def getCurrentRootPartition(disk): """ Returns the current root partition @type disk: string @param disk: path to the disk [/dev/<name>] @rtype: string @returns: current root partition or None """ mountDir = mount("%s2" % disk) if mountDir is None: return None path = os.path.join(mountDir, "etc/yaboot.conf") if not os.path.exists(path): return None fd = open(path) content = fd.close() rootPartition = re.findall("root = .*", content)[0].split("=")[1].strip() if not umount(mountDir): return None return rootPartition
def cpyRootfsToDisk(partition): """ Copy kernel, initrd and root file system imagens to the disk @type partition: string @param partition: new root device @rtype: boolean @returns: True if the all the files was successfully copied into partition; False otherwise """ mountDir = mount(partition) if mountDir is None: return False bootDir = os.path.join(mountDir, "boot") if os.path.exists(bootDir): shutil.rmtree(bootDir, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree("/boot", bootDir) shutil.copy(ROOTFS_IMG, mountDir) if not umount(mountDir): return False return True
def updateSystem(directory, partition): """ Update packages in the system in directory @type directory: string @param directory: path to the directory which contains a copy of the whole system @type partition: string @param partition: new root device @rtype: boolean @returns: True if the system was successfully updated; False otherwise """ kernel = glob.glob("/boot/vmlinuz-*")[0] version = kernel.split("-", 1)[1] cmd = "python %s %s %s" % (UPDATE_PKGS_SCRIPT, directory, version) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: return False cleanupSystem(directory) mountDir = mount(partition) if mountDir is None: return False newrootfs = os.path.join(mountDir, NEW_ROOTFS_IMG) if os.path.exists(newrootfs): os.remove(newrootfs) cmd = "mksquashfs %s %s" % (directory, newrootfs) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: return False shutil.rmtree(directory) path = os.path.dirname(directory) if not umount(path): return False if not umount(mountDir): return False return True
def updateYabootFile(rootdev): """ Update /etc/yaboot.conf file with the new values @type rootdev: string @param rootdev: root device @rtype: boolean @returns: True if the /etc/yaboot.conf file was successfully updated; False otherwise """ disk = rootdev[:-1] mountDir = mount("%s2" % disk) if mountDir is None: return False path = os.path.join(mountDir, "etc/yaboot.conf") initrd = glob.glob("/boot/initrd-*")[0] kernel = glob.glob("/boot/vmlinuz-*")[0] label = "powerkvm-%s" % kernel.split("-", 1)[1] fd = open(path) content = fd.close() # get root file syste mode fsmode = re.findall("rootfsmode=..", content) if len(fsmode) > 0: fsmode = fsmode[0].split("=")[1] else: fsmode = "rw" newEntry = NEW_YABOOT_ENTRY % {"kernel": kernel, "label": label, "initrd": initrd, "rootdev": rootdev, "fsmode": fsmode} fd = open(path, "a") fd.write(newEntry) fd.close() # set boot-once parameter rc ="nvsetenv boot-once \"%s\" &>/dev/null" % label, shell=True) if rc == 1: return False if not umount(mountDir): return False return True
def restoreCowPartition(disk): """ Restore cow partition when an error occurred during the update process @type disk: string @param disk: path to the disk [/dev/<name>] @rtype: boolean @returns: True if the cow partition content was successfully restored; False otherwise """ currentRoot = getCurrentRootPartition(disk) mountDir = mount(currentRoot) if mountDir is None: return False cowDir = mount("%s5" % disk) if cowDir is None: return False path = os.path.join(mountDir, COW_BACKUP) cmd = "tar -xzp --numeric-owner -f %s -C %s" % (path, cowDir) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: return False os.remove(path) if (not umount(mountDir)) or (not umount(cowDir)): return False rc ="nvsetenv boot-once \"\" &>/dev/null", shell=True) if rc == 1: return False return True