    def isValidWithMsg(self):
        if not self.enabled and not self.server:
            # allow empty server if not enabled
        elif not check_ip_or_domain(self.server):
            return (False,
                    tr('Invalid server IP (IPv4 or IPv6 are allowed): ') \
                        + self.server)

        if not check_port(self.port):
            return False, tr('Invalid port (%s): must be greater than 0 and lower than 65536.') % self.port

        # allow empty client_network if not enabled
        if self.enabled or self.client_network:
            if not check_network(self.client_network):
                return False, tr('Invalid client network: ') + self.client_network

            if IP(self.client_network).len() > 65536L:
                return False, tr('The client network cannot be broader than a /16 network (netmask at most).')
            elif IP(self.client_network).len() < 8:
                return False, tr('The client network cannot be narrower than a /29 network (netmask at least).')

        if self.protocol not in ['tcp', 'udp']:
            return False, tr("Unknown protocol (choose 'tcp' or 'udp'): ") + self.protocol

        # should be done inside checkSerialVersion
        if self.enabled is None and self.hasCertWithMsg()[0]:
            self.enabled = False

        if self.enabled and not self.redirect and not self.manual_pushed_routes:
            return False, tr("You need to add routed networks for the VPN or\
                to redirect the default gateway through the VPN.")

        return True, ''
文件: tools.py 项目: maximerobin/Ufwi
    def service_runTraceroute(self, context, target):
        Trace the network route to the specified address
         - target : a ip or a hostname that should be probed

        return the output of the command
        if not check_ip_or_domain(target):
            raise ValueError()
        return self.runPipe("/usr/bin/traceroute", target)
文件: tools.py 项目: maximerobin/Ufwi
    def service_runPing(self, context, target):
        Ping the specified address
         - target : a ip or a hostname that should be probed

        return the output of the command
        if not check_ip_or_domain(target):
            raise ValueError()
        return self.runPipe("/bin/ping", "-c", "4", target)
文件: base.py 项目: maximerobin/Ufwi
def _ad_valid_passwordserver_item(word):
    if word == "*":
        return True

    fqdn = ''

    if word.find(':') != -1:
        parsed = word.split(':')
        if len(parsed) != 2:
            return False
        fqdn, port = parsed
        if not check_port(port):
            return False
        fqdn = word

    return check_ip_or_domain(fqdn)
    def isValidWithMsg(self):
        if not isinstance(self.servers, list):
            return False, tr("The servers parameter must be a list.")
        if not self.enabled:
            return True, ''

        # Syslog export is enabled, so we check the parameters.
        if not self.servers or not self.servers[0] or \
                self.servers[0].get("address", "") == "":
            return False, tr("You must enter the address of a syslog server.")
        component_enabled = False
        for component in self.components.values():
            if component.get("enabled", False):
                component_enabled = True
        if not component_enabled:
            return False, tr("You must enable at least one component.")
        for server in self.servers:
            if not isinstance(server, dict):
                return False, tr(
                    "At least one of the configured servers does "
                    "not contain the expected type of information:") + \
                    " %s." % server
            if "address" not in server:
                return False, tr(
                    "The following server does not have an address:") + \
                    " %s." % server
            if "port" not in server:
                return False, tr(
                    "The following server does not have a port:") + \
                    " %s." % server
            if not (check_ip_or_domain(server["address"]) or
                return False, tr(
                    "The syslog server must be an IP address or a FQDN.")
        if not isinstance(self.components, dict):
            return False, tr(
                "The components parameter must be a dictionary.")
        for name, component in self.components.items():
            if not component["facility"].startswith("local"):
                return False, tr("The component") + " %s " % name + \
                    tr("has an invalid facility:") + \
                    " %s. " % component["facility"] + tr(
                    "It should begin with \"local\".")
        return True, ''