def __init__(self, start=False): output('Welcome to MiniCloud!\n') super(MiniCloudMgnt, self).__init__(self.setup_minicloud()) self.cloud_mgnt = CloudMgnt(self) self.cluster_mgnt = ClusterMgnt(self) self.instance_mgnt = InstanceMgnt(self) self.network_mgnt = NetworkMgnt(self) self.router_mgnt = RouterMgnt(self) self.first_topology = True if start: self.manage_entities()
class MiniCloudMgnt(EntityMgnt): def __init__(self, start=False): output('Welcome to MiniCloud!\n') super(MiniCloudMgnt, self).__init__(self.setup_minicloud()) self.cloud_mgnt = CloudMgnt(self) self.cluster_mgnt = ClusterMgnt(self) self.instance_mgnt = InstanceMgnt(self) self.network_mgnt = NetworkMgnt(self) self.router_mgnt = RouterMgnt(self) self.first_topology = True if start: self.manage_entities() def obtain_choices(self): class Choices: def __init__(self): pass CLOUD_DEPLOYMENT_OVERVIEW = 1 CLOUD_MGNT = 2 CLUSTER_MGNT = 3 ROUTER_MGNT = 4 NETWORK_MGNT = 5 INSTANCE_MGNT = 6 RESET = 7 DESTROY_ALL = 8 options_list = ['Cloud deployment topology', 'Cloud management', 'Cluster management', 'Router management', 'Network management', 'Instance management', 'Reset to startup', 'Destroy all data and exit', 'Exit (keep data)'] return Choices() def manage_entities(self): while True: choices = self.obtain_choices() choice = choice_input_list('MiniCloud', choices.options_list) if choice == choices.CLOUD_DEPLOYMENT_OVERVIEW: self.topologize() elif choice == choices.CLOUD_MGNT: self.cloud_mgnt.manage_entities() elif choice == choices.CLUSTER_MGNT: self.cluster_mgnt.manage_entities() elif choice == choices.ROUTER_MGNT: self.router_mgnt.manage_entities() elif choice == choices.NETWORK_MGNT: self.network_mgnt.manage_entities() elif choice == choices.INSTANCE_MGNT: self.instance_mgnt.manage_entities() elif choice == choices.RESET: self.reset() elif choice == choices.DESTROY_ALL: self.drop_all() self.end_program() break else: self.end_program() break @staticmethod def obtain_db_credentials(db_host, db_username, db_password, db_name): return DatabaseCredentials(shell_input('Database host', db_host, default='localhost'), shell_input('Database username', db_username, default='minicloud'), shell_input('Database password', db_password, default='password'), shell_input('Database name', db_name, default='minicloud')) @staticmethod def setup_minicloud(): database = None try: output('Setting up MiniCloud ...') database = MiniCloudMgnt.obtain_db_credentials('MINICLOUD_DB_HOST', 'MINICLOUD_DB_USERNAME', 'MINICLOUD_DB_PASSWORD', 'MINICLOUD_DB_NAME') mc = MiniCloud(database) print if mc.system.get_setting('first_use') is None: mc.system.set_setting('first_use','%d-%m-%Y')) output('This is the first use of MiniCloud!') else: output('The first use of MiniCloud was %s!', mc.system.get_setting('first_use')) return mc except DatabaseException as e: output(e) output('Please make sure you have a MySql server running,\n' 'the MiniCloud database is present and users are provisioned.\n\n' 'Install mysql-server\n\n' 'give: mysql -u root -p\n' '<password>\n\n' 'mysql> CREATE DATABASE %s;', database.database) if database.username != 'root': output('mysql> CREATE USER \'%s\'@\'%s\' IDENTIFIED BY \'%s\';', database.username,, database.password) output('mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %s.* to %s@%s;', database.database, database.username, output('mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;') output('mysql> exit;') fatal_error() def get_topology(self, indent=''): deep_topology = self.first_topology show_empty_compute_entities = False show_empty_network_entities = True if not boolean_input('Default topology parameters' + (' (DEEP fetch)' if deep_topology else '')): deep_topology = self.force_deep_topology() show_empty_compute_entities = boolean_input( 'Show empty compute entities', show_empty_compute_entities) show_empty_network_entities = boolean_input( 'Show empty network entities', show_empty_network_entities) self.first_topology = False return self.build_topology(deep_topology, 'MiniCloud', indent, indent, show_empty_compute_entities=show_empty_compute_entities, show_empty_network_entities=show_empty_network_entities) def topology(self, entity, deep_topology, root_prefix="", prefix="", show_empty_entities=False): pass def build_topology(self, deep_topology=False, root=None, root_prefix='', prefix='', entity=None, skip_head=False, skip_prebuild=False, list_entities=None, entity_mgnt=None, show_empty_compute_entities=True, show_empty_network_entities=True): s = '' head = root_prefix + root + '\n' + root_prefix + '|\n' sn, nc = self.router_mgnt.build_topology( deep_topology, 'Networking', prefix + '+---', prefix + ' ', show_empty_entities=show_empty_network_entities) cline = '|' if nc else ' ' sc, cc = self.cloud_mgnt.build_topology( deep_topology, 'Compute', prefix + '+---', prefix + cline + ' ', show_empty_entities=show_empty_compute_entities) if cc: s = head + sc if nc: s = s + prefix + '|\n' + sn elif nc: s = head + sn return s, cc+nc def reset(self): output('Reset\'ing.') self.manager.reset() self.first_topology = True output('Done.') def drop_all(self): if boolean_input('Are you ABSOLUTELY sure you want to do this', default=False): if boolean_input('Once again, ABSOLUTELY sure', default=False): self.manager.drop(boolean_input('Do you want to clean up the deployed data also (Y)' ' or is pure db clear sufficient (n)')) output('All data is cleared.') return # else output('Aborted.') def obtain_entity_to_add(self): pass @staticmethod def print_header(): output('\n== MINICLOUD v1.0 ==\n\n') @staticmethod def end_program(): output('Thanks for using MiniCloud.\n' 'Enjoy your day.')