    Given a form, this computes its linearization with respect to the
    provided :class:`.Function`.  The resulting form has one
    additional :class:`Argument` in the same finite element space as
    the Function.

    :arg form: a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` to compute the derivative of.
    :arg u: a :class:`.Function` to compute the derivative with
         respect to.
    :arg du: an optional :class:`Argument` to use as the replacement
         in the new form (constructed automatically if not provided).
    :arg coefficient_derivatives: an optional :class:`dict` to
         provide the derivative of a coefficient function.

    :raises ValueError: If any of the coefficients in ``form`` were
        obtained from ``u.split()``.  UFL doesn't notice that these
        are related to ``u`` and so therefore the derivative is
        wrong (instead one should have written ``split(u)``).

    See also :func:`ufl.derivative`.
    # TODO: What about Constant?
    u_is_x = isinstance(u, ufl.SpatialCoordinate)
    if not u_is_x and len(u.split()) > 1 and set(extract_coefficients(form)) & set(u.split()):
        raise ValueError("Taking derivative of form wrt u, but form contains coefficients from u.split()."
                         "\nYou probably meant to write split(u) when defining your form.")

    mesh = form.ufl_domain()
    is_dX = u_is_x or u is mesh.coordinates
    args = form.arguments()

    def argument(V):
        if du is None:
            n = max(a.number() for a in args) if args else -1
            return Argument(V, n + 1)
            return du

    if is_dX:
        coords = mesh.coordinates
        u = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
        V = coords.function_space()
        du = argument(V)
        cds = {coords: du}
        if coefficient_derivatives is not None:
        coefficient_derivatives = cds
    elif isinstance(u, firedrake.Function):
        V = u.function_space()
        du = argument(V)
    elif isinstance(u, firedrake.Constant):
        if u.ufl_shape != ():
            raise ValueError("Real function space of vector elements not supported")
        V = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Real", 0)
        du = argument(V)
        raise RuntimeError("Can't compute derivative for form")

    return ufl.derivative(form, u, du, coefficient_derivatives)
文件: 项目: knut0815/tsfc
def compile_expression_at_points(expression,
    """Compiles a UFL expression to be evaluated at compile-time known
    reference points.  Useful for interpolating UFL expressions onto
    function spaces with only point evaluation nodes.

    :arg expression: UFL expression
    :arg points: reference coordinates of the evaluation points
    :arg coordinates: the coordinate function
    :arg interface: backend module for the kernel interface
    :arg parameters: parameters object
    :arg coffee: compile coffee kernel instead of loopy kernel
    import coffee.base as ast
    import loopy as lp

    if parameters is None:
        parameters = default_parameters()
        _ = default_parameters()
        parameters = _

    # Determine whether in complex mode
    complex_mode = is_complex(parameters["scalar_type"])

    # Apply UFL preprocessing
    expression = ufl_utils.preprocess_expression(expression,

    # Initialise kernel builder
    if interface is None:
        if coffee:
            import tsfc.kernel_interface.firedrake as firedrake_interface_coffee
            interface = firedrake_interface_coffee.ExpressionKernelBuilder
            # Delayed import, loopy is a runtime dependency
            import tsfc.kernel_interface.firedrake_loopy as firedrake_interface_loopy
            interface = firedrake_interface_loopy.ExpressionKernelBuilder

    builder = interface(parameters["scalar_type"])
    arguments = extract_arguments(expression)
    argument_multiindices = tuple(
        for arg in arguments)

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    domain = expression.ufl_domain()
    if domain:
        assert coordinates.ufl_domain() == domain
        builder.domain_coordinate[domain] = coordinates

    # Collect required coefficients
    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    if has_type(expression, GeometricQuantity) or any(
            for c in coefficients):
        coefficients = [coordinates] + coefficients

    # Split mixed coefficients
    expression = ufl_utils.split_coefficients(expression,

    # Translate to GEM
    point_set = PointSet(points)
    config = dict(interface=builder,
    ir, = fem.compile_ufl(expression, point_sum=False, **config)

