    def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)

        # Extract and check arguments
        u = solving._extract_u(u)
        bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F_ufl = F
        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J_ufl = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u_ufl = u
        self.bcs = bcs

        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
    def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)

        # Extract and check arguments
        u = _extract_u(u)
        bcs = _extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F_ufl = F
        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J_ufl = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)
        self.u_ufl = u
        self.bcs = bcs

        # Store form compiler parameters
        form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters or {}
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
文件: solver.py 项目: dham/themis
    def __init__(self,
		:param F: the nonlinear form
		:param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
		:param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
		:param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
		:param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
				 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
				 will be used.
		:param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
			compiler (optional)
		:param dict constant_jacobian: True is J is constant, False if not
        from function import Function

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F = F
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u = u
        self.bcs = _extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Argument checking
        if not isinstance(self.F, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided residual is a '%s', not a Form" %
        if len(self.F.arguments()) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Provided residual is not a linear form")
        if not isinstance(self.u, Function):
            raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" %

# Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
# the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)

        if not isinstance(self.J, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided Jacobian is a '%s', not a Form" %
        if len(self.J.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided Jacobian is not a bilinear form")
        if self.Jp is not None and not isinstance(self.Jp, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided preconditioner is a '%s', not a Form" %
        if self.Jp is not None and len(self.Jp.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided preconditioner is not a bilinear form")

# Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = constant_jacobian
    def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        :param nest: indicate if matrices on mixed spaces should be
               built as monolithic operators (suitable for direct
               solves), or as nested blocks (suitable for fieldsplit
               preconditioning).  If not provided, uses the default
               given by :data:`parameters["matnest"]`.

        # Extract and check arguments
        u = solving._extract_u(u)
        bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F = F
        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u = u
        self.bcs = bcs

        self._nest = nest
        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False