    # Deal with non-scalar expressions
    value_shape = ir.shape
    tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in value_shape)
    if value_shape:
        ir = gem.Indexed(ir, tensor_indices)

    # Build kernel body
    return_indices = point_set.indices + tensor_indices + tuple(
    return_shape = tuple(i.extent for i in return_indices)
    return_var = gem.Variable('A', return_shape)
    if coffee:
        return_arg = ast.Decl(parameters["scalar_type"],
                              ast.Symbol('A', rank=return_shape))
        return_arg = lp.GlobalArg("A",

    return_expr = gem.Indexed(return_var, return_indices)
    ir, = impero_utils.preprocess_gem([ir])
    impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem([(return_expr, ir)], return_indices)
    point_index, = point_set.indices

    # Handle kernel interface requirements
    # Build kernel tuple
    return builder.construct_kernel(return_arg, impero_c,
                                    {point_index: 'p'})
def test_extract_coefficients_vs_fixture(coefficients, forms):
    assert coefficients == tuple(extract_coefficients(forms[2]))
def compile_element(expression, coordinates, parameters=None):
    """Generates C code for point evaluations.

    :arg expression: UFL expression
    :arg coordinates: coordinate field
    :arg parameters: form compiler parameters
    :returns: C code as string
    if parameters is None:
        parameters = default_parameters()
        _ = default_parameters()
        parameters = _

    # No arguments, please!
    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    # Apply UFL preprocessing
    expression = tsfc.ufl_utils.preprocess_expression(
        expression, complex_mode=utils.complex_mode)

    # Collect required coefficients
    coefficient, = extract_coefficients(expression)

    # Point evaluation of mixed coefficients not supported here
    if type(coefficient.ufl_element()) == MixedElement:
        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot point evaluate mixed elements yet!")

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    domain = expression.ufl_domain()
    assert coordinates.ufl_domain() == domain

    # Initialise kernel builder
    builder = firedrake_interface.KernelBuilderBase(utils.ScalarType_c)
    builder.domain_coordinate[domain] = coordinates
    x_arg = builder._coefficient(coordinates, "x")
    f_arg = builder._coefficient(coefficient, "f")

    # TODO: restore this for expression evaluation!
    # expression = ufl_utils.split_coefficients(expression, builder.coefficient_split)

    # Translate to GEM
    cell = domain.ufl_cell()
    dim = cell.topological_dimension()
    point = gem.Variable('X', (dim, ))
    point_arg = ast.Decl(utils.ScalarType_c, ast.Symbol('X', rank=(dim, )))

    config = dict(interface=builder,
    # TODO: restore this for expression evaluation!
    # config["cellvolume"] = cellvolume_generator(coordinates.ufl_domain(), coordinates, config)
    context = tsfc.fem.GemPointContext(**config)

    # Abs-simplification
    expression = tsfc.ufl_utils.simplify_abs(expression, utils.complex_mode)

    # Translate UFL -> GEM
    translator = tsfc.fem.Translator(context)
    result, = map_expr_dags(translator, [expression])

    tensor_indices = ()
    if expression.ufl_shape:
        tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in expression.ufl_shape)
        return_variable = gem.Indexed(gem.Variable('R', expression.ufl_shape),
        result_arg = ast.Decl(utils.ScalarType_c,
                              ast.Symbol('R', rank=expression.ufl_shape))
        result = gem.Indexed(result, tensor_indices)
        return_variable = gem.Indexed(gem.Variable('R', (1, )), (0, ))
        result_arg = ast.Decl(utils.ScalarType_c, ast.Symbol('R', rank=(1, )))

    # Unroll
    max_extent = parameters["unroll_indexsum"]
    if max_extent:

        def predicate(index):
            return index.extent <= max_extent

        result, = gem.optimise.unroll_indexsum([result], predicate=predicate)

    # Translate GEM -> COFFEE
    result, = gem.impero_utils.preprocess_gem([result])
    impero_c = gem.impero_utils.compile_gem([(return_variable, result)],
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, {}, parameters["precision"],

    # Build kernel tuple
    kernel_code = builder.construct_kernel(
        "evaluate_kernel", [result_arg, point_arg, x_arg, f_arg], body)

    # Fill the code template
    extruded = isinstance(cell, TensorProductCell)

    code = {
        "geometric_dimension": cell.geometric_dimension(),
        "layers_arg": ", int const *__restrict__ layers" if extruded else "",
        "layers": ", layers" if extruded else "",
        "IntType": as_cstr(IntType),
        "scalar_type": utils.ScalarType_c,
    # if maps are the same, only need to pass one of them
    if coordinates.cell_node_map() == coefficient.cell_node_map():
            "wrapper_map_args"] = "%(IntType)s const *__restrict__ coords_map" % code
        code["map_args"] = "f->coords_map"
            "wrapper_map_args"] = "%(IntType)s const *__restrict__ coords_map, %(IntType)s const *__restrict__ f_map" % code
        code["map_args"] = "f->coords_map, f->f_map"

    evaluate_template_c = """
static inline void wrap_evaluate(%(scalar_type)s* const result, %(scalar_type)s* const X, int const start, int const end%(layers_arg)s,
    %(scalar_type)s const *__restrict__ coords, %(scalar_type)s const *__restrict__ f, %(wrapper_map_args)s);

int evaluate(struct Function *f, %(scalar_type)s *x, %(scalar_type)s *result)
    struct ReferenceCoords reference_coords;
    %(IntType)s cell = locate_cell(f, x, %(geometric_dimension)d, &to_reference_coords, &to_reference_coords_xtr, &reference_coords);
    if (cell == -1) {
        return -1;

    if (!result) {
        return 0;
    int layers[2] = {0, 0};
    if (f->extruded != 0) {
        int nlayers = f->n_layers;
        layers[1] = cell %% nlayers + 2;
        cell = cell / nlayers;

    wrap_evaluate(result, reference_coords.X, cell, cell+1%(layers)s, f->coords, f->f, %(map_args)s);
    return 0;

    return (evaluate_template_c % code) + kernel_code.gencode()
文件: 项目: jmv2009/tsfc
def compile_expression_dual_evaluation(expression,
    """Compile a UFL expression to be evaluated against a compile-time known reference element's dual basis.

    Useful for interpolating UFL expressions into e.g. N1curl spaces.

    :arg expression: UFL expression
    :arg to_element: A FInAT element for the target space
    :arg domain: optional UFL domain the expression is defined on (required when expression contains no domain).
    :arg interface: backend module for the kernel interface
    :arg parameters: parameters object
    :arg coffee: compile coffee kernel instead of loopy kernel
    import coffee.base as ast
    import loopy as lp

    # Just convert FInAT element to FIAT for now.
    # Dual evaluation in FInAT will bring a thorough revision.
    to_element = to_element.fiat_equivalent

    if any(len(dual.deriv_dict) != 0 for dual in to_element.dual_basis()):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Can only interpolate onto dual basis functionals without derivative evaluation, sorry!"

    if parameters is None:
        parameters = default_parameters()
        _ = default_parameters()
        parameters = _

    # Determine whether in complex mode
    complex_mode = is_complex(parameters["scalar_type"])

    # Find out which mapping to apply
        mapping, = set(to_element.mapping())
    except ValueError:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Don't know how to interpolate onto zany spaces, sorry")
    expression = apply_mapping(expression, mapping, domain)

    # Apply UFL preprocessing
    expression = ufl_utils.preprocess_expression(expression,

    # Initialise kernel builder
    if interface is None:
        if coffee:
            import tsfc.kernel_interface.firedrake as firedrake_interface_coffee
            interface = firedrake_interface_coffee.ExpressionKernelBuilder
            # Delayed import, loopy is a runtime dependency
            import tsfc.kernel_interface.firedrake_loopy as firedrake_interface_loopy
            interface = firedrake_interface_loopy.ExpressionKernelBuilder

    builder = interface(parameters["scalar_type"])
    arguments = extract_arguments(expression)
    argument_multiindices = tuple(
        for arg in arguments)

    # Replace coordinates (if any) unless otherwise specified by kwarg
    if domain is None:
        domain = expression.ufl_domain()
    assert domain is not None

    # Collect required coefficients
    first_coefficient_fake_coords = False
    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    if has_type(expression, GeometricQuantity) or any(
            for c in coefficients):
        # Create a fake coordinate coefficient for a domain.
        coords_coefficient = ufl.Coefficient(
            ufl.FunctionSpace(domain, domain.ufl_coordinate_element()))
        builder.domain_coordinate[domain] = coords_coefficient
        coefficients = [coords_coefficient] + coefficients
        first_coefficient_fake_coords = True

    # Split mixed coefficients
    expression = ufl_utils.split_coefficients(expression,

    # Translate to GEM
    kernel_cfg = dict(
        # FIXME: change if we ever implement
        # interpolation on facets.

    if all(
            isinstance(dual, PointEvaluation)
            for dual in to_element.dual_basis()):
        # This is an optimisation for point-evaluation nodes which
        # should go away once FInAT offers the interface properly
        qpoints = []
        # Everything is just a point evaluation.
        for dual in to_element.dual_basis():
            ptdict = dual.get_point_dict()
            qpoint, = ptdict.keys()
            (qweight, component), = ptdict[qpoint]
            assert allclose(qweight, 1.0)
            assert component == ()
        point_set = PointSet(qpoints)
        config = kernel_cfg.copy()

        # Allow interpolation onto QuadratureElements to refer to the quadrature
        # rule they represent
        if isinstance(to_element, FIAT.QuadratureElement):
            assert allclose(asarray(qpoints), asarray(to_element._points))
            quad_rule = QuadratureRule(point_set, to_element._weights)
            config["quadrature_rule"] = quad_rule

        expr, = fem.compile_ufl(expression, **config, point_sum=False)
        # In some cases point_set.indices may be dropped from expr, but nothing
        # new should now appear
        assert set(expr.free_indices) <= set(
            chain(point_set.indices, *argument_multiindices))
        shape_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for _ in expr.shape)
        basis_indices = point_set.indices
        ir = gem.Indexed(expr, shape_indices)
        # This is general code but is more unrolled than necssary.
        dual_expressions = []  # one for each functional
        broadcast_shape = len(expression.ufl_shape) - len(
        shape_indices = tuple(gem.Index()
                              for _ in expression.ufl_shape[:broadcast_shape])
        expr_cache = {}  # Sharing of evaluation of the expression at points
        for dual in to_element.dual_basis():
            pts = tuple(sorted(dual.get_point_dict().keys()))
                expr, point_set = expr_cache[pts]
            except KeyError:
                point_set = PointSet(pts)
                config = kernel_cfg.copy()
                expr, = fem.compile_ufl(expression, **config, point_sum=False)
                # In some cases point_set.indices may be dropped from expr, but
                # nothing new should now appear
                assert set(expr.free_indices) <= set(
                    chain(point_set.indices, *argument_multiindices))
                expr = gem.partial_indexed(expr, shape_indices)
                expr_cache[pts] = expr, point_set
            weights = collections.defaultdict(list)
            for p in pts:
                for (w, cmp) in dual.get_point_dict()[p]:
            qexprs = gem.Zero()
            for cmp in sorted(weights):
                qweights = gem.Literal(weights[cmp])
                qexpr = gem.Indexed(expr, cmp)
                qexpr = gem.index_sum(
                    gem.Indexed(qweights, point_set.indices) * qexpr,
                qexprs = gem.Sum(qexprs, qexpr)
            assert qexprs.shape == ()
            assert set(qexprs.free_indices) == set(
                chain(shape_indices, *argument_multiindices))
        basis_indices = (gem.Index(), )
        ir = gem.Indexed(gem.ListTensor(dual_expressions), basis_indices)

    # Build kernel body
    return_indices = basis_indices + shape_indices + tuple(
    return_shape = tuple(i.extent for i in return_indices)
    return_var = gem.Variable('A', return_shape)
    if coffee:
        return_arg = ast.Decl(parameters["scalar_type"],
                              ast.Symbol('A', rank=return_shape))
        return_arg = lp.GlobalArg("A",

    return_expr = gem.Indexed(return_var, return_indices)

    # TODO: one should apply some GEM optimisations as in assembly,
    # but we don't for now.
    ir, = impero_utils.preprocess_gem([ir])
    impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem([(return_expr, ir)], return_indices)
    index_names = dict(
        (idx, "p%d" % i) for (i, idx) in enumerate(basis_indices))
    # Handle kernel interface requirements
    # Build kernel tuple
    return builder.construct_kernel(return_arg, impero_c, index_names,
def compile_element(expression, coordinates, parameters=None):
    """Generates C code for point evaluations.

    :arg expression: UFL expression
    :arg coordinates: coordinate field
    :arg parameters: form compiler parameters
    :returns: C code as string
    if parameters is None:
        parameters = default_parameters()
        _ = default_parameters()
        parameters = _

    # No arguments, please!
    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    # Apply UFL preprocessing
    expression = tsfc.ufl_utils.preprocess_expression(expression)

    # Collect required coefficients
    coefficient, = extract_coefficients(expression)

    # Point evaluation of mixed coefficients not supported here
    if type(coefficient.ufl_element()) == MixedElement:
        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot point evaluate mixed elements yet!")

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    domain = expression.ufl_domain()
    assert coordinates.ufl_domain() == domain
    expression = tsfc.ufl_utils.replace_coordinates(expression, coordinates)

    # Initialise kernel builder
    builder = firedrake_interface.KernelBuilderBase()
    x_arg = builder._coefficient(coordinates, "x")
    f_arg = builder._coefficient(coefficient, "f")

    # TODO: restore this for expression evaluation!
    # expression = ufl_utils.split_coefficients(expression, builder.coefficient_split)

    # Translate to GEM
    cell = domain.ufl_cell()
    dim = cell.topological_dimension()
    point = gem.Variable('X', (dim, ))
    point_arg = ast.Decl(SCALAR_TYPE, ast.Symbol('X', rank=(dim, )))

    config = dict(interface=builder,
    # TODO: restore this for expression evaluation!
    # config["cellvolume"] = cellvolume_generator(coordinates.ufl_domain(), coordinates, config)
    context = tsfc.fem.GemPointContext(**config)

    # Abs-simplification
    expression = tsfc.ufl_utils.simplify_abs(expression)

    # Translate UFL -> GEM
    translator = tsfc.fem.Translator(context)
    result, = map_expr_dags(translator, [expression])

    tensor_indices = ()
    if expression.ufl_shape:
        tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in expression.ufl_shape)
        return_variable = gem.Indexed(gem.Variable('R', expression.ufl_shape),
        result_arg = ast.Decl(SCALAR_TYPE,
                              ast.Symbol('R', rank=expression.ufl_shape))
        result = gem.Indexed(result, tensor_indices)
        return_variable = gem.Indexed(gem.Variable('R', (1, )), (0, ))
        result_arg = ast.Decl(SCALAR_TYPE, ast.Symbol('R', rank=(1, )))

    # Unroll
    max_extent = parameters["unroll_indexsum"]
    if max_extent:

        def predicate(index):
            return index.extent <= max_extent

        result, = gem.optimise.unroll_indexsum([result], predicate=predicate)

    # Translate GEM -> COFFEE
    result, = gem.impero_utils.preprocess_gem([result])
    impero_c = gem.impero_utils.compile_gem([(return_variable, result)],
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, {}, parameters["precision"])

    # Build kernel tuple
    kernel_code = builder.construct_kernel(
        "evaluate_kernel", [result_arg, point_arg, x_arg, f_arg], body)

    # Fill the code template
    extruded = isinstance(cell, TensorProductCell)

    #code = {
    #"geometric_dimension": cell.geometric_dimension(),
    #"extruded_arg": ", %s nlayers" % as_cstr(IntType) if extruded else "",
    #"nlayers": ", f->n_layers" if extruded else "",
    #"IntType": as_cstr(IntType),

    #evaluate_template_c = """static inline void wrap_evaluate(double *result, double *X, double *coords, %(IntType)s *coords_map, double *f, %(IntType)s *f_map%(extruded_arg)s, %(IntType)s cell);

    #int evaluate(struct Function *f, double *x, double *result)
    #struct ReferenceCoords reference_coords;
    #%(IntType)s cell = locate_cell(f, x, %(geometric_dimension)d, &to_reference_coords, &reference_coords);
    #if (cell == -1) {
    #return -1;

    #if (!result) {
    #return 0;

    #wrap_evaluate(result, reference_coords.X, f->coords, f->coords_map, f->f, f->f_map%(nlayers)s, cell);
    #return 0;

    #    return (evaluate_template_c % code) + kernel_code.gencode()
    return kernel_code.gencode()
def compute_expression_ir(expression, analysis, parameters, visualise):
    """Compute IR for expression.

        Triple of (UFL expression, array of evaluation points, original UFL expression).

    Original UFL expression is needed to compute original positions of coefficients.

    """"Computing uflacs representation of expression")

    original_expression = expression[2]
    points = expression[1]
    expression = expression[0]

    num_points = points.shape[0]
    weights = numpy.array([1.0] * num_points)

    cell = expression.ufl_domain().ufl_cell()

    ir = {}

    # Prepare dimensions of all unique element in expression,
    # including elements for arguments, coefficients and coordinate mappings
    ir["element_dimensions"] = {
        ufl_element: create_element(ufl_element).space_dimension()
        for ufl_element in analysis.unique_elements

    # Extract dimensions for elements of arguments only
    arguments = extract_arguments(expression)
    argument_elements = tuple(f.ufl_element() for f in arguments)
    argument_dimensions = [
        for ufl_element in argument_elements

    tensor_shape = argument_dimensions
    ir["tensor_shape"] = tensor_shape

    ir["expression_shape"] = list(expression.ufl_shape)

    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    coefficient_numbering = {}
    for i, coeff in enumerate(coefficients):
        coefficient_numbering[coeff] = i

    # Add coefficient numbering to IR
    ir["coefficient_numbering"] = coefficient_numbering

    original_coefficient_positions = []
    original_coefficients = extract_coefficients(original_expression)
    for coeff in coefficients:

    ir["original_coefficient_positions"] = original_coefficient_positions

    coefficient_elements = tuple(f.ufl_element() for f in coefficients)

    offsets = {}
    _offset = 0
    for i, el in enumerate(coefficient_elements):
        offsets[coefficients[i]] = _offset
        _offset += ir["element_dimensions"][el]

    # Copy offsets also into IR
    ir["coefficient_offsets"] = offsets

    ir["integral_type"] = "expression"
    ir["entitytype"] = "cell"

    # Build offsets for Constants
    original_constant_offsets = {}
    _offset = 0
    for constant in extract_constants(expression):
        original_constant_offsets[constant] = _offset
        _offset += numpy.product(constant.ufl_shape,

    ir["original_constant_offsets"] = original_constant_offsets

    ir["points"] = points

    integrands = {num_points: expression}
    quadrature_rules = {num_points: (points, weights)}

    uflacs_ir = build_uflacs_ir(cell, ir["integral_type"], ir["entitytype"],
                                integrands, tensor_shape, quadrature_rules,
                                parameters, visualise)


    return ir
def compile_element(expression, coordinates, parameters=None):
    """Generates C code for point evaluations.

    :arg expression: UFL expression
    :arg coordinates: coordinate field
    :arg parameters: form compiler parameters
    :returns: C code as string
    if parameters is None:
        parameters = default_parameters()
        _ = default_parameters()
        parameters = _

    # No arguments, please!
    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    # Apply UFL preprocessing
    expression = tsfc.ufl_utils.preprocess_expression(expression)

    # Collect required coefficients
    coefficient, = extract_coefficients(expression)

    # Point evaluation of mixed coefficients not supported here
    if type(coefficient.ufl_element()) == MixedElement:
        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot point evaluate mixed elements yet!")

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    domain = expression.ufl_domain()
    assert coordinates.ufl_domain() == domain

    # Initialise kernel builder
    builder = firedrake_interface.KernelBuilderBase()
    builder.domain_coordinate[domain] = coordinates
    x_arg = builder._coefficient(coordinates, "x")
    f_arg = builder._coefficient(coefficient, "f")

    # TODO: restore this for expression evaluation!
    # expression = ufl_utils.split_coefficients(expression, builder.coefficient_split)

    # Translate to GEM
    cell = domain.ufl_cell()
    dim = cell.topological_dimension()
    point = gem.Variable('X', (dim,))
    point_arg = ast.Decl(SCALAR_TYPE, ast.Symbol('X', rank=(dim,)))

    config = dict(interface=builder,
    # TODO: restore this for expression evaluation!
    # config["cellvolume"] = cellvolume_generator(coordinates.ufl_domain(), coordinates, config)
    context = tsfc.fem.GemPointContext(**config)

    # Abs-simplification
    expression = tsfc.ufl_utils.simplify_abs(expression)

    # Translate UFL -> GEM
    translator = tsfc.fem.Translator(context)
    result, = map_expr_dags(translator, [expression])

    tensor_indices = ()
    if expression.ufl_shape:
        tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in expression.ufl_shape)
        return_variable = gem.Indexed(gem.Variable('R', expression.ufl_shape), tensor_indices)
        result_arg = ast.Decl(SCALAR_TYPE, ast.Symbol('R', rank=expression.ufl_shape))
        result = gem.Indexed(result, tensor_indices)
        return_variable = gem.Indexed(gem.Variable('R', (1,)), (0,))
        result_arg = ast.Decl(SCALAR_TYPE, ast.Symbol('R', rank=(1,)))

    # Unroll
    max_extent = parameters["unroll_indexsum"]
    if max_extent:
        def predicate(index):
            return index.extent <= max_extent
        result, = gem.optimise.unroll_indexsum([result], predicate=predicate)

    # Translate GEM -> COFFEE
    result, = gem.impero_utils.preprocess_gem([result])
    impero_c = gem.impero_utils.compile_gem([(return_variable, result)], tensor_indices)
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, {}, parameters["precision"])

    # Build kernel tuple
    kernel_code = builder.construct_kernel("evaluate_kernel", [result_arg, point_arg, x_arg, f_arg], body)

    # Fill the code template
    extruded = isinstance(cell, TensorProductCell)

    code = {
        "geometric_dimension": cell.geometric_dimension(),
        "layers_arg": ", int const *__restrict__ layers" if extruded else "",
        "layers": ", layers" if extruded else "",
        "IntType": as_cstr(IntType),
    # if maps are the same, only need to pass one of them
    if coordinates.cell_node_map() == coefficient.cell_node_map():
        code["wrapper_map_args"] = "%(IntType)s const *__restrict__ coords_map" % code
        code["map_args"] = "f->coords_map"
        code["wrapper_map_args"] = "%(IntType)s const *__restrict__ coords_map, %(IntType)s const *__restrict__ f_map" % code
        code["map_args"] = "f->coords_map, f->f_map"

    evaluate_template_c = """
static inline void wrap_evaluate(double* const result, double* const X, int const start, int const end%(layers_arg)s,
    double const *__restrict__ coords, double const *__restrict__ f, %(wrapper_map_args)s);

int evaluate(struct Function *f, double *x, double *result)
    struct ReferenceCoords reference_coords;
    %(IntType)s cell = locate_cell(f, x, %(geometric_dimension)d, &to_reference_coords, &to_reference_coords_xtr, &reference_coords);
    if (cell == -1) {
        return -1;

    if (!result) {
        return 0;
    int layers[2] = {0, 0};
    if (f->extruded != 0) {
        int nlayers = f->n_layers;
        layers[1] = cell %% nlayers + 2;
        cell = cell / nlayers;

    wrap_evaluate(result, reference_coords.X, cell, cell+1%(layers)s, f->coords, f->f, %(map_args)s);
    return 0;

    return (evaluate_template_c % code) + kernel_code.gencode